# Can be removed once all rules are addressed or moved to this file as documented overrides
inherit_from: .rubocop_todo.yml
# Used for merging with exclude lists with .rubocop_todo.yml
- Exclude
- rubocop-rails
linting: RuboCop update, config fixes (#20574)
* fix(rubocop): update gems and add performance and rspec
fix(rubocop): update gems and add performance and rspec
- update present rubocop gems
- add rubocop-rspec and rubocop-performance gems
- move rubocop gems to gem group :development, :test in order to
make linting in a github action that runs with RAILS_ENV=test possible
* feat(rubocop): disable some annoyance RSpec cops
To mee these prooved to be more annoying than helpful.
If not agreed, they can be enabled any time.
* fix(rubocop): do not ignore spec/**/*
Because rubocop-rspec should lint the specs as well, and they
deserve to be readable in general. It is relevant code, after all.
* fix(rubocop): change ignore db/**/* to db/schema.rb
because rails cops do some lints for migrations.
E.g. reversable migrations linting and more.
* fix(rubocop): tune rules configs
Bunch of commits squashed:
fix(rubocop): enable Layout/LineLength cop
Because this project has code with line lenghts > 500 chars.
This is not good practice at all, so I strongly suggest to
change the practice in the future.
But allow heredoc, URI and comments to still be long lines
and make the default Max: 120 explicit, by repeating it in the
config. To me this max length seems reasonable. Perhaps
a bit more could be ok for some. But > 500 chars in one line
Seems to be way too long IMHO.
fix(rubocop): Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity Max to 12
The default is 7, perhaps quite strict. But 25 is too loose,
the rule becomes pointless like that.
fix(rubocop): AllCops ruby version, cacheing and more info
- fix the target ruby version from 2.5 to 3.0
- have the cop error messages to be more informative and helpful
- enable cacheing in /tmp
fix(rubocop): Metrics/AbcSize to 34 from 115
Rubocops default is 17. If the rule is at 115 is becomes
fix(rubocop): Metrics/BlockLength improvements
- instead of ignoring tasks completely, ignore only the
long blocks that are specific to tasks (task, namespace)
- ignore also concern specific block methods (included, class_methods)
fix(rubocop): Metrics/ClassLength count heredoc array as one line
fix(rubocop): Metrics/MethodLength Max to 25
- the default is 10, but 65 is too loose, so perhaps 25?
fix(rubocop): Metrics/ModuleLength array and heredoc count as one
fix(rubocop): Metrics/PerceivedComplexity to 16 from 25
Rubocops default is 8, so how about only doubling that, instead
of > than tripple it?
fix(rubocop): enable Style/RedundantAssignment
Because I think that this rule would never really hurt,
but improve code quality and readability.
fix(rubocop): enable Style/RescueStandardError
I think everyone that ever had to debug what this can bring
will hopefully agree that this rule totally makes sense.
In the super rare exeptions where this is totally needed,
it can be excluded by disabling comment in that place.
fix(rubocop): Metrics/ParameterLists add explicit defaults and some excludes
2 years ago
- rubocop-rspec
- rubocop-performance
- rubocop-capybara
- ./lib/linter/rubocop_middle_dot
TargetRubyVersion: 3.0 # Set to minimum supported version of CI
linting: RuboCop update, config fixes (#20574)
* fix(rubocop): update gems and add performance and rspec
fix(rubocop): update gems and add performance and rspec
- update present rubocop gems
- add rubocop-rspec and rubocop-performance gems
- move rubocop gems to gem group :development, :test in order to
make linting in a github action that runs with RAILS_ENV=test possible
* feat(rubocop): disable some annoyance RSpec cops
To mee these prooved to be more annoying than helpful.
If not agreed, they can be enabled any time.
* fix(rubocop): do not ignore spec/**/*
Because rubocop-rspec should lint the specs as well, and they
deserve to be readable in general. It is relevant code, after all.
* fix(rubocop): change ignore db/**/* to db/schema.rb
because rails cops do some lints for migrations.
E.g. reversable migrations linting and more.
* fix(rubocop): tune rules configs
Bunch of commits squashed:
fix(rubocop): enable Layout/LineLength cop
Because this project has code with line lenghts > 500 chars.
This is not good practice at all, so I strongly suggest to
change the practice in the future.
But allow heredoc, URI and comments to still be long lines
and make the default Max: 120 explicit, by repeating it in the
config. To me this max length seems reasonable. Perhaps
a bit more could be ok for some. But > 500 chars in one line
Seems to be way too long IMHO.
fix(rubocop): Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity Max to 12
The default is 7, perhaps quite strict. But 25 is too loose,
the rule becomes pointless like that.
fix(rubocop): AllCops ruby version, cacheing and more info
- fix the target ruby version from 2.5 to 3.0
- have the cop error messages to be more informative and helpful
- enable cacheing in /tmp
fix(rubocop): Metrics/AbcSize to 34 from 115
Rubocops default is 17. If the rule is at 115 is becomes
fix(rubocop): Metrics/BlockLength improvements
- instead of ignoring tasks completely, ignore only the
long blocks that are specific to tasks (task, namespace)
- ignore also concern specific block methods (included, class_methods)
fix(rubocop): Metrics/ClassLength count heredoc array as one line
fix(rubocop): Metrics/MethodLength Max to 25
- the default is 10, but 65 is too loose, so perhaps 25?
fix(rubocop): Metrics/ModuleLength array and heredoc count as one
fix(rubocop): Metrics/PerceivedComplexity to 16 from 25
Rubocops default is 8, so how about only doubling that, instead
of > than tripple it?
fix(rubocop): enable Style/RedundantAssignment
Because I think that this rule would never really hurt,
but improve code quality and readability.
fix(rubocop): enable Style/RescueStandardError
I think everyone that ever had to debug what this can bring
will hopefully agree that this rule totally makes sense.
In the super rare exeptions where this is totally needed,
it can be excluded by disabling comment in that place.
fix(rubocop): Metrics/ParameterLists add explicit defaults and some excludes
2 years ago
DisplayCopNames: true
DisplayStyleGuide: true
ExtraDetails: true
UseCache: true
CacheRootDirectory: tmp
NewCops: enable # Opt-in to newly added rules
linting: RuboCop update, config fixes (#20574)
* fix(rubocop): update gems and add performance and rspec
fix(rubocop): update gems and add performance and rspec
- update present rubocop gems
- add rubocop-rspec and rubocop-performance gems
- move rubocop gems to gem group :development, :test in order to
make linting in a github action that runs with RAILS_ENV=test possible
* feat(rubocop): disable some annoyance RSpec cops
To mee these prooved to be more annoying than helpful.
If not agreed, they can be enabled any time.
* fix(rubocop): do not ignore spec/**/*
Because rubocop-rspec should lint the specs as well, and they
deserve to be readable in general. It is relevant code, after all.
* fix(rubocop): change ignore db/**/* to db/schema.rb
because rails cops do some lints for migrations.
E.g. reversable migrations linting and more.
* fix(rubocop): tune rules configs
Bunch of commits squashed:
fix(rubocop): enable Layout/LineLength cop
Because this project has code with line lenghts > 500 chars.
This is not good practice at all, so I strongly suggest to
change the practice in the future.
But allow heredoc, URI and comments to still be long lines
and make the default Max: 120 explicit, by repeating it in the
config. To me this max length seems reasonable. Perhaps
a bit more could be ok for some. But > 500 chars in one line
Seems to be way too long IMHO.
fix(rubocop): Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity Max to 12
The default is 7, perhaps quite strict. But 25 is too loose,
the rule becomes pointless like that.
fix(rubocop): AllCops ruby version, cacheing and more info
- fix the target ruby version from 2.5 to 3.0
- have the cop error messages to be more informative and helpful
- enable cacheing in /tmp
fix(rubocop): Metrics/AbcSize to 34 from 115
Rubocops default is 17. If the rule is at 115 is becomes
fix(rubocop): Metrics/BlockLength improvements
- instead of ignoring tasks completely, ignore only the
long blocks that are specific to tasks (task, namespace)
- ignore also concern specific block methods (included, class_methods)
fix(rubocop): Metrics/ClassLength count heredoc array as one line
fix(rubocop): Metrics/MethodLength Max to 25
- the default is 10, but 65 is too loose, so perhaps 25?
fix(rubocop): Metrics/ModuleLength array and heredoc count as one
fix(rubocop): Metrics/PerceivedComplexity to 16 from 25
Rubocops default is 8, so how about only doubling that, instead
of > than tripple it?
fix(rubocop): enable Style/RedundantAssignment
Because I think that this rule would never really hurt,
but improve code quality and readability.
fix(rubocop): enable Style/RescueStandardError
I think everyone that ever had to debug what this can bring
will hopefully agree that this rule totally makes sense.
In the super rare exeptions where this is totally needed,
it can be excluded by disabling comment in that place.
fix(rubocop): Metrics/ParameterLists add explicit defaults and some excludes
2 years ago
- db/schema.rb
- 'bin/*'
- 'node_modules/**/*'
- 'Vagrantfile'
- 'vendor/**/*'
- 'config/initializers/json_ld*' # Generated files
- 'lib/mastodon/migration_helpers.rb' # Vendored from GitLab
- 'lib/templates/**/*'
# Reason: Prefer Hashes without extreme indentation
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/cops_layout.html#layoutfirsthashelementindentation
EnforcedStyle: consistent
# Reason: Currently disabled in .rubocop_todo.yml
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/cops_layout.html#layoutlinelength
Max: 320 # Default of 120 causes a duplicate entry in generated todo file
# Reason:
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/cops_lint.html#lintuselessaccessmodifier
- class_methods
## Disable most Metrics/*Length cops
# Reason: those are often triggered and force significant refactors when this happend
# but the team feel they are not really improving the code quality.
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/cops_metrics.html#metricsblocklength
Enabled: false
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/cops_metrics.html#metricsclasslength
Enabled: false
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/cops_metrics.html#metricsmethodlength
Enabled: false
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/cops_metrics.html#metricsmodulelength
Enabled: false
## End Disable Metrics/*Length cops
# Reason: Currently disabled in .rubocop_todo.yml
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/cops_metrics.html#metricsabcsize
- 'lib/mastodon/cli/*.rb'
# Reason: Currently disabled in .rubocop_todo.yml
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/cops_metrics.html#metricscyclomaticcomplexity
- lib/mastodon/cli/*.rb
# Reason:
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/cops_metrics.html#metricsparameterlists
CountKeywordArgs: false
# Reason: Prevailing style is argument file paths
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rails/cops_rails.html#railsfilepath
EnforcedStyle: arguments
# Reason: Prevailing style uses numeric status codes, matches RSpec/Rails/HttpStatus
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rails/cops_rails.html#railshttpstatus
EnforcedStyle: numeric
# Reason: Conflicts with `Lint/UselessMethodDefinition` for inherited controller actions
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rails/cops_rails.html#railslexicallyscopedactionfilter
- 'app/controllers/auth/*'
# Reason: These tasks are doing local work which do not need full env loaded
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rails/cops_rails.html#railsrakeenvironment
- 'lib/tasks/auto_annotate_models.rake'
- 'lib/tasks/emojis.rake'
- 'lib/tasks/mastodon.rake'
- 'lib/tasks/repo.rake'
- 'lib/tasks/statistics.rake'
# Reason: There are appropriate times to use these features
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rails/cops_rails.html#railsskipsmodelvalidations
Enabled: false
# Reason: We want to preserve the ability to migrate from arbitrary old versions,
# and cannot guarantee that every installation has run every migration as they upgrade.
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rails/cops_rails.html#railsunusedignoredcolumns
Enabled: false
# Reason: Prevailing style choice
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rails/cops_rails.html#railsnegateinclude
Enabled: false
# Reason: Enforce default limit, but allow some elements to span lines
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rspec/cops_rspec.html#rspecexamplelength
CountAsOne: ['array', 'heredoc', 'method_call']
# Reason: Deprecated cop, will be removed in 3.0, replaced by SpecFilePathFormat
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rspec/cops_rspec.html#rspecfilepath
Enabled: false
# Reason:
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rspec/cops_rspec.html#rspecnamedsubject
EnforcedStyle: named_only
# Reason: Prevailing style choice
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rspec/cops_rspec.html#rspecnottonot
EnforcedStyle: to_not
# Reason: Prevailing style uses numeric status codes, matches Rails/HttpStatus
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rspec/cops_rspec_rails.html#rspecrailshttpstatus
EnforcedStyle: numeric
# Reason: Match overrides from Rspec/FilePath rule above
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rspec/cops_rspec.html#rspecspecfilepathformat
ActivityPub: activitypub
DeepL: deepl
FetchOEmbedService: fetch_oembed_service
OEmbedController: oembed_controller
OStatus: ostatus
# Reason:
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/cops_style.html#styleclassandmodulechildren
Enabled: false
# Reason: Classes mostly self-document with their names
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/cops_style.html#styledocumentation
Enabled: false
# Reason: Route redirects are not token-formatted and must be skipped
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/cops_style.html#styleformatstringtoken
- AllowedMethods # The rubocop-rails config adds `redirect`
- redirect_with_vary
# Reason: Enforce modern Ruby style
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/cops_style.html#stylehashsyntax
EnforcedStyle: ruby19_no_mixed_keys
# Reason:
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/cops_style.html#stylenumericliterals
- \d{4}_\d{2}_\d{2}_\d{6} # For DB migration date version number readability
# Reason:
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/cops_style.html#stylepercentliteraldelimiters
'%i': '()'
'%w': '()'
# Reason: Prefer less indentation in conditional assignments
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/cops_style.html#styleredundantbegin
Enabled: false
# Reason: Overridden to reduce implicit StandardError rescues
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/cops_style.html#stylerescuestandarderror
EnforcedStyle: implicit
# Reason: Simplify some spec layouts
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/cops_style.html#stylesemicolon
AllowAsExpressionSeparator: true
# Reason: Originally disabled for CodeClimate, and no config consensus has been found
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/cops_style.html#stylesymbolarray
Enabled: false
# Reason:
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/cops_style.html#styletrailingcommainarrayliteral
EnforcedStyleForMultiline: 'comma'
# Reason:
# https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/cops_style.html#styletrailingcommainhashliteral
EnforcedStyleForMultiline: 'comma'
Enabled: true