| setting.name | path | name is the name of the setting. Format: settings/{setting} | Yes | string |
| setting | body | setting is the setting to update. | Yes | { **"generalSetting"**: [apiv2WorkspaceGeneralSetting](#apiv2workspacegeneralsetting) } |
| setting | body | setting is the setting to update. | Yes | { **"generalSetting"**: [apiv2WorkspaceGeneralSetting](#apiv2workspacegeneralsetting), **"storageSetting"**: [apiv2WorkspaceStorageSetting](#apiv2workspacestoragesetting), **"memoRelatedSetting"**: [apiv2WorkspaceMemoRelatedSetting](#apiv2workspacememorelatedsetting) } |
##### Responses
@ -1282,26 +1488,82 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| version | string | | No |
#### apiv2Reaction
#### apiv2FieldMapping
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| identifier | string | | No |
| displayName | string | | No |
| email | string | | No |
#### apiv2IdentityProvider
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| name | string | | No |
| type | [apiv2IdentityProviderType](#apiv2identityprovidertype) | | No |
| title | string | | No |
| identifierFilter | string | | No |
| config | [apiv2IdentityProviderConfig](#apiv2identityproviderconfig) | | No |
#### apiv2IdentityProviderConfig
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| oauth2Config | [apiv2OAuth2Config](#apiv2oauth2config) | | No |
#### apiv2IdentityProviderType
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| apiv2IdentityProviderType | string | | |
#### apiv2OAuth2Config
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| clientId | string | | No |
| clientSecret | string | | No |
| authUrl | string | | No |
| tokenUrl | string | | No |
| userInfoUrl | string | | No |
| scopes | [ string ] | | No |
| fieldMapping | [apiv2FieldMapping](#apiv2fieldmapping) | | No |
#### apiv2S3Config
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| endPoint | string | | No |
| path | string | | No |
| region | string | | No |
| accessKey | string | | No |
| secretKey | string | | No |
| bucket | string | | No |
| urlPrefix | string | | No |
| urlSuffix | string | | No |
| preSign | boolean | | No |
#### apiv2Storage
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| id | integer | | No |
| creator | string | | No |
| contentId | string | | No |
| reactionType | [apiv2ReactionType](#apiv2reactiontype) | | No |
| title | string | | No |
| type | [apiv2StorageType](#apiv2storagetype) | | No |
| config | [apiv2StorageConfig](#apiv2storageconfig) | | No |
#### apiv2ReactionType
#### apiv2StorageConfig
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| apiv2ReactionType | string | | |
| s3Config | [apiv2S3Config](#apiv2s3config) | | No |
#### apiv2RowStatus
#### apiv2StorageType
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| apiv2RowStatus | string | | |
| apiv2StorageType | string | | |
#### apiv2UserSetting
@ -1311,19 +1573,16 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| locale | string | The preferred locale of the user. | No |
| appearance | string | The preferred appearance of the user. | No |
| memoVisibility | string | The default visibility of the memo. | No |
| telegramUserId | string | The telegram user id of the user. | No |
#### apiv2Webhook
#### apiv2WorkspaceCustomProfile
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| id | integer | | No |
| creatorId | integer | | No |
| createdTime | dateTime | | No |
| updatedTime | dateTime | | No |
| rowStatus | [apiv2RowStatus](#apiv2rowstatus) | | No |
| name | string | | No |
| url | string | | No |
| title | string | | No |
| description | string | | No |
| logoUrl | string | | No |
| locale | string | | No |
| appearance | string | | No |
#### apiv2WorkspaceGeneralSetting
@ -1334,13 +1593,42 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| disallowPasswordLogin | boolean | disallow_password_login is the flag to disallow password login. | No |
| additionalScript | string | additional_script is the additional script. | No |
| additionalStyle | string | additional_style is the additional style. | No |
| customProfile | [apiv2WorkspaceCustomProfile](#apiv2workspacecustomprofile) | custom_profile is the custom profile. | No |
#### apiv2WorkspaceMemoRelatedSetting
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| disallowPublicVisible | boolean | disallow_public_share disallows set memo as public visible. | No |
| displayWithUpdateTime | boolean | display_with_update_time orders and displays memo with update time. | No |
#### apiv2WorkspaceSetting
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| name | string | | No |
| generalSetting | [apiv2WorkspaceGeneralSetting](#apiv2workspacegeneralsetting) | general_setting is the general setting of workspace. | No |
| generalSetting | [apiv2WorkspaceGeneralSetting](#apiv2workspacegeneralsetting) | | No |
| storageSetting | [apiv2WorkspaceStorageSetting](#apiv2workspacestoragesetting) | | No |
| memoRelatedSetting | [apiv2WorkspaceMemoRelatedSetting](#apiv2workspacememorelatedsetting) | | No |
#### apiv2WorkspaceStorageSetting
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| storageType | [apiv2WorkspaceStorageSettingStorageType](#apiv2workspacestoragesettingstoragetype) | storage_type is the storage type. | No |
| activedExternalStorageId | integer | The id of actived external storage. | No |
| localStoragePathTemplate | string | | No |
| uploadSizeLimitMb | string (int64) | The max upload size in megabytes. | No |
#### apiv2WorkspaceStorageSettingStorageType
- STORAGE_TYPE_DATABASE: STORAGE_TYPE_DATABASE is the database storage type.
- STORAGE_TYPE_LOCAL: STORAGE_TYPE_LOCAL is the local storage type.
- STORAGE_TYPE_EXTERNAL: STORAGE_TYPE_EXTERNAL is the external storage type.
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| apiv2WorkspaceStorageSettingStorageType | string | - STORAGE_TYPE_DATABASE: STORAGE_TYPE_DATABASE is the database storage type. - STORAGE_TYPE_LOCAL: STORAGE_TYPE_LOCAL is the local storage type. - STORAGE_TYPE_EXTERNAL: STORAGE_TYPE_EXTERNAL is the external storage type. | |
#### googlerpcStatus
@ -1373,6 +1661,12 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| v2BatchUpsertTagResponse | object | | |
#### v2CreateIdentityProviderResponse
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| identityProvider | [apiv2IdentityProvider](#apiv2identityprovider) | The created identityProvider. | No |
#### v2CreateMemoCommentResponse
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
@ -1398,6 +1692,18 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| resource | [v2Resource](#v2resource) | | No |
#### v2CreateStorageRequest
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| storage | [apiv2Storage](#apiv2storage) | | No |
#### v2CreateStorageResponse
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| storage | [apiv2Storage](#apiv2storage) | | No |
#### v2CreateUserAccessTokenResponse
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
@ -1421,7 +1727,13 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| webhook | [apiv2Webhook](#apiv2webhook) | | No |
| webhook | [v2Webhook](#v2webhook) | | No |
#### v2DeleteIdentityProviderResponse
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| v2DeleteIdentityProviderResponse | object | | |
#### v2DeleteInboxResponse
@ -1447,6 +1759,12 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| v2DeleteResourceResponse | object | | |
#### v2DeleteStorageResponse
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| v2DeleteStorageResponse | object | | |
#### v2DeleteTagResponse
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
@ -1489,6 +1807,12 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| user | [v2User](#v2user) | | No |
#### v2GetIdentityProviderResponse
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| identityProvider | [apiv2IdentityProvider](#apiv2identityprovider) | The identityProvider. | No |
#### v2GetLinkMetadataResponse
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
@ -1507,6 +1831,12 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| resource | [v2Resource](#v2resource) | | No |
#### v2GetStorageResponse
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| storage | [apiv2Storage](#apiv2storage) | | No |
#### v2GetTagSuggestionsResponse
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
@ -1535,7 +1865,7 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| webhook | [apiv2Webhook](#apiv2webhook) | | No |
| webhook | [v2Webhook](#v2webhook) | | No |
#### v2GetWorkspaceProfileResponse
@ -1581,6 +1911,12 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| description | string | | No |
| image | string | | No |
#### v2ListIdentityProvidersResponse
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| identityProviders | [ [apiv2IdentityProvider](#apiv2identityprovider) ] | | No |
#### v2ListInboxesResponse
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
@ -1597,7 +1933,7 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| reactions | [ [apiv2Reaction](#apiv2reaction) ] | | No |
| reactions | [ [v2Reaction](#v2reaction) ] | | No |
#### v2ListMemoRelationsResponse
@ -1624,6 +1960,12 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| resources | [ [v2Resource](#v2resource) ] | | No |
#### v2ListStoragesResponse
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| storages | [ [apiv2Storage](#apiv2storage) ] | | No |
#### v2ListTagsResponse
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
@ -1646,7 +1988,13 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| webhooks | [ [apiv2Webhook](#apiv2webhook) ] | | No |
| webhooks | [ [v2Webhook](#v2webhook) ] | | No |
#### v2ListWorkspaceSettingsResponse
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| settings | [ [apiv2WorkspaceSetting](#apiv2workspacesetting) ] | | No |
#### v2Memo
@ -1654,7 +2002,7 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| name | string | The name of the memo. Format: memos/{id} id is the system generated id. | No |
| uid | string | The user defined id of the memo. | No |
| rowStatus | [apiv2RowStatus](#apiv2rowstatus) | | No |
| rowStatus | [v2RowStatus](#v2rowstatus) | | No |
| creator | string | | No |
| createTime | dateTime | | No |
| updateTime | dateTime | | No |
@ -1665,7 +2013,7 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| parentId | integer | | No |
| resources | [ [v2Resource](#v2resource) ] | | No |
| relations | [ [v2MemoRelation](#v2memorelation) ] | | No |
| reactions | [ [apiv2Reaction](#apiv2reaction) ] | | No |
| reactions | [ [v2Reaction](#v2reaction) ] | | No |
#### v2MemoRelation
@ -1681,6 +2029,21 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| v2MemoRelationType | string | | |
#### v2Reaction
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| id | integer | | No |
| creator | string | | No |
| contentId | string | | No |
| reactionType | [v2ReactionType](#v2reactiontype) | | No |
#### v2ReactionType
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| v2ReactionType | string | | |
#### v2RenameTagResponse
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
@ -1695,10 +2058,17 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| uid | string | The user defined id of the resource. | No |
| createTime | dateTime | | No |
| filename | string | | No |
| content | byte | | No |
| externalLink | string | | No |
| type | string | | No |
| size | string (int64) | | No |
| memoId | integer | | No |
| memo | string | | No |
#### v2RowStatus
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| v2RowStatus | string | | |
#### v2SearchMemosResponse
@ -1767,6 +2137,12 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| name | string | | No |
| creator | string | | No |
#### v2UpdateIdentityProviderResponse
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| identityProvider | [apiv2IdentityProvider](#apiv2identityprovider) | The updated identityProvider. | No |
#### v2UpdateInboxResponse
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
@ -1785,6 +2161,12 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| resource | [v2Resource](#v2resource) | | No |
#### v2UpdateStorageResponse
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| storage | [apiv2Storage](#apiv2storage) | | No |
#### v2UpdateUserResponse
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
@ -1801,13 +2183,13 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| webhook | [apiv2Webhook](#apiv2webhook) | | No |
| webhook | [v2Webhook](#v2webhook) | | No |
#### v2UpsertMemoReactionResponse
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| reaction | [apiv2Reaction](#apiv2reaction) | | No |
| reaction | [v2Reaction](#v2reaction) | | No |
#### v2UpsertTagRequest
@ -1834,7 +2216,7 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| avatarUrl | string | | No |
| description | string | | No |
| password | string | | No |
| rowStatus | [apiv2RowStatus](#apiv2rowstatus) | | No |
| rowStatus | [v2RowStatus](#v2rowstatus) | | No |
| createTime | dateTime | | No |
| updateTime | dateTime | | No |
@ -1853,6 +2235,18 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| v2Visibility | string | | |
#### v2Webhook
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| id | integer | | No |
| creatorId | integer | | No |
| createdTime | dateTime | | No |
| updatedTime | dateTime | | No |
| rowStatus | [v2RowStatus](#v2rowstatus) | | No |
| name | string | | No |
| url | string | | No |
#### v2WorkspaceProfile
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
@ -1860,7 +2254,3 @@ GetActivity returns the activity with the given id.
| owner | string | | No |
| version | string | | No |
| mode | string | mode is the instance mode (e.g. "prod", "dev" or "demo"). | No |
| disallowSignup | boolean | disallow_signup is whether the signup is disallowed. | No |
| disablePasswordLogin | boolean | disable_password_login is whether the password login is disabled. | No |
| additionalScript | string | additional_script is the additional script. | No |
| additionalStyle | string | additional_style is the additional style. | No |