@ -413,16 +413,6 @@ static inline int FlowCompare(Flow *f, const Packet *p)
if (p->proto == IPPROTO_ICMP) {
return FlowCompareICMPv4(f, p);
} else if (p->proto == IPPROTO_TCP) {
if (CmpFlowPacket(f, p) == 0)
return 0;
/* if this session is 'reused', we don't return it anymore,
* so return false on the compare */
if (f->flags & FLOW_TCP_REUSED)
return 0;
return 1;
} else {
return CmpFlowPacket(f, p);
@ -638,36 +628,44 @@ Flow *FlowGetFlowFromHash(ThreadVars *tv, DecodeThreadVars *dtv, const Packet *p
f = fb->head;
do {
if (FlowCompare(f, p) != 0) {
/* we found our flow, lets put it on top of the
* hash list -- this rewards active flows */
if (f->hprev) {
if (f->hnext) {
f->hnext->hprev = f->hprev;
f->hprev->hnext = f->hnext;
if (f == fb->tail) {
fb->tail = f->hprev;
f->hnext = fb->head;
f->hprev = NULL;
fb->head->hprev = f;
fb->head = f;
/* found our flow, lock & return */
if (unlikely(TcpSessionPacketSsnReuse(p, f, f->protoctx) == 1)) {
f = TcpReuseReplace(tv, dtv, fb, f, hash, p);
if (f == NULL) {
if ((f->flags & (FLOW_TCP_REUSED|FLOW_TIMED_OUT)) == 0) {
uint32_t timeout = FlowGetFlowTimeout(f, SC_ATOMIC_GET(f->flow_state));
int32_t flow_times_out_at = (int32_t)(f->lastts.tv_sec + timeout);
/* do the timeout check */
if (flow_times_out_at >= p->ts.tv_sec) {
/* we found our flow, lets put it on top of the
* hash list -- this rewards active flows */
if (f->hprev) {
if (f->hnext) {
f->hnext->hprev = f->hprev;
f->hprev->hnext = f->hnext;
if (f == fb->tail) {
fb->tail = f->hprev;
f->hnext = fb->head;
f->hprev = NULL;
fb->head->hprev = f;
fb->head = f;
if (unlikely(TcpSessionPacketSsnReuse(p, f, f->protoctx) == 1)) {
f = TcpReuseReplace(tv, dtv, fb, f, hash, p);
if (f == NULL) {
return NULL;
FlowReference(dest, f);
return NULL;
return f;
f->flags |= FLOW_TIMED_OUT;
FlowReference(dest, f);
return f;
if (f->hnext == NULL) {
pf = f;