/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 David Rosca SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL */ #include "streamrestore.h" #include "context.h" #include "debug.h" namespace QPulseAudio { StreamRestore::StreamRestore(quint32 index, const QVariantMap &properties, QObject *parent) : PulseObject(parent) , m_muted(false) { memset(&m_volume, 0, sizeof(m_volume)); memset(&m_channelMap, 0, sizeof(m_channelMap)); m_index = index; m_properties = properties; } void StreamRestore::update(const pa_ext_stream_restore_info *info) { m_cache.valid = false; const QString infoName = QString::fromUtf8(info->name); if (m_name != infoName) { m_name = infoName; Q_EMIT nameChanged(); } const QString infoDevice = QString::fromUtf8(info->device); if (m_device != infoDevice) { m_device = infoDevice; Q_EMIT deviceChanged(); } if (m_muted != info->mute) { m_muted = info->mute; Q_EMIT mutedChanged(); } if (!pa_cvolume_equal(&m_volume, &info->volume)) { m_volume = info->volume; Q_EMIT volumeChanged(); Q_EMIT channelVolumesChanged(); } if (!pa_channel_map_equal(&m_channelMap, &info->channel_map)) { m_channels.clear(); m_channels.reserve(info->channel_map.channels); for (int i = 0; i < info->channel_map.channels; ++i) { m_channels << QString::fromUtf8(pa_channel_position_to_pretty_string(info->channel_map.map[i])); } m_channelMap = info->channel_map; Q_EMIT channelsChanged(); } } QString StreamRestore::name() const { return m_name; } QString StreamRestore::device() const { return m_device; } void StreamRestore::setDevice(const QString &device) { if (m_cache.valid) { if (m_cache.device != device) { writeChanges(m_cache.volume, m_cache.muted, device); } } else { if (m_device != device) { writeChanges(m_volume, m_muted, device); } } } qint64 StreamRestore::volume() const { return m_volume.values[0]; } void StreamRestore::setVolume(qint64 volume) { pa_cvolume vol = m_cache.valid ? m_cache.volume : m_volume; // If no channel exists force one. We need one to be able to control the volume // See https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=407397 if (vol.channels == 0) { vol.channels = 1; } for (int i = 0; i < vol.channels; ++i) { vol.values[i] = volume; } if (m_cache.valid) { writeChanges(vol, m_cache.muted, m_cache.device); } else { writeChanges(vol, m_muted, m_device); } } bool StreamRestore::isMuted() const { return m_muted; } void StreamRestore::setMuted(bool muted) { if (m_cache.valid) { if (m_cache.muted != muted) { writeChanges(m_cache.volume, muted, m_cache.device); } } else { if (m_muted != muted) { writeChanges(m_volume, muted, m_device); } } } bool StreamRestore::hasVolume() const { return true; } bool StreamRestore::isVolumeWritable() const { return true; } QStringList StreamRestore::channels() const { return m_channels; } QList StreamRestore::channelVolumes() const { QList ret; ret.reserve(m_volume.channels); for (int i = 0; i < m_volume.channels; ++i) { ret << m_volume.values[i]; } return ret; } void StreamRestore::setChannelVolume(int channel, qint64 volume) { Q_ASSERT(channel >= 0 && channel < m_volume.channels); pa_cvolume vol = m_cache.valid ? m_cache.volume : m_volume; vol.values[channel] = volume; if (m_cache.valid) { writeChanges(vol, m_cache.muted, m_cache.device); } else { writeChanges(vol, m_muted, m_device); } } quint32 StreamRestore::deviceIndex() const { return PA_INVALID_INDEX; } void StreamRestore::setDeviceIndex(quint32 deviceIndex) { Q_UNUSED(deviceIndex); qCWarning(PLASMAPA) << "Not implemented"; } void StreamRestore::writeChanges(const pa_cvolume &volume, bool muted, const QString &device) { const QByteArray nameData = m_name.toUtf8(); const QByteArray deviceData = device.toUtf8(); pa_ext_stream_restore_info info; info.name = nameData.constData(); info.channel_map = m_channelMap; info.volume = volume; info.device = deviceData.isEmpty() ? nullptr : deviceData.constData(); info.mute = muted; // If no channel exists force one. We need one to be able to control the volume // See https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=407397 if (info.channel_map.channels == 0) { info.channel_map.channels = 1; info.channel_map.map[0] = PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_MONO; } m_cache.valid = true; m_cache.volume = volume; m_cache.muted = muted; m_cache.device = device; context()->streamRestoreWrite(&info); } } // QPulseAudio