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< main id = "content" >
< div class = "container" >
< p class = "text-right mt-3" >
< a href = "/" class = "font-weight-bold text-dark" > Home< / a >
< a href = "/site/newsroom" class = "ml-4 font-weight-bold text-dark" > Newsroom< / a >
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< a href = "/" >
< img class = "d-block mx-auto mb-4" src = "/img/pixelfed-icon-color.svg" alt = "" width = "72" height = "57" >
< / a >
< h1 class = "display-4 font-weight-bold py-3" > {{ config_cache('about.title') ?? 'Photo Sharing. For Everyone' }}< / h1 >
< div class = "col-lg-6 mx-auto py-3" >
< p class = "mb-4 font-weight-light text-left" style = "font-size: 26px; line-height: 40px;" >
{!! config_cache('app.description') ?? config_cache('app.short_description') ?? 'Pixelfed is an image sharing platform, an ethical alternative to centralized platforms.'!!}
< / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "container" >
< div class = "row align-items-stretch pt-5" >
< div class = "col" >
< div class = "card h-100 shadow-lg" style = "background-image: url('/_landing/3.jpeg');min-height:400px;border-radius:1rem;" >
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< div class = "card h-100 shadow-lg" style = "background-image: url('/_landing/8.jpeg');min-height:400px;border-radius:1rem;" >
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< div class = "card h-100 shadow-lg" style = "background-image: url('/_landing/6.jpeg');min-height:200px;border-radius:1rem;background-size: cover;" >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "col" >
< div class = "card h-100 shadow-lg" style = "background-image: url('/_landing/4.jpeg');min-height:200px;border-radius:1rem;background-size: cover;" >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "col" >
< div class = "card h-100 shadow-lg" style = "background-image: url('/_landing/7.jpeg');min-height:200px;border-radius:1rem;background-size: cover;" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "row align-items-stretch py-5" >
< div class = "col" >
< div class = "card h-100 shadow-lg" style = "background-image: url('/_landing/1.jpeg');min-height:200px;border-radius:1rem;background-size: cover;" >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "col" >
< div class = "card h-100 shadow-lg" style = "background-image: url('/_landing/5.jpeg');min-height:200px;border-radius:1rem;background-size: cover;" >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "col" >
< div class = "card h-100 shadow-lg" style = "background-image: url('/_landing/9.jpeg');min-height:200px;border-radius:1rem;background-size: cover;" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "section-spacer" > < / div >
< div class = "section-spacer" > < / div >
< div id = "rules" class = "container" >
< div class = "row mb-4" >
< div class = "col" >
< h1 class = "display-4 font-weight-bold mb-0 text-center" > Rules< / h1 >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "row justify-content-center" >
< div class = "col-12 mb-2 col-lg-8 mb-lg-0" >
< ol >
@foreach($rules as $rule)
< li class = "h3 my-4" > {{$rule}}< / li >
< / ol >
< p class = "h5 text-center pt-4" > For more information, please review our < a href = "/site/terms" > Terms of Use< / a > < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "section-spacer" > < / div >
< div class = "section-spacer" > < / div >
< section class = "container" >
< div class = "row" >
< div class = "col-12 col-md-8 offset-md-2" >
< div class = "mt-5" >
< p class = "text-center display-4 font-weight-bold" > Feature Packed.< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "my-2" >
< p class = "h3 font-weight-light text-muted text-center" > The best for the brightest 📸< / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / section >
< div class = "container my-5" >
< div class = "row p-4 pb-0 pt-lg-5 align-items-center rounded-3" >
< div class = "col-lg-6 p-3 p-lg-5 pt-lg-3" >
< h1 class = "display-4 font-weight-bold lh-1" > Albums< / h1 >
< p class = "h4 font-weight-light" > Share posts with up to {{config_cache('pixelfed.max_album_length')}} photos< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "col-lg-6 overflow-hidden" >
< img class = "rounded-lg img-fluid filter-inkwell" src = "/_landing/1.jpeg" alt = "" width = "720" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "section-spacer" > < / div >
< div class = "container my-5" >
< div class = "row p-4 pb-0 pt-lg-5 align-items-center rounded-3" >
< div class = "col-lg-6 overflow-hidden" >
< img class = "rounded-lg img-fluid filter-inkwell" src = "/_landing/2.jpeg" alt = "" width = "720" >
< / div >
< div class = "col-lg-6 p-3 p-lg-5 pt-lg-3" >
< h1 class = "display-4 font-weight-bold lh-1" > Comments< / h1 >
< p class = "h4 font-weight-light text-justify" > Comment on a post, or send a reply< / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "section-spacer" > < / div >
< div class = "container my-5" >
< div class = "row p-4 pb-0 pt-lg-5 align-items-center rounded-3" >
< div class = "col-lg-6 p-3 p-lg-5 pt-lg-3" >
< h1 class = "display-4 font-weight-bold lh-1" > Collections< / h1 >
< p class = "h4 font-weight-light text-justify" > Organize and share collections of multiple posts< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "col-lg-6 overflow-hidden" >
< img class = "rounded-lg img-fluid filter-inkwell" src = "/_landing/3.jpeg" alt = "" width = "720" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "section-spacer" > < / div >
< div class = "container my-5" >
< div class = "row p-4 pb-0 pt-lg-5 align-items-center rounded-3" >
< div class = "col-lg-6 overflow-hidden" >
< img class = "rounded-lg img-fluid filter-inkwell" src = "/_landing/4.jpeg" alt = "" width = "720" >
< / div >
< div class = "col-lg-6 p-3 p-lg-5 pt-lg-3" >
< h1 class = "display-4 font-weight-bold lh-1" > Discover< / h1 >
< p class = "h4 font-weight-light text-justify" > Explore categories, hashtags and topics< / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "section-spacer" > < / div >
< div class = "container my-5" >
< div class = "row p-4 pb-0 pt-lg-5 align-items-center rounded-3" >
< div class = "col-lg-6 p-3 p-lg-5 pt-lg-3" >
< h1 class = "display-4 font-weight-bold lh-1" > Photo Filters< / h1 >
< p class = "h4 font-weight-light text-justify" > Add a special touch to your photos< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "col-lg-6 overflow-hidden" >
< img class = "rounded-lg img-fluid filter-inkwell" src = "/_landing/5.jpeg" alt = "" width = "720" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "section-spacer" > < / div >
< div class = "container my-5" >
< div class = "row p-4 pb-0 pt-lg-5 align-items-center rounded-3" >
< div class = "col-lg-6 overflow-hidden" >
< img class = "rounded-lg img-fluid filter-inkwell" src = "/_landing/6.jpeg" alt = "" width = "720" >
< / div >
< div class = "col-lg-6 p-3 p-lg-5 pt-lg-3" >
< h1 class = "display-4 font-weight-bold lh-1" > Stories< / h1 >
< p class = "h4 font-weight-light text-justify" > Share moments with your followers that disappear after 24 hours< / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "section-spacer" > < / div >
< div class = "section-spacer" > < / div >
< div id = "stats" class = "container" >
< div class = "row mb-4" >
< div class = "col" >
< p class = "display-3 font-weight-bold" >
< span class = "text-primary" > {{$user_count}}< / span >
people have shared
< span class = "text-primary" > {{$post_count}}< / span >
photos and videos on {{config_cache('app.name')}}!
< / p >
< div class = "section-spacer" > < / div >
< p class = "display-4 font-weight-bold mb-0" >
< a class = "text-primary" href = "/register" > Sign up today< / a >
and join our community of photographers from around the world.
< / p >
< / div >
< / div >
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