dpdk: only close the port when workers are synchronized

When Suricata was running in IPS mode and received a signal to stop,
the first worker of every interface/port stopped the port and
proactively stopped the peered interface as well.
This was done to be as accurate with port stats as possible.
However, in a highly active scenarios (lots of packets moving around)
the peered workers might still be in the process of a packet
release operation. These workers would then attempt to transmit
on a stopped interface - resulting in an errorneous operation.

Instead, this patch proposes a worker synchronization of the given
port. After these workers are synchronized, it is known that no packets
will be sent of the peered interface, therefore the first worker can
stop it. This however cannot be assumed about "its own" port as the
peered workers can still try to send the packets. Therefore, ports
are only stopped by the peered workers.

Ticket: #6790
Lukas Sismis 1 year ago committed by Victor Julien
parent 45bb936187
commit 0b5966c347

@ -1592,6 +1592,12 @@ static void *ParseDpdkConfigAndConfigureDevice(const char *iface)
// This counter is increased by worker threads that individually pick queue IDs.
iconf->workers_sync = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(*iconf->workers_sync));
if (iconf->workers_sync == NULL) {
FatalError("Failed to allocate memory for workers_sync");
iconf->workers_sync->worker_cnt = iconf->threads;
// initialize LiveDev DPDK values
LiveDevice *ldev_instance = LiveGetDevice(iface);

@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ typedef struct DPDKThreadVars_ {
int32_t port_socket_id;
struct rte_mempool *pkt_mempool;
struct rte_mbuf *received_mbufs[BURST_SIZE];
DPDKWorkerSync *workers_sync;
} DPDKThreadVars;
static TmEcode ReceiveDPDKThreadInit(ThreadVars *, const void *, void **);
@ -427,10 +428,22 @@ static TmEcode ReceiveDPDKLoop(ThreadVars *tv, void *data, void *slot)
while (1) {
if (unlikely(suricata_ctl_flags != 0)) {
SCLogDebug("Stopping Suricata!");
SC_ATOMIC_ADD(ptv->workers_sync->worker_checked_in, 1);
while (SC_ATOMIC_GET(ptv->workers_sync->worker_checked_in) <
ptv->workers_sync->worker_cnt) {
if (ptv->queue_id == 0) {
rte_delay_us(20); // wait for all threads to get out of the sync loop
SC_ATOMIC_SET(ptv->workers_sync->worker_checked_in, 0);
// If Suricata runs in peered mode, the peer threads might still want to send
// packets to our port. Instead, we know, that we are done with the peered port, so
// we stop it. The peered threads will stop our port.
if (ptv->copy_mode == DPDK_COPY_MODE_TAP || ptv->copy_mode == DPDK_COPY_MODE_IPS) {
} else {
// in IDS we stop our port - no peer threads are running
@ -605,6 +618,7 @@ static TmEcode ReceiveDPDKThreadInit(ThreadVars *tv, const void *initdata, void
ptv->port_socket_id, thread_numa);
ptv->workers_sync = dpdk_config->workers_sync;
uint16_t queue_id = SC_ATOMIC_ADD(dpdk_config->queue_id, 1);
ptv->queue_id = queue_id;
@ -748,6 +762,10 @@ static TmEcode ReceiveDPDKThreadDeinit(ThreadVars *tv, void *data)
DevicePreClosePMDSpecificActions(ptv, dev_info.driver_name);
if (ptv->workers_sync) {
ptv->pkt_mempool = NULL; // MP is released when device is closed

@ -43,6 +43,12 @@ typedef enum { DPDK_COPY_MODE_NONE, DPDK_COPY_MODE_TAP, DPDK_COPY_MODE_IPS } Dpd
#define DPDK_RX_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD (1 << 4) /**< Enable chsum offload */
void DPDKSetTimevalOfMachineStart(void);
typedef struct DPDKWorkerSync_ {
uint16_t worker_cnt;
SC_ATOMIC_DECLARE(uint16_t, worker_checked_in);
} DPDKWorkerSync;
typedef struct DPDKIfaceConfig_ {
#ifdef HAVE_DPDK
char iface[RTE_ETH_NAME_MAX_LEN];
@ -71,6 +77,7 @@ typedef struct DPDKIfaceConfig_ {
/* threads bind queue id one by one */
SC_ATOMIC_DECLARE(uint16_t, queue_id);
SC_ATOMIC_DECLARE(uint16_t, inconsitent_numa_cnt);
DPDKWorkerSync *workers_sync;
void (*DerefFunc)(void *);
struct rte_flow *flow[100];
