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52 lines
1.8 KiB

# Suricata settings as per
# doc/devguide/codebase/code-style.rst
# This file is set up for clang 9. For the settings available, see
# For the settings available in the latest clang release, see
BasedOnStyle: LLVM
AlignAfterOpenBracket: DontAlign
AlignConsecutiveMacros: true
AlignEscapedNewlines: Right
# clang 10: AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: Never
# clang 11: AllowShortEnumsOnASingleLine: false
AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: None
# BreakBeforeBraces: Mozilla is closest, but does not split empty functions/structs
AfterClass: true
AfterControlStatement: false
AfterEnum: false
AfterFunction: true
AfterStruct: false
AfterUnion: false
AfterExternBlock: true
BeforeElse: false
IndentBraces: false
SplitEmptyFunction: true
SplitEmptyRecord: true
BreakBeforeBraces: Custom
Cpp11BracedListStyle: false
ColumnLimit: 100
ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 8
ContinuationIndentWidth: 8
ForEachMacros: ['json_array_foreach', 'json_object_foreach', 'SLIST_FOREACH',
IndentCaseLabels: true
IndentWidth: 4
ReflowComments: true
SortIncludes: false
# implicit by LLVM style
#BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: true
#UseTab: Never
#TabWidth: 8