@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import React from 'react' ;
import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes' ;
import { connect } from 'react-redux' ;
import PropTypes from 'prop-types' ;
import IconButton from './icon_button' ;
import DropdownMenuContainer from '../containers/dropdown_menu_container' ;
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ const messages = defineMessages({
cannot _reblog : { id : 'status.cannot_reblog' , defaultMessage : 'This post cannot be boosted' } ,
favourite : { id : 'status.favourite' , defaultMessage : 'Favourite' } ,
bookmark : { id : 'status.bookmark' , defaultMessage : 'Bookmark' } ,
removeBookmark : { id : 'status.remove_bookmark' , defaultMessage : 'Remove bookmark' } ,
open : { id : 'status.open' , defaultMessage : 'Expand this status' } ,
report : { id : 'status.report' , defaultMessage : 'Report @{name}' } ,
muteConversation : { id : 'status.mute_conversation' , defaultMessage : 'Mute conversation' } ,
@ -34,6 +36,10 @@ const messages = defineMessages({
admin _account : { id : 'status.admin_account' , defaultMessage : 'Open moderation interface for @{name}' } ,
admin _status : { id : 'status.admin_status' , defaultMessage : 'Open this status in the moderation interface' } ,
copy : { id : 'status.copy' , defaultMessage : 'Copy link to status' } ,
blockDomain : { id : 'account.block_domain' , defaultMessage : 'Hide everything from {domain}' } ,
unblockDomain : { id : 'account.unblock_domain' , defaultMessage : 'Unhide {domain}' } ,
unmute : { id : 'account.unmute' , defaultMessage : 'Unmute @{name}' } ,
unblock : { id : 'account.unblock' , defaultMessage : 'Unblock @{name}' } ,
} ) ;
const obfuscatedCount = count => {
@ -46,7 +52,12 @@ const obfuscatedCount = count => {
} ;
export default @ injectIntl
const mapStateToProps = ( state , { status } ) => ( {
relationship : state . getIn ( [ 'relationships' , status . getIn ( [ 'account' , 'id' ] ) ] ) ,
} ) ;
export default @ connect ( mapStateToProps )
@ injectIntl
class StatusActionBar extends ImmutablePureComponent {
static contextTypes = {
@ -55,6 +66,7 @@ class StatusActionBar extends ImmutablePureComponent {
static propTypes = {
status : ImmutablePropTypes . map . isRequired ,
relationship : ImmutablePropTypes . map ,
onReply : PropTypes . func ,
onFavourite : PropTypes . func ,
onReblog : PropTypes . func ,
@ -62,7 +74,11 @@ class StatusActionBar extends ImmutablePureComponent {
onDirect : PropTypes . func ,
onMention : PropTypes . func ,
onMute : PropTypes . func ,
onUnmute : PropTypes . func ,
onBlock : PropTypes . func ,
onUnblock : PropTypes . func ,
onBlockDomain : PropTypes . func ,
onUnblockDomain : PropTypes . func ,
onReport : PropTypes . func ,
onEmbed : PropTypes . func ,
onMuteConversation : PropTypes . func ,
@ -76,6 +92,7 @@ class StatusActionBar extends ImmutablePureComponent {
// evaluate to false. See react-immutable-pure-component for usage.
updateOnProps = [
'status' ,
'relationship' ,
'withDismiss' ,
@ -141,11 +158,39 @@ class StatusActionBar extends ImmutablePureComponent {
handleMuteClick = ( ) => {
this . props . onMute ( this . props . status . get ( 'account' ) ) ;
const { status , relationship , onMute , onUnmute } = this . props ;
const account = status . get ( 'account' ) ;
if ( relationship && relationship . get ( 'muting' ) ) {
onUnmute ( account ) ;
} else {
onMute ( account ) ;
handleBlockClick = ( ) => {
this . props . onBlock ( this . props . status ) ;
const { status , relationship , onBlock , onUnblock } = this . props ;
const account = status . get ( 'account' ) ;
if ( relationship && relationship . get ( 'blocking' ) ) {
onBlock ( status ) ;
} else {
onUnblock ( account ) ;
handleBlockDomain = ( ) => {
const { status , onBlockDomain } = this . props ;
const account = status . get ( 'account' ) ;
onBlockDomain ( account . get ( 'acct' ) . split ( '@' ) [ 1 ] ) ;
handleUnblockDomain = ( ) => {
const { status , onUnblockDomain } = this . props ;
const account = status . get ( 'account' ) ;
onUnblockDomain ( account . get ( 'acct' ) . split ( '@' ) [ 1 ] ) ;
handleOpen = ( ) => {
@ -184,11 +229,12 @@ class StatusActionBar extends ImmutablePureComponent {
render ( ) {
const { status , intl, withDismiss } = this . props ;
const { status , relationship, intl, withDismiss } = this . props ;
const mutingConversation = status . get ( 'muted' ) ;
const anonymousAccess = ! me ;
const publicStatus = [ 'public' , 'unlisted' ] . includes ( status . get ( 'visibility' ) ) ;
const account = status . get ( 'account' ) ;
let menu = [ ] ;
let reblogIcon = 'retweet' ;
@ -202,6 +248,7 @@ class StatusActionBar extends ImmutablePureComponent {
menu . push ( { text : intl . formatMessage ( messages . embed ) , action : this . handleEmbed } ) ;
menu . push ( { text : intl . formatMessage ( status . get ( 'bookmarked' ) ? messages . removeBookmark : messages . bookmark ) , action : this . handleBookmarkClick } ) ;
menu . push ( null ) ;
if ( status . getIn ( [ 'account' , 'id' ] ) === me || withDismiss ) {
@ -221,16 +268,39 @@ class StatusActionBar extends ImmutablePureComponent {
menu . push ( { text : intl . formatMessage ( messages . delete ) , action : this . handleDeleteClick } ) ;
menu . push ( { text : intl . formatMessage ( messages . redraft ) , action : this . handleRedraftClick } ) ;
} else {
menu . push ( { text : intl . formatMessage ( messages . mention , { name : status. getIn ( [ 'account' , 'username' ] ) } ) , action : this . handleMentionClick } ) ;
menu . push ( { text : intl . formatMessage ( messages . direct , { name : status. getIn ( [ 'account' , 'username' ] ) } ) , action : this . handleDirectClick } ) ;
menu . push ( { text : intl . formatMessage ( messages . mention , { name : account. get ( 'username' ) } ) , action : this . handleMentionClick } ) ;
menu . push ( { text : intl . formatMessage ( messages . direct , { name : account. get ( 'username' ) } ) , action : this . handleDirectClick } ) ;
menu . push ( null ) ;
menu . push ( { text : intl . formatMessage ( messages . mute , { name : status . getIn ( [ 'account' , 'username' ] ) } ) , action : this . handleMuteClick } ) ;
menu . push ( { text : intl . formatMessage ( messages . block , { name : status . getIn ( [ 'account' , 'username' ] ) } ) , action : this . handleBlockClick } ) ;
menu . push ( { text : intl . formatMessage ( messages . report , { name : status . getIn ( [ 'account' , 'username' ] ) } ) , action : this . handleReport } ) ;
if ( relationship && relationship . get ( 'muting' ) ) {
menu . push ( { text : intl . formatMessage ( messages . unmute , { name : account . get ( 'username' ) } ) , action : this . handleMuteClick } ) ;
} else {
menu . push ( { text : intl . formatMessage ( messages . mute , { name : account . get ( 'username' ) } ) , action : this . handleMuteClick } ) ;
if ( relationship && relationship . get ( 'blocking' ) ) {
menu . push ( { text : intl . formatMessage ( messages . unblock , { name : account . get ( 'username' ) } ) , action : this . handleBlockClick } ) ;
} else {
menu . push ( { text : intl . formatMessage ( messages . block , { name : account . get ( 'username' ) } ) , action : this . handleBlockClick } ) ;
menu . push ( { text : intl . formatMessage ( messages . report , { name : account . get ( 'username' ) } ) , action : this . handleReport } ) ;
if ( account . get ( 'acct' ) !== account . get ( 'username' ) ) {
const domain = account . get ( 'acct' ) . split ( '@' ) [ 1 ] ;
menu . push ( null ) ;
if ( relationship && relationship . get ( 'domain_blocking' ) ) {
menu . push ( { text : intl . formatMessage ( messages . unblockDomain , { domain } ) , action : this . handleUnblockDomain } ) ;
} else {
menu . push ( { text : intl . formatMessage ( messages . blockDomain , { domain } ) , action : this . handleBlockDomain } ) ;
if ( isStaff ) {
menu . push ( null ) ;
menu . push ( { text : intl . formatMessage ( messages . admin _account , { name : status . getIn ( [ 'account' , 'username' ] ) } ) , href : ` /admin/accounts/ ${ status . getIn ( [ 'account' , 'id' ] ) } ` } ) ;
menu . push ( { text : intl . formatMessage ( messages . admin _account , { name : account. get ( 'username' ) } ) , href : ` /admin/accounts/ ${ status . getIn ( [ 'account' , 'id' ] ) } ` } ) ;
menu . push ( { text : intl . formatMessage ( messages . admin _status ) , href : ` /admin/accounts/ ${ status . getIn ( [ 'account' , 'id' ] ) } /statuses/ ${ status . get ( 'id' ) } ` } ) ;
@ -259,7 +329,6 @@ class StatusActionBar extends ImmutablePureComponent {
< IconButton className = 'status__action-bar-button' disabled = { ! publicStatus } active = { status . get ( 'reblogged' ) } pressed = { status . get ( 'reblogged' ) } title = { ! publicStatus ? intl . formatMessage ( messages . cannot _reblog ) : intl . formatMessage ( messages . reblog ) } icon = { reblogIcon } onClick = { this . handleReblogClick } / >
< IconButton className = 'status__action-bar-button star-icon' animate active = { status . get ( 'favourited' ) } pressed = { status . get ( 'favourited' ) } title = { intl . formatMessage ( messages . favourite ) } icon = 'star' onClick = { this . handleFavouriteClick } / >
{ shareButton }
< IconButton className = 'status__action-bar-button bookmark-icon' disabled = { anonymousAccess } active = { status . get ( 'bookmarked' ) } pressed = { status . get ( 'bookmarked' ) } title = { intl . formatMessage ( messages . bookmark ) } icon = 'bookmark' onClick = { this . handleBookmarkClick } / >
< div className = 'status__action-bar-dropdown' >
< DropdownMenuContainer disabled = { anonymousAccess } status = { status } items = { menu } icon = 'ellipsis-h' size = { 18 } direction = 'right' title = { intl . formatMessage ( messages . more ) } / >