@ -23,15 +23,22 @@ declare -ra dot_env_files=(
# environment keys seen when source dot files (so we can [export] them)
declare -ga seen_dot_env_variables=()
# @description Restore the log prefix to the previous value that was captured in [entrypoint-set-name]
# @arg $1 string The name (or path) of the entrypoint script being run
function entrypoint-set-name() {
log_prefix="ENTRYPOINT - [$(get-entrypoint-script-name $1)] - "
# @description Restore the log prefix to the previous value that was captured in [entrypoint-set-name]
function entrypoint-restore-name() {
# @description Run a command as the [runtime user]
# @arg $@ string The command to run
# @exitcode 0 if the command succeeeds
# @exitcode 1 if the command fails
function run-as-runtime-user() {
local -i exit_code
local target_user
@ -54,12 +61,14 @@ function run-as-runtime-user() {
# @description Print the given error message to stderr
# @arg $message string A error message.
# @stderr The error message provided with log prefix
function log-error() {
echo -e "${error_message_color}${log_prefix}ERROR - ${*}${color_clear}" >/dev/stderr
# @description Print the given error message to stderr and exit 1
# @arg $@ string A error message.
# @stderr The error message provided with log prefix
# @exitcode 1
function log-error-and-exit() {
log-error "$@"
@ -69,18 +78,22 @@ function log-error-and-exit() {
# @description Print the given warning message to stderr
# @arg $@ string A warning message.
# @stderr The warning message provided with log prefix
function log-warning() {
echo -e "${warn_message_color}${log_prefix}WARNING - ${*}${color_clear}" >/dev/stderr
# @description Print the given message to stderr unless [ENTRYPOINT_QUIET_LOGS] is set
# @arg $@ string A warning message.
# @description Print the given message to stdout unless [ENTRYPOINT_QUIET_LOGS] is set
# @arg $@ string A info message.
# @stdout The info message provided with log prefix unless $ENTRYPOINT_QUIET_LOGS
function log-info() {
if [ -z "${ENTRYPOINT_QUIET_LOGS:-}" ]; then
echo "${log_prefix}$*"
# @description Loads the dot-env files used by Docker and track the keys present in the configuration.
# @sets seen_dot_env_variables array List of config keys discovered during loading
function load-config-files() {
# Associative array (aka map/dictionary) holding the unique keys found in dot-env files
local -A _tmp_dot_env_keys
@ -103,6 +116,11 @@ function load-config-files() {
# @description Checks if $needle exists in $haystack
# @arg $1 string The needle (value) to search for
# @arg $2 array The haystack (array) to search in
# @exitcode 0 If $needle was found in $haystack
# @exitcode 1 If $needle was *NOT* found in $haystack
function in-array() {
local -r needle="\<${1}\>"
local -nr haystack=$2
@ -110,18 +128,41 @@ function in-array() {
[[ ${haystack[*]} =~ $needle ]]
# @description Checks if $1 has executable bit set or not
# @arg $1 string The path to check
# @exitcode 0 If $1 has executable bit
# @exitcode 1 If $1 does *NOT* have executable bit
function is-executable() {
[[ -x "$1" ]]
# @description Checks if $1 is writable or not
# @arg $1 string The path to check
# @exitcode 0 If $1 is writable
# @exitcode 1 If $1 is *NOT* writable
function is-writable() {
[[ -w "$1" ]]
function ensure-directory() {
# @description Checks if $1 contains any files or not
# @arg $1 string The path to check
# @exitcode 0 If $1 contains files
# @exitcode 1 If $1 does *NOT* contain files
function is-directory-empty() {
! find "${1}" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -print -quit 2>/dev/null | read v
# @description Ensures a directory exists (via mkdir)
# @arg $1 string The path to create
# @exitcode 0 If $1 If the path exists *or* was created
# @exitcode 1 If $1 If the path does *NOT* exists and could *NOT* be created
function ensure-directory-exists() {
mkdir -pv "$@"
# @description Find the relative path for a entrypoint script by removing the ENTRYPOINT_ROOT prefix
# @arg $1 string The path to manipulate
# @stdout The relative path to the entrypoint script
function get-entrypoint-script-name() {
echo "${1#"$ENTRYPOINT_ROOT"}"