@ -32,26 +32,33 @@ class FeedManager
# Check if the status should not be added to a feed
# The filter result of the status to a particular feed
# @param [Symbol] timeline_type
# @param [Status] status
# @param [Account|List] receiver
# @return [Boolean]
def filter?(timeline_type, status, receiver)
# @return [void|Symbol] nil, :filter, or :skip_home
def filter(timeline_type, status, receiver)
case timeline_type
when :home
filter_from_home?(status, receiver.id, build_crutches(receiver.id, [status]), :home)
filter_from_home(status, receiver.id, build_crutches(receiver.id, [status]), :home)
when :list
filter_from_list?(status, receiver) || filter_from_home?(status, receiver.account_id, build_crutches(receiver.account_id, [status]), :list)
(filter_from_list?(status, receiver) ? :filter : nil) || filter_from_home(status, receiver.account_id, build_crutches(receiver.account_id, [status]), :list)
when :mentions
filter_from_mentions?(status, receiver.id)
filter_from_mentions?(status, receiver.id) ? :filter : nil
when :tags
filter_from_tags?(status, receiver.id, build_crutches(receiver.id, [status]))
filter_from_tags?(status, receiver.id, build_crutches(receiver.id, [status])) ? :filter : nil
# Check if the status should not be added to a feed
# @param [Symbol] timeline_type
# @param [Status] status
# @param [Account|List] receiver
# @return [Boolean]
def filter?(timeline_type, status, receiver)
!!filter(timeline_type, status, receiver)
# Add a status to a home feed and send a streaming API update
# @param [Account] account
# @param [Status] status
@ -125,7 +132,7 @@ class FeedManager
crutches = build_crutches(into_account.id, statuses)
statuses.each do |status|
next if filter_from_home?(status, into_account.id, crutches)
next if filter_from_home(status, into_account.id, crutches)
add_to_feed(:home, into_account.id, status, aggregate_reblogs: aggregate)
@ -153,7 +160,7 @@ class FeedManager
crutches = build_crutches(list.account_id, statuses)
statuses.each do |status|
next if filter_from_home?(status, list.account_id, crutches) || filter_from_list?(status, list)
next if filter_from_home(status, list.account_id, crutches) || filter_from_list?(status, list)
add_to_feed(:list, list.id, status, aggregate_reblogs: aggregate)
@ -285,7 +292,7 @@ class FeedManager
crutches = build_crutches(account.id, statuses)
statuses.each do |status|
next if filter_from_home?(status, account.id, crutches)
next if filter_from_home(status, account.id, crutches)
add_to_feed(:home, account.id, status, aggregate_reblogs: aggregate)
@ -378,12 +385,12 @@ class FeedManager
# @param [Status] status
# @param [Integer] receiver_id
# @param [Hash] crutches
# @return [Boolean]
def filter_from_home?(status, receiver_id, crutches, timeline_type = :home)
return false if receiver_id == status.account_id
return true if status.reply? && (status.in_reply_to_id.nil? || status.in_reply_to_account_id.nil?)
return true if timeline_type != :list && crutches[:exclusive_list_users][status.account_id].present?
return true if crutches[:languages][status.account_id].present? && status.language.present? && !crutches[:languages][status.account_id].include?(status.language)
# @return [void|Symbol] nil, :skip_home, or :filter
def filter_from_home(status, receiver_id, crutches, timeline_type = :home)
return if receiver_id == status.account_id
return :filter if status.reply? && (status.in_reply_to_id.nil? || status.in_reply_to_account_id.nil?)
return :skip_home if timeline_type != :list && crutches[:exclusive_list_users][status.account_id].present?
return :filter if crutches[:languages][status.account_id].present? && status.language.present? && !crutches[:languages][status.account_id].include?(status.language)
check_for_blocks = crutches[:active_mentions][status.id] || []
@ -393,24 +400,22 @@ class FeedManager
check_for_blocks.concat(crutches[:active_mentions][status.reblog_of_id] || [])
return true if check_for_blocks.any? { |target_account_id| crutches[:blocking][target_account_id] || crutches[:muting][target_account_id] }
return true if crutches[:blocked_by][status.account_id]
return :filter if check_for_blocks.any? { |target_account_id| crutches[:blocking][target_account_id] || crutches[:muting][target_account_id] }
return :filter if crutches[:blocked_by][status.account_id]
if status.reply? && !status.in_reply_to_account_id.nil? # Filter out if it's a reply
should_filter = !crutches[:following][status.in_reply_to_account_id] # and I'm not following the person it's a reply to
should_filter &&= receiver_id != status.in_reply_to_account_id # and it's not a reply to me
should_filter &&= status.account_id != status.in_reply_to_account_id # and it's not a self-reply
return !!should_filter
elsif status.reblog? # Filter out a reblog
should_filter = crutches[:hiding_reblogs][status.account_id] # if the reblogger's reblogs are suppressed
should_filter ||= crutches[:blocked_by][status.reblog.account_id] # or if the author of the reblogged status is blocking me
should_filter ||= crutches[:domain_blocking][status.reblog.account.domain] # or the author's domain is blocked
return !!should_filter
should_filter = false
should_filter ? :filter : nil
# Check if status should not be added to the mentions feed