@ -1801,32 +1801,6 @@ static int StreamTcpReassembleRawCheckLimit(TcpSession *ssn, TcpStream *stream,
/** \brief Pause the reassembling for the given stream direction for given TCP
* session.
* \param ssn TCP Session to set the flag in
* \param direction direction to set the flag in: 1 toserver, 0 toclient
void StreamTcpReassemblePause (TcpSession *ssn, char direction)
direction ? (ssn->client.flags |= STREAMTCP_STREAM_FLAG_PAUSE_REASSEMBLY) :
/** \brief Unpause the reassembling for the given stream direction for given TCP
* session.
* \param ssn TCP Session to set the flag in
* \param direction direction to set the flag in: 1 toserver, 0 toclient
void StreamTcpReassembleUnPause (TcpSession *ssn, char direction)
direction ? (ssn->client.flags &= ~STREAMTCP_STREAM_FLAG_PAUSE_REASSEMBLY) :
static void StreamTcpRemoveSegmentFromStream(TcpStream *stream, TcpSegment *seg) {
if (seg->prev == NULL) {
stream->seg_list = seg->next;
@ -1893,13 +1867,6 @@ static int StreamTcpReassembleInlineAppLayer (ThreadVars *tv,
/* check if reassembling has been paused for the moment or not */
SCLogDebug("reassembling has been paused for this stream, so no"
" reassembling at the moment");
if (stream->flags & STREAMTCP_STREAM_FLAG_GAP) {
@ -2208,13 +2175,6 @@ static int StreamTcpReassembleInlineRaw (TcpReassemblyThreadCtx *ra_ctx,
SCLogDebug("start p %p, seq %"PRIu32, p, TCP_GET_SEQ(p));
/* check if reassembling has been paused for the moment or not */
SCLogDebug("reassembling has been paused for this stream, so no"
" reassembling at the moment");
if (stream->seg_list == NULL) {
@ -2650,13 +2610,6 @@ static int StreamTcpReassembleAppLayer (ThreadVars *tv,
/* check if reassembling has been paused for the moment or not */
SCLogDebug("reassembling has been paused for this stream, so no"
" reassembling at the moment");
if (stream->flags & STREAMTCP_STREAM_FLAG_GAP) {
@ -3019,12 +2972,6 @@ static int StreamTcpReassembleRaw (TcpReassemblyThreadCtx *ra_ctx,
/* check if reassembling has been paused for the moment or not */
SCLogDebug("reassembling has been paused for this stream, so no"
" reassembling at the moment");
#if 0
if (ssn->state <= TCP_ESTABLISHED &&
@ -6866,162 +6813,6 @@ end:
* \test Test to make sure that Pause/Unpause API is working.
* \retval On success it returns 1 and on failure 0.
static int StreamTcpReassembleTest42 (void) {
int ret = 0;
Packet *p = SCMalloc(SIZE_OF_PACKET);
if (unlikely(p == NULL))
return 0;
Flow *f = NULL;
TCPHdr tcph;
TcpSession ssn;
memset(p, 0, SIZE_OF_PACKET);
p->pkt = (uint8_t *)(p + 1);
PacketQueue pq;
memset(&tcph, 0, sizeof (TCPHdr));
memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(TcpSession));
ThreadVars tv;
memset(&tv, 0, sizeof (ThreadVars));
TcpReassemblyThreadCtx *ra_ctx = StreamTcpReassembleInitThreadCtx();
uint8_t httpbuf1[] = "POST / HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: Victor/1.0\r\n\r\n";
uint32_t httplen1 = sizeof(httpbuf1) - 1; /* minus the \0 */
uint8_t httpbuf2[] = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nServer: VictorServer/1.0\r\n\r\n";
uint32_t httplen2 = sizeof(httpbuf2) - 1; /* minus the \0 */
StreamMsgQueueSetMinChunkLen(FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT, 50);
StreamMsgQueueSetMinChunkLen(FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER, 50);
ssn.server.ra_raw_base_seq = ssn.server.ra_app_base_seq = 9;
ssn.server.isn = 9;
ssn.server.last_ack = 60;
ssn.client.ra_raw_base_seq = ssn.client.ra_app_base_seq = 9;
ssn.client.isn = 9;
ssn.client.last_ack = 60;
f = UTHBuildFlow(AF_INET, "", "", 200, 220);
if (f == NULL)
goto end;
f->protoctx = &ssn;
p->flow = f;
tcph.th_win = htons(5480);
tcph.th_seq = htonl(10);
tcph.th_ack = htonl(20);
tcph.th_flags = TH_ACK|TH_PUSH;
p->tcph = &tcph;
p->flowflags = FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT;
p->payload = httpbuf2;
p->payload_len = httplen2;
ssn.state = TCP_ESTABLISHED;
TcpStream *s = NULL;
s = &ssn.server;
if (StreamTcpReassembleHandleSegment(&tv, ra_ctx, &ssn, s, p, &pq) == -1) {
printf("failed in segments reassembly, while processing toserver packet (1): ");
goto end;
/* Check if we have stream smsgs in queue */
if (ra_ctx->stream_q->len > 0) {
printf("there shouldn't be any stream smsgs in the queue (2): ");
goto end;
/* pause the reassembling */
StreamTcpReassemblePause(&ssn, 1);
p->flowflags = FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER;
p->payload = httpbuf1;
p->payload_len = httplen1;
tcph.th_seq = htonl(10);
tcph.th_ack = htonl(55);
s = &ssn.client;
if (StreamTcpReassembleHandleSegment(&tv, ra_ctx, &ssn, s, p, &pq) == -1) {
printf("failed in segments reassembly, while processing toserver packet (3): ");
goto end;
/* Check if we have stream smsgs in queue */
if (ra_ctx->stream_q->len == 0) {
printf("there should be stream smsgs in the queue (4): ");
goto end;
if (StreamTcpReassembleProcessAppLayer(ra_ctx) < 0) {
printf("failed in processing stream smsgs: ");
goto end;
p->flowflags = FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT;
p->payload = httpbuf2;
p->payload_len = httplen2;
tcph.th_seq = htonl(55);
tcph.th_ack = htonl(53);
s = &ssn.server;
if (StreamTcpReassembleHandleSegment(&tv, ra_ctx, &ssn, s, p, &pq) == -1) {
printf("failed in segments reassembly, while processing toserver packet (5): ");
goto end;
/* Check if we have stream smsgs in queue */
if (ra_ctx->stream_q->len > 0) {
printf("there shouldn't be any stream smsgs in the queue, as we have"
" paused the reassembling (6): ");
goto end;
/* Unpause the reassembling */
StreamTcpReassembleUnPause(&ssn, 1);
p->flowflags = FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT;
p->payload = httpbuf2;
p->payload_len = httplen2;
tcph.th_seq = htonl(100);
tcph.th_ack = htonl(53);
s = &ssn.server;
if (StreamTcpReassembleHandleSegment(&tv, ra_ctx, &ssn, s, p, &pq) == -1) {
printf("failed in segments reassembly, while processing toserver packet (7): ");
goto end;
/* Check if we have stream smsgs in queue */
if (ra_ctx->stream_q->len == 0) {
printf("there should be a stream smsgs in the queue, as reassembling has"
" been unpaused now (8): ");
goto end;
/* Process stream smsgs we may have in queue */
} else if (StreamTcpReassembleProcessAppLayer(ra_ctx) < 0) {
printf("failed in processing stream smsgs (9): ");
goto end;
ret = 1;
return ret;
* \test Test to make sure that Pause/Unpause API is working.
* \retval On success it returns 1 and on failure 0.
@ -8931,7 +8722,6 @@ void StreamTcpReassembleRegisterTests(void) {
UtRegisterTest("StreamTcpReassembleTest39 -- app proto test", StreamTcpReassembleTest39, 1);
UtRegisterTest("StreamTcpReassembleTest40 -- app proto test", StreamTcpReassembleTest40, 1);
UtRegisterTest("StreamTcpReassembleTest41 -- app proto test", StreamTcpReassembleTest41, 1);
UtRegisterTest("StreamTcpReassembleTest42 -- pause/unpause reassembly test", StreamTcpReassembleTest42, 1);
UtRegisterTest("StreamTcpReassembleTest43 -- min smsg size test", StreamTcpReassembleTest43, 1);
UtRegisterTest("StreamTcpReassembleTest44 -- Memcap Test", StreamTcpReassembleTest44, 1);
UtRegisterTest("StreamTcpReassembleTest45 -- Depth Test", StreamTcpReassembleTest45, 1);