@ -190,40 +190,30 @@ class ActivityPub::ProcessStatusUpdateService < BaseService
def update_mentions!
previous_mentions = @status.active_mentions.includes(:account).to_a
current_mentions = []
unresolved_mentions = []
@raw_mentions.each do |href|
currently_mentioned_account_ids = @raw_mentions.filter_map do |href|
next if href.blank?
account = ActivityPub::TagManager.instance.uri_to_resource(href, Account)
account ||= ActivityPub::FetchRemoteAccountService.new.call(href, request_id: @request_id)
next if account.nil?
mention = previous_mentions.find { |x| x.account_id == account.id }
mention ||= account.mentions.new(status: @status)
current_mentions << mention
rescue Mastodon::UnexpectedResponseError, *Mastodon::HTTP_CONNECTION_ERRORS
# Since previous mentions are about already-known accounts,
# they don't try to resolve again and won't fall into this case.
# In other words, this failure case is only for new mentions and won't
# affect `removed_mentions` so they can safely be retried asynchronously
unresolved_mentions << href
current_mentions.each do |mention|
mention.save if mention.new_record?
@status.mentions.upsert_all(currently_mentioned_account_ids.map { |id| { account_id: id, silent: false } }, unique_by: %w(status_id account_id))
# If previous mentions are no longer contained in the text, convert them
# to silent mentions, since withdrawing access from someone who already
# received a notification might be more confusing
removed_mentions = previous_mentions - current_mentions
Mention.where(id: removed_mentions.map(&:id)).update_all(silent: true) unless removed_mentions.empty?
@status.mentions.where.not(account_id: currently_mentioned_account_ids).update_all(silent: true)
# Queue unresolved mentions for later
unresolved_mentions.uniq.each do |uri|