mirror of https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon
Streaming: Refactor move database and redis logic into separate files (#31567)
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import pg from 'pg';
import pgConnectionString from 'pg-connection-string';
import { parseIntFromEnvValue } from './utils.js';
* @param {NodeJS.ProcessEnv} env the `process.env` value to read configuration from
* @param {string} environment
* @returns {pg.PoolConfig} the configuration for the PostgreSQL connection
export function configFromEnv(env, environment) {
/** @type {Record<string, pg.PoolConfig>} */
const pgConfigs = {
development: {
user: env.DB_USER || pg.defaults.user,
password: env.DB_PASS || pg.defaults.password,
database: env.DB_NAME || 'mastodon_development',
host: env.DB_HOST || pg.defaults.host,
port: parseIntFromEnvValue(env.DB_PORT, pg.defaults.port ?? 5432, 'DB_PORT')
production: {
user: env.DB_USER || 'mastodon',
password: env.DB_PASS || '',
database: env.DB_NAME || 'mastodon_production',
host: env.DB_HOST || 'localhost',
port: parseIntFromEnvValue(env.DB_PORT, 5432, 'DB_PORT')
* @type {pg.PoolConfig}
let baseConfig = {};
if (env.DATABASE_URL) {
const parsedUrl = pgConnectionString.parse(env.DATABASE_URL);
// The result of dbUrlToConfig from pg-connection-string is not type
// compatible with pg.PoolConfig, since parts of the connection URL may be
// `null` when pg.PoolConfig expects `undefined`, as such we have to
// manually create the baseConfig object from the properties of the
// parsedUrl.
// For more information see:
// https://github.com/brianc/node-postgres/issues/2280
// FIXME: clean up once brianc/node-postgres#3128 lands
if (typeof parsedUrl.password === 'string') baseConfig.password = parsedUrl.password;
if (typeof parsedUrl.host === 'string') baseConfig.host = parsedUrl.host;
if (typeof parsedUrl.user === 'string') baseConfig.user = parsedUrl.user;
if (typeof parsedUrl.port === 'string') {
const parsedPort = parseInt(parsedUrl.port, 10);
if (isNaN(parsedPort)) {
throw new Error('Invalid port specified in DATABASE_URL environment variable');
baseConfig.port = parsedPort;
if (typeof parsedUrl.database === 'string') baseConfig.database = parsedUrl.database;
if (typeof parsedUrl.options === 'string') baseConfig.options = parsedUrl.options;
// The pg-connection-string type definition isn't correct, as parsedUrl.ssl
// can absolutely be an Object, this is to work around these incorrect
// types, including the casting of parsedUrl.ssl to Record<string, any>
if (typeof parsedUrl.ssl === 'boolean') {
baseConfig.ssl = parsedUrl.ssl;
} else if (typeof parsedUrl.ssl === 'object' && !Array.isArray(parsedUrl.ssl) && parsedUrl.ssl !== null) {
/** @type {Record<string, any>} */
const sslOptions = parsedUrl.ssl;
baseConfig.ssl = {};
baseConfig.ssl.cert = sslOptions.cert;
baseConfig.ssl.key = sslOptions.key;
baseConfig.ssl.ca = sslOptions.ca;
baseConfig.ssl.rejectUnauthorized = sslOptions.rejectUnauthorized;
// Support overriding the database password in the connection URL
if (!baseConfig.password && env.DB_PASS) {
baseConfig.password = env.DB_PASS;
} else if (Object.hasOwn(pgConfigs, environment)) {
baseConfig = pgConfigs[environment];
if (env.DB_SSLMODE) {
switch(env.DB_SSLMODE) {
case 'disable':
case '':
baseConfig.ssl = false;
case 'no-verify':
baseConfig.ssl = { rejectUnauthorized: false };
baseConfig.ssl = {};
} else {
throw new Error('Unable to resolve postgresql database configuration.');
return {
max: parseIntFromEnvValue(env.DB_POOL, 10, 'DB_POOL'),
connectionTimeoutMillis: 15000,
// Deliberately set application_name to an empty string to prevent excessive
// CPU usage with PG Bouncer. See:
// - https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/pull/23958
// - https://github.com/pgbouncer/pgbouncer/issues/349
application_name: '',
let pool;
* @param {pg.PoolConfig} config
* @returns {pg.Pool}
export function getPool(config) {
if (pool) {
return pool;
pool = new pg.Pool(config);
return pool;
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
import { Redis } from 'ioredis';
import { parseIntFromEnvValue } from './utils.js';
* @typedef RedisConfiguration
* @property {import('ioredis').RedisOptions} redisParams
* @property {string} redisPrefix
* @property {string|undefined} redisUrl
* @param {NodeJS.ProcessEnv} env the `process.env` value to read configuration from
* @returns {RedisConfiguration} configuration for the Redis connection
export function configFromEnv(env) {
// ioredis *can* transparently add prefixes for us, but it doesn't *in some cases*,
// which means we can't use it. But this is something that should be looked into.
const redisPrefix = env.REDIS_NAMESPACE ? `${env.REDIS_NAMESPACE}:` : '';
let redisPort = parseIntFromEnvValue(env.REDIS_PORT, 6379, 'REDIS_PORT');
let redisDatabase = parseIntFromEnvValue(env.REDIS_DB, 0, 'REDIS_DB');
/** @type {import('ioredis').RedisOptions} */
const redisParams = {
host: env.REDIS_HOST || '',
port: redisPort,
// Force support for both IPv6 and IPv4, by default ioredis sets this to 4,
// only allowing IPv4 connections:
// https://github.com/redis/ioredis/issues/1576
family: 0,
db: redisDatabase,
password: env.REDIS_PASSWORD || undefined,
// redisParams.path takes precedence over host and port.
if (env.REDIS_URL && env.REDIS_URL.startsWith('unix://')) {
redisParams.path = env.REDIS_URL.slice(7);
return {
redisUrl: typeof env.REDIS_URL === 'string' ? env.REDIS_URL : undefined,
* @param {RedisConfiguration} config
* @param {import('pino').Logger} logger
* @returns {Redis}
export function createClient({ redisParams, redisUrl }, logger) {
let client;
if (typeof redisUrl === 'string') {
client = new Redis(redisUrl, redisParams);
} else {
client = new Redis(redisParams);
client.on('error', (err) => logger.error({ err }, 'Redis Client Error!'));
return client;
Reference in New Issue