import { Logger , Storage , Collection , Dictionary , File } from '@freearhey/core'
import { PlaylistParser } from '../../core'
import { Channel , Stream , Blocked } from '../../models'
import { program } from 'commander'
import chalk from 'chalk'
import { transliterate } from 'transliteration'
import _ from 'lodash'
import { DATA_DIR , STREAMS_DIR } from '../../constants'
program . argument ( '[filepath]' , 'Path to file to validate' ) . parse ( process . argv )
type LogItem = {
type : string
line : number
message : string
async function main() {
const logger = new Logger ( )
logger . info ( ` loading blocklist... ` )
const dataStorage = new Storage ( DATA_DIR )
const channelsContent = await dataStorage . json ( 'channels.json' )
const channels = new Collection ( channelsContent ) . map ( data = > new Channel ( data ) )
const blocklistContent = await dataStorage . json ( 'blocklist.json' )
const blocklist = new Collection ( blocklistContent ) . map ( data = > new Blocked ( data ) )
logger . info ( ` found ${ blocklist . count ( ) } records ` )
logger . info ( 'loading streams...' )
const streamsStorage = new Storage ( STREAMS_DIR )
const parser = new PlaylistParser ( { storage : streamsStorage } )
const files = program . args . length ? program.args : await streamsStorage . list ( '**/*.m3u' )
const streams = await parser . parse ( files )
logger . info ( ` found ${ streams . count ( ) } streams ` )
let errors = new Collection ( )
let warnings = new Collection ( )
let groupedStreams = streams . groupBy ( ( stream : Stream ) = > stream . filepath )
for ( const filepath of groupedStreams . keys ( ) ) {
const streams = groupedStreams . get ( filepath )
if ( ! streams ) continue
const file = new File ( filepath )
const [ , countryCode ] = file . basename ( ) . match ( /([a-z]{2})(|_.*)\.m3u/i ) || [ null , '' ]
const log = new Collection ( )
const buffer = new Dictionary ( )
streams . forEach ( ( stream : Stream ) = > {
const channelNotInDatabase =
stream . channel && ! channels . first ( ( channel : Channel ) = > channel . id === stream . channel )
if ( channelNotInDatabase ) {
log . add ( {
type : 'warning' ,
line : stream.line ,
message : ` " ${ stream . channel } " is not in the database `
} )
const alreadyOnPlaylist = stream . url && buffer . has ( stream . url )
if ( alreadyOnPlaylist ) {
log . add ( {
type : 'warning' ,
line : stream.line ,
message : ` " ${ stream . url } " is already on the playlist `
} )
} else {
buffer . set ( stream . url , true )
const channelId = generateChannelId ( stream . name , countryCode )
const blocked = blocklist . first (
blocked = >
stream . channel . toLowerCase ( ) === blocked . channel . toLowerCase ( ) ||
channelId . toLowerCase ( ) === blocked . channel . toLowerCase ( )
if ( blocked ) {
log . add ( {
type : 'error' ,
line : stream.line ,
message : ` " ${ stream . name } " is on the blocklist due to claims of copyright holders or NSFW content ( ${ blocked . ref } ) `
} )
const channel_NSFW = stream . channel && channels . first ( ( channel : Channel ) = > ( channel . id === stream . channel ) && ( channel . isNSFW === true ) )
if ( channel_NSFW ) {
log . add ( {
type : 'error' ,
line : stream.line ,
message : ` Since January 30th, 2024, NSFW channels are no longer allowed in our playlists. Please see for further information. `
} )
} )
if ( log . notEmpty ( ) ) {
logger . info ( ` \ n ${ chalk . underline ( filepath ) } ` )
log . forEach ( ( logItem : LogItem ) = > {
const position = logItem . line . toString ( ) . padEnd ( 6 , ' ' )
const type = logItem . type . padEnd ( 9 , ' ' )
const status = logItem . type === 'error' ? chalk . red ( type ) : chalk . yellow ( type )
logger . info ( ` ${ chalk . gray ( position ) } ${ status } ${ logItem . message } ` )
} )
errors = errors . concat ( log . filter ( ( logItem : LogItem ) = > logItem . type === 'error' ) )
warnings = warnings . concat ( log . filter ( ( logItem : LogItem ) = > logItem . type === 'warning' ) )
logger . error (
chalk . red (
` \ n ${
errors . count ( ) + warnings . count ( )
} problems ( $ { errors . count ( ) } errors , $ { warnings . count ( ) } warnings ) `
if ( errors . count ( ) ) {
process . exit ( 1 )
main ( )
function generateChannelId ( name : string , code : string ) {
if ( ! name || ! code ) return ''
name = name . replace ( / *\([^)]*\) */g , '' )
name = name . replace ( / *\[[^)]*\] */g , '' )
name = name . replace ( /\+/gi , 'Plus' )
name = name . replace ( /[^a-z\d]+/gi , '' )
name = name . trim ( )
name = transliterate ( name )
code = code . toLowerCase ( )
return ` ${ name } . ${ code } `