@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import argparse
import sys
import os
import copy
from subprocess import Popen , PIPE
try :
@ -118,15 +119,32 @@ def TestRepoSync(branch):
page = urllib2 . urlopen ( request )
json_result = json . loads ( page . read ( ) )
sha_orig = json_result [ 0 ] [ " sha " ]
request = urllib2 . Request ( GITHUB_BASE_URI + username + " / " + args . repository + " /commits?sha= " + branch + " &per_page=100 " )
page = urllib2 . urlopen ( request )
check_command = [ " git " , " branch " , " --contains " , sha_orig ]
p1 = Popen ( check_command , stdout = PIPE )
p2 = Popen ( [ " grep " , branch ] , stdin = p1 . stdout , stdout = PIPE )
p1 . stdout . close ( )
output = p2 . communicate ( ) [ 0 ]
if len ( output ) == 0 :
return - 1
return 0
def TestGithubSync ( branch ) :
request = urllib2 . Request ( GITHUB_BASE_URI + username + " / " + args . repository + " /commits?sha= " + branch + " &per_page=1 " )
try :
page = urllib2 . urlopen ( request )
except urllib2 . HTTPError , e :
if e . code == 404 :
return - 2
else :
raise ( e )
json_result = json . loads ( page . read ( ) )
found = - 1
for commit in json_result :
if commit [ " sha " ] == sha_orig :
found = 1
return found
sha_github = json_result [ 0 ] [ " sha " ]
check_command = [ " git " , " rev-parse " , branch ]
p1 = Popen ( check_command , stdout = PIPE )
sha_local = p1 . communicate ( ) [ 0 ] . rstrip ( )
if sha_local != sha_github :
return - 1
return 0
def OpenBuildbotSession ( ) :
auth_params = { ' username ' : username , ' passwd ' : password , ' name ' : ' login ' }
@ -220,12 +238,23 @@ def WaitForBuildResult(builder, buildid, extension="", builder_name = None):
return res
# check that github branch and inliniac master branch are sync
if not args . local and TestRepoSync ( args . branch ) == - 1 :
if args . norebase :
print " Branch " + args . branch + " is not in sync with inliniac ' s master branch. Continuing due to --norebase option. "
else :
print " Branch " + args . branch + " is not in sync with inliniac ' s master branch. Rebase needed. "
sys . exit ( - 1 )
if not args . local :
ret = TestGithubSync ( args . branch )
if ret != 0 :
if ret == - 2 :
print " Branch " + args . branch + " is not pushed to Github. "
sys . exit ( - 1 )
if args . norebase :
print " Branch " + args . branch + " is not in sync with corresponding Github branch. Continuing due to --norebase option. "
else :
print " Branch " + args . branch + " is not in sync with corresponding Github branch. Push may be needed. "
sys . exit ( - 1 )
if TestRepoSync ( args . branch ) != 0 :
if args . norebase :
print " Branch " + args . branch + " is not in sync with inliniac ' s master branch. Continuing due to --norebase option. "
else :
print " Branch " + args . branch + " is not in sync with inliniac ' s master branch. Rebase needed. "
sys . exit ( - 1 )
def CreateContainer ( ) :
cli = Client ( )