@ -8,47 +8,3 @@ body:
value: |
value: |
Please fill out the issue template as much as you can so we could efficiently process your request
Please fill out the issue template as much as you can so we could efficiently process your request
**IMPORTANT**: An issue may contain a request for only one channel, otherwise it will be closed
**IMPORTANT**: An issue may contain a request for only one channel, otherwise it will be closed
- type: checkboxes
id: preliminary
label: I am assuring that
- label: I use self-updatable playlist link and not a downloaded file
required: true
- label: My TV player has updated this playlist after 0:00 GMT time and is set to update it daily
required: true
- label: I double-checked it just now and it is broken/absent from the playlist still
required: true
- type: input
id: name
label: Channel Name
description: Full name of the channel. It is recommended to tell exact name that was used in a playlist
placeholder: 'Fox Life Russia'
required: true
- type: input
id: playlist
label: Playlist
description: What playlist was used to get the channel from?
placeholder: 'ex. https://iptv-org.github.io/iptv/countries/au.m3u'
required: true
- type: input
id: link
label: Broken Link
description: Please specify the broken link from a playlist if you can
placeholder: 'ex. https://lnc-kdfw-fox-aws.tubi.video/index.m3u8'
- type: input
id: alt
label: Possible Replacement
description: If you know an alternate non-protected source or the way to fix current stream please let us know
placeholder: 'ex. https://lnc-kdfw-fox-aws.tubi.video/index.m3u8'
- type: input
id: notes
label: Notes
placeholder: 'Anything else we should know?'