move flow incr cnt while we actually create the pseudo packet in forced reassembly

Anoop Saldanha 14 years ago committed by Victor Julien
parent 51d2b64902
commit 56fba8e275

@ -208,6 +208,7 @@ static inline Packet *FFRPseudoPacketSetup(int direction, Flow *f)
p->proto = IPPROTO_TCP;
p->flow = f;
p->flags |= PKT_STREAM_EST;
p->flags |= PKT_STREAM_EOF;
p->flags |= PKT_HAS_FLOW;
@ -353,14 +354,6 @@ static inline int FlowForceReassemblyForFlowV2(ThreadVars *tv, Flow *f)
/* we need to incr use counts before we unlock the flow */
if (client_ok == 1) {
if (server_ok == 1) {
/* move this unlock after the strream reassemble call */
@ -646,23 +639,24 @@ static int FlowPrune(ThreadVars *tv, FlowQueue *q, struct timeval *ts, int try_c
if (FlowForceReassemblyForFlowV2(tv, f) == 1) {
int mr = SCMutexTrylock(&q->mutex_q);
if (mr != 0) {
SCLogDebug("trylock failed");
if (mr == EBUSY)
SCLogDebug("was locked");
if (mr == EINVAL)
SCLogDebug("bad mutex value");
return cnt;
/* this ain't perfect. There is no guaranted that both f and qnext_f
* are in q. For all we know they might both be transferred to some
* other queue in the same order. We need to fix this. */
if (f->lnext == qnext_f)
f = qnext_f;
f = q->top;
goto FlowPrune_Prune_Next;
//int mr = SCMutexTrylock(&q->mutex_q);
//if (mr != 0) {
// SCLogDebug("trylock failed");
// if (mr == EBUSY)
// SCLogDebug("was locked");
// if (mr == EINVAL)
// SCLogDebug("bad mutex value");
// return cnt;
///* this ain't perfect. There is no guaranted that both f and qnext_f
// * are in q. For all we know they might both be transferred to some
// * other queue in the same order. We need to fix this. */
//if (f->lnext == qnext_f)
// f = qnext_f;
// f = q->top;
//goto FlowPrune_Prune_Next;
return cnt;
/* this should not be possible */
