@ -54,3 +54,74 @@ extern "C" {
alproto : AppProto , proto_name : * const ::std ::os ::raw ::c_char ,
) ;
#[ doc = " Structure to define a Suricata plugin. " ]
#[ repr(C) ]
#[ derive(Debug, Copy, Clone) ]
pub struct SCPlugin_ {
pub name : * const ::std ::os ::raw ::c_char ,
pub license : * const ::std ::os ::raw ::c_char ,
pub author : * const ::std ::os ::raw ::c_char ,
pub Init : ::std ::option ::Option < unsafe extern "C" fn ( ) > ,
#[ doc = " Structure to define a Suricata plugin. " ]
pub type SCPlugin = SCPlugin_ ;
pub type SCPluginRegisterFunc = ::std ::option ::Option < unsafe extern "C" fn ( ) -> * mut SCPlugin > ;
#[ repr(C) ]
#[ derive(Debug, Copy, Clone) ]
pub struct SCCapturePlugin_ {
pub name : * mut ::std ::os ::raw ::c_char ,
pub Init : ::std ::option ::Option <
unsafe extern "C" fn (
args : * const ::std ::os ::raw ::c_char ,
plugin_slot : ::std ::os ::raw ::c_int ,
receive_slot : ::std ::os ::raw ::c_int ,
decode_slot : ::std ::os ::raw ::c_int ,
) ,
> ,
pub ThreadInit : ::std ::option ::Option <
unsafe extern "C" fn (
ctx : * mut ::std ::os ::raw ::c_void ,
thread_id : ::std ::os ::raw ::c_int ,
thread_ctx : * mut * mut ::std ::os ::raw ::c_void ,
) -> ::std ::os ::raw ::c_int ,
> ,
pub ThreadDeinit : ::std ::option ::Option <
unsafe extern "C" fn (
ctx : * mut ::std ::os ::raw ::c_void ,
thread_ctx : * mut ::std ::os ::raw ::c_void ,
) -> ::std ::os ::raw ::c_int ,
> ,
pub GetDefaultMode :
::std ::option ::Option < unsafe extern "C" fn ( ) -> * const ::std ::os ::raw ::c_char > ,
pub entries : SCCapturePlugin___bindgen_ty_1 ,
#[ repr(C) ]
#[ derive(Debug, Copy, Clone) ]
pub struct SCCapturePlugin___bindgen_ty_1 {
pub tqe_next : * mut SCCapturePlugin_ ,
pub tqe_prev : * mut * mut SCCapturePlugin_ ,
pub type SCCapturePlugin = SCCapturePlugin_ ;
extern "C" {
pub fn SCPluginRegisterCapture ( arg1 : * mut SCCapturePlugin ) -> ::std ::os ::raw ::c_int ;
#[ repr(C) ]
#[ derive(Debug, Copy, Clone) ]
pub struct SCAppLayerPlugin_ {
pub version : u64 ,
pub name : * mut ::std ::os ::raw ::c_char ,
pub Register : ::std ::option ::Option < unsafe extern "C" fn ( ) > ,
pub KeywordsRegister : ::std ::option ::Option < unsafe extern "C" fn ( ) > ,
pub logname : * mut ::std ::os ::raw ::c_char ,
pub confname : * mut ::std ::os ::raw ::c_char ,
pub Logger : ::std ::option ::Option <
unsafe extern "C" fn (
tx : * mut ::std ::os ::raw ::c_void ,
jb : * mut ::std ::os ::raw ::c_void ,
) -> bool ,
> ,
pub type SCAppLayerPlugin = SCAppLayerPlugin_ ;
extern "C" {
pub fn SCPluginRegisterAppLayer ( arg1 : * mut SCAppLayerPlugin ) -> ::std ::os ::raw ::c_int ;