@ -764,8 +764,6 @@ static Flow *TcpReuseReplace(ThreadVars *tv, FlowLookupStruct *fls, FlowBucket *
/* time out immediately */
old_f->timeout_at = 0;
/* get some settings that we move over to the new flow */
FlowThreadId thread_id[2] = { old_f->thread_id[0], old_f->thread_id[1] };
old_f->flow_end_flags |= FLOW_END_FLAG_TCPREUSE;
@ -833,19 +831,21 @@ static inline void MoveToWorkQueue(ThreadVars *tv, FlowLookupStruct *fls,
static inline bool FlowIsTimedOut(const Flow *f, const uint32_t sec, const bool emerg)
static inline bool FlowIsTimedOut(const Flow *f, const SCTime_t ts, const bool emerg)
if (unlikely(f->timeout_at < sec)) {
return true;
} else if (unlikely(emerg)) {
extern FlowProtoTimeout flow_timeouts_delta[FLOW_PROTO_MAX];
int64_t timeout_at = f->timeout_at -
FlowGetFlowTimeoutDirect(flow_timeouts_delta, f->flow_state, f->protomap);
if ((int64_t)sec >= timeout_at)
return true;
SCTime_t timesout_at;
if (emerg) {
extern FlowProtoTimeout flow_timeouts_emerg[FLOW_PROTO_MAX];
timesout_at = SCTIME_ADD_SECS(f->lastts,
FlowGetFlowTimeoutDirect(flow_timeouts_emerg, f->flow_state, f->protomap));
} else {
timesout_at = SCTIME_ADD_SECS(f->lastts, f->timeout_policy);
return false;
/* do the timeout check */
if (SCTIME_CMP_LT(ts, timesout_at)) {
return false;
return true;
/** \brief Get Flow for packet
@ -907,8 +907,8 @@ Flow *FlowGetFlowFromHash(ThreadVars *tv, FlowLookupStruct *fls, Packet *p, Flow
do {
Flow *next_f = NULL;
const bool timedout = (fb_nextts < (uint32_t)SCTIME_SECS(p->ts) &&
FlowIsTimedOut(f, (uint32_t)SCTIME_SECS(p->ts), emerg));
const bool timedout =
(fb_nextts < (uint32_t)SCTIME_SECS(p->ts) && FlowIsTimedOut(f, p->ts, emerg));
if (timedout) {
next_f = f->next;
MoveToWorkQueue(tv, fls, fb, f, prev_f);