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19 lines
833 B

%span{ title: session.user_agent }<
= fa_icon "#{session_device_icon(session)} fw", 'aria-label': session_device_icon(session)
= t 'sessions.description',
browser: t("sessions.browsers.#{session.browser}", default: session.browser.to_s),
platform: t("sessions.platforms.#{session.platform}", default: session.platform.to_s)
%samp= session.ip
- if current_session.session_id == session.session_id
= t 'sessions.current_session'
- else
%time.time-ago{ datetime: session.updated_at.iso8601, title: l(session.updated_at) }= l(session.updated_at)
- if current_session.session_id != session.session_id && !current_account.suspended?
= table_link_to 'close', t('sessions.revoke'), settings_session_path(session), method: :delete