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# Create the storage tree if needed and fix permissions
6 years ago
cp -r storage.skel/* storage/
6 years ago
chown -R www-data:www-data storage/ bootstrap/
6 years ago
# Refresh the environment
php artisan storage:link
6 years ago
php artisan horizon:assets
php artisan route:cache
php artisan view:cache
php artisan config:cache
# Migrate database if the app was upgraded
6 years ago
# gosu www-data:www-data php artisan migrate --force
# Run other specific migratins if required
6 years ago
# gosu www-data:www-data php artisan update
6 years ago
# Run a worker if it is set as embedded
if [ "$HORIZON_EMBED" = "true" ]; then
gosu www-data:www-data php artisan horizon &
# Finally run Apache
exec apache2-foreground