/* Copyright (C) 2017 Open Information Security Foundation
* You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free
* Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301, USA.
* \file
* \author Clément Galland <clement.galland@epita.fr>
* Parser for NTP application layer running on UDP port 69.
#include "suricata-common.h"
#include "stream.h"
#include "conf.h"
#include "util-unittest.h"
#include "app-layer-detect-proto.h"
#include "app-layer-parser.h"
#include "app-layer-tftp.h"
#include "rust-tftp-tftp-gen.h"
/* The default port to probe if not provided in the configuration file. */
#define TFTP_DEFAULT_PORT "69"
/* The minimum size for an message. For some protocols this might
* be the size of a header. */
static void *TFTPStateAlloc(void)
return rs_tftp_state_alloc();
static void TFTPStateFree(void *state)
* \brief Callback from the application layer to have a transaction freed.
* \param state a void pointer to the TFTPState object.
* \param tx_id the transaction ID to free.
static void TFTPStateTxFree(void *state, uint64_t tx_id)
rs_tftp_state_tx_free(state, tx_id);
static int TFTPStateGetEventInfo(const char *event_name, int *event_id,
AppLayerEventType *event_type)
return -1;
static AppLayerDecoderEvents *TFTPGetEvents(void *tx)
return NULL;
* \brief Probe the input to see if it looks like echo.
* \retval ALPROTO_TFTP if it looks like echo, otherwise
proto-detect: improve midstream support
When Suricata picks up a flow it assumes the first packet is
toserver. In a perfect world without packet loss and where all
sessions neatly start after Suricata itself started, this would be
true. However, in reality we have to account for packet loss and
Suricata starting to get packets for flows already active be for
Suricata is (re)started.
The protocol records on the wire would often be able to tell us more
though. For example in SMB1 and SMB2 records there is a flag that
indicates whether the record is a request or a response. This patch
is enabling the procotol detection engine to utilize this information
to 'reverse' the flow.
There are three ways in which this is supported in this patch:
1. patterns for detection are registered per direction. If the proto
was not recognized in the traffic direction, and midstream is
enabled, the pattern set for the opposing direction is also
evaluated. If that matches, the flow is considered to be in the
wrong direction and is reversed.
2. probing parsers now have a way to feed back their understanding
of the flow direction. They are now passed the direction as
Suricata sees the traffic when calling the probing parsers. The
parser can then see if its own observation matches that, and
pass back it's own view to the caller.
3. a new pattern + probing parser set up: probing parsers can now
be registered with a pattern, so that when the pattern matches
the probing parser is called as well. The probing parser can
then provide the protocol detection engine with the direction
of the traffic.
The process of reversing takes a multi step approach as well:
a. reverse the current packets direction
b. reverse most of the flows direction sensitive flags
c. tag the flow as 'reversed'. This is because the 5 tuple is
*not* reversed, since it is immutable after the flows creation.
Most of the currently registered parsers benefit already:
- HTTP/SMTP/FTP/TLS patterns are registered per direction already
so they will benefit from the pattern midstream logic in (1)
- the Rust based SMB parser uses a mix of pattern + probing parser
as described in (3) above.
- the NFS detection is purely done by probing parser and is updated
to consider the direction in that parser.
Other protocols, such as DNS, are still to do.
Ticket: #2572
6 years ago
static AppProto TFTPProbingParser(Flow *f, uint8_t direction,
const uint8_t *input, uint32_t input_len, uint8_t *rdir)
/* Very simple test - if there is input, this is tftp.
* Also check if it's starting by a zero */
if (input_len >= TFTP_MIN_FRAME_LEN && *input == 0) {
SCLogDebug("Detected as ALPROTO_TFTP.");
SCLogDebug("Protocol not detected as ALPROTO_TFTP.");
static int TFTPParseRequest(Flow *f, void *state,
AppLayerParserState *pstate, const uint8_t *input, uint32_t input_len,
void *local_data, const uint8_t flags)
SCLogDebug("Parsing echo request: len=%"PRIu32, input_len);
/* Likely connection closed, we can just return here. */
if ((input == NULL || input_len == 0) &&
AppLayerParserStateIssetFlag(pstate, APP_LAYER_PARSER_EOF)) {
return 0;
/* Probably don't want to create a transaction in this case
* either. */
if (input == NULL || input_len == 0) {
return 0;
return rs_tftp_request(state, input, input_len);
* \brief Response parsing is not implemented
static int TFTPParseResponse(Flow *f, void *state, AppLayerParserState *pstate,
const uint8_t *input, uint32_t input_len, void *local_data,
const uint8_t flags)
return 0;
static uint64_t TFTPGetTxCnt(void *state)
return rs_tftp_get_tx_cnt(state);
static void *TFTPGetTx(void *state, uint64_t tx_id)
return rs_tftp_get_tx(state, tx_id);
static void TFTPSetTxLogged(void *state, void *vtx, uint32_t logger)
rs_tftp_set_tx_logged(state, vtx, logger);
static LoggerId TFTPGetTxLogged(void *state, void *vtx)
return rs_tftp_get_tx_logged(state, vtx);
* \brief Called by the application layer.
* In most cases 1 can be returned here.
static int TFTPGetAlstateProgressCompletionStatus(uint8_t direction) {
return 1;
* \brief Return the state of a transaction in a given direction.
* In the case of the echo protocol, the existence of a transaction
* means that the request is done. However, some protocols that may
* need multiple chunks of data to complete the request may need more
* than just the existence of a transaction for the request to be
* considered complete.
* For the response to be considered done, the response for a request
* needs to be seen. The response_done flag is set on response for
* checking here.
static int TFTPGetStateProgress(void *tx, uint8_t direction)
return 1;
static DetectEngineState *TFTPGetTxDetectState(void *vtx)
return NULL;
static int TFTPSetTxDetectState(void *vtx,
DetectEngineState *s)
return 0;
void RegisterTFTPParsers(void)
const char *proto_name = "tftp";
/* Check if TFTP UDP detection is enabled. If it does not exist in
* the configuration file then it will be enabled by default. */
if (AppLayerProtoDetectConfProtoDetectionEnabled("udp", proto_name)) {
SCLogDebug("TFTP UDP protocol detection enabled.");
AppLayerProtoDetectRegisterProtocol(ALPROTO_TFTP, proto_name);
if (RunmodeIsUnittests()) {
SCLogDebug("Unittest mode, registeringd default configuration.");
} else {
if (!AppLayerProtoDetectPPParseConfPorts("udp", IPPROTO_UDP,
proto_name, ALPROTO_TFTP,
TFTPProbingParser, TFTPProbingParser)) {
SCLogDebug("No echo app-layer configuration, enabling echo"
" detection UDP detection on port %s.",
} else {
SCLogDebug("Protocol detecter and parser disabled for TFTP.");
if (AppLayerParserConfParserEnabled("udp", proto_name)) {
SCLogDebug("Registering TFTP protocol parser.");
/* Register functions for state allocation and freeing. A
* state is allocated for every new TFTP flow. */
AppLayerParserRegisterStateFuncs(IPPROTO_UDP, ALPROTO_TFTP,
TFTPStateAlloc, TFTPStateFree);
/* Register request parser for parsing frame from server to client. */
AppLayerParserRegisterParser(IPPROTO_UDP, ALPROTO_TFTP,
/* Register response parser for parsing frames from server to client. */
AppLayerParserRegisterParser(IPPROTO_UDP, ALPROTO_TFTP,
/* Register a function to be called by the application layer
* when a transaction is to be freed. */
AppLayerParserRegisterTxFreeFunc(IPPROTO_UDP, ALPROTO_TFTP,
AppLayerParserRegisterLoggerFuncs(IPPROTO_UDP, ALPROTO_TFTP,
TFTPGetTxLogged, TFTPSetTxLogged);
/* Register a function to return the current transaction count. */
AppLayerParserRegisterGetTxCnt(IPPROTO_UDP, ALPROTO_TFTP,
/* Transaction handling. */
AppLayerParserRegisterGetTx(IPPROTO_UDP, ALPROTO_TFTP,
/* What is this being registered for? */
AppLayerParserRegisterDetectStateFuncs(IPPROTO_UDP, ALPROTO_TFTP,
AppLayerParserRegisterGetEventInfo(IPPROTO_UDP, ALPROTO_TFTP,
AppLayerParserRegisterGetEventsFunc(IPPROTO_UDP, ALPROTO_TFTP,
else {
SCLogDebug("TFTP protocol parsing disabled.");