You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

66 lines
2.4 KiB

- content_for :page_title do
= t('settings.import')
= simple_form_for @import, url: settings_imports_path do |f|
= f.input :type,
as: :grouped_select,
collection: { constructive: %i(following bookmarks lists), destructive: %i(muting blocking domain_blocking) },
group_label_method: ->(group) { I18n.t("imports.type_groups.#{group.first}") },
group_method: :last,
hint: t('imports.preface'),
include_blank: false,
label_method: ->(type) { I18n.t("imports.types.#{type}") },
wrapper: :with_block_label
= f.input :data,
as: :file,
hint: t(''),
wrapper: :with_block_label
= f.input :mode,
as: :radio_buttons,
collection_wrapper_tag: 'ul',
collection: Import::MODES,
item_wrapper_tag: 'li',
label_method: ->(mode) { safe_join([I18n.t("imports.modes.#{mode}"), content_tag(:span, I18n.t("imports.modes.#{mode}_long"), class: 'hint')]) }
= f.button :button, t('imports.upload'), type: :submit
- unless @recent_imports.empty?
%h3= t('imports.recent_imports')
%th= t('imports.type')
%th= t('imports.status')
%th= t('imports.imported')
%th= t('imports.time_started')
%th= t('imports.failures')
- @recent_imports.each do |import|
%td= t("imports.types.#{import.type}")
- if import.state_unconfirmed?
= link_to t("imports.states.#{import.state}"), settings_import_path(import)
- else
= t("imports.states.#{import.state}")
#{import.imported_items} / #{import.total_items}
%td= l(import.created_at)
- num_failed = import.processed_items - import.imported_items
- if num_failed.positive?
- if import.state_finished?
= link_to num_failed, failures_settings_import_path(import, format: 'csv')
- else
= num_failed