From 229d67040512cd5d15224ad13677633cdc2e1e13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: daniel Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2025 12:26:56 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] New translations web.php (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] --- resources/lang/zh/web.php | 272 +++++++++++++++++++------------------- 1 file changed, 136 insertions(+), 136 deletions(-) diff --git a/resources/lang/zh/web.php b/resources/lang/zh/web.php index e7e76f845..61b6bf401 100644 --- a/resources/lang/zh/web.php +++ b/resources/lang/zh/web.php @@ -3,206 +3,206 @@ return [ 'common' => [ - 'comment' => '評論', - 'commented' => '已評論', - 'comments' => '條意見評論', - 'like' => '按讚', - 'liked' => '已按讚', - 'likes' => '個人已按讚', + 'comment' => '评论', + 'commented' => '已评论', + 'comments' => '评论', + 'like' => '赞', + 'liked' => '已点赞', + 'likes' => '点赞', 'share' => '分享', - 'shared' => '已分享', - 'shares' => '次分享', + 'shared' => '已分享的', + 'shares' => '分享', 'unshare' => '取消分享', - 'bookmark' => '書籤', + 'bookmark' => '收藏', 'cancel' => '取消', - 'copyLink' => '複製連結', + 'copyLink' => '复制链接', 'delete' => '删除', - 'error' => '錯誤', - 'errorMsg' => '出了點小問題,請稍後重試。', - 'oops' => '呃…', - 'other' => '其他', - 'readMore' => '繼續讀下去', + 'error' => '错误', + 'errorMsg' => '出错了。请稍后再试。', + 'oops' => '哎呀!', + 'other' => '其它', + 'readMore' => '阅读更多', 'success' => '成功', - 'proceed' => '繼續', - 'next' => '下一個', - 'close' => '關閉', - 'clickHere' => '點擊此處', - - 'sensitive' => '敏感內容', - 'sensitiveContent' => '敏感內容', - 'sensitiveContentWarning' => '這篇文可能包含敏感內容', + 'proceed' => '继续', + 'next' => '下一个', + 'close' => '关闭', + 'clickHere' => '点击此处', + + 'sensitive' => '敏感', + 'sensitiveContent' => '敏感内容', + 'sensitiveContentWarning' => '此帖文可能包含敏感内容', ], 'site' => [ - 'terms' => '使用條款', - 'privacy' => '隱私權政策', + 'terms' => '使用条款', + 'privacy' => '隐私政策', ], 'navmenu' => [ - 'search' => '搜尋', - 'admin' => '管理儀表板', + 'search' => '搜索', + 'admin' => '管理面板', // Timelines - 'homeFeed' => '首頁動態', - 'localFeed' => '站內動態', - 'globalFeed' => '聯邦動態', + 'homeFeed' => '主页', + 'localFeed' => '本站动态', + 'globalFeed' => '跨站动态', // Core features 'discover' => '探索', - 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