uricontent new design

Gurvinder Singh 15 years ago committed by Victor Julien
parent 356a8bf385
commit 0cb43d27e9

@ -494,7 +494,6 @@ int DoDetectAppLayerUricontentMatch (ThreadVars *tv, DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_
det_ctx->pmq.searchable = 0;
det_ctx->de_scanned_uri = TRUE;
return ret;
@ -521,7 +520,6 @@ int DetectAppLayerUricontentMatch (ThreadVars *tv, DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ct
int ret = 0;
int res = 0;
DetectUricontentData *co = (DetectUricontentData *)sm->ctx;
/* if we don't have a uri, don't bother scanning */
if (det_ctx->de_have_httpuri == FALSE) {
SCLogDebug("We don't have uri");
@ -535,14 +533,14 @@ int DetectAppLayerUricontentMatch (ThreadVars *tv, DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ct
if (ssn == NULL) {
SCLogDebug("no Tcp Session");
det_ctx->de_have_httpuri = FALSE;
goto end;
goto unlock;
HtpState *htp_state = ssn->aldata[AlpGetStateIdx(ALPROTO_HTTP)];
if (htp_state == NULL) {
SCLogDebug("no HTTP state");
det_ctx->de_have_httpuri = FALSE;
goto end;
goto unlock;
htp_tx_t *tx = NULL;
@ -555,28 +553,27 @@ int DetectAppLayerUricontentMatch (ThreadVars *tv, DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ct
ret = DoDetectAppLayerUricontentMatch(tv, det_ctx, (uint8_t *)
if (ret > 0 && det_ctx->mtcu.match[co->id].len > 0) {
SCLogDebug("Match has been found in the received request and "
"given uricontent rule for s->id %"PRIu32"", s->id);
res = 1;
} else if (det_ctx->mtcu.match[co->id].len > 0) {
SCLogDebug("We have app layer URI match");
det_ctx->de_scanned_uri = TRUE;
DetectUricontentData *co = (DetectUricontentData *)sm->ctx;
if (det_ctx->mtcu.match[co->id].len > 0) {
SCLogDebug("Match has been found in the received request and "
"signature s->id %"PRIu32"", s->id);
res = 1;
} else {
SCLogDebug("We don't have app layer URI match");
res = 0;
@ -1081,4 +1078,4 @@ void HttpUriRegisterTests(void) {
UtRegisterTest("DetectUriSigTest02", DetectUriSigTest02, 1);
UtRegisterTest("DetectUriSigTest03", DetectUriSigTest03, 1);
#endif /* UNITTESTS */

@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ typedef struct DetectUricontentData_ {
void DetectUricontentRegister (void);
uint32_t DetectUricontentMaxId(DetectEngineCtx *);
void PktHttpUriFree(Packet *p);
int DetectAppLayerUricontentMatch (ThreadVars *, DetectEngineThreadCtx *, Flow *,
uint8_t , void *, Signature *, SigMatch *);
#endif /* __DETECT_URICONTENT_H__ */

@ -602,6 +602,16 @@ int SigMatchSignatures(ThreadVars *th_v, DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, DetectEngineTh
/* If we have the uricontent multi pattern matcher signatures in
signature list, then scan the received HTTP uri in the packet against
them, if it hasn't been done so */
if (det_ctx->sgh->flags & SIG_GROUP_HAVEURICONTENT &&
det_ctx->de_scanned_uri == FALSE)
DetectAppLayerUricontentMatch(th_v, det_ctx, p->flow, flags,
alstate, NULL, NULL);
/* inspect the sigs against the packet */
for (idx = 0; idx < det_ctx->sgh->sig_cnt; idx++) {
//for (idx = 0; idx < det_ctx->pmq.sig_id_array_cnt; idx++) {
@ -622,17 +632,8 @@ int SigMatchSignatures(ThreadVars *th_v, DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, DetectEngineTh
* have no matches */
if (!(det_ctx->pmq.sig_bitarray[(sig / 8)] & (1<<(sig % 8))) &&
(s->flags & SIG_FLAG_MPM) && !(s->flags & SIG_FLAG_MPM_NEGCONTENT)) {
/* If uri_ctx sigs are not scanned till now, we need to scan them
Once */
if (det_ctx->sgh->flags & SIG_GROUP_HAVEURICONTENT) {
if (det_ctx->de_scanned_uri == TRUE) {
SCLogDebug("mpm sig without matches.");
} else {
SCLogDebug("mpm sig without matches.");
//printf("idx %" PRIu32 ", det_ctx->pmq.sig_id_array_cnt %" PRIu32 ", s->id %" PRIu32 " (MPM? %s)\n", idx, det_ctx->pmq.sig_id_array_cnt, s->id, s->flags & SIG_FLAG_MPM ? "TRUE":"FALSE");
@ -3342,15 +3343,24 @@ static int SigTest07Real (int mpm_type) {
Packet p;
ThreadVars th_v;
DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx;
Flow f;
TcpSession ssn;
int result = 0;
memset(&th_v, 0, sizeof(th_v));
memset(&p, 0, sizeof(p));
memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f));
memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn));
p.src.family = AF_INET;
p.dst.family = AF_INET;
p.payload = buf;
p.payload_len = buflen;
p.proto = IPPROTO_TCP;
f.protoctx = (void *)&ssn;
p.flow = &f;
p.flowflags |= FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER;
ssn.alproto = ALPROTO_HTTP;
DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx = DetectEngineCtxInit();
if (de_ctx == NULL) {
@ -3375,6 +3385,13 @@ static int SigTest07Real (int mpm_type) {
//PatternMatchPrepare(mpm_ctx, mpm_type);
DetectEngineThreadCtxInit(&th_v, (void *)de_ctx,(void *)&det_ctx);
int r = AppLayerParse(&f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOSERVER, buf, buflen);
if (r != 0) {
printf("toserver chunk 1 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r);
result = 0;
goto end;
SigMatchSignatures(&th_v, de_ctx, det_ctx, &p);
if (PacketAlertCheck(&p, 1) && PacketAlertCheck(&p, 2))
result = 0;
@ -3502,15 +3519,24 @@ static int SigTest09Real (int mpm_type) {
Packet p;
ThreadVars th_v;
DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx;
Flow f;
TcpSession ssn;
int result = 0;
memset(&th_v, 0, sizeof(th_v));
memset(&p, 0, sizeof(p));
memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f));
memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn));
p.src.family = AF_INET;
p.dst.family = AF_INET;
p.payload = buf;
p.payload_len = buflen;
p.proto = IPPROTO_TCP;
f.protoctx = (void *)&ssn;
p.flow = &f;
p.flowflags |= FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER;
ssn.alproto = ALPROTO_HTTP;
DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx = DetectEngineCtxInit();
if (de_ctx == NULL) {
@ -3535,11 +3561,18 @@ static int SigTest09Real (int mpm_type) {
//PatternMatchPrepare(mpm_ctx, mpm_type);
DetectEngineThreadCtxInit(&th_v, (void *)de_ctx,(void *)&det_ctx);
int r = AppLayerParse(&f, ALPROTO_HTTP, STREAM_TOSERVER, buf, buflen);
if (r != 0) {
printf("toserver chunk 1 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r);
result = 0;
goto end;
SigMatchSignatures(&th_v, de_ctx, det_ctx, &p);
if (PacketAlertCheck(&p, 1) && PacketAlertCheck(&p, 2))
result = 0;
result = 1;
result = 0;
