eve/metadata: special handling for traffic-id labels

Give traffic/id and traffic/label flowbits special handling
in the eve output. Instead of just logging them as flowbits,
give them their own top level object.

  "traffic": {
    "id": ["id0", "id1"],
    "label": ["label0", "label1"]
Jason Ish 7 years ago committed by Victor Julien
parent 0e02684634
commit 1f47f77bd5

@ -87,9 +87,17 @@ void OutputJsonRegister (void)
static void OutputJsonDeInitCtx(OutputCtx *);
static const char *TRAFFIC_ID_PREFIX = "traffic/id/";
static const char *TRAFFIC_LABEL_PREFIX = "traffic/label/";
static size_t traffic_id_prefix_len = 0;
static size_t traffic_label_prefix_len = 0;
void OutputJsonRegister (void)
OutputRegisterModule(MODULE_NAME, "eve-log", OutputJsonInitCtx);
traffic_id_prefix_len = strlen(TRAFFIC_ID_PREFIX);
traffic_label_prefix_len = strlen(TRAFFIC_LABEL_PREFIX);
json_t *SCJsonBool(int val)
@ -154,18 +162,36 @@ static void JsonAddPacketvars(const Packet *p, json_t *js_vars)
* \brief Check if string s has prefix prefix.
* \retval true if string has prefix
* \retval false if string does not have prefix
* TODO: Move to file with other string handling functions.
static bool SCStringHasPrefix(const char *s, const char *prefix)
if (strncmp(s, prefix, strlen(prefix)) == 0) {
return true;
return false;
* \brief Add flow variables to a json object.
* Adds "flowvars" (map), "flowints" (map) and "flowbits" (array) to
* the json object provided as js_root.
static void JsonAddFlowVars(const Flow *f, json_t *js_root)
static void JsonAddFlowVars(const Flow *f, json_t *js_root, json_t **js_traffic)
if (f == NULL || f->flowvar == NULL) {
json_t *js_flowvars = NULL;
json_t *js_traffic_id = NULL;
json_t *js_traffic_label = NULL;
json_t *js_flowints = NULL;
json_t *js_flowbits = NULL;
GenericVar *gv = f->flowvar;
@ -235,12 +261,32 @@ static void JsonAddFlowVars(const Flow *f, json_t *js_root)
const char *varname = VarNameStoreLookupById(fb->idx,
if (varname) {
if (SCStringHasPrefix(varname, TRAFFIC_ID_PREFIX)) {
if (js_traffic_id == NULL) {
js_traffic_id = json_array();
if (unlikely(js_traffic_id == NULL)) {
} else if (SCStringHasPrefix(varname, TRAFFIC_LABEL_PREFIX)) {
if (js_traffic_label == NULL) {
js_traffic_label = json_array();
if (unlikely(js_traffic_label == NULL)) {
} else {
if (js_flowbits == NULL) {
js_flowbits = json_array();
if (js_flowbits == NULL)
if (unlikely(js_flowbits == NULL))
json_array_append(js_flowbits, json_string(varname));
json_array_append_new(js_flowbits, json_string(varname));
gv = gv->next;
@ -254,6 +300,18 @@ static void JsonAddFlowVars(const Flow *f, json_t *js_root)
if (js_flowvars) {
json_object_set_new(js_root, "flowvars", js_flowvars);
if (js_traffic_id != NULL || js_traffic_label != NULL) {
*js_traffic = json_object();
if (likely(*js_traffic != NULL)) {
if (js_traffic_id != NULL) {
json_object_set_new(*js_traffic, "id", js_traffic_id);
if (js_traffic_label != NULL) {
json_object_set_new(*js_traffic, "label", js_traffic_label);
@ -263,9 +321,13 @@ void JsonAddMetadata(const Packet *p, const Flow *f, json_t *js)
if ((p && p->pktvar) || (f && f->flowvar)) {
json_t *js_vars = json_object();
json_t *js_traffic = NULL;
if (js_vars) {
if (f && f->flowvar) {
JsonAddFlowVars(f, js_vars);
JsonAddFlowVars(f, js_vars, &js_traffic);
if (js_traffic != NULL) {
json_object_set_new(js, "traffic", js_traffic);
if (p && p->pktvar) {
JsonAddPacketvars(p, js_vars);
