@ -30,26 +30,28 @@ func NewFrontendService(profile *profile.Profile, store *store.Store) *FrontendS
func (*FrontendService) Serve(_ context.Context, e *echo.Echo) {
skipper := func(c echo.Context) bool {
apiSkipper := func(c echo.Context) bool {
return util.HasPrefixes(c.Path(), "/api", "/memos.api.v1")
// Route to serve the assets folder without HTML5 fallback.
e.Group("/assets").Use(func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
// Route to serve the main app with HTML5 fallback for SPA behavior.
e.Use(func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
return func(c echo.Context) error {
// Skip API routes.
if apiSkipper(c) {
return next(c)
// Skip `/index.html`.
if c.Path() == "/index.html" {
return next(c)
c.Response().Header().Set(echo.HeaderCacheControl, "max-age=31536000, immutable")
return next(c)
}, middleware.StaticWithConfig(middleware.StaticConfig{
Filesystem: getFileSystem("dist/assets"),
HTML5: false, // Disable fallback to index.html
// Route to serve the main app with HTML5 fallback for SPA behavior.
Filesystem: getFileSystem("dist"),
HTML5: true, // Enable fallback to index.html
Skipper: skipper,
Skipper: apiSkipper,