# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'sidekiq_unique_jobs/web'
require 'sidekiq-scheduler/web'
Rails.application.routes.draw do
root 'home#index'
mount LetterOpenerWeb::Engine, at: 'letter_opener' if Rails.env.development?
get 'health', to: 'health#show'
authenticate :user, lambda { |u| u.role&.can?(:view_devops) } do
mount Sidekiq::Web, at: 'sidekiq', as: :sidekiq
mount PgHero::Engine, at: 'pghero', as: :pghero
use_doorkeeper do
controllers authorizations: 'oauth/authorizations',
authorized_applications: 'oauth/authorized_applications',
tokens: 'oauth/tokens'
get '.well-known/host-meta', to: 'well_known/host_meta#show', as: :host_meta, defaults: { format: 'xml' }
get '.well-known/nodeinfo', to: 'well_known/nodeinfo#index', as: :nodeinfo, defaults: { format: 'json' }
get '.well-known/webfinger', to: 'well_known/webfinger#show', as: :webfinger
get '.well-known/change-password', to: redirect('/auth/edit')
get '/nodeinfo/2.0', to: 'well_known/nodeinfo#show', as: :nodeinfo_schema
get 'manifest', to: 'manifests#show', defaults: { format: 'json' }
get 'intent', to: 'intents#show'
get 'custom.css', to: 'custom_css#show', as: :custom_css
resource :instance_actor, path: 'actor', only: [:show] do
resource :inbox, only: [:create], module: :activitypub
resource :outbox, only: [:show], module: :activitypub
devise_scope :user do
get '/invite/:invite_code', to: 'auth/registrations#new', as: :public_invite
Change unconfirmed user login behaviour (#11375)
Allow access to account settings, 2FA, authorized applications, and
account deletions to unconfirmed and pending users, as well as
users who had their accounts disabled. Suspended users cannot update
their e-mail or password or delete their account.
Display account status on account settings page, for example, when
an account is frozen, limited, unconfirmed or pending review.
After sign up, login users straight away and show a simple page that
tells them the status of their account with links to account settings
and logout, to reduce onboarding friction and allow users to correct
wrongly typed e-mail addresses.
Move the final sign-up step of SSO integrations to be the same
as above to reduce code duplication.
6 years ago
namespace :auth do
resource :setup, only: [:show, :update], controller: :setup
resource :challenge, only: [:create], controller: :challenges
Add WebAuthn as an alternative 2FA method (#14466)
* feat: add possibility of adding WebAuthn security keys to use as 2FA
This adds a basic UI for enabling WebAuthn 2FA. We did a little refactor
to the Settings page for editing the 2FA methods – now it will list the
methods that are available to the user (TOTP and WebAuthn) and from
there they'll be able to add or remove any of them.
Also, it's worth mentioning that for enabling WebAuthn it's required to
have TOTP enabled, so the first time that you go to the 2FA Settings
page, you'll be asked to set it up.
This work was inspired by the one donde by Github in their platform, and
despite it could be approached in different ways, we decided to go with
this one given that we feel that this gives a great UX.
Co-authored-by: Facundo Padula <facundo.padula@cedarcode.com>
* feat: add request for WebAuthn as second factor at login if enabled
This commits adds the feature for using WebAuthn as a second factor for
login when enabled.
If users have WebAuthn enabled, now a page requesting for the use of a
WebAuthn credential for log in will appear, although a link redirecting
to the old page for logging in using a two-factor code will also be
Co-authored-by: Facundo Padula <facundo.padula@cedarcode.com>
* feat: add possibility of deleting WebAuthn Credentials
Co-authored-by: Facundo Padula <facundo.padula@cedarcode.com>
* feat: disable WebAuthn when an Admin disables 2FA for a user
Co-authored-by: Facundo Padula <facundo.padula@cedarcode.com>
* feat: remove ability to disable TOTP leaving only WebAuthn as 2FA
Following examples form other platforms like Github, we decided to make
Webauthn 2FA secondary to 2FA with TOTP, so that we removed the
possibility of removing TOTP authentication only, leaving users with
just WEbAuthn as 2FA. Instead, users will have to click on 'Disable 2FA'
in order to remove second factor auth.
The reason for WebAuthn being secondary to TOPT is that in that way,
users will still be able to log in using their code from their phone's
application if they don't have their security keys with them – or maybe
even lost them.
* We had to change a little the flow for setting up TOTP, given that now
it's possible to setting up again if you already had TOTP, in order to
let users modify their authenticator app – given that now it's not
possible for them to disable TOTP and set it up again with another
authenticator app.
So, basically, now instead of storing the new `otp_secret` in the
user, we store it in the session until the process of set up is
This was because, as it was before, when users clicked on 'Edit' in
the new two-factor methods lists page, but then went back without
finishing the flow, their `otp_secret` had been changed therefore
invalidating their previous authenticator app, making them unable to
log in again using TOTP.
Co-authored-by: Facundo Padula <facundo.padula@cedarcode.com>
* refactor: fix eslint errors
The PR build was failing given that linting returning some errors.
This commit attempts to fix them.
* refactor: normalize i18n translations
The build was failing given that i18n translations files were not
This commits fixes that.
* refactor: avoid having the webauthn gem locked to a specific version
* refactor: use symbols for routes without '/'
* refactor: avoid sending webauthn disabled email when 2FA is disabled
When an admins disable 2FA for users, we were sending two mails
to them, one notifying that 2FA was disabled and the other to notify
that WebAuthn was disabled.
As the second one is redundant since the first email includes it, we can
remove it and send just one email to users.
* refactor: avoid creating new env variable for webauthn_origin config
* refactor: improve flash error messages for webauthn pages
Co-authored-by: Facundo Padula <facundo.padula@cedarcode.com>
5 years ago
get 'sessions/security_key_options', to: 'sessions#webauthn_options'
Change unconfirmed user login behaviour (#11375)
Allow access to account settings, 2FA, authorized applications, and
account deletions to unconfirmed and pending users, as well as
users who had their accounts disabled. Suspended users cannot update
their e-mail or password or delete their account.
Display account status on account settings page, for example, when
an account is frozen, limited, unconfirmed or pending review.
After sign up, login users straight away and show a simple page that
tells them the status of their account with links to account settings
and logout, to reduce onboarding friction and allow users to correct
wrongly typed e-mail addresses.
Move the final sign-up step of SSO integrations to be the same
as above to reduce code duplication.
6 years ago
devise_for :users, path: 'auth', controllers: {
omniauth_callbacks: 'auth/omniauth_callbacks',
sessions: 'auth/sessions',
registrations: 'auth/registrations',
passwords: 'auth/passwords',
confirmations: 'auth/confirmations',
get '/users/:username', to: redirect('/@%{username}'), constraints: lambda { |req| req.format.nil? || req.format.html? }
get '/authorize_follow', to: redirect { |_, request| "/authorize_interaction?#{request.params.to_query}" }
resources :accounts, path: 'users', only: [:show], param: :username do
get :remote_follow, to: 'remote_follow#new'
post :remote_follow, to: 'remote_follow#create'
resources :statuses, only: [:show] do
member do
get :activity
get :embed
resources :replies, only: [:index], module: :activitypub
resources :followers, only: [:index], controller: :follower_accounts
resources :following, only: [:index], controller: :following_accounts
resource :follow, only: [:create], controller: :account_follow
resource :unfollow, only: [:create], controller: :account_unfollow
resource :outbox, only: [:show], module: :activitypub
resource :inbox, only: [:create], module: :activitypub
resource :claim, only: [:create], module: :activitypub
resources :collections, only: [:show], module: :activitypub
Add follower synchronization mechanism (#14510)
* Add support for followers synchronization on the receiving end
Check the `collectionSynchronization` attribute on `Create` and `Announce`
activities and synchronize followers from provided collection if possible.
* Add tests for followers synchronization on the receiving end
* Add support for follower synchronization on the sender's end
* Add tests for the sending end
* Switch from AS attributes to HTTP header
Replace the custom `collectionSynchronization` ActivityStreams attribute by
an HTTP header (`X-AS-Collection-Synchronization`) with the same syntax as
the `Signature` header and the following fields:
- `collectionId` to specify which collection to synchronize
- `digest` for the SHA256 hex-digest of the list of followers known on the
receiving instance (where “receiving instance” is determined by accounts
sharing the same host name for their ActivityPub actor `id`)
- `url` of a collection that should be fetched by the instance actor
Internally, move away from the webfinger-based `domain` attribute and use
account `uri` prefix to group accounts.
* Add environment variable to disable followers synchronization
Since the whole mechanism relies on some new preconditions that, in some
extremely rare cases, might not be met, add an environment variable
(DISABLE_FOLLOWERS_SYNCHRONIZATION) to disable the mechanism altogether and
avoid followers being incorrectly removed.
The current conditions are:
1. all managed accounts' actor `id` and inbox URL have the same URI scheme and
2. all accounts whose actor `id` or inbox URL share the same URI scheme and
netloc as a managed account must be managed by the same Mastodon instance
as well.
As far as Mastodon is concerned, breaking those preconditions require extensive
configuration changes in the reverse proxy and might also cause other issues.
Therefore, this environment variable provides a way out for people with highly
unusual configurations, and can be safely ignored for the overwhelming majority
of Mastodon administrators.
* Only set follower synchronization header on non-public statuses
This is to avoid unnecessary computations and allow Follow-related
activities to be handled by the usual codepath instead of going through
the synchronization mechanism (otherwise, any Follow/Undo/Accept activity
would trigger the synchronization mechanism even if processing the activity
itself would be enough to re-introduce synchronization)
* Change how ActivityPub::SynchronizeFollowersService handles follow requests
If the remote lists a local follower which we only know has sent a follow
request, consider the follow request as accepted instead of sending an Undo.
* Integrate review feeback
- rename X-AS-Collection-Synchronization to Collection-Synchronization
- various minor refactoring and code style changes
* Only select required fields when computing followers_hash
* Use actor URI rather than webfinger domain in synchronization endpoint
* Change hash computation to be a XOR of individual hashes
Makes it much easier to be memory-efficient, and avoid sorting discrepancy issues.
* Marginally improve followers_hash computation speed
* Further improve hash computation performances by using pluck_each
4 years ago
resource :followers_synchronization, only: [:show], module: :activitypub
resource :inbox, only: [:create], module: :activitypub
get '/@:username', to: 'accounts#show', as: :short_account
get '/@:username/with_replies', to: 'accounts#show', as: :short_account_with_replies
get '/@:username/media', to: 'accounts#show', as: :short_account_media
get '/@:username/tagged/:tag', to: 'accounts#show', as: :short_account_tag
get '/@:account_username/:id', to: 'statuses#show', as: :short_account_status
get '/@:account_username/:id/embed', to: 'statuses#embed', as: :embed_short_account_status
get '/interact/:id', to: 'remote_interaction#new', as: :remote_interaction
post '/interact/:id', to: 'remote_interaction#create'
get '/explore', to: 'directories#index', as: :explore
get '/settings', to: redirect('/settings/profile')
namespace :settings do
resource :profile, only: [:show, :update] do
resources :pictures, only: :destroy
get :preferences, to: redirect('/settings/preferences/appearance')
namespace :preferences do
resource :appearance, only: [:show, :update], controller: :appearance
resource :notifications, only: [:show, :update]
resource :other, only: [:show, :update], controller: :other
resource :import, only: [:show, :create]
resource :export, only: [:show, :create]
namespace :exports, constraints: { format: :csv } do
resources :follows, only: :index, controller: :following_accounts
resources :blocks, only: :index, controller: :blocked_accounts
resources :mutes, only: :index, controller: :muted_accounts
resources :lists, only: :index, controller: :lists
resources :domain_blocks, only: :index, controller: :blocked_domains
resources :bookmarks, only: :index, controller: :bookmarks
Add WebAuthn as an alternative 2FA method (#14466)
* feat: add possibility of adding WebAuthn security keys to use as 2FA
This adds a basic UI for enabling WebAuthn 2FA. We did a little refactor
to the Settings page for editing the 2FA methods – now it will list the
methods that are available to the user (TOTP and WebAuthn) and from
there they'll be able to add or remove any of them.
Also, it's worth mentioning that for enabling WebAuthn it's required to
have TOTP enabled, so the first time that you go to the 2FA Settings
page, you'll be asked to set it up.
This work was inspired by the one donde by Github in their platform, and
despite it could be approached in different ways, we decided to go with
this one given that we feel that this gives a great UX.
Co-authored-by: Facundo Padula <facundo.padula@cedarcode.com>
* feat: add request for WebAuthn as second factor at login if enabled
This commits adds the feature for using WebAuthn as a second factor for
login when enabled.
If users have WebAuthn enabled, now a page requesting for the use of a
WebAuthn credential for log in will appear, although a link redirecting
to the old page for logging in using a two-factor code will also be
Co-authored-by: Facundo Padula <facundo.padula@cedarcode.com>
* feat: add possibility of deleting WebAuthn Credentials
Co-authored-by: Facundo Padula <facundo.padula@cedarcode.com>
* feat: disable WebAuthn when an Admin disables 2FA for a user
Co-authored-by: Facundo Padula <facundo.padula@cedarcode.com>
* feat: remove ability to disable TOTP leaving only WebAuthn as 2FA
Following examples form other platforms like Github, we decided to make
Webauthn 2FA secondary to 2FA with TOTP, so that we removed the
possibility of removing TOTP authentication only, leaving users with
just WEbAuthn as 2FA. Instead, users will have to click on 'Disable 2FA'
in order to remove second factor auth.
The reason for WebAuthn being secondary to TOPT is that in that way,
users will still be able to log in using their code from their phone's
application if they don't have their security keys with them – or maybe
even lost them.
* We had to change a little the flow for setting up TOTP, given that now
it's possible to setting up again if you already had TOTP, in order to
let users modify their authenticator app – given that now it's not
possible for them to disable TOTP and set it up again with another
authenticator app.
So, basically, now instead of storing the new `otp_secret` in the
user, we store it in the session until the process of set up is
This was because, as it was before, when users clicked on 'Edit' in
the new two-factor methods lists page, but then went back without
finishing the flow, their `otp_secret` had been changed therefore
invalidating their previous authenticator app, making them unable to
log in again using TOTP.
Co-authored-by: Facundo Padula <facundo.padula@cedarcode.com>
* refactor: fix eslint errors
The PR build was failing given that linting returning some errors.
This commit attempts to fix them.
* refactor: normalize i18n translations
The build was failing given that i18n translations files were not
This commits fixes that.
* refactor: avoid having the webauthn gem locked to a specific version
* refactor: use symbols for routes without '/'
* refactor: avoid sending webauthn disabled email when 2FA is disabled
When an admins disable 2FA for users, we were sending two mails
to them, one notifying that 2FA was disabled and the other to notify
that WebAuthn was disabled.
As the second one is redundant since the first email includes it, we can
remove it and send just one email to users.
* refactor: avoid creating new env variable for webauthn_origin config
* refactor: improve flash error messages for webauthn pages
Co-authored-by: Facundo Padula <facundo.padula@cedarcode.com>
5 years ago
resources :two_factor_authentication_methods, only: [:index] do
collection do
post :disable
resource :otp_authentication, only: [:show, :create], controller: 'two_factor_authentication/otp_authentication'
resources :webauthn_credentials, only: [:index, :new, :create, :destroy],
path: 'security_keys',
controller: 'two_factor_authentication/webauthn_credentials' do
collection do
get :options
namespace :two_factor_authentication do
resources :recovery_codes, only: [:create]
resource :confirmation, only: [:new, :create]
resources :applications, except: [:edit] do
member do
post :regenerate
resource :delete, only: [:show, :destroy]
resource :migration, only: [:show, :create]
namespace :migration do
resource :redirect, only: [:new, :create, :destroy]
resources :aliases, only: [:index, :create, :destroy]
resources :sessions, only: [:destroy]
resources :featured_tags, only: [:index, :create, :destroy]
resources :login_activities, only: [:index]
namespace :disputes do
resources :strikes, only: [:show, :index] do
resource :appeal, only: [:create]
resources :media, only: [:show] do
get :player
resources :tags, only: [:show]
resources :emojis, only: [:show]
resources :invites, only: [:index, :create, :destroy]
resources :filters, except: [:show] do
resources :statuses, only: [:index], controller: 'filters/statuses' do
collection do
post :batch
resource :relationships, only: [:show, :update]
resource :statuses_cleanup, controller: :statuses_cleanup, only: [:show, :update]
get '/public', to: 'public_timelines#show', as: :public_timeline
get '/media_proxy/:id/(*any)', to: 'media_proxy#show', as: :media_proxy
resource :authorize_interaction, only: [:show, :create]
resource :share, only: [:show, :create]
namespace :admin do
get '/dashboard', to: 'dashboard#index'
resources :domain_allows, only: [:new, :create, :show, :destroy]
resources :domain_blocks, only: [:new, :create, :destroy, :update, :edit]
resources :email_domain_blocks, only: [:index, :new, :create] do
collection do
post :batch
resources :action_logs, only: [:index]
Add moderation warnings (#9519)
* Add moderation warnings
Replace individual routes for disabling, silencing, and suspending
a user, as well as the report update route, with a unified account
action controller that allows you to select an action (none,
disable, silence, suspend) as well as whether it should generate an
e-mail notification with optional custom text. That notification,
with the optional custom text, is saved as a warning.
Additionally, there are warning presets you can configure to save
time when performing the above.
* Use Account#local_username_and_domain
6 years ago
resources :warning_presets, except: [:new]
resources :announcements, except: [:show] do
member do
post :publish
post :unpublish
resource :settings, only: [:edit, :update]
resources :site_uploads, only: [:destroy]
resources :invites, only: [:index, :create, :destroy] do
collection do
post :deactivate_all
resources :relays, only: [:index, :new, :create, :destroy] do
member do
post :enable
post :disable
resources :instances, only: [:index, :show, :destroy], constraints: { id: /[^\/]+/ } do
member do
post :clear_delivery_errors
post :restart_delivery
post :stop_delivery
resources :rules
resources :webhooks do
member do
post :enable
post :disable
resource :secret, only: [], controller: 'webhooks/secrets' do
post :rotate
Add moderation warnings (#9519)
* Add moderation warnings
Replace individual routes for disabling, silencing, and suspending
a user, as well as the report update route, with a unified account
action controller that allows you to select an action (none,
disable, silence, suspend) as well as whether it should generate an
e-mail notification with optional custom text. That notification,
with the optional custom text, is saved as a warning.
Additionally, there are warning presets you can configure to save
time when performing the above.
* Use Account#local_username_and_domain
6 years ago
resources :reports, only: [:index, :show] do
resources :actions, only: [:create], controller: 'reports/actions'
Add moderation warnings (#9519)
* Add moderation warnings
Replace individual routes for disabling, silencing, and suspending
a user, as well as the report update route, with a unified account
action controller that allows you to select an action (none,
disable, silence, suspend) as well as whether it should generate an
e-mail notification with optional custom text. That notification,
with the optional custom text, is saved as a warning.
Additionally, there are warning presets you can configure to save
time when performing the above.
* Use Account#local_username_and_domain
6 years ago
member do
post :assign_to_self
post :unassign
post :reopen
post :resolve
resources :report_notes, only: [:create, :destroy]
resources :accounts, only: [:index, :show, :destroy] do
member do
post :enable
post :unsensitive
Add moderation warnings (#9519)
* Add moderation warnings
Replace individual routes for disabling, silencing, and suspending
a user, as well as the report update route, with a unified account
action controller that allows you to select an action (none,
disable, silence, suspend) as well as whether it should generate an
e-mail notification with optional custom text. That notification,
with the optional custom text, is saved as a warning.
Additionally, there are warning presets you can configure to save
time when performing the above.
* Use Account#local_username_and_domain
6 years ago
post :unsilence
post :unsuspend
post :redownload
post :remove_avatar
post :remove_header
post :memorialize
post :approve
post :reject
post :unblock_email
collection do
post :batch
resource :change_email, only: [:show, :update]
resource :reset, only: [:create]
Add moderation warnings (#9519)
* Add moderation warnings
Replace individual routes for disabling, silencing, and suspending
a user, as well as the report update route, with a unified account
action controller that allows you to select an action (none,
disable, silence, suspend) as well as whether it should generate an
e-mail notification with optional custom text. That notification,
with the optional custom text, is saved as a warning.
Additionally, there are warning presets you can configure to save
time when performing the above.
* Use Account#local_username_and_domain
6 years ago
resource :action, only: [:new, :create], controller: 'account_actions'
resources :statuses, only: [:index] do
collection do
post :batch
resources :relationships, only: [:index]
resource :confirmation, only: [:create] do
collection do
post :resend
resources :users, only: [] do
resource :two_factor_authentication, only: [:destroy], controller: 'users/two_factor_authentications'
resource :role, only: [:show, :update], controller: 'users/roles'
resources :custom_emojis, only: [:index, :new, :create] do
collection do
post :batch
resources :ip_blocks, only: [:index, :new, :create] do
collection do
post :batch
resources :roles, except: [:show]
resources :account_moderation_notes, only: [:create, :destroy]
resource :follow_recommendations, only: [:show, :update]
resources :tags, only: [:show, :update]
namespace :trends do
resources :links, only: [:index] do
collection do
post :batch
resources :tags, only: [:index] do
collection do
post :batch
resources :statuses, only: [:index] do
collection do
post :batch
namespace :links do
resources :preview_card_providers, only: [:index], path: :publishers do
collection do
post :batch
namespace :disputes do
resources :appeals, only: [:index] do
member do
post :approve
post :reject
get '/admin', to: redirect('/admin/dashboard', status: 302)
namespace :api do
# OEmbed
get '/oembed', to: 'oembed#show', as: :oembed
namespace :v1 do
resources :statuses, only: [:create, :show, :update, :destroy] do
scope module: :statuses do
resources :reblogged_by, controller: :reblogged_by_accounts, only: :index
resources :favourited_by, controller: :favourited_by_accounts, only: :index
resource :reblog, only: :create
post :unreblog, to: 'reblogs#destroy'
resource :favourite, only: :create
post :unfavourite, to: 'favourites#destroy'
resource :bookmark, only: :create
post :unbookmark, to: 'bookmarks#destroy'
resource :mute, only: :create
post :unmute, to: 'mutes#destroy'
resource :pin, only: :create
post :unpin, to: 'pins#destroy'
resource :history, only: :show
resource :source, only: :show
member do
get :context
namespace :timelines do
resource :home, only: :show, controller: :home
resource :public, only: :show, controller: :public
resources :tag, only: :show
resources :list, only: :show
resources :streaming, only: [:index]
resources :custom_emojis, only: [:index]
resources :suggestions, only: [:index, :destroy]
resources :scheduled_statuses, only: [:index, :show, :update, :destroy]
resources :preferences, only: [:index]
resources :announcements, only: [:index] do
scope module: :announcements do
resources :reactions, only: [:update, :destroy]
member do
post :dismiss
# namespace :crypto do
# resources :deliveries, only: :create
# namespace :keys do
# resource :upload, only: [:create]
# resource :query, only: [:create]
# resource :claim, only: [:create]
# resource :count, only: [:show]
# end
# resources :encrypted_messages, only: [:index] do
# collection do
# post :clear
# end
# end
# end
resources :conversations, only: [:index, :destroy] do
member do
post :read
resources :media, only: [:create, :update, :show]
resources :blocks, only: [:index]
resources :mutes, only: [:index]
resources :favourites, only: [:index]
resources :bookmarks, only: [:index]
resources :reports, only: [:create]
resources :trends, only: [:index], controller: 'trends/tags'
Revamp post filtering system (#18058)
* Add model for custom filter keywords
* Use CustomFilterKeyword internally
Does not change the API
* Fix /filters/edit and /filters/new
* Add migration tests
* Remove whole_word column from custom_filters (covered by custom_filter_keywords)
* Redesign /filters
Instead of a list, present a card that displays more information and handles
multiple keywords per filter.
* Redesign /filters/new and /filters/edit to add and remove keywords
This adds a new gem dependency: cocoon, as well as a npm dependency:
cocoon-js-vanilla. Those are used to easily populate and remove form fields
from the user interface when manipulating multiple keyword filters at once.
* Add /api/v2/filters to edit filter with multiple keywords
- `Filter`: `id`, `title`, `filter_action` (either `hide` or `warn`), `context`
- `FilterKeyword`: `id`, `keyword`, `whole_word`
API endpoits:
- `GET /api/v2/filters` to list filters (including keywords)
- `POST /api/v2/filters` to create a new filter
`keywords_attributes` can also be passed to create keywords in one request
- `GET /api/v2/filters/:id` to read a particular filter
- `PUT /api/v2/filters/:id` to update a new filter
`keywords_attributes` can also be passed to edit, delete or add keywords in
one request
- `DELETE /api/v2/filters/:id` to delete a particular filter
- `GET /api/v2/filters/:id/keywords` to list keywords for a filter
- `POST /api/v2/filters/:filter_id/keywords/:id` to add a new keyword to a
- `GET /api/v2/filter_keywords/:id` to read a particular keyword
- `PUT /api/v2/filter_keywords/:id` to edit a particular keyword
- `DELETE /api/v2/filter_keywords/:id` to delete a particular keyword
* Change from `irreversible` boolean to `action` enum
* Remove irrelevent `irreversible_must_be_within_context` check
* Fix /filters/new and /filters/edit with update for filter_action
* Fix Rubocop/Codeclimate complaining about task names
* Refactor FeedManager#phrase_filtered?
This moves regexp building and filter caching to the `CustomFilter` class.
This does not change the functional behavior yet, but this changes how the
cache is built, doing per-custom_filter regexps so that filters can be matched
independently, while still offering caching.
* Perform server-side filtering and output result in REST API
* Fix numerous filters_changed events being sent when editing multiple keywords at once
* Add some tests
* Use the new API in the WebUI
- use client-side logic for filters we have fetched rules for.
This is so that filter changes can be retroactively applied without
reloading the UI.
- use server-side logic for filters we haven't fetched rules for yet
(e.g. network error, or initial timeline loading)
* Minor optimizations and refactoring
* Perform server-side filtering on the streaming server
* Change the wording of filter action labels
* Fix issues pointed out by linter
* Change design of “Show anyway” link in accordence to review comments
* Drop “irreversible” filtering behavior
* Move /api/v2/filter_keywords to /api/v1/filters/keywords
* Rename `filter_results` attribute to `filtered`
* Rename REST::LegacyFilterSerializer to REST::V1::FilterSerializer
* Fix systemChannelId value in streaming server
* Simplify code by removing client-side filtering code
The simplifcation comes at a cost though: filters aren't retroactively
applied anymore.
3 years ago
resources :filters, only: [:index, :create, :show, :update, :destroy] do
resources :keywords, only: [:index, :create], controller: 'filters/keywords'
resources :statuses, only: [:index, :create], controller: 'filters/statuses'
Revamp post filtering system (#18058)
* Add model for custom filter keywords
* Use CustomFilterKeyword internally
Does not change the API
* Fix /filters/edit and /filters/new
* Add migration tests
* Remove whole_word column from custom_filters (covered by custom_filter_keywords)
* Redesign /filters
Instead of a list, present a card that displays more information and handles
multiple keywords per filter.
* Redesign /filters/new and /filters/edit to add and remove keywords
This adds a new gem dependency: cocoon, as well as a npm dependency:
cocoon-js-vanilla. Those are used to easily populate and remove form fields
from the user interface when manipulating multiple keyword filters at once.
* Add /api/v2/filters to edit filter with multiple keywords
- `Filter`: `id`, `title`, `filter_action` (either `hide` or `warn`), `context`
- `FilterKeyword`: `id`, `keyword`, `whole_word`
API endpoits:
- `GET /api/v2/filters` to list filters (including keywords)
- `POST /api/v2/filters` to create a new filter
`keywords_attributes` can also be passed to create keywords in one request
- `GET /api/v2/filters/:id` to read a particular filter
- `PUT /api/v2/filters/:id` to update a new filter
`keywords_attributes` can also be passed to edit, delete or add keywords in
one request
- `DELETE /api/v2/filters/:id` to delete a particular filter
- `GET /api/v2/filters/:id/keywords` to list keywords for a filter
- `POST /api/v2/filters/:filter_id/keywords/:id` to add a new keyword to a
- `GET /api/v2/filter_keywords/:id` to read a particular keyword
- `PUT /api/v2/filter_keywords/:id` to edit a particular keyword
- `DELETE /api/v2/filter_keywords/:id` to delete a particular keyword
* Change from `irreversible` boolean to `action` enum
* Remove irrelevent `irreversible_must_be_within_context` check
* Fix /filters/new and /filters/edit with update for filter_action
* Fix Rubocop/Codeclimate complaining about task names
* Refactor FeedManager#phrase_filtered?
This moves regexp building and filter caching to the `CustomFilter` class.
This does not change the functional behavior yet, but this changes how the
cache is built, doing per-custom_filter regexps so that filters can be matched
independently, while still offering caching.
* Perform server-side filtering and output result in REST API
* Fix numerous filters_changed events being sent when editing multiple keywords at once
* Add some tests
* Use the new API in the WebUI
- use client-side logic for filters we have fetched rules for.
This is so that filter changes can be retroactively applied without
reloading the UI.
- use server-side logic for filters we haven't fetched rules for yet
(e.g. network error, or initial timeline loading)
* Minor optimizations and refactoring
* Perform server-side filtering on the streaming server
* Change the wording of filter action labels
* Fix issues pointed out by linter
* Change design of “Show anyway” link in accordence to review comments
* Drop “irreversible” filtering behavior
* Move /api/v2/filter_keywords to /api/v1/filters/keywords
* Rename `filter_results` attribute to `filtered`
* Rename REST::LegacyFilterSerializer to REST::V1::FilterSerializer
* Fix systemChannelId value in streaming server
* Simplify code by removing client-side filtering code
The simplifcation comes at a cost though: filters aren't retroactively
applied anymore.
3 years ago
resources :endorsements, only: [:index]
resources :markers, only: [:index, :create]
Revamp post filtering system (#18058)
* Add model for custom filter keywords
* Use CustomFilterKeyword internally
Does not change the API
* Fix /filters/edit and /filters/new
* Add migration tests
* Remove whole_word column from custom_filters (covered by custom_filter_keywords)
* Redesign /filters
Instead of a list, present a card that displays more information and handles
multiple keywords per filter.
* Redesign /filters/new and /filters/edit to add and remove keywords
This adds a new gem dependency: cocoon, as well as a npm dependency:
cocoon-js-vanilla. Those are used to easily populate and remove form fields
from the user interface when manipulating multiple keyword filters at once.
* Add /api/v2/filters to edit filter with multiple keywords
- `Filter`: `id`, `title`, `filter_action` (either `hide` or `warn`), `context`
- `FilterKeyword`: `id`, `keyword`, `whole_word`
API endpoits:
- `GET /api/v2/filters` to list filters (including keywords)
- `POST /api/v2/filters` to create a new filter
`keywords_attributes` can also be passed to create keywords in one request
- `GET /api/v2/filters/:id` to read a particular filter
- `PUT /api/v2/filters/:id` to update a new filter
`keywords_attributes` can also be passed to edit, delete or add keywords in
one request
- `DELETE /api/v2/filters/:id` to delete a particular filter
- `GET /api/v2/filters/:id/keywords` to list keywords for a filter
- `POST /api/v2/filters/:filter_id/keywords/:id` to add a new keyword to a
- `GET /api/v2/filter_keywords/:id` to read a particular keyword
- `PUT /api/v2/filter_keywords/:id` to edit a particular keyword
- `DELETE /api/v2/filter_keywords/:id` to delete a particular keyword
* Change from `irreversible` boolean to `action` enum
* Remove irrelevent `irreversible_must_be_within_context` check
* Fix /filters/new and /filters/edit with update for filter_action
* Fix Rubocop/Codeclimate complaining about task names
* Refactor FeedManager#phrase_filtered?
This moves regexp building and filter caching to the `CustomFilter` class.
This does not change the functional behavior yet, but this changes how the
cache is built, doing per-custom_filter regexps so that filters can be matched
independently, while still offering caching.
* Perform server-side filtering and output result in REST API
* Fix numerous filters_changed events being sent when editing multiple keywords at once
* Add some tests
* Use the new API in the WebUI
- use client-side logic for filters we have fetched rules for.
This is so that filter changes can be retroactively applied without
reloading the UI.
- use server-side logic for filters we haven't fetched rules for yet
(e.g. network error, or initial timeline loading)
* Minor optimizations and refactoring
* Perform server-side filtering on the streaming server
* Change the wording of filter action labels
* Fix issues pointed out by linter
* Change design of “Show anyway” link in accordence to review comments
* Drop “irreversible” filtering behavior
* Move /api/v2/filter_keywords to /api/v1/filters/keywords
* Rename `filter_results` attribute to `filtered`
* Rename REST::LegacyFilterSerializer to REST::V1::FilterSerializer
* Fix systemChannelId value in streaming server
* Simplify code by removing client-side filtering code
The simplifcation comes at a cost though: filters aren't retroactively
applied anymore.
3 years ago
namespace :filters do
resources :keywords, only: [:show, :update, :destroy]
resources :statuses, only: [:show, :destroy]
Revamp post filtering system (#18058)
* Add model for custom filter keywords
* Use CustomFilterKeyword internally
Does not change the API
* Fix /filters/edit and /filters/new
* Add migration tests
* Remove whole_word column from custom_filters (covered by custom_filter_keywords)
* Redesign /filters
Instead of a list, present a card that displays more information and handles
multiple keywords per filter.
* Redesign /filters/new and /filters/edit to add and remove keywords
This adds a new gem dependency: cocoon, as well as a npm dependency:
cocoon-js-vanilla. Those are used to easily populate and remove form fields
from the user interface when manipulating multiple keyword filters at once.
* Add /api/v2/filters to edit filter with multiple keywords
- `Filter`: `id`, `title`, `filter_action` (either `hide` or `warn`), `context`
- `FilterKeyword`: `id`, `keyword`, `whole_word`
API endpoits:
- `GET /api/v2/filters` to list filters (including keywords)
- `POST /api/v2/filters` to create a new filter
`keywords_attributes` can also be passed to create keywords in one request
- `GET /api/v2/filters/:id` to read a particular filter
- `PUT /api/v2/filters/:id` to update a new filter
`keywords_attributes` can also be passed to edit, delete or add keywords in
one request
- `DELETE /api/v2/filters/:id` to delete a particular filter
- `GET /api/v2/filters/:id/keywords` to list keywords for a filter
- `POST /api/v2/filters/:filter_id/keywords/:id` to add a new keyword to a
- `GET /api/v2/filter_keywords/:id` to read a particular keyword
- `PUT /api/v2/filter_keywords/:id` to edit a particular keyword
- `DELETE /api/v2/filter_keywords/:id` to delete a particular keyword
* Change from `irreversible` boolean to `action` enum
* Remove irrelevent `irreversible_must_be_within_context` check
* Fix /filters/new and /filters/edit with update for filter_action
* Fix Rubocop/Codeclimate complaining about task names
* Refactor FeedManager#phrase_filtered?
This moves regexp building and filter caching to the `CustomFilter` class.
This does not change the functional behavior yet, but this changes how the
cache is built, doing per-custom_filter regexps so that filters can be matched
independently, while still offering caching.
* Perform server-side filtering and output result in REST API
* Fix numerous filters_changed events being sent when editing multiple keywords at once
* Add some tests
* Use the new API in the WebUI
- use client-side logic for filters we have fetched rules for.
This is so that filter changes can be retroactively applied without
reloading the UI.
- use server-side logic for filters we haven't fetched rules for yet
(e.g. network error, or initial timeline loading)
* Minor optimizations and refactoring
* Perform server-side filtering on the streaming server
* Change the wording of filter action labels
* Fix issues pointed out by linter
* Change design of “Show anyway” link in accordence to review comments
* Drop “irreversible” filtering behavior
* Move /api/v2/filter_keywords to /api/v1/filters/keywords
* Rename `filter_results` attribute to `filtered`
* Rename REST::LegacyFilterSerializer to REST::V1::FilterSerializer
* Fix systemChannelId value in streaming server
* Simplify code by removing client-side filtering code
The simplifcation comes at a cost though: filters aren't retroactively
applied anymore.
3 years ago
namespace :apps do
get :verify_credentials, to: 'credentials#show'
resources :apps, only: [:create]
namespace :trends do
resources :links, only: [:index]
resources :tags, only: [:index]
resources :statuses, only: [:index]
namespace :emails do
resources :confirmations, only: [:create]
resource :instance, only: [:show] do
resources :peers, only: [:index], controller: 'instances/peers'
resource :activity, only: [:show], controller: 'instances/activity'
resources :rules, only: [:index], controller: 'instances/rules'
Account domain blocks (#2381)
* Add <ostatus:conversation /> tag to Atom input/output
Only uses ref attribute (not href) because href would be
the alternate link that's always included also.
Creates new conversation for every non-reply status. Carries
over conversation for every reply. Keeps remote URIs verbatim,
generates local URIs on the fly like the rest of them.
* Conversation muting - prevents notifications that reference a conversation
(including replies, favourites, reblogs) from being created. API endpoints
/api/v1/statuses/:id/mute and /api/v1/statuses/:id/unmute
Currently no way to tell when a status/conversation is muted, so the web UI
only has a "disable notifications" button, doesn't work as a toggle
* Display "Dismiss notifications" on all statuses in notifications column, not just own
* Add "muted" as a boolean attribute on statuses JSON
For now always false on contained reblogs, since it's only relevant for
statuses returned from the notifications endpoint, which are not nested
Remove "Disable notifications" from detailed status view, since it's
only relevant in the notifications column
* Up max class length
* Remove pending test for conversation mute
* Add tests, clean up
* Rename to "mute conversation" and "unmute conversation"
* Raise validation error when trying to mute/unmute status without conversation
* Adding account domain blocks that filter notifications and public timelines
* Add tests for domain blocks in notifications, public timelines
Filter reblogs of blocked domains from home
* Add API for listing and creating account domain blocks
* API for creating/deleting domain blocks, tests for Status#ancestors
and Status#descendants, filter domain blocks from them
* Filter domains in streaming API
* Update account_domain_block_spec.rb
8 years ago
resource :domain_blocks, only: [:show, :create, :destroy]
resource :directory, only: [:show]
resources :follow_requests, only: [:index] do
member do
post :authorize
post :reject
resources :notifications, only: [:index, :show] do
collection do
post :clear
member do
post :dismiss
namespace :accounts do
get :verify_credentials, to: 'credentials#show'
patch :update_credentials, to: 'credentials#update'
resource :search, only: :show, controller: :search
resource :lookup, only: :show, controller: :lookup
resources :relationships, only: :index
resources :familiar_followers, only: :index
resources :accounts, only: [:create, :show] do
resources :statuses, only: :index, controller: 'accounts/statuses'
resources :followers, only: :index, controller: 'accounts/follower_accounts'
resources :following, only: :index, controller: 'accounts/following_accounts'
resources :lists, only: :index, controller: 'accounts/lists'
resources :identity_proofs, only: :index, controller: 'accounts/identity_proofs'
resources :featured_tags, only: :index, controller: 'accounts/featured_tags'
member do
post :follow
post :unfollow
post :remove_from_followers
post :block
post :unblock
post :mute
post :unmute
resource :pin, only: :create, controller: 'accounts/pins'
post :unpin, to: 'accounts/pins#destroy'
resource :note, only: :create, controller: 'accounts/notes'
resources :tags, only: [:show] do
member do
post :follow
post :unfollow
resources :followed_tags, only: [:index]
resources :lists, only: [:index, :create, :show, :update, :destroy] do
resource :accounts, only: [:show, :create, :destroy], controller: 'lists/accounts'
namespace :featured_tags do
get :suggestions, to: 'suggestions#index'
resources :featured_tags, only: [:index, :create, :destroy]
resources :polls, only: [:create, :show] do
resources :votes, only: :create, controller: 'polls/votes'
namespace :push do
resource :subscription, only: [:create, :show, :update, :destroy]
namespace :admin do
resources :accounts, only: [:index, :show, :destroy] do
member do
post :enable
post :unsensitive
post :unsilence
post :unsuspend
post :approve
post :reject
resource :action, only: [:create], controller: 'account_actions'
resources :reports, only: [:index, :update, :show] do
member do
post :assign_to_self
post :unassign
post :reopen
post :resolve
resources :domain_allows, only: [:index, :show, :create, :destroy]
resources :domain_blocks, only: [:index, :show, :update, :create, :destroy]
resources :email_domain_blocks, only: [:index, :show, :create, :destroy]
resources :ip_blocks, only: [:index, :show, :update, :create, :destroy]
namespace :trends do
resources :tags, only: [:index]
resources :links, only: [:index]
resources :statuses, only: [:index]
post :measures, to: 'measures#create'
post :dimensions, to: 'dimensions#create'
post :retention, to: 'retention#create'
resources :canonical_email_blocks, only: [:index, :create, :show, :destroy] do
collection do
post :test
namespace :v2 do
resources :media, only: [:create]
get '/search', to: 'search#index', as: :search
resources :suggestions, only: [:index]
Revamp post filtering system (#18058)
* Add model for custom filter keywords
* Use CustomFilterKeyword internally
Does not change the API
* Fix /filters/edit and /filters/new
* Add migration tests
* Remove whole_word column from custom_filters (covered by custom_filter_keywords)
* Redesign /filters
Instead of a list, present a card that displays more information and handles
multiple keywords per filter.
* Redesign /filters/new and /filters/edit to add and remove keywords
This adds a new gem dependency: cocoon, as well as a npm dependency:
cocoon-js-vanilla. Those are used to easily populate and remove form fields
from the user interface when manipulating multiple keyword filters at once.
* Add /api/v2/filters to edit filter with multiple keywords
- `Filter`: `id`, `title`, `filter_action` (either `hide` or `warn`), `context`
- `FilterKeyword`: `id`, `keyword`, `whole_word`
API endpoits:
- `GET /api/v2/filters` to list filters (including keywords)
- `POST /api/v2/filters` to create a new filter
`keywords_attributes` can also be passed to create keywords in one request
- `GET /api/v2/filters/:id` to read a particular filter
- `PUT /api/v2/filters/:id` to update a new filter
`keywords_attributes` can also be passed to edit, delete or add keywords in
one request
- `DELETE /api/v2/filters/:id` to delete a particular filter
- `GET /api/v2/filters/:id/keywords` to list keywords for a filter
- `POST /api/v2/filters/:filter_id/keywords/:id` to add a new keyword to a
- `GET /api/v2/filter_keywords/:id` to read a particular keyword
- `PUT /api/v2/filter_keywords/:id` to edit a particular keyword
- `DELETE /api/v2/filter_keywords/:id` to delete a particular keyword
* Change from `irreversible` boolean to `action` enum
* Remove irrelevent `irreversible_must_be_within_context` check
* Fix /filters/new and /filters/edit with update for filter_action
* Fix Rubocop/Codeclimate complaining about task names
* Refactor FeedManager#phrase_filtered?
This moves regexp building and filter caching to the `CustomFilter` class.
This does not change the functional behavior yet, but this changes how the
cache is built, doing per-custom_filter regexps so that filters can be matched
independently, while still offering caching.
* Perform server-side filtering and output result in REST API
* Fix numerous filters_changed events being sent when editing multiple keywords at once
* Add some tests
* Use the new API in the WebUI
- use client-side logic for filters we have fetched rules for.
This is so that filter changes can be retroactively applied without
reloading the UI.
- use server-side logic for filters we haven't fetched rules for yet
(e.g. network error, or initial timeline loading)
* Minor optimizations and refactoring
* Perform server-side filtering on the streaming server
* Change the wording of filter action labels
* Fix issues pointed out by linter
* Change design of “Show anyway” link in accordence to review comments
* Drop “irreversible” filtering behavior
* Move /api/v2/filter_keywords to /api/v1/filters/keywords
* Rename `filter_results` attribute to `filtered`
* Rename REST::LegacyFilterSerializer to REST::V1::FilterSerializer
* Fix systemChannelId value in streaming server
* Simplify code by removing client-side filtering code
The simplifcation comes at a cost though: filters aren't retroactively
applied anymore.
3 years ago
resources :filters, only: [:index, :create, :show, :update, :destroy]
namespace :admin do
resources :accounts, only: [:index]
namespace :web do
resource :settings, only: [:update]
resource :embed, only: [:create]
resources :push_subscriptions, only: [:create] do
member do
put :update
get '/web/(*any)', to: 'home#index', as: :web
get '/about', to: 'about#show'
get '/about/more', to: 'about#more'
get '/terms', to: 'about#terms'
match '/', via: [:post, :put, :patch, :delete], to: 'application#raise_not_found', format: false
match '*unmatched_route', via: :all, to: 'application#raise_not_found', format: false