Account Import allows you to import your data from a supported service.
+Import from Instagram
+This feature has been disabled by the administrators.
+You have not been permitted to use this feature, or have reached the maximum limits. For more info, view the Import Help Center page.
+Upload the JSON export from Instagram in .zip format.
For more information click here.
{{ zipName }}
+Processing Imported Posts
+These are posts that are in the process of being imported.
+Imported Posts
+These are posts that have been successfully imported.
+Review posts you'd like to import.
+Tap on posts to include them in your import.
+{{ selectedPostsCounter }} posts selected for import
+{{ formatDate([0].creation_timestamp) }}
+ +{{ formatDate(media.created_at, false) }}
+ +Media #{{idx + 1}}
+ +Timestamp
+{{ formatDate(media.creation_timestamp) }}