@ -240,35 +240,33 @@ void DetectEngineStateFree(DetectEngineState *state)
static int HasStoredSigs(const Flow *f, const uint8_t flags)
if (AppLayerParserProtocolSupportsTxs(f->proto, f->alproto)) {
AppProto alproto = f->alproto;
void *alstate = FlowGetAppState(f);
if (!StateIsValid(f->alproto, alstate)) {
return 0;
AppProto alproto = f->alproto;
void *alstate = FlowGetAppState(f);
if (!StateIsValid(f->alproto, alstate)) {
return 0;
int state = AppLayerParserHasTxDetectState(f->proto, alproto, f->alstate);
if (state == -ENOSYS) { /* proto doesn't support this API call */
/* fall through */
} else if (state == 0) {
return 0;
/* if state == 1 we also fall through */
int state = AppLayerParserHasTxDetectState(f->proto, alproto, f->alstate);
if (state == -ENOSYS) { /* proto doesn't support this API call */
/* fall through */
} else if (state == 0) {
return 0;
/* if state == 1 we also fall through */
uint64_t inspect_tx_id = AppLayerParserGetTransactionInspectId(f->alparser, flags);
uint64_t total_txs = AppLayerParserGetTxCnt(f, alstate);
uint64_t inspect_tx_id = AppLayerParserGetTransactionInspectId(f->alparser, flags);
uint64_t total_txs = AppLayerParserGetTxCnt(f, alstate);
for ( ; inspect_tx_id < total_txs; inspect_tx_id++) {
void *inspect_tx = AppLayerParserGetTx(f->proto, alproto, alstate, inspect_tx_id);
if (inspect_tx != NULL) {
DetectEngineState *tx_de_state = AppLayerParserGetTxDetectState(f->proto, alproto, inspect_tx);
if (tx_de_state == NULL) {
if (tx_de_state->dir_state[flags & STREAM_TOSERVER ? 0 : 1].cnt != 0) {
SCLogDebug("tx %u has sigs present", (uint)inspect_tx_id);
return 1;
for ( ; inspect_tx_id < total_txs; inspect_tx_id++) {
void *inspect_tx = AppLayerParserGetTx(f->proto, alproto, alstate, inspect_tx_id);
if (inspect_tx != NULL) {
DetectEngineState *tx_de_state = AppLayerParserGetTxDetectState(f->proto, alproto, inspect_tx);
if (tx_de_state == NULL) {
if (tx_de_state->dir_state[flags & STREAM_TOSERVER ? 0 : 1].cnt != 0) {
SCLogDebug("tx %u has sigs present", (uint)inspect_tx_id);
return 1;
@ -311,20 +309,18 @@ static void StoreStateTxFileOnly(DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx,
Flow *f, const uint8_t flags, const uint64_t tx_id, void *tx,
const uint16_t file_no_match)
if (AppLayerParserSupportsTxDetectState(f->proto, f->alproto)) {
DetectEngineState *destate = AppLayerParserGetTxDetectState(f->proto, f->alproto, tx);
if (destate == NULL) {
destate = DetectEngineStateAlloc();
if (destate == NULL)
if (AppLayerParserSetTxDetectState(f, f->alstate, tx, destate) < 0) {
SCLogDebug("destate created for %"PRIu64, tx_id);
DetectEngineState *destate = AppLayerParserGetTxDetectState(f->proto, f->alproto, tx);
if (destate == NULL) {
destate = DetectEngineStateAlloc();
if (destate == NULL)
if (AppLayerParserSetTxDetectState(f, f->alstate, tx, destate) < 0) {
StoreStateTxHandleFiles(det_ctx, f, destate, flags, tx_id, file_no_match);
SCLogDebug("destate created for %"PRIu64, tx_id);
StoreStateTxHandleFiles(det_ctx, f, destate, flags, tx_id, file_no_match);
@ -336,26 +332,24 @@ static void StoreStateTx(DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx,
const Signature *s, const SigMatchData *smd,
const uint32_t inspect_flags, const uint16_t file_no_match, int check_before_add)
if (AppLayerParserSupportsTxDetectState(f->proto, f->alproto)) {
DetectEngineState *destate = AppLayerParserGetTxDetectState(f->proto, f->alproto, tx);
if (destate == NULL) {
destate = DetectEngineStateAlloc();
if (destate == NULL)
if (AppLayerParserSetTxDetectState(f, f->alstate, tx, destate) < 0) {
SCLogDebug("destate created for %"PRIu64, tx_id);
DetectEngineState *destate = AppLayerParserGetTxDetectState(f->proto, f->alproto, tx);
if (destate == NULL) {
destate = DetectEngineStateAlloc();
if (destate == NULL)
if (AppLayerParserSetTxDetectState(f, f->alstate, tx, destate) < 0) {
SCLogDebug("destate created for %"PRIu64, tx_id);
SCLogDebug("file_no_match %u", file_no_match);
SCLogDebug("file_no_match %u", file_no_match);
if (check_before_add == 0 || DeStateSearchState(destate, flags, s->num) == 0)
DeStateSignatureAppend(destate, s, inspect_flags, flags);
if (check_before_add == 0 || DeStateSearchState(destate, flags, s->num) == 0)
DeStateSignatureAppend(destate, s, inspect_flags, flags);
StoreStateTxHandleFiles(det_ctx, f, destate, flags, tx_id, file_no_match);
StoreStateTxHandleFiles(det_ctx, f, destate, flags, tx_id, file_no_match);
SCLogDebug("Stored for TX %"PRIu64, tx_id);
@ -367,9 +361,6 @@ int DeStateDetectStartDetection(ThreadVars *tv, DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx,
SCLogDebug("rule %u/%u", s->id, s->num);
/* TX based matches (inspect engines) */
if (unlikely(!AppLayerParserProtocolSupportsTxs(f->proto, alproto))) {
return 0;
void *alstate = FlowGetAppState(f);
if (unlikely(!StateIsValid(alproto, alstate))) {
return 0;
@ -746,80 +737,78 @@ void DeStateDetectContinueDetection(ThreadVars *tv, DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx,
SCLogDebug("starting continue detection for packet %"PRIu64, p->pcap_cnt);
if (AppLayerParserProtocolSupportsTxs(f->proto, alproto)) {
void *alstate = FlowGetAppState(f);
if (!StateIsValid(alproto, alstate)) {
void *alstate = FlowGetAppState(f);
if (!StateIsValid(alproto, alstate)) {
inspect_tx_id = AppLayerParserGetTransactionInspectId(f->alparser, flags);
total_txs = AppLayerParserGetTxCnt(f, alstate);
for ( ; inspect_tx_id < total_txs; inspect_tx_id++) {
int inspect_tx_inprogress = 0;
int next_tx_no_progress = 0;
void *inspect_tx = AppLayerParserGetTx(f->proto, alproto, alstate, inspect_tx_id);
if (inspect_tx != NULL) {
int a = AppLayerParserGetStateProgress(f->proto, alproto, inspect_tx, flags);
int b = AppLayerParserGetStateProgressCompletionStatus(alproto, flags);
if (a < b) {
inspect_tx_inprogress = 1;
SCLogDebug("tx %"PRIu64" (%"PRIu64") => %s", inspect_tx_id, total_txs,
inspect_tx_inprogress ? "in progress" : "done");
inspect_tx_id = AppLayerParserGetTransactionInspectId(f->alparser, flags);
total_txs = AppLayerParserGetTxCnt(f, alstate);
DetectEngineState *tx_de_state = AppLayerParserGetTxDetectState(f->proto, alproto, inspect_tx);
if (tx_de_state == NULL) {
SCLogDebug("NO STATE tx %"PRIu64" (%"PRIu64")", inspect_tx_id, total_txs);
DetectEngineStateDirection *tx_dir_state = &tx_de_state->dir_state[direction];
DeStateStore *tx_store = tx_dir_state->head;
SCLogDebug("tx_dir_state->filestore_cnt %u", tx_dir_state->filestore_cnt);
/* see if we need to consider the next tx in our decision to add
* a sig to the 'no inspect array'. */
if (!TxIsLast(inspect_tx_id, total_txs)) {
void *next_inspect_tx = AppLayerParserGetTx(f->proto, alproto, alstate, inspect_tx_id+1);
if (next_inspect_tx != NULL) {
int c = AppLayerParserGetStateProgress(f->proto, alproto, next_inspect_tx, flags);
if (c == 0) {
next_tx_no_progress = 1;
for ( ; inspect_tx_id < total_txs; inspect_tx_id++) {
int inspect_tx_inprogress = 0;
int next_tx_no_progress = 0;
void *inspect_tx = AppLayerParserGetTx(f->proto, alproto, alstate, inspect_tx_id);
if (inspect_tx != NULL) {
int a = AppLayerParserGetStateProgress(f->proto, alproto, inspect_tx, flags);
int b = AppLayerParserGetStateProgressCompletionStatus(alproto, flags);
if (a < b) {
inspect_tx_inprogress = 1;
SCLogDebug("tx %"PRIu64" (%"PRIu64") => %s", inspect_tx_id, total_txs,
inspect_tx_inprogress ? "in progress" : "done");
DetectEngineState *tx_de_state = AppLayerParserGetTxDetectState(f->proto, alproto, inspect_tx);
if (tx_de_state == NULL) {
SCLogDebug("NO STATE tx %"PRIu64" (%"PRIu64")", inspect_tx_id, total_txs);
DetectEngineStateDirection *tx_dir_state = &tx_de_state->dir_state[direction];
DeStateStore *tx_store = tx_dir_state->head;
SCLogDebug("tx_dir_state->filestore_cnt %u", tx_dir_state->filestore_cnt);
/* see if we need to consider the next tx in our decision to add
* a sig to the 'no inspect array'. */
if (!TxIsLast(inspect_tx_id, total_txs)) {
void *next_inspect_tx = AppLayerParserGetTx(f->proto, alproto, alstate, inspect_tx_id+1);
if (next_inspect_tx != NULL) {
int c = AppLayerParserGetStateProgress(f->proto, alproto, next_inspect_tx, flags);
if (c == 0) {
next_tx_no_progress = 1;
/* Loop through stored 'items' (stateful rules) and inspect them */
state_cnt = 0;
for (; tx_store != NULL; tx_store = tx_store->next) {
SCLogDebug("tx_store %p", tx_store);
for (store_cnt = 0;
store_cnt < DE_STATE_CHUNK_SIZE && state_cnt < tx_dir_state->cnt;
store_cnt++, state_cnt++)
DeStateStoreItem *item = &tx_store->store[store_cnt];
int r = DoInspectItem(tv, de_ctx, det_ctx,
item, tx_dir_state->flags,
p, f, alproto, flags,
inspect_tx_id, total_txs,
&file_no_match, inspect_tx_inprogress, next_tx_no_progress);
if (r < 0) {
goto end;
/* Loop through stored 'items' (stateful rules) and inspect them */
state_cnt = 0;
for (; tx_store != NULL; tx_store = tx_store->next) {
SCLogDebug("tx_store %p", tx_store);
for (store_cnt = 0;
store_cnt < DE_STATE_CHUNK_SIZE && state_cnt < tx_dir_state->cnt;
store_cnt++, state_cnt++)
DeStateStoreItem *item = &tx_store->store[store_cnt];
int r = DoInspectItem(tv, de_ctx, det_ctx,
item, tx_dir_state->flags,
p, f, alproto, flags,
inspect_tx_id, total_txs,
&file_no_match, inspect_tx_inprogress, next_tx_no_progress);
if (r < 0) {
goto end;
tx_dir_state->flags &=
/* if the current tx is in progress, we won't advance to any newer
* tx' just yet. */
if (inspect_tx_inprogress) {
SCLogDebug("break out");
tx_dir_state->flags &=
/* if the current tx is in progress, we won't advance to any newer
* tx' just yet. */
if (inspect_tx_inprogress) {
SCLogDebug("break out");
@ -850,35 +839,33 @@ void DeStateUpdateInspectTransactionId(Flow *f, const uint8_t flags)
void DetectEngineStateResetTxs(Flow *f)
if (AppLayerParserProtocolSupportsTxs(f->proto, f->alproto)) {
void *alstate = FlowGetAppState(f);
if (!StateIsValid(f->alproto, alstate)) {
void *alstate = FlowGetAppState(f);
if (!StateIsValid(f->alproto, alstate)) {
uint64_t inspect_ts = AppLayerParserGetTransactionInspectId(f->alparser, STREAM_TOCLIENT);
uint64_t inspect_tc = AppLayerParserGetTransactionInspectId(f->alparser, STREAM_TOSERVER);
uint64_t inspect_ts = AppLayerParserGetTransactionInspectId(f->alparser, STREAM_TOCLIENT);
uint64_t inspect_tc = AppLayerParserGetTransactionInspectId(f->alparser, STREAM_TOSERVER);
uint64_t inspect_tx_id = MIN(inspect_ts, inspect_tc);
uint64_t inspect_tx_id = MIN(inspect_ts, inspect_tc);
uint64_t total_txs = AppLayerParserGetTxCnt(f, alstate);
uint64_t total_txs = AppLayerParserGetTxCnt(f, alstate);
for ( ; inspect_tx_id < total_txs; inspect_tx_id++) {
void *inspect_tx = AppLayerParserGetTx(f->proto, f->alproto, alstate, inspect_tx_id);
if (inspect_tx != NULL) {
DetectEngineState *tx_de_state = AppLayerParserGetTxDetectState(f->proto, f->alproto, inspect_tx);
if (tx_de_state == NULL) {
for ( ; inspect_tx_id < total_txs; inspect_tx_id++) {
void *inspect_tx = AppLayerParserGetTx(f->proto, f->alproto, alstate, inspect_tx_id);
if (inspect_tx != NULL) {
DetectEngineState *tx_de_state = AppLayerParserGetTxDetectState(f->proto, f->alproto, inspect_tx);
if (tx_de_state == NULL) {
tx_de_state->dir_state[0].cnt = 0;
tx_de_state->dir_state[0].filestore_cnt = 0;
tx_de_state->dir_state[0].flags = 0;
tx_de_state->dir_state[0].cnt = 0;
tx_de_state->dir_state[0].filestore_cnt = 0;
tx_de_state->dir_state[0].flags = 0;
tx_de_state->dir_state[1].cnt = 0;
tx_de_state->dir_state[1].filestore_cnt = 0;
tx_de_state->dir_state[1].flags = 0;
tx_de_state->dir_state[1].cnt = 0;
tx_de_state->dir_state[1].filestore_cnt = 0;
tx_de_state->dir_state[1].flags = 0;