@ -4863,145 +4863,14 @@ int TcpSessionPacketSsnReuse(const Packet *p, const Flow *f, const void *tcp_ssn
return 0 ;
/** \brief Handle TCP reuse of tuple
* Logic :
* 1. see if packet could trigger a new session
* 2. see if the flow / ssn is in a state where we want to support the reuse
* 3. disconnect packet from the old flow
* - > at this point new packets can still find the old flow
* - > as the flow ' s reference count ! = 0 , it can ' t disappear
* 4. setup a new flow unconditionally
* 5. attach packet to new flow
* 6. tag old flow as FLOW_TCP_REUSED
* - > NEW packets won ' t find it
* - > existing packets in our queues may still reference it
* 7. dereference the old flow ( reference cnt * may * now be 0 ,
* if no other packets reference it )
* The packets that still hold a reference to the old flow are updated
* by HandleFlowReuseApplyToPacket ( )
static void TcpSessionReuseHandle ( Packet * p ) {
if ( likely ( TcpSessionPacketIsStreamStarter ( p ) = = 0 ) )
return ;
int reuse = 0 ;
FLOWLOCK_RDLOCK ( p - > flow ) ;
reuse = TcpSessionReuseDoneEnough ( p , p - > flow , p - > flow - > protoctx ) ;
if ( ! reuse ) {
SCLogDebug ( " steam starter packet % " PRIu64 " , but state not "
" ready to be reused " , p - > pcap_cnt ) ;
FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK ( p - > flow ) ;
return ;
SCLogDebug ( " steam starter packet % " PRIu64 " , and state "
" ready to be reused " , p - > pcap_cnt ) ;
/* ok, this packet needs a new flow */
/* first, get a reference to the old flow */
Flow * old_f = NULL ;
FlowReference ( & old_f , p - > flow ) ;
/* get some settings that we move over to the new flow */
FlowThreadId thread_id = old_f - > thread_id ;
int16_t autofp_tmqh_flow_qid = SC_ATOMIC_GET ( old_f - > autofp_tmqh_flow_qid ) ;
/* disconnect the packet from the old flow */
FlowHandlePacketUpdateRemove ( p - > flow , p ) ;
FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK ( p - > flow ) ;
FlowDeReference ( & p - > flow ) ; // < can't disappear while usecnt >0
/* Can't tag flow as reused yet, would be a race condition:
* new packets will not get old flow because of FLOW_TCP_REUSED ,
* so new flow may be created . This new flow could be handled in
* a different thread . */
/* Get a flow. It will be either a locked flow or NULL */
Flow * new_f = FlowGetFlowFromHashByPacket ( p , & p - > flow ) ;
if ( new_f = = NULL ) {
FlowDeReference ( & old_f ) ; // < can't disappear while usecnt >0
return ;
/* update flow and packet */
FlowHandlePacketUpdate ( new_f , p ) ;
BUG_ON ( new_f ! = p - > flow ) ;
/* copy flow balancing settings */
new_f - > thread_id = thread_id ;
SC_ATOMIC_SET ( new_f - > autofp_tmqh_flow_qid , autofp_tmqh_flow_qid ) ;
/* tag original flow that it's now unused */
SCLogDebug ( " old flow %p tagged with FLOW_TCP_REUSED by packet % " PRIu64 " ! " , old_f , p - > pcap_cnt ) ;
old_f - > flags | = FLOW_TCP_REUSED ;
FlowDeReference ( & old_f ) ; // < can't disappear while usecnt >0
SCLogDebug ( " new flow %p set up for packet % " PRIu64 " ! " , p - > flow , p - > pcap_cnt ) ;
/** \brief Handle packets that reference the wrong flow because of TCP reuse
* In the case of TCP reuse we can have many packets that were assigned
* a flow by the capture / decode threads before the stream engine decided
* that a new flow was needed for these packets .
* When HandleFlowReuse creates a new flow , the packets already processed
* by the flow engine will still reference the old flow .
* This function detects this case and replaces the flow for those packets .
* It ' s a fairly expensive operation , but it should be rare as it ' s only
* done for packets that were already in the engine when the TCP reuse
* case was handled . New packets are assigned the correct flow by the
* flow engine .
static void TcpSessionReuseHandleApplyToPacket ( Packet * p )
void FlowUpdate ( ThreadVars * tv , StreamTcpThread * stt , Packet * p )
int need_flow_replace = 0 ;
FLOWLOCK_WRLOCK ( p - > flow ) ;
if ( p - > flow - > flags & FLOW_TCP_REUSED ) {
SCLogDebug ( " packet % " PRIu64 " attached to outdated flow and ssn " , p - > pcap_cnt ) ;
need_flow_replace = 1 ;
if ( likely ( need_flow_replace = = 0 ) ) {
/* Work around a race condition: if HandleFlowReuse has inserted a new flow,
* it will not have seen both sides of the session yet . The packet we have here
* may be the first that got the flow directly from the hash right after the
* flow was added . In this case it won ' t have FLOW_PKT_ESTABLISHED flag set . */
if ( ( p - > flow - > flags & FLOW_TO_DST_SEEN ) & & ( p - > flow - > flags & FLOW_TO_SRC_SEEN ) ) {
p - > flowflags | = FLOW_PKT_ESTABLISHED ;
SCLogDebug ( " packet % " PRIu64 " / flow %p: p->flowflags |= FLOW_PKT_ESTABLISHED (%u/%u) " , p - > pcap_cnt , p - > flow , p - > flow - > todstpktcnt , p - > flow - > tosrcpktcnt ) ;
} else {
SCLogDebug ( " packet % " PRIu64 " / flow %p: p->flowflags NOT FLOW_PKT_ESTABLISHED (%u/%u) " , p - > pcap_cnt , p - > flow , p - > flow - > todstpktcnt , p - > flow - > tosrcpktcnt ) ;
SCLogDebug ( " packet % " PRIu64 " attached to regular flow %p and ssn " , p - > pcap_cnt , p - > flow ) ;
FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK ( p - > flow ) ;
return ;
/* disconnect packet from old flow */
FlowHandlePacketUpdateRemove ( p - > flow , p ) ;
FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK ( p - > flow ) ;
FlowDeReference ( & p - > flow ) ; // < can't disappear while usecnt >0
FlowHandlePacketUpdate ( p - > flow , p ) ;
/* find the new flow that does belong to this packet */
Flow * new_f = FlowLookupFlowFromHash ( p , & p - > flow ) ;
if ( new_f = = NULL ) {
// TODO reset packet flag wrt flow: direction, HAS_FLOW etc
p - > flags & = ~ PKT_HAS_FLOW ;
return ;
/* handle the app layer part of the UDP packet payload */
if ( p - > proto = = IPPROTO_UDP ) {
AppLayerHandleUdp ( tv , stt - > ra_ctx - > app_tctx , p , p - > flow ) ;
FlowHandlePacketUpdate ( new_f , p ) ;
BUG_ON ( new_f ! = p - > flow ) ;
SCLogDebug ( " packet % " PRIu64 " switched over to new flow %p! " , p - > pcap_cnt , p - > flow ) ;
TmEcode StreamTcp ( ThreadVars * tv , Packet * p , void * data , PacketQueue * pq , PacketQueue * postpq )
@ -5009,49 +4878,59 @@ TmEcode StreamTcp (ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, void *data, PacketQueue *pq, Packe
StreamTcpThread * stt = ( StreamTcpThread * ) data ;
TmEcode ret = TM_ECODE_OK ;
if ( ! ( PKT_IS_TCP ( p ) ) )
SCLogDebug ( " p->pcap_cnt % " PRIu64 , p - > pcap_cnt ) ;
if ( p - > flow & & p - > flags & PKT_PSEUDO_STREAM_END ) {
FLOWLOCK_WRLOCK ( p - > flow ) ;
AppLayerProfilingReset ( stt - > ra_ctx - > app_tctx ) ;
( void ) StreamTcpPacket ( tv , p , stt , pq ) ;
p - > flags | = PKT_IGNORE_CHECKSUM ;
stt - > pkts + + ;
FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK ( p - > flow ) ;
return TM_ECODE_OK ;
if ( ! ( p - > flags & PKT_WANTS_FLOW ) ) {
return TM_ECODE_OK ;
FlowHandlePacket ( tv , NULL , p ) ; //TODO what to do about decoder thread vars
if ( likely ( p - > flow ! = NULL ) ) {
FlowUpdate ( tv , stt , p ) ;
if ( ! ( PKT_IS_TCP ( p ) ) ) {
goto unlock ;
if ( p - > flow = = NULL ) {
StatsIncr ( tv , stt - > counter_tcp_no_flow ) ;
return TM_ECODE_OK ;
goto unlock ;
/* only TCP packets with a flow from here */
if ( stream_config . flags & STREAMTCP_INIT_FLAG_CHECKSUM_VALIDATION ) {
if ( StreamTcpValidateChecksum ( p ) = = 0 ) {
StatsIncr ( tv , stt - > counter_tcp_invalid_checksum ) ;
return TM_ECODE_OK ;
goto unlock ;
} else {
p - > flags | = PKT_IGNORE_CHECKSUM ;
if ( stt - > runmode_flow_stream_async ) {
/* "autofp" handling of TCP session/flow reuse */
if ( ! ( p - > flags & PKT_PSEUDO_STREAM_END ) ) {
/* apply previous reuses to this packet */
TcpSessionReuseHandleApplyToPacket ( p ) ;
if ( p - > flow = = NULL )
return ret ;
if ( ! ( p - > flowflags & FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER_FIRST ) ) {
/* after that, check for 'new' reuse */
TcpSessionReuseHandle ( p ) ;
if ( p - > flow = = NULL )
return ret ;
AppLayerProfilingReset ( stt - > ra_ctx - > app_tctx ) ;
FLOWLOCK_WRLOCK ( p - > flow ) ;
ret = StreamTcpPacket ( tv , p , stt , pq ) ;
FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK ( p - > flow ) ;
//if (ret)
// return TM_ECODE_FAILED;
stt - > pkts + + ;
unlock :
if ( p - > flow ) {
FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK ( p - > flow ) ;
return ret ;
@ -5114,11 +4993,6 @@ TmEcode StreamTcpThreadInit(ThreadVars *tv, void *initdata, void **data)
if ( stt - > ssn_pool_id < 0 | | ssn_pool = = NULL )
/* see if need to enable the TCP reuse handling in the stream engine */
stt - > runmode_flow_stream_async = RunmodeGetFlowStreamAsync ( ) ;
SCLogDebug ( " Flow and Stream engine run %s " ,
stt - > runmode_flow_stream_async ? " asynchronous " : " synchronous " ) ;
SCReturnInt ( TM_ECODE_OK ) ;