feat: update zh-tw translation to latest file format (#1569)

* update zh-tw translation to latest file format

* Update zh-Hant.json

* Update web/src/locales/zh-Hant.json


Co-authored-by: boojack <stevenlgtm@gmail.com>
-Shiken- 2 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 685a23bce8
commit d0815f586e
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
"common": {
"memos-slogan": "一個輕量、可自架的便箋中心。 永遠開放原始碼且免費",
"about": "關於",
"home": "首頁",
"resources": "資源庫",
"settings": "設定",
"daily-review": "每日回顧",
"archived": "封存",
"email": "箱",
"email": "箱",
"password": "密碼",
"username": "使用者名",
"avatar": "頭像",
"username": "帳號",
"nickname": "暱稱",
"new-password": "新密碼",
"repeat-new-password": "重複新密碼",
"save": "儲存",
"close": "關閉",
"cancel": "取消",
"create": "創建",
"change": "修改",
"confirm": "確定",
"reset": "重置",
"update": "更新",
"change": "變更",
"confirm": "確認",
"reset": "重設",
"language": "語言",
"version": "版本",
"pin": "置頂",
"unpin": "取消置頂",
"pin": "釘選",
"unpin": "解釘",
"edit": "編輯",
"restore": "還原",
"delete": "刪除",
@ -30,21 +30,21 @@
"share": "分享",
"archive": "封存",
"basic": "基礎",
"admin": "管理",
"admin": "管理",
"explore": "探索",
"sign-in": "登入",
"sign-in-with": "使用 {{provider}} 登入",
"or": "or",
"sign-up": "註冊",
"sign-out": "登出",
"back-to-home": "回到首頁",
"type": "類型",
"shortcuts": "捷徑",
"title": "標題",
"filter": "過濾器",
"tags": "全部標籤",
"filter-period": "{{from}} to {{to}}",
"tags": "標籤",
"yourself": "你自己",
"archived-at": "封存於",
"changed": "已更改",
"update-on": "更新於",
"changed": "已變更",
"fold": "折疊",
"expand": "展開",
"image": "圖片",
@ -52,279 +52,339 @@
"vacuum": "清理",
"select": "選擇",
"database": "資料庫",
"avatar": "頭像",
"upload": "上傳",
"rename": "改名",
"name": "姓名",
"visibility": "能見度",
"preview": "預覽",
"rename": "更名",
"clear": "清除",
"preview": "預覽"
"name": "名稱",
"visibility": "可見度",
"learn-more": "了解",
"e.g": "e.g.",
"beta": "Beta"
"router": {
"back-to-home": "回到首頁"
"auth": {
"signup-as-host": "註冊為管理員",
"host-tip": "你正在註冊為管理員帳號。",
"not-host-tip": "如果你沒有帳號,請聯絡網站管理員。",
"host-tip": "您註冊為此站台之管理員。",
"not-host-tip": "如果沒有帳號,請聯絡網站管理員。",
"new-password": "新密碼",
"repeat-new-password": "重複新密碼"
"repeat-new-password": "再次輸入新密碼"
"editor": {
"editing": "編輯中...",
"cancel-edit": "取消編輯",
"save": "儲存",
"placeholder": "任何想法...",
"only-image-supported": "僅支援圖片檔案。",
"cant-empty": "內容不能是空的",
"local": "本地",
"resources": "資源"
"memo": {
"view-detail": "查看詳情",
"copy-link": "複製連結",
"embed": "嵌入的",
"archived-memos": "封存的 Memos",
"no-archived-memos": "無封存的 memos。",
"fetching-data": "抓取資料中...",
"fetch-more": "點此以載入更多",
"archived-at": "封存於",
"search-placeholder": "搜尋 memos",
"visibility": {
"private": "私人的",
"protected": "使用者可見",
"public": "公開給所有人",
"disabled": "公開 memos 為禁用的"
"delete-memo": "刪除 Memo",
"delete-confirm": "您確定要刪除此memo\n\n此動作為不可逆❗"
"resource": {
"description": "查看在 Memo 中的靜態資源。例如:圖片",
"no-resources": "沒有資源",
"fetching-data": "擷取資料中...",
"upload": "上傳",
"preview": "預覽",
"no-resources": "沒有資源。",
"fetching-data": "抓取資料...",
"copy-link": "複製連結",
"reset-link": "重設連結",
"reset-resource-link": "重設資源連結",
"reset-link-prompt": "您確定要重設連結?\n這將會破壞所有目前的使用中的連結。\n\n此動作為不可逆❗",
"delete-resource": "刪除資源",
"warning-text": "確定刪除這個資源嗎?此操作不可逆❗",
"linked-amount": "連結的 Memo 數量",
"rename": "重命名",
"clear": "清除",
"warning-text-unused": "確定刪除這些無用資源嗎?此操作不可逆❗",
"no-unused-resources": "無可刪除的資源",
"name": "資源名稱",
"delete-selected-resources": "刪除選中資源",
"no-files-selected": "沒有文件被選中❗",
"warning-text": "您確定要刪除此資源?\n\n此動作為不可逆❗",
"warning-text-unused": "您確定要刪除這些未使用的資源?\n\n此動作為不可逆❗",
"no-unused-resources": "無未使用的資源",
"delete-selected-resources": "刪除所選的資源",
"no-files-selected": "沒有檔案被選取❗",
"upload-successfully": "上傳成功",
"file-drag-drop-prompt": "將您的文件拖放到此處以上傳文件",
"select": "選擇",
"file-drag-drop-prompt": "拖曳您的檔案到此處以上傳檔案",
"search-bar-placeholder": "搜尋資源",
"create-dialog": {
"title": "新增資源",
"upload-method": "上傳方式",
"local-file": {
"choose": "選擇一個文件...",
"option": "本地文件"
"option": "本地檔案",
"choose": "選擇檔案..."
"external-link": {
"file-name-placeholder": "文件名",
"option": "外部鏈接",
"type-placeholder": "文件類型",
"link": "鏈接",
"option": "外部連結",
"link": "連結",
"link-placeholder": "https://the.link.to/your/resource",
"file-name": "檔案名稱",
"file-name-placeholder": "檔案名稱",
"type": "類型",
"file-name": "文件名"
"title": "創建資源"
"search-bar-placeholder": "搜索資源"
"archived": {
"archived-memos": "已封存的 Memo",
"no-archived-memos": "沒有封存的 Memo",
"fetching-data": "擷取資料中..."
"editor": {
"editing": "編輯中...",
"cancel-edit": "取消編輯",
"save": "記下",
"placeholder": "現在的想法是...",
"only-image-supported": "僅支持圖片檔。",
"cant-empty": "內容不能為空",
"local": "本地上傳",
"resources": "資源庫"
"memo": {
"view-detail": "查看詳情",
"copy": "複製",
"copy-link": "複製連結",
"visibility": {
"private": "僅自己可見",
"protected": "登入使用者可見",
"public": "所有人可見",
"disabled": "公共memos已禁用"
"fetching-data": "正在獲取數據...",
"archived-memos": "歸檔備忘錄",
"archived-at": "存檔於",
"fetch-more": "點擊此處獲取更多",
"embed": "嵌入",
"no-archived-memos": "沒有存檔的備忘錄。",
"search-placeholder": "搜索備忘錄"
"memo-list": {
"fetching-data": "讀取資料中...",
"fetch-more": "點擊載入更多"
"type-placeholder": "檔案類型"
"shortcut-list": {
"shortcut-title": "捷徑標題",
"create-shortcut": "新增捷徑",
"edit-shortcut": "編輯捷徑",
"eligible-memo": "符合條件的 Memo",
"fill-previous": "請填寫之前的過濾值",
"title-required": "標題是必填項",
"value-required": "過濾值是必填項"
"filter": {
"new-filter": "新增過濾器",
"type": {
"tag": "標籤",
"type": "類型",
"text": "文本",
"display-time": "顯示時間",
"visibility": "可見性"
"operator": {
"contains": "包含",
"not-contains": "不包含",
"is": "是",
"is-not": "不是",
"before": "早於",
"after": "晚於"
"value": {
"not-tagged": "無標籤",
"linked": "包含連結",
"has-attachment": "包含附件"
"text-placeholder": "以 ^ 開頭使用正則表達式"
"eligible-memo": "符合條件的memo",
"fill-previous": "請填入前一個過濾器的值",
"title-required": "標題為必要的",
"value-required": "過濾器值為必要的"
"tag-list": {
"tip-text": "輸入`#tag `來新增標籤",
"tip-text": "輸入 `#tag` 以新增標籤",
"create-tag": "創建標籤",
"tag-name": "標籤名",
"all-tags": "所有標籤"
"all-tags": "所有標籤",
"tag-name": "標籤名稱"
"search": {
"quickly-filter": "快速過濾"
"daily-review": {
"title": "每日回顧",
"no-memos": "啊咧,這裡啥都沒有。"
"setting": {
"my-account": "我的帳號",
"preference": "偏好設置",
"storage": "存儲設置",
"preference": "偏好設定",
"member": "使用者",
"member-list": "使用者列表",
"system": "系統",
"storage": "存儲空間",
"sso": "SSO",
"account-section": {
"title": "帳號資訊",
"username-note": "為登入用途",
"nickname-note": "顯示於橫幅",
"email-note": "非必須的",
"update-information": "更新個人資訊",
"change-password": "修改密碼"
"change-password": "變更密碼",
"reset-api": "重設 API",
"openapi-title": "OpenAPI",
"openapi-reset": "重設 OpenAPI Key",
"openapi-reset-warning": "❗ The existing API will be invalidated and a new one will be generated.\n\nAre you sure you want to reset?",
"openapi-sample-post": "Hello #memos from {{url}}"
"preference-section": {
"theme": "主題",
"default-memo-visibility": "預設 Memo 可見性",
"enable-folding-memo": "開啟折疊 Memo",
"enable-double-click": "開啟雙擊編輯",
"default-memo-visibility": "Memo預設之能見度",
"default-resource-visibility": "資源預設之能見度",
"enable-folding-memo": "啟用折疊memo",
"enable-double-click": "啟用雙擊編輯",
"editor-font-style": "編輯器字體樣式",
"mobile-editor-style": "手機版編輯器樣式",
"mobile-editor-style": "行動版編輯器樣式",
"default-memo-sort-option": "Memo 顯示時間",
"created_ts": "建立時間",
"updated_ts": "更新時間",
"daily-review-time-offset": "每日回顧時間偏移",
"default-resource-visibility": "默認資源可見性",
"auto-collapse": "自動摺疊"
"storage-section": {
"current-storage": "目前的存儲空間",
"type-database": "資料庫",
"type-local": "本地",
"storage-services-list": "存儲服務列表",
"create-a-service": "新建服務",
"update-a-service": "更新服務",
"delete-storage": "刪除存儲服務",
"warning-text": "確定刪除這個存儲服務嗎?此操作不可逆❗"
"warning-text": "您確定要刪除存儲服務 \"{{name}}\"嗎?\n\n此動作為不可逆❗",
"delete-storage": "刪除存儲",
"local-storage-path": "本地存儲空間路徑",
"update-local-path": "更新本地存儲空間路徑",
"update-local-path-description": "Local storage path is a relative path to your database file",
"create-storage": "新增儲存空間",
"update-storage": "更新儲存空間",
"endpoint": "端點",
"s3-compatible-url": "S3 相容網址L",
"region": "地區",
"region-placeholder": "地區名稱",
"accesskey": "Access key",
"accesskey-placeholder": "Access key / Access ID",
"secretkey": "Secret key",
"secretkey-placeholder": "Secret key / Access Key",
"bucket": "Bucket",
"bucket-placeholder": "Bucket name",
"path": "存儲空間路徑",
"path-description": "You can use the same dynamic variables from local storage, like {filename}",
"path-placeholder": "custom/path",
"url-prefix": "URL prefix",
"url-prefix-placeholder": "Custom URL prefix, optional",
"url-suffix": "URL suffix",
"url-suffix-placeholder": "Custom URL suffix, optional"
"member-section": {
"create-a-member": "新增使用者"
"create-a-member": "新增使用者",
"archive-member": "封存使用者",
"archive-warning": "❗ 您確定要封存 {{username}}?",
"delete-member": "刪除使用者",
"delete-warning": "❗ A您確定要刪除 {{username}}?\n\n此動作為不可逆❗"
"system-section": {
"server-name": "伺服器名稱",
"customize-server": {
"title": "名稱",
"title": "自訂伺服器",
"default": "預設為 memos",
"icon-url": "圖標網址"
"icon-url": "圖標網址",
"description": "描述",
"locale": "伺服器語言",
"appearance": "伺服器外觀"
"database-file-size": "資料庫檔案大小",
"allow-user-signup": "允許使用者註冊",
"ignore-version-upgrade": "忽略版本更新提示",
"disable-public-memos": "禁用公共memos",
"additional-style": "自定義樣式",
"additional-script": "自定義腳本",
"additional-style-placeholder": "自定義 CSS 代碼",
"additional-script-placeholder": "自定義 JavaScript 代碼",
"disable-public-memos": "禁用公共memos"
"openai-api-key": "OpenAI: API Key",
"openai-api-key-description": "取得 API key",
"openai-api-key-placeholder": "您的 OpenAI API Key",
"openai-api-host": "OpenAI: API 主機",
"openai-api-host-placeholder": "預設: https://api.openai.com/"
"appearance-option": {
"system": "跟隨系統",
"light": "總是淺色",
"dark": "總是深色"
"sso": "SSO"
"sso-section": {
"sso-list": "SSO List",
"delete-sso": "確認刪除",
"confirm-delete": "您確定要刪除 \"{{name}}\" SSO 設定?\n\n此動作為不可逆❗",
"create-sso": "新增 SSO",
"update-sso": "更新 SSO",
"sso-created": "SSO {{name}} 新增成功",
"sso-updated": "SSO {{name}} 更新成功",
"identifier": "Identifier",
"display-name": "顯示名稱",
"template": "Template",
"custom": "Custom",
"identifier-filter": "Identifier Filter",
"redirect-url": "Redirect URL",
"client-id": "Client ID",
"client-secret": "Client secret",
"authorization-endpoint": "Authorization endpoint",
"token-endpoint": "Token endpoint",
"user-endpoint": "User endpoint",
"scopes": "Scopes"
"amount-text": {
"memo_other": "MEMOS",
"tag_other": "TAGS",
"day_other": "DAYS",
"memo_one": "MEMO",
"tag_one": "TAG",
"day_one": "DAY"
"filter": {
"new-filter": "新增過濾器",
"type": {
"tag": "標籤",
"type": "類型",
"text": "文字",
"display-time": "顯示時間",
"visibility": "可見度"
"operator": {
"contains": "包含",
"not-contains": "不包含",
"is": "是",
"is-not": "不是",
"before": "之前",
"after": "之後"
"value": {
"not-tagged": "無標籤",
"linked": "包含連結",
"has-attachment": "包含附件"
"text-placeholder": "開頭用 ^ 以使用正規式",
"and": "且",
"or": "或"
"message": {
"no-memos": "沒有 Memo 了 🌃",
"memos-ready": "所有 Memo 已就緒 🎉",
"no-resource": "沒有 Resource 了 🌃",
"memos-resource": "所有 Resource 已就緒 🎉",
"resource-ready": "所有 Resource 已就緒 🎉",
"restored-successfully": "還原成功",
"memo-updated-datetime": "Memo 建立日期時間已更改。",
"memo-updated-datetime": "Memo 建立日期時間已更。",
"invalid-created-datetime": "建立的日期時間無效。",
"change-memo-created-time": "更改 Memo 建立時間",
"change-memo-created-time": "變更 Memo 建立時間",
"change-memo-created-time-warning-1": "這非正常的行為。",
"change-memo-created-time-warning-2": "請確定您真的需要這麼做。",
"memo-not-found": "找不到 Memo。",
"fill-all": "請填寫所有字段。",
"fill-all": "請填寫所有欄位。",
"password-not-match": "密碼不一致。",
"new-password-not-match": "新密碼不匹配。",
"new-password-not-match": "新密碼不一致。",
"image-load-failed": "圖片讀取失敗",
"fill-form": "請填寫此表單",
"fill-server-name": "請填寫伺服器名稱",
"login-failed": "登入失敗",
"signup-failed": "註冊失敗",
"user-not-found": "未找到使用者",
"password-changed": "密碼已修改",
"private-only": "此 Memo 僅自己可見",
"user-not-found": "查無該使用者",
"password-changed": "密碼變更完成",
"private-only": "此 Memo 僅自己可見",
"copied": "已複製",
"succeed-copy-content": "複製內容到剪貼板成功。",
"succeed-copy-code": "複製代碼到剪貼簿成功。",
"succeed-copy-link": "複製連結到剪貼簿成功。",
"change-resource-filename": "變更資源檔名",
"resource-filename-updated": "資源檔名變更成功。",
"invalid-resource-filename": "無效的資源檔名",
"click-to-save-the-image": "點擊儲存圖片",
"generating-the-screenshot": "正在生成圖片...",
"count-selected-resources": "所選資源總數",
"too-short": "過短",
"too-long": "過長",
"not-allow-space": "不允許包含空格",
"not-allow-chinese": "不允許包含中文",
"succeed-update-additional-style": "更新附加樣式成功",
"succeed-copy-resource-link": "複製資源連結到剪貼簿成功",
"succeed-update-customized-profile": "更新自定義配置文件成功",
"succeed-update-additional-script": "更新附加腳本成功",
"invalid-resource-filename": "無效的檔名。",
"click-to-save-the-image": "點選以儲存圖片",
"generating-the-screenshot": "正在產生截圖...",
"count-selected-resources": "全部選取",
"too-short": "太短",
"too-long": "太長",
"not-allow-space": "不能有空格",
"not-allow-chinese": "不能有中文字",
"succeed-vacuum-database": "清理資料庫成功。",
"succeed-update-additional-style": "更新附加樣式成功。",
"succeed-copy-resource-link": "複製資源連結到剪貼簿成功。",
"succeed-update-customized-profile": "更新自訂配置文件成功。",
"succeed-update-additional-script": "更新附加腳本成功。",
"update-succeed": "更新成功",
"page-not-found": "404 - 未找到網頁 😥",
"succeed-vacuum-database": "清理資料庫成功",
"resource-ready": "所有資源都準備好了"
"page-not-found": "404 - 網頁無法顯示 😥"
"days": {
"monday": "星期一",
"mon": "一",
"tuesday": "星期二",
"tue": "二",
"wednesday": "星期三",
"wed": "三",
"thursday": "星期四",
"thu": "四",
"friday": "星期五",
"fri": "五",
"saturday": "星期六",
"sat": "六",
"sunday": "星期天",
"sun": "日"
"router": {
"back-to-home": "回到首頁"
"ask-ai": {
"title": "問 AI",
"not-enabled": "您尚未設置 OpenAI API 密鑰。",
"title": "問AI",
"placeholder": "隨便問",
"go-to-settings": "前往設置"
"go-to-settings": "前往設定",
"placeholder": "凡事皆可問…"
"embed-memo": {
"only-public-supported": "* 僅公開備忘錄支持。",
"title": "嵌入備忘錄",
"copy": "複製",
"text": "將以下代碼複製並粘貼到您的博客或網站中。"
"title": "嵌入 Memo",
"text": "將以下代碼複製並貼上到您的網誌或網站中。",
"only-public-supported": "* 只有公開的memo可以被嵌入",
"copy": "複製"
"daily-review": {
"title": "每日回顧"
"heatmap": {
"memo-in": "{{amount}} memo in {{period}}",
"memos-in": "{{amount}} memos in {{period}}",
"memo-on": "{{amount}} memo on {{date}}",
"memos-on": "{{amount}} memos on {{date}}",
"day": "天",
"days": "天"
"about": {
"about-memos": "關於 Memos",
"memos-description": "Memos 是一個網頁式的筆記應用程式,您可用它記錄、組織以及分享你的筆記",
"no-server-description": "此伺服器未設置說明。",
"powered-by": "威力本源",
"other-projects": "其他專案"
