* Copyright (c) 2009 Open Information Security Foundation
* \file: app-layer-htp.h
* \author Gurvinder Singh <gurvindersinghdahiya@gmail.com>
* \author Pablo Rincon <pablo.rincon.crespo@gmail.com>
* Created on November 14, 2009, 12:48 AM
#ifndef __APP_LAYER_HTP_H__
#define __APP_LAYER_HTP_H__
#include <htp/htp.h>
#define HTP_FLAG_STATE_OPEN 0x01 /**< Flag to indicate that HTTP
connection is open */
#define HTP_FLAG_STATE_CLOSED 0x02 /**< Flag to indicate that HTTP
connection is closed */
#define HTP_FLAG_STATE_DATA 0x04 /**< Flag to indicate that HTTP
connection needs more data */
#define HTP_FLAG_STATE_ERROR 0x08 /**< Flag to indicate that an error
has been occured on HTTP
connection */
#define HTP_FLAG_NEW_BODY_SET 0x10 /**< Flag to indicate that HTTP
has parsed a new body (for
pcre) */
#define HTP_FLAG_NEW_REQUEST 0x20 /**< Flag to indicate that we have
a new HTTP requesta and we
need to log it */
enum {
HTP_BODY_NONE, /**< Flag to indicate the current
operation */
HTP_BODY_REQUEST, /**< Flag to indicate that the
current operation is a request */
HTP_BODY_RESPONSE /**< Flag to indicate that the current
* operation is a response */
#define HTP_PCRE_NONE 0x00 /**< No pcre executed yet */
#define HTP_PCRE_DONE 0x01 /**< Flag to indicate that pcre has
done some inspection in the
chunks */
#define HTP_PCRE_HAS_MATCH 0x02 /**< Flag to indicate that the chunks
matched on some rule */
/** Struct used to hold chunks of a body on a request */
typedef struct HtpBodyChunk_ {
uint8_t *data; /**< Pointer to the data of the chunk */
uint32_t len; /**< Length of the chunk */
struct HtpBodyChunk_ *next; /**< Pointer to the next chunk */
uint32_t id; /**< number of chunk of the current body */
} HtpBodyChunk;
/** Struct used to hold all the chunks of a body on a request */
typedef struct HtpBody_ {
HtpBodyChunk *first; /**< Pointer to the first chunk */
HtpBodyChunk *last; /**< Pointer to the last chunk */
uint32_t nchunks; /**< Number of chunks in the current operation */
uint8_t operation; /**< This flag indicate if it's a request
or a response */
uint8_t pcre_flags; /**< This flag indicate if no chunk matched
any pcre (so we can free() without waiting) */
} HtpBody;
typedef struct HtpState_ {
htp_connp_t *connp; /**< Connection parser structure for
each connection */
HtpBody body; /**< Body of the request (if any) */
size_t new_in_tx_index; /**< Index to indicate that after this we have
new requests to log */
uint8_t flags;
} HtpState;
htp_cfg_t *cfg; /**< Config structure for HTP library */
void RegisterHTPParsers(void);
void HTPParserRegisterTests(void);
void HTPAtExitPrintStats(void);
void HTPFreeConfig(void);
htp_tx_t *HTPTransactionMain(const HtpState *);
int HTPCallbackRequestBodyData(htp_tx_data_t *);
void HtpBodyPrint(HtpBody *);
void HtpBodyFree(HtpBody *);
void AppLayerHtpRegisterExtraCallbacks(void);
/* To free the state from unittests using app-layer-htp */
void HTPStateFree(void *);
#endif /* __APP_LAYER_HTP_H__ */