[Contribution Process](https://docs.suricata.io/en/latest/devguide/contributing/contribution-process.html). Please have a look at this document before submitting.
We do this to keep the ownership of Suricata in one hand: the Open Information Security Foundation. See https://suricata.io/about/open-source/ and https://suricata.io/about/contribution-agreement/
Suricata is a complex piece of software dealing with mostly untrusted input. Mishandling this input will have serious consequences:
* in IPS mode a crash may knock a network offline;
* in passive mode a compromise of the IDS may lead to loss of critical and confidential data;
* missed detection may lead to undetected compromise of the network.
In other words, we think the stakes are pretty high, especially since in many common cases the IDS/IPS will be directly reachable by an attacker.
For this reason, we have developed a QA process that is quite extensive. A consequence is that contributing to Suricata can be a somewhat lengthy process.
On a high level, the steps are:
1. Travis-CI based build & unit testing. This runs automatically when a pull request is made.