### I have a cable service and I want those channels to be on this IPTV. Is that possible?
### I have a cable service and I want those channels to be on this IPTV. Is that possible?
No. This playlist does not replace traditional cable, also there are exclusive channels that may not be available on free-to-air. We recommend contacting your cable provider to offer legal alternatives to this service or visit the [iptv-org/awesome-iptv](https://github.com/iptv-org/awesome-iptv) repository for find other providers.
No. This playlist does not replace traditional cable, because this playlist can't include exclusive channels that may not be available on free-to-air. We recommend contacting your cable provider to offer legal alternatives to this service or visit the [iptv-org/awesome-iptv](https://github.com/iptv-org/awesome-iptv) repository for find other providers.
### Is possible to view channels directly from the site?
### Is possible to view channels directly from the site?