@ -482,11 +482,12 @@ void SCRadixReleaseRadixTree(SCRadixTree *tree)
* this key
* \param netmask The netmask (cidr) if we are adding an IP netblock; 255
* if we are not adding an IP netblock
* \param exclusive True if the node should be added iff it doesn't exist.
* \retval node Pointer to the newly created node
static SCRadixNode *SCRadixAddKey(
uint8_t *key_stream, uint8_t key_bitlen, SCRadixTree *tree, void *user, uint8_t netmask)
static SCRadixNode *SCRadixAddKeyInternal(uint8_t *key_stream, uint8_t key_bitlen,
SCRadixTree *tree, void *user, uint8_t netmask, bool exclusive)
SCRadixNode *node = NULL;
SCRadixNode *new_node = NULL;
@ -506,6 +507,7 @@ static SCRadixNode *SCRadixAddKey(
if (tree == NULL) {
SCLogError("Argument \"tree\" NULL");
sc_errno = SC_EINVAL;
return NULL;
@ -518,18 +520,23 @@ static SCRadixNode *SCRadixAddKey(
if ( (prefix = SCRadixCreatePrefix(key_stream, key_bitlen, user,
netmask)) == NULL) {
SCLogError("Error creating prefix");
sc_errno = SC_EINVAL;
return NULL;
node = SCRadixCreateNode();
if (node == NULL) {
SCRadixReleasePrefix(prefix, tree);
sc_errno = SC_ENOMEM;
return NULL;
node->prefix = prefix;
node->bit = prefix->bitlen;
tree->head = node;
if (netmask == 255 || (netmask == 32 && key_bitlen == 32) || (netmask == 128 && key_bitlen == 128))
if (netmask == 255 || (netmask == 32 && key_bitlen == 32) ||
(netmask == 128 && key_bitlen == 128)) {
sc_errno = SC_EINVAL;
return node;
/* if we have reached here, we are actually having a proper netblock in
* our hand(i.e. < 32 for ipv4 and < 128 for ipv6). Add the netmask for
@ -545,6 +552,7 @@ static SCRadixNode *SCRadixAddKey(
node->netmasks = NULL;
SCLogError("Fatal error encountered in SCRadixAddKey. Mem not allocated");
sc_errno = SC_ENOMEM;
return NULL;
node->netmasks = ptmp;
@ -640,6 +648,11 @@ static SCRadixNode *SCRadixAddKey(
if (SCRadixPrefixContainNetmask(node->prefix, netmask)) {
/* Basically we already have this stream prefix, as well as the
* netblock entry for this. A perfect duplicate. */
if (exclusive) {
SCLogDebug("not inserting since it already exists");
sc_errno = SC_EEXIST;
return NULL;
SCLogDebug("Duplicate entry for this ip address/netblock");
} else {
/* Basically we already have this stream prefix, but we don't
@ -672,6 +685,7 @@ static SCRadixNode *SCRadixAddKey(
node->netmasks = NULL;
SCLogError("Fatal error encountered in SCRadixAddKey. Mem not allocated...");
sc_errno = SC_ENOMEM;
return NULL;
node->netmasks = ptmp;
@ -705,6 +719,7 @@ static SCRadixNode *SCRadixAddKey(
if ( (prefix = SCRadixCreatePrefix(key_stream, key_bitlen, user,
netmask)) == NULL) {
SCLogError("Error creating prefix");
sc_errno = SC_EINVAL;
return NULL;
new_node = SCRadixCreateNode();
@ -754,6 +769,7 @@ static SCRadixNode *SCRadixAddKey(
SCLogError("Fatal error encountered in SCRadixAddKey. Mem not allocated...");
SCRadixReleaseNode(inter_node, tree);
SCRadixReleaseNode(new_node, tree);
sc_errno = SC_ENOMEM;
return NULL;
@ -824,6 +840,18 @@ static SCRadixNode *SCRadixAddKey(
return new_node;
static SCRadixNode *SCRadixAddKeyExclusive(
uint8_t *key_stream, uint8_t key_bitlen, SCRadixTree *tree, void *user, uint8_t netmask)
return SCRadixAddKeyInternal(key_stream, key_bitlen, tree, user, netmask, true);
static SCRadixNode *SCRadixAddKey(
uint8_t *key_stream, uint8_t key_bitlen, SCRadixTree *tree, void *user, uint8_t netmask)
return SCRadixAddKeyInternal(key_stream, key_bitlen, tree, user, netmask, false);
* \brief Adds a new IPV4 address to the Radix tree
@ -959,9 +987,14 @@ SCRadixNode *SCRadixAddKeyIPV6Netblock(uint8_t *key_stream, SCRadixTree *tree,
* \param user Pointer to the user data that has to be associated with
* the key
* \retval node Pointer to the newly created node
* \retval bool true (false) if the node was (wasn't) added.
* sc_errno is set:
* - SC_OK: Node added
* - SC_EEXIST: Node already exists
* - SC_EINVAL: Parameter value error
SCRadixNode *SCRadixAddKeyIPV4String(const char *str, SCRadixTree *tree, void *user)
bool SCRadixAddKeyIPV4String(const char *str, SCRadixTree *tree, void *user)
uint32_t ip;
uint8_t netmask = 32;
@ -980,12 +1013,14 @@ SCRadixNode *SCRadixAddKeyIPV4String(const char *str, SCRadixTree *tree, void *u
/* Dotted type netmask not supported (yet) */
if (strchr(mask_str, '.') != NULL) {
return NULL;
sc_errno = SC_EINVAL;
return false;
/* Get binary values for cidr mask */
if (StringParseU8RangeCheck(&cidr, 10, 0, (const char *)mask_str, 0, 32) < 0) {
return NULL;
sc_errno = SC_EINVAL;
return false;
netmask = (uint8_t)cidr;
@ -993,7 +1028,8 @@ SCRadixNode *SCRadixAddKeyIPV4String(const char *str, SCRadixTree *tree, void *u
/* Validate the IP */
if (inet_pton(AF_INET, ip_str, &addr) <= 0) {
return NULL;
sc_errno = SC_EINVAL;
return false;
ip = addr.s_addr;
if (netmask != 32) {
@ -1009,7 +1045,14 @@ SCRadixNode *SCRadixAddKeyIPV4String(const char *str, SCRadixTree *tree, void *u
SCRadixValidateIPv4Key((uint8_t *)&ip, netmask);
return SCRadixAddKey((uint8_t *)&ip, 32, tree, user, netmask);
SCLogDebug("trying to add %s, but only if it doesn't exist", ip_str);
/* Add, but only if not there */
if (SCRadixAddKeyExclusive((uint8_t *)&ip, 32, tree, user, netmask) == NULL) {
return false;
return true;
@ -1020,9 +1063,13 @@ SCRadixNode *SCRadixAddKeyIPV4String(const char *str, SCRadixTree *tree, void *u
* \param user Pointer to the user data that has to be associated with
* the key
* \retval node Pointer to the newly created node
* \retval bool true (false) if the node was (wasn't) added.
* sc_errno is set:
* - SC_OK: Node added
* - SC_EEXIST: Node already exists
* - SC_EINVAL: Parameter value error
SCRadixNode *SCRadixAddKeyIPV6String(const char *str, SCRadixTree *tree, void *user)
bool SCRadixAddKeyIPV6String(const char *str, SCRadixTree *tree, void *user)
uint8_t netmask = 128;
char ip_str[80]; /* Max length for full ipv6/mask string with NUL */
@ -1040,12 +1087,14 @@ SCRadixNode *SCRadixAddKeyIPV6String(const char *str, SCRadixTree *tree, void *u
/* Dotted type netmask not supported (yet) */
if (strchr(mask_str, '.') != NULL) {
return NULL;
sc_errno = SC_EINVAL;
return false;
/* Get binary values for cidr mask */
if (StringParseU8RangeCheck(&cidr, 10, 0, (const char *)mask_str, 0, 128) < 0) {
return NULL;
sc_errno = SC_EINVAL;
return false;
netmask = (uint8_t)cidr;
@ -1053,7 +1102,8 @@ SCRadixNode *SCRadixAddKeyIPV6String(const char *str, SCRadixTree *tree, void *u
/* Validate the IP */
if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, ip_str, &addr) <= 0) {
return NULL;
sc_errno = SC_EINVAL;
return false;
if (netmask != 128) {
@ -1075,7 +1125,14 @@ SCRadixNode *SCRadixAddKeyIPV6String(const char *str, SCRadixTree *tree, void *u
return SCRadixAddKey(addr.s6_addr, 128, tree, user, netmask);
SCLogDebug("trying to add %s, but only if it doesn't exist", str);
/* Add, but only if not there */
if (SCRadixAddKeyExclusive(addr.s6_addr, 128, tree, user, netmask) == NULL) {
return false;
sc_errno = SC_OK;
return true;
static void SCRadixTransferNetmasksBWNodes(SCRadixNode *dest, SCRadixNode *src)