* Added the official links to the three channels from the Buddhist Network 大愛電視 Da Ai Television: 大愛一台, 大愛二台 and 大愛海外台.
* Preexisting 大愛二台:
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* Appended "(Backup)" to the name.
* Changed logo to match official one.
* 行政院環保署空氣品質監測
* Removed category. It seems this is just a table of air quality measurements from the Environment Protection Administration (government agency of Taiwan). I'm not sure it it should be here as it's not a TV channel, but even if it is it shouldn't be grouped with news channels, it's not the same thing.
* Added icon from the air quality section of the website as logo.
* 靖天國際
* Added 台 (station) to the name to match name on logo, etc.
* 靖天戲劇台
* Removed category. This is a TV drama channel, not a movies channels.
* 番薯 TV
* Changed the name to 番薯衛星電視台, to match the one on the official website.
* 立法院
* (Neither of the channels is broadcasting anything but all streams exist. Might be temporary so I didn't remove anything.)
* 緯來精采
* Added 台 (station) to the name because that's how it appears everywhere, including the logo.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* 緯來體育台
* Added category.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* TVBS新聞台
* Removed first link, not working.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* TVBS歡樂台
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* 三立新聞台
* Replaced link with multi-quality playlist link.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* 公視三台
* Changed name to 公視3台, official site, logo, etc., show 3 in Arabic numerals
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* 原住民族電視台
* Replaced link with multi-quality playlist link.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* 台灣藝術台
* Removed, not working.
* 台視財經台
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* 唯心電視
* Removed duplicate link (stream link already included in the playlist).
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* 壹電視新聞台
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* 大愛一台
* Removed, not working.
* 希望電視台
* Replaced link with multi-quality playlist link.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* 新唐人亞太台
* Removed just a video segment, not a live stream.
* 民視新聞台
* Removed two duplicated links, one with IP address instead of domain, one with http instead of https. All three links seem to point to the same stream.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* GOOD TV channels
* Continued cleanup
* GOOD TV CH4 國度報導 — removed, link doesn't work, page on official website shows a video segment, not a live stream.
Channel additions (34):
- Agro Canal
- Canal 24 horas TV Brusque
- Canal do Boi
- Santa Cecilia TV
- SICtv
- TV Ambiental
- TV Arapuan
- TV Arroba
- TV Carioca
- TV Cidade Oeste
- TV Comunitária do Rio de Janeiro
- TV Galega Blumenau
- TV Grande Natal
- TV Guará
- TV Interlagos
- TV Mackenzie
- TV Mar Maceió
- TV Metrópole
- TV Natal
- TV Nova Nordeste
- TV Rede Gospel
- TV Serra Dourada
- TV Terceiro Anjo
- TV Tropical
- TV Universal
- TV Universitária Uberlândia
- TVCI Paranaguá
- TVE Bahia
- TVU Recife
- Viva Web TV
- Web TV Santana
Channel remove:
- Terê TV (Portugal)
Logo added:
- TV Senado
* CNEX Taiwan
* Appended "(Backup)" to one of the links' titles.
* CYC世新綜合
* Fixed logo URL, domain wasn't covered by SSL certificate, most programs wouldn't connect.
* GOOD TV channels
* Added "Mandarin Chinese" and "Min Nan Chinese" languages where appropriate.
* Replaced the general logo with the image used to identify the channels on their website (most of these channels are online only).
* BBC World News
* Returned link that was removed to the list. It's working perfectly fine, in fact is HD and has great speed, one of the best streams in this list. Probably the one I watch most often.
* BBC World News (Backup) [This is the 2nd "BBC World News (Backup)" on this list, the only one after one of the links was removed.]
* Changed to "BBC News". tvg-id/name and logo are correct, name is wrong, this the national BBC News channel, not the international BBC World News channel. Both channels share a large part of their content but even when broadcasting the same content you can see the logo is different.
* Channel 5
* Added category.
* Replaced stream link with link to multi-quality playlist.
* Channel 8
* Added category.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* Added tvg-id and tvg-name.
* Replaced stream link with link to multi-quality playlist.
* Channel U
* Changed language to Chinese/Mandarin Chinese (I've never been able to watch this channel's content, this stream always shows a message saying it's not supported but Channel 5 and 8 show the same message occasionally and still work most of the time. Maybe I was unlucky, maybe this link really is useless. Wikipedia and the official website say this is a Mandarin language channel.)
* Replaced stream link with link to multi-quality playlist.
* Replaced stream link with link to multi-quality playlist.
* Replaced stream link with link to multi-quality playlist.
* OKTO on 5
* Added category.
* Replaced stream link with link to multi-quality playlist.
* Suria
* Replaced stream link with link to multi-quality playlist.
* Vasantham
* Replaced stream link with link to multi-quality playlist.
Channel Additions:
- Luau TV
- Rede TV Mais
- Terê TV
- TV Cidade Canal 9
- TV Cidade de Petrópolis
- TV Max
- TV Natal
- TV Senado
Renamed Channels:
- Canção Nova Portugal;
- TV Gideões, misspelled.
Updated Channels:
- Rede Século 21.
1. Add new link for MBC 1, MBC 2, MBC 3, MBC 4, MBC Max, MBC Bollywood, MBC Action, MBC Drama
2. Add new channel MBC 5
3. Remove MBC Masr (The MBC Masr link are in the Egypt playlist)
* 鳳凰資訊HD
* Changed name to 鳳凰衛視資訊台, the full name of the channel.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language
* Added category
* (This stream isn't working for me now but it was before. It may be a temporary issue or a bad stream.)
* 鳳凰資訊HD1
* Removed. Not a live stream just a segment.
* 鳳凰香港高清
* Removed. Not a live stream just a segment.
* 香港開電視
* Added Yue Chinese language.
* 鳳凰中文HD
* Removed link. Not a live stream, only one segment.
* 鳳凰衛視
* Changed the name to 鳳凰衛視中文台 (Phoenix Chinese Channel), it seems to be specifically this channel.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* Moved logo URL from tvg-name to the correct attribute.
* 鳳凰衛視電影台
* Removed logo URL from tvg-name.
* Changed the logo into the one for this specific channel, not the network.
* Added category.
* 鳳凰衛視香港台
* Removed broken link.
* Thrill
* Removed "Referer=". It isn't needed and, besides, this format should only work on Kodi.
* 新唐人亞太
* Removed link. 亞太台 is the Taiwanese channel of 新唐人電視臺 New Tang Dynasty Television. It's already on the Taiwan list.
* 明珠台
* Removed all links, couldn't get any to play, it only loads forever. Also, this is an English language channel.
* 星空衛視
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* Added Category.
* 有線18台
* Removed. Not working, loads for ever.
* 有線新聞台
* Corrected category.
* Added Yue Chinese language.
* 有線綜合娛樂台
* Replaced individual stream with multi-quality playlist.
* Added Yue Chinese language.
* 港台電視31
* Added Yue Chinese language.
* 港台電視32
* Added Yue Chinese language.
* Corrected category
* 港台電視33
* Removed link, it's not working. This channel will be shut down this year and the stream is already down.
* 無線翡翠台
* Added logo.
* Added Yue Chinese language.
* 翡翠台
* Removed all links, neither was working.
* Remaining link should be 普通話翡翠台 Mandarin Jade but video seems corrupted, there is no sound so I can't be sure.
* 陽光衛視
* Removed link. Not working.
* 香港衛視
* Removed one non-working link.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* BSTV耀才財經台(貢獻者:007)
* Corrected name.
* Added category. "Shop" seems the most appropriate, this is owned by a company called耀才證券金融集 Bright Smart Securities & Commodities and seems to serve mostly as 24/7 advertisement for them, even if it may sometimes broadcast financial information.
* Added Yue Chinese language.
* Added logo.
* C+
* Changed name to C+頻道 (as it shows everywhere else)
* Added Yue Chinese language.
* Added logo.
* Channel V
* Changed name to Channel [V], as it appears everywhere else
* Added category
* Star Sports
* Added category.
* Removed language. It's English whenever I checked it but i can't be sure this is an English only channel. It's not Chinese.
* Thrill
* Corrected language to English, this isn't a Chinese language channel. But this may actually be a regional version, I saw a movie being played with what looked to me link Indonesian or Malay subtitles. Everything else is in English.
* Added category.
* TVB韓劇台
* Changed the name to 韓劇台. It's a TVB channel but it seems officially it's only called 韓劇台 (Korean Drama)
* (Video shows as corrupted when watching this stream. If it's permanently like this the link should be removed.)
* 亞旅衛視
* Added category.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* 亞洲電視A1台
* Changed name to A1台. This is an ATV channel but the name seems to be just A1台.
* Added category.
* Added Yue Chinese language.
* 天映頻道
* Removed non working link.
* Added category
* Changed name to the channel's English name, Celestial Movies, because it's subtitled, intended for non-Chinese speakers.
* TV Evangelizar
* Added logo.
* TV Faap
* Removed duplicate link (using URL shortener)
* TV Gidoes
* Removed, not working (times out).
* TV Imaculada Conceição
* Added logo
* TV Pai Eterno
* Added logo
* Appended "(Backup)" to previous link (which has lower quality).
* Removed. The title is wrong, this is another link for TV Pai Eterno. It seems the same as above, same domain, same ID, same image quality and resolution.
* Changed name to TV Diário do Sertão, that's how it appears in the official website
* Canal Saúde
* Added category.
* Added logo
* Canção Nova
* Appended "(Backup)" to one of the links' title
* Cine+
* Removed link, only a black screen. According to Wikipedia this channel went offline last February.
* COM Brasil
* Added logo
* FM O Dia
* Removed. This a a webstream from a radio station, now only showing an empty studio.
* Itú TV
* Changed name to ITV, which seems the official name.
* Changed logo to the one used on the official website.
* Livre TV
* Added logo.
* Novo Tempo
* Removed broken link
* Appended "(Backup)" to one of the links' title
* Changed name & logo, both were wrong
* Added category
* Rede Brasil
* Added logo
* Added category
* Rede Metropole
* Changed name and logo to the correct ones.
* Rede Século 21
* Removed, dead link.
* RedeTV!
* Removed non-working links.
* Added category.
* All links removed, all give a 403 error, either broken or geoblocked.
* TV Cultura
* Replaced link with multi-quality playlist.
* Added logo.
* TV Câmara
* Added logo
* TV Destak
* Corrected logo, original one was from a Portuguese newspaper of the same name.
* TV Escola
* Added logo
* Publitools
* Removed this link because the channel is not from the U.K. Wikipedia says it's from Syria, LyngSat says it's from Jordan.
* Reuters
* Removed this link because it's only broadcasting a static image with text. The Reuters TV service has been shut down, according to Wikipedia.
* Sheffield TV
* Changed the name to Sheffield Live TV, which seems to be the official name
* Added category
* Sky News
* Removed two links which don't seem to work, the m3u8 file exists but the stream doesn't load.
* Sky News Arabia
* Removed one link which is already included in the multi-quality playlist above.
* TG4
* Removed link because this is an Irish channel that broadcasts mainly in Irish and is already in the Irish list.
* Venus TV
* Appended "(Backup)" to one of the streams. Leaving the official stream of the website as the main one.
* MTA 1
* Added category
* Removed one link already included in the multi-quality playlist master.m3u8.
* Replaced the other channels with the multi-quality playlist master.m3u8
* Removed "English" from because it tvg-language because it seems it only broadcasts in English occasionally (But left Urdu in the Urdu one because that may be the language being broadcast)
* Marked the different version in the channel name: Original, English, Urdu
* Added (Backup) to a link in a different format, being unclear which version it is
* MTA 2
* Removed one link already included in the multi-quality playlist master.m3u8.
* Added category
* Removed "English" from because it tvg-language because neither link was broadcasting in English
* Replaced the other channel with the multi-quality playlist master.m3u8 & removed unnecessary GET parameters
* MTA 3
* Removed three links already included in the multi-quality playlist master.m3u8.
* Added category
* MTA Africa
* Removed one link already included in the multi-quality playlist master.m3u8.
* Added category
* 92 News UK
* Changed language to Urdu
* Added category
* Ahlulbayt TV
* Added category
* Al Araby
* Changed category -- general content according to Wikipedia
* Al-Hiwar
* Removed duplicate link (with added GET parameters, makes no difference)
* BBC Arabic
* Appended "(Backup)" to two of the streams' names, left the official stream as the main one.
* BBC Cbeebies
* Added tvg-id & tvg-name
* Added logo
* Changed the name to "Cbeebies" (it's a BBC channel but not called BBC)
* BBC World News
* Added tvg-id & tvg-name
* Appended "(Backup)" to one of the streams' names, left as the main one the one the seems faster and has better quality.
* Cruise 1st TV
* Added category
* English Club TV
* Changed logo for larger one
* Added category
* Flow Sports 1
* Removed all links to this channel, according to Wikipedia and the official website this is Caribbean channel based in Jamaica
* Gemporia
* Corrected the name to Gems TV
* Removed one like which wasn't working.
* (The remaining link also isn't working well for me.)
* Jatt TV bhangra music
* Removed both links, neither is working
* Removed, link not working
* Mafa Shortfilm
* Added category
* Removed duplicate link (link to a stream already included in the multi-quality playlist above)
Added two new channels (GEM Onyx and GEM 24B).
Removed VARZESH TV because the stream link is a video loop and not a live stream.
Added logo to a channel.
* Corrected language
* Added category
* Removed repeated channel (medium quality stream already included in multi-quality playlist below).
* Changed the name as both links are two versions of the same channel.
* Added 澳門蓮花衛視 Macau Lotus TV
* Corrected metadata on 澳亞衛視 MASTV and 澳門衛視 MSTV
* Added correct logo to 澳門衛視 MSTV (current logo is 澳亞衛視 MASTV's)
* Both channels seems to broadcast mostly in Mandarin.