feat: code highlighting styles

Lucas Colombo 1 month ago
parent 44a25e5c29
commit 701e67c177

.gitignore vendored

@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
### Node ### ### Node ###
# Logs # Logs
logs logs
*.log *.log
npm-debug.log* npm-debug.log*
yarn-debug.log* yarn-debug.log*
yarn-error.log* yarn-error.log*
lerna-debug.log* lerna-debug.log*
.pnpm-debug.log* .pnpm-debug.log*
# Diagnostic reports (https://nodejs.org/api/report.html) # Diagnostic reports (https://nodejs.org/api/report.html)
report.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.json report.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.json
# Runtime data # Runtime data
pids pids
*.pid *.pid
*.seed *.seed
*.pid.lock *.pid.lock
# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover # Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover
lib-cov lib-cov
# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul # Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul
coverage coverage
*.lcov *.lcov
# nyc test coverage # nyc test coverage
.nyc_output .nyc_output
# Grunt intermediate storage (https://gruntjs.com/creating-plugins#storing-task-files) # Grunt intermediate storage (https://gruntjs.com/creating-plugins#storing-task-files)
.grunt .grunt
# Bower dependency directory (https://bower.io/) # Bower dependency directory (https://bower.io/)
bower_components bower_components
# node-waf configuration # node-waf configuration
.lock-wscript .lock-wscript
# Compiled binary addons (https://nodejs.org/api/addons.html) # Compiled binary addons (https://nodejs.org/api/addons.html)
build/Release build/Release
# Dependency directories # Dependency directories
node_modules/ node_modules/
jspm_packages/ jspm_packages/
# Snowpack dependency directory (https://snowpack.dev/) # Snowpack dependency directory (https://snowpack.dev/)
web_modules/ web_modules/
# TypeScript cache # TypeScript cache
*.tsbuildinfo *.tsbuildinfo
# Optional npm cache directory # Optional npm cache directory
.npm .npm
# Optional eslint cache # Optional eslint cache
.eslintcache .eslintcache
# Optional stylelint cache # Optional stylelint cache
.stylelintcache .stylelintcache
# Microbundle cache # Microbundle cache
.rpt2_cache/ .rpt2_cache/
.rts2_cache_cjs/ .rts2_cache_cjs/
.rts2_cache_es/ .rts2_cache_es/
.rts2_cache_umd/ .rts2_cache_umd/
# Optional REPL history # Optional REPL history
.node_repl_history .node_repl_history
# Output of 'npm pack' # Output of 'npm pack'
*.tgz *.tgz
# Yarn Integrity file # Yarn Integrity file
.yarn-integrity .yarn-integrity
# dotenv environment variable files # dotenv environment variable files
.env .env
.env.development.local .env.development.local
.env.test.local .env.test.local
.env.production.local .env.production.local
.env.local .env.local
# parcel-bundler cache (https://parceljs.org/) # parcel-bundler cache (https://parceljs.org/)
.cache .cache
.parcel-cache .parcel-cache
# Next.js build output # Next.js build output
.next .next
out out
# Nuxt.js build / generate output # Nuxt.js build / generate output
.nuxt .nuxt
dist dist
# Gatsby files # Gatsby files
.cache/ .cache/
# Comment in the public line in if your project uses Gatsby and not Next.js # Comment in the public line in if your project uses Gatsby and not Next.js
# https://nextjs.org/blog/next-9-1#public-directory-support # https://nextjs.org/blog/next-9-1#public-directory-support
# public # public
# vuepress build output # vuepress build output
.vuepress/dist .vuepress/dist
# vuepress v2.x temp and cache directory # vuepress v2.x temp and cache directory
.temp .temp
# Docusaurus cache and generated files # Docusaurus cache and generated files
.docusaurus .docusaurus
# Serverless directories # Serverless directories
.serverless/ .serverless/
# FuseBox cache # FuseBox cache
.fusebox/ .fusebox/
# DynamoDB Local files # DynamoDB Local files
.dynamodb/ .dynamodb/
# TernJS port file # TernJS port file
.tern-port .tern-port
# Stores VSCode versions used for testing VSCode extensions # Stores VSCode versions used for testing VSCode extensions
.vscode-test .vscode-test
# yarn v2 # yarn v2
.yarn/cache .yarn/cache
.yarn/unplugged .yarn/unplugged
.yarn/build-state.yml .yarn/build-state.yml
.yarn/install-state.gz .yarn/install-state.gz
.pnp.* .pnp.*
### Node Patch ### ### Node Patch ###
# Serverless Webpack directories # Serverless Webpack directories
.webpack/ .webpack/
# Optional stylelint cache # Optional stylelint cache
# SvelteKit build / generate output # SvelteKit build / generate output
.svelte-kit .svelte-kit
### VisualStudioCode ### ### VisualStudioCode ###
.vscode/* .vscode/*
!.vscode/settings.json !.vscode/settings.json
!.vscode/tasks.json !.vscode/tasks.json
!.vscode/launch.json !.vscode/launch.json
!.vscode/extensions.json !.vscode/extensions.json
!.vscode/*.code-snippets !.vscode/*.code-snippets
# Local History for Visual Studio Code # Local History for Visual Studio Code
.history/ .history/
# Built Visual Studio Code Extensions # Built Visual Studio Code Extensions
*.vsix *.vsix
### VisualStudioCode Patch ### ### VisualStudioCode Patch ###
# Ignore all local history of files # Ignore all local history of files
.history .history
.ionide .ionide
# Support for Project snippet scope # Support for Project snippet scope
# End of https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/node,visualstudiocode # End of https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/node,visualstudiocode
# Support for Project snippet scope # Support for Project snippet scope

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# Changelog # Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
## [0.2.1] - 2024-10-19 ## [0.2.1] - 2024-10-19
### Fixes ### Fixes
- fix: 🚑 some css customizations not showing after 1.22.3 gitea update - fix: 🚑 some css customizations not showing after 1.22.3 gitea update
## [0.2.0] - 2024-10-19 ## [0.2.0] - 2024-10-19
### Added ### Added
- Pinned the project to the Gitea 1.22.3 version. - Pinned the project to the Gitea 1.22.3 version.

@ -1,90 +1,90 @@
<h1 align="center"> <h1 align="center">
<code>lucaslabs</code> <a href="https://gitea.io">Gitea</a> theme <code>lucaslabs</code> <a href="https://gitea.io">Gitea</a> theme
</h1> </h1>
*Theme for `lucaslabs` internal gitea server.* *Theme for `lucaslabs` internal gitea server.*
## `dark` ## `dark`
![dark theme](figs/dark.png) ![dark theme](figs/dark.png)
## `light` ## `light`
![light theme](figs/light.png) ![light theme](figs/light.png)
## `auto` ## `auto`
Switches between `dark` and `light` automatically based on the user's system preference. Switches between `dark` and `light` automatically based on the user's system preference.
## Usage ## Usage
1. Go to the [releases page](https://github.com/lucas-labs/gitea-lugit-theme/releases) and get the latest `gitea-lugit-theme.tar.gz` release file. 1. Go to the [releases page](https://github.com/lucas-labs/gitea-lugit-theme/releases) and get the latest `gitea-lugit-theme.tar.gz` release file.
2. Place the `templates` and `public` folder in your `$GITEA_CUSTOM` directory. 2. Place the `templates` and `public` folder in your `$GITEA_CUSTOM` directory.
3. Append the themes in your `app.ini` file: 3. Append the themes in your `app.ini` file:
```ini ```ini
[ui] [ui]
THEMES=...,dark,light,auto THEMES=...,dark,light,auto
DEFAULT_THEME=dark # optional DEFAULT_THEME=dark # optional
``` ```
> 💡 You can change the names of the themes by changing the name of the theme files in `public/css/theme-{name}.css` and in the `app.ini` file, accordingly. > 💡 You can change the names of the themes by changing the name of the theme files in `public/css/theme-{name}.css` and in the `app.ini` file, accordingly.
4. Restart `gitea`. 4. Restart `gitea`.
> [!NOTE] > [!NOTE]
> The latest version works with `gitea` version `v1.22.x`. > The latest version works with `gitea` version `v1.22.x`.
## Credits ## Credits
- [`catppuccin/gitea`](https://github.com/catppuccin/gitea), these themes are based on them. - [`catppuccin/gitea`](https://github.com/catppuccin/gitea), these themes are based on them.
## Development ## Development
### build ### build
```bash ```bash
$ npm install $ npm install
$ npm run build $ npm run build
``` ```
### serve ### serve
```bash ```bash
$ npm run serve -- --server path/to/gitea/custom $ npm run serve -- --server path/to/gitea/custom
# e.g. # e.g.
# on linux # on linux
$ npm run serve -- --server ~/gitea/custom $ npm run serve -- --server ~/gitea/custom
# on windows # on windows
$ npm run serve -- -- --server c:/gitea/custom $ npm run serve -- -- --server c:/gitea/custom
``` ```
# Changes in templates # Changes in templates
## `home.tmpl` ## `home.tmpl`
Here we remove everything (default gitea welcome page). We only keep the logo and the header with the login button. Here we remove everything (default gitea welcome page). We only keep the logo and the header with the login button.
## `base/head_navbar.tmpl` ## `base/head_navbar.tmpl`
The only change here is to make the logo smaller. The only change here is to make the logo smaller.
```diff ```diff
- <img height="30" width="30" src="{{AssetUrlPrefix}}/img/logo.svg" alt="{{ctx.Locale.Tr "logo"}}" aria-hidden="true"> - <img height="30" width="30" src="{{AssetUrlPrefix}}/img/logo.svg" alt="{{ctx.Locale.Tr "logo"}}" aria-hidden="true">
+ <img height="24" src="{{AssetUrlPrefix}}/img/logo.svg" alt="{{ctx.Locale.Tr "logo"}}" aria-hidden="true"> + <img height="24" src="{{AssetUrlPrefix}}/img/logo.svg" alt="{{ctx.Locale.Tr "logo"}}" aria-hidden="true">
``` ```
## `repo/home.tmpl` ## `repo/home.tmpl`
+ adds `<div class="lugit-repo-header-data">...</div>` as a wrapper for the repo header data (description + labels) + adds `<div class="lugit-repo-header-data">...</div>` as a wrapper for the repo header data (description + labels)
+ adds `<div class="lugit-repo-content">` as a wrapper for the repo content (files, commits, branches, etc.) + adds `<div class="lugit-repo-content">` as a wrapper for the repo content (files, commits, branches, etc.)
Later we use css to go from default 1 column layout to 2 column layout more similar to github's design. Later we use css to go from default 1 column layout to 2 column layout more similar to github's design.
```diff ```diff
- <div class="ui container {{if .IsBlame}}fluid padded{{end}}> - <div class="ui container {{if .IsBlame}}fluid padded{{end}}>
+ <div class="ui container {{if .IsBlame}}fluid padded{{end}} {{if and (not .IIsViewFile) (not .IsBlame)}}lugit-repo-list-view{{end}}"> + <div class="ui container {{if .IsBlame}}fluid padded{{end}} {{if and (not .IIsViewFile) (not .IsBlame)}}lugit-repo-list-view{{end}}">
``` ```
Adds the class `lugit-repo-list-view` to the container of the repo content (only when we are not viewing a file or in blame view). This allows us to change the layout of the main repo view, except when viewing a file or in blame view. Adds the class `lugit-repo-list-view` to the container of the repo content (only when we are not viewing a file or in blame view). This allows us to change the layout of the main repo view, except when viewing a file or in blame view.

@ -1,89 +1,89 @@
@use '@lucas-labs/lui-micro' as lui; @use '@lucas-labs/lui-micro' as lui;
@use './_utils/color-utils' as c; @use './_utils/color-utils' as c;
@use './theme' as theme; @use './theme' as theme;
$is-dark: true; $is-dark: true;
$brand: #a6c6f7; $brand: #a6c6f7;
$colors: ( $colors: (
primary: c.variants($brand), primary: c.variants($brand),
secondary: c.variants(#1e1d2f), secondary: c.variants(#1e1d2f),
text: #e6edf3, text: #e6edf3,
subtle: #abaaca, // same as elevation/10 subtle: #abaaca, // same as elevation/10
palette: ( palette: (
'red': c.variants(#f38ba8), // red 'red': c.variants(#f38ba8), // red
'orange': c.variants(#fab387), // peach 'orange': c.variants(#fab387), // peach
'yellow': c.variants(#f9e2af), // yellow 'yellow': c.variants(#f9e2af), // yellow
'olive': c.variants(#e2f095), 'olive': c.variants(#e2f095),
'green': c.variants(#00E676), // green 'green': c.variants(#00E676), // green
'teal': c.variants(#94e2d5), // teal 'teal': c.variants(#94e2d5), // teal
'blue': c.variants(#89b4fa), // blue 'blue': c.variants(#89b4fa), // blue
'violet': c.variants(#b4befe), // lavender 'violet': c.variants(#b4befe), // lavender
'purple': c.variants(#9b6bf5), // mauve 'purple': c.variants(#9b6bf5), // mauve
'pink': c.variants(#f5c2e7), // pink 'pink': c.variants(#f5c2e7), // pink
'brown': c.variants(#f2cdcd), // flamingo 'brown': c.variants(#f2cdcd), // flamingo
'black': c.variants(#181825), // black 'black': c.variants(#181825), // black
'white': c.variants(#e6edf3), // white 'white': c.variants(#e6edf3), // white
), ),
elevation: ( elevation: (
'1': #000000, // elevation/1 '1': #000000, // elevation/1
'2': #040406, // elevation/2 '2': #040406, // elevation/2
'3': #07070e, // elevation/3 '3': #07070e, // elevation/3
'4': #0c0c18, // elevation/4 '4': #0c0c18, // elevation/4
'5': #15142c, // elevation/5 '5': #15142c, // elevation/5
'6': #1e1d2f, // elevation/6 '6': #1e1d2f, // elevation/6
'7': #2d2c3f, // elevation/7 '7': #2d2c3f, // elevation/7
'8': #403f55, // elevation/8 '8': #403f55, // elevation/8
'9': #6d6c89, // elevation/9 '9': #6d6c89, // elevation/9
'10': #abaaca, // elevation/10 '10': #abaaca, // elevation/10
'11': #c3c2e4, // elevation/11 '11': #c3c2e4, // elevation/11
'12': #d3d2f0, // elevation/12 '12': #d3d2f0, // elevation/12
) )
); );
$variables: ( $variables: (
'font-size': ( 'font-size': (
'xs': .714rem, 'xs': .714rem,
'sm': .857rem, 'sm': .857rem,
'md': 1rem, 'md': 1rem,
'lg': 1.143rem, 'lg': 1.143rem,
'xl': 1.286rem, 'xl': 1.286rem,
), ),
'font-family': '-apple-system, "Segoe UI", system-ui, "SF Pro Text", Inter, Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif', 'font-family': '-apple-system, "Segoe UI", system-ui, "SF Pro Text", Inter, Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif',
'code-font-family': 'ui-monospace, SFMono-Regular, "Source Code Pro", "SF Mono", Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", monospace, var(--fonts-emoji)', 'code-font-family': 'ui-monospace, SFMono-Regular, "Source Code Pro", "SF Mono", Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", monospace, var(--fonts-emoji)',
'emoji-font-family': '"Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Noto Color Emoji", "Twemoji Mozilla"', 'emoji-font-family': '"Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Noto Color Emoji", "Twemoji Mozilla"',
'measure': ( 'measure': (
'.25x': 4px, '.25x': 4px,
'.375x': 6px, '.375x': 6px,
'.5x': 8px, '.5x': 8px,
'.75x': 12px, '.75x': 12px,
'.875x': 14px, '.875x': 14px,
'1x': 16px, '1x': 16px,
'1.25x': 20px, '1.25x': 20px,
'1.5x': 24px, '1.5x': 24px,
'2x': 32px, '2x': 32px,
'2.5x': 40px, '2.5x': 40px,
'3x': 48px, '3x': 48px,
'4x': 64px, '4x': 64px,
), ),
'navbar-logo': ( 'navbar-logo': (
'width': 56px, 'width': 56px,
'height': 20px, 'height': 20px,
), ),
'repo-home': ( 'repo-home': (
'sidebar-width': 296px, 'sidebar-width': 296px,
) )
); );
// init lui-micro, css-vars only (no reboot, no basic) // init lui-micro, css-vars only (no reboot, no basic)
@include lui.init( @include lui.init(
$theme: (colors: $colors, variables: $variables), $theme: (colors: $colors, variables: $variables),
$options: ( $options: (
reboot: false, reboot: false,
basic: false, basic: false,
fg-var-name: 'text', fg-var-name: 'text',
bg-var-name: 'elevation/1', bg-var-name: 'elevation/1',
), ),
); );
@include theme.make-theme($is-dark); @include theme.make-theme($is-dark);

@ -1,90 +1,90 @@
// @use '@lucas-labs/lui-micro' as lui; // @use '@lucas-labs/lui-micro' as lui;
// @use './utils/color-utils' as c; // @use './utils/color-utils' as c;
// @use './theme' as theme; // @use './theme' as theme;
// $is-dark: false; // $is-dark: false;
// $brand: #6296e2; // $brand: #6296e2;
// $colors: ( // $colors: (
// theme: ( // theme: (
// 'rosewater': c.variants(#dc8a78), // 'rosewater': c.variants(#dc8a78),
// 'flamingo': c.variants(#dd7878), // 'flamingo': c.variants(#dd7878),
// 'pink': c.variants(#ea76cb), // 'pink': c.variants(#ea76cb),
// 'mauve': c.variants(#8652e7), // 'mauve': c.variants(#8652e7),
// 'red': c.variants(#d20f39), // 'red': c.variants(#d20f39),
// 'maroon': c.variants(#e64553), // 'maroon': c.variants(#e64553),
// 'peach': c.variants(#fe640b), // 'peach': c.variants(#fe640b),
// 'yellow': c.variants(#df8e1d), // 'yellow': c.variants(#df8e1d),
// 'green': c.variants(#11752d), // 'green': c.variants(#11752d),
// 'teal': c.variants(#179299), // 'teal': c.variants(#179299),
// 'sky': c.variants(#04a5e5), // 'sky': c.variants(#04a5e5),
// 'sapphire': c.variants(#209fb5), // 'sapphire': c.variants(#209fb5),
// 'blue': c.variants(#1e66f5), // 'blue': c.variants(#1e66f5),
// 'lavender': c.variants(#7287fd), // 'lavender': c.variants(#7287fd),
// 'black': c.variants(#181825), // 'black': c.variants(#181825),
// 'white': c.variants(#e6edf3), // 'white': c.variants(#e6edf3),
// ), // ),
// text: #4c4f69, // text: #4c4f69,
// primary: c.variants($brand), // primary: c.variants($brand),
// secondary: c.variants(#999cc5), // secondary: c.variants(#999cc5),
// elevation: ( // elevation: (
// '1': #dce0e8, // crust // '1': #dce0e8, // crust
// '2': #e6e9ef, // mantle // '2': #e6e9ef, // mantle
// '3': #eff1f5, // base // '3': #eff1f5, // base
// '4': #dcdfe7, // surface0 // '4': #dcdfe7, // surface0
// '5': #bcc0cc, // surface1 // '5': #bcc0cc, // surface1
// '6': #acb0be, // surface2 // '6': #acb0be, // surface2
// '7': #9ca0b0, // overlay0 // '7': #9ca0b0, // overlay0
// '8': #8c8fa1, // overlay1 // '8': #8c8fa1, // overlay1
// '9': #7c7f93, // overlay2 // '9': #7c7f93, // overlay2
// '10': #6c6f85, // subtext0 // '10': #6c6f85, // subtext0
// '11': #5c5f77, // subtext1 // '11': #5c5f77, // subtext1
// '12': #4c4f69, // // '12': #4c4f69, //
// ) // )
// ); // );
// // init lui-micro, css-vars only (no reboot, no basic) // // init lui-micro, css-vars only (no reboot, no basic)
// @include lui.init( // @include lui.init(
// $theme: ( // $theme: (
// colors: $colors, // colors: $colors,
// variables: ( // variables: (
// 'font-size': ( // 'font-size': (
// 'xs': .75rem, // 'xs': .75rem,
// 'sm': .875rem, // 'sm': .875rem,
// 'md': 1rem, // 'md': 1rem,
// 'lg': 1.125rem, // 'lg': 1.125rem,
// 'xl': 1.25rem, // 'xl': 1.25rem,
// ), // ),
// 'font-family': '"Outfit", Inter, Roboto, "Segoe UI", sans-serif', // 'font-family': '"Outfit", Inter, Roboto, "Segoe UI", sans-serif',
// 'code-font-family': '"Source Code Pro", "Roboto Mono", Consolas, monospace', // 'code-font-family': '"Source Code Pro", "Roboto Mono", Consolas, monospace',
// 'measure': ( // 'measure': (
// '.25x': 4px, // '.25x': 4px,
// '.375x': 6px, // '.375x': 6px,
// '.5x': 8px, // '.5x': 8px,
// '.75x': 12px, // '.75x': 12px,
// '1x': 16px, // '1x': 16px,
// '1.25x': 20px, // '1.25x': 20px,
// '1.5x': 24px, // '1.5x': 24px,
// '2x': 32px, // '2x': 32px,
// '2.5x': 40px, // '2.5x': 40px,
// '3x': 48px, // '3x': 48px,
// '4x': 64px, // '4x': 64px,
// ), // ),
// 'repo-home': ( // 'repo-home': (
// 'sidebar-width': 296px, // 'sidebar-width': 296px,
// ) // )
// ), // ),
// ), // ),
// $options: ( // $options: (
// reboot: false, // reboot: false,
// basic: false, // basic: false,
// fg-var-name: 'text', // fg-var-name: 'text',
// bg-var-name: 'elevation/1', // bg-var-name: 'elevation/1',
// ), // ),
// ); // );
// @include theme.make-theme( // @include theme.make-theme(
// $is-dark: $is-dark, // $is-dark: $is-dark,
// ); // );

@ -11,7 +11,12 @@
@include components.editor; // github-style (kinda) markdown editor in comments, issues, etc. @include components.editor; // github-style (kinda) markdown editor in comments, issues, etc.
@include components.menu; // github-style dropdown menus @include components.menu; // github-style dropdown menus
// modules // code highlighting
@include modules.chroma; // syntax highlighting
@include modules.codemirror; // code editor
@include modules.monaco; // vscode-like code editor
// customized pages
@include modules.repo; // repo page @include modules.repo; // repo page
@include modules.issues; // issues page @include modules.issues; // issues page
} }

@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
@use '@lucas-labs/lui-micro/color' as color;
@use '@lucas-labs/lui-micro/var' as var;
@mixin chroma {
.chroma .code-inner{
font: 14px var.get('code-font-family');
/* NameBuiltinPseudo */
.chroma .bp {
color: color.get('palette/orange/base');
/* Comment */
.chroma .c {
color: color.get('elevated/7');
/* CommentSingle */
.chroma .c1 {
color: color.get('elevated/7');
/* CommentHashbang */
.chroma .ch {
color: color.get('elevated/7');
/* CommentMultiline */
.chroma .cm {
color: color.get('elevated/7');
/* CommentPreproc */
.chroma .cp {
color: color.get('palette/blue/base');
/* CommentPreprocFile */
.chroma .cpf {
color: color.get('palette/blue/base');
/* CommentSpecial */
.chroma .cs {
color: color.get('elevated/7');
/* LiteralStringDelimiter */
.chroma .dl {
color: color.get('palette/blue/base');
/* NameFunctionMagic */
.chroma .fm {
/* Generic */
.chroma .g {
/* GenericDeleted */
.chroma .gd {
color: color.get('theme');
background-color: rgba(#{color.get('palette/red/base', 'rgb')}, 0.15);
/* GenericEmph */
.chroma .ge {
font-style: italic;
/* GenericHeading */
.chroma .gh {
color: color.get('palette/teal/base');
/* GenericInserted */
.chroma .gi {
color: color.get('theme');
background-color: rgba(#{color.get('palette/green/base', 'rgb')}, 0.15);
/* GenericUnderline */
.chroma .gl {
/* GenericOutput */
.chroma .go {
color: color.get('palette/orange/base');
/* GenericPrompt */
.chroma .gp {
color: color.get('elevated/7');
font-weight: bold;
/* GenericError */
.chroma .gr {
color: color.get('palette/brown/base');
/* GenericStrong */
.chroma .gs {
font-weight: bold;
/* GenericTraceback */
.chroma .gt {
color: color.get('palette/brown/base');
/* GenericSubheading */
.chroma .gu {
color: color.get('palette/teal/base');
/* LiteralNumberIntegerLong */
.chroma .il {
color: color.get('palette/orange/base');
/* Keyword */
.chroma .k {
color: color.get('palette/purple/base');
/* KeywordConstant */
.chroma .kc {
color: color.get('palette/yellow/base');
/* KeywordDeclaration */
.chroma .kd {
color: color.get('palette/purple/base');
/* KeywordNamespace */
.chroma .kn {
color: color.get('palette/yellow/base');
/* KeywordPseudo */
.chroma .kp {
color: color.get('palette/purple/base');
font-weight: bold;
/* KeywordReserved */
.chroma .kr {
color: color.get('palette/purple/base');
/* KeywordType */
.chroma .kt {
color: color.get('palette/yellow/base');
/* Literal */
.chroma .l {
/* LiteralDate */
.chroma .ld {
/* LiteralNumber */
.chroma .m {
color: color.get('palette/orange/base');
/* LiteralNumberBin */
.chroma .mb {
color: color.get('palette/orange/base');
/* LiteralNumberFloat */
.chroma .mf {
color: color.get('palette/orange/base');
/* LiteralNumberHex */
.chroma .mh {
color: color.get('palette/orange/base');
/* LiteralNumberInteger */
.chroma .mi {
color: color.get('palette/orange/base');
/* LiteralNumberOct */
.chroma .mo {
color: color.get('palette/orange/base');
/* Name */
.chroma .n {
color: color.get('palette/violet/base');
/* NameAttribute */
.chroma .na {
color: color.get('palette/yellow/base');
/* NameBuiltin */
.chroma .nb {
color: color.get('palette/orange/base');
/* NameClass */
.chroma .nc {
color: color.get('palette/yellow/base');
/* NameDecorator */
.chroma .nd {
color: color.get('palette/pink/base');
/* NameException */
.chroma .ne {
color: color.get('palette/brown/base');
/* NameFunction */
.chroma .nf {
color: color.get('palette/blue/base');
/* NameEntity */
.chroma .ni {
color: color.get('palette/pink/base');
/* NameLabel */
.chroma .nl {
color: color.get('palette/yellow/base');
/* NameNamespace */
.chroma .nn {
color: color.get('palette/yellow/base');
/* NameConstant */
.chroma .no {
color: color.get('palette/yellow/base');
/* NameTag */
.chroma .nt {
color: color.get('palette/purple/base');
/* NameVariable */
.chroma .nv {
color: color.get('palette/orange/base');
/* NameOther */
.chroma .nx {
color: color.get('palette/orange/base');
/* Operator */
.chroma .o {
color: color.get('palette/teal/base');
/* OperatorWord */
.chroma .ow {
color: color.get('palette/teal/base');
font-weight: bold;
/* Punctuation */
.chroma .p {
color: color.get('elevated/9');
/* NameProperty */
.chroma .py {
/* LiteralString */
.chroma .s {
color: color.get('palette/green/base');
/* LiteralStringSingle */
.chroma .s1 {
color: color.get('palette/green/base');
/* LiteralStringDouble */
.chroma .s2 {
color: color.get('palette/green/base');
/* LiteralStringAffix */
.chroma .sa {
color: color.get('palette/green/base');
/* LiteralStringBacktick */
.chroma .sb {
color: color.get('palette/green/base');
/* LiteralStringChar */
.chroma .sc {
color: color.get('palette/green/base');
/* LiteralStringDoc */
.chroma .sd {
color: color.get('palette/green/base');
/* LiteralStringEscape */
.chroma .se {
color: color.get('palette/blue/base');
/* LiteralStringHeredoc */
.chroma .sh {
color: color.get('palette/green/base');
/* LiteralStringInterpol */
.chroma .si {
color: color.get('palette/green/base');
/* LiteralStringRegex */
.chroma .sr {
color: color.get('palette/blue/base');
/* LiteralStringSymbol */
.chroma .ss {
color: color.get('palette/green/base');
/* LiteralStringOther */
.chroma .sx {
color: color.get('palette/green/base');
/* NameVariableClass */
.chroma .vc {
color: color.get('palette/yellow/base');
/* NameVariableGlobal */
.chroma .vg {
color: color.get('palette/orange/base');
/* NameVariableInstance */
.chroma .vi {
color: color.get('palette/yellow/base');
/* NameVariableMagic */
.chroma .vm {
/* TextWhitespace */
.chroma .w {
color: color.get('elevated/4');

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
@use '@lucas-labs/lui-micro/color' as color;
@mixin codemirror {
.CodeMirror.cm-s-paper {
.cm-property {
color: color.get('text')
.cm-header {
color: color.get('text')
.cm-quote {
color: color.get('palette/green/base')
.cm-keyword {
color: color.get('palette/purple/base');
.cm-atom {
color: color.get('palette/red/base');
.cm-number {
color: color.get('palette/orange/base');
.cm-def {
color: color.get('text')
.cm-variable-2 {
color: color.get('palette/blue/base');
.cm-variable-3 {
color: color.get('palette/teal/base');
.cm-comment {
color: color.get('elevation/6')
.cm-string {
color: color.get('palette/green/base')
.cm-string-2 {
color: color.get('palette/green/base')
.cm-meta {
color: color.get('palette/orange/base');
.cm-qualifier {
color: color.get('palette/orange/base');
.cm-builtin {
color: color.get('palette/orange/base');
.cm-bracket {
color: color.get('text')
.cm-tag {
color: color.get('palette/yellow/base');
.cm-attribute {
color: color.get('palette/yellow/base');
.cm-hr {
color: color.get('elevation/9');
.cm-url {
color: color.get('palette/blue/base');
.cm-link {
color: color.get('palette/blue/base');
.cm-error {
color: color.get('palette/red/base');

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
@use '@lucas-labs/lui-micro/color' as color;
@mixin monaco {
$surface0: #{color.get('elevation/4')};
$subtext0: #{color.get('elevation/10')};
$overlay2: #{color.get('elevation/9')};
$mantle: #{color.get('elevation/0')};
$base: #{color.get('elevation/3')};
$accent: #{color.get('primary/base')};
$text: #{color.get('text')};
$mauve: #{color.get('palette/purple/base')};
$peach: #{color.get('palette/orange/base')};
$teal: #{color.get('palette/teal/base')};
$green: #{color.get('palette/green/base')};
$blue: #{color.get('palette/blue/base')};
$pink: #{color.get('palette/pink/base')};
.monaco-editor {
--vscode-editor-background: #{$mantle} !important;
--vscode-editorGutter-background: #{$mantle} !important;
// selected text
.selected-text {
background-color: $surface0 !important;
// line numbers
.margin-view-overlays .line-numbers {
color: $subtext0 !important;
.line-numbers.active-line-number {
color: $accent !important;
// current / cursor line
.view-overlays .current-line,
.margin-view-overlays .current-line-margin {
background-color: #{color.get('elevation/2')} !important;
// Note: all of the hotpink stuff is there so it's easily visible, since these editor scope mappings are a mess
// plaintext
.mtk1 {
color: $text !important;
.mtk2 {
color: #ff69b4 !important;
// decorators
.mtk3 {
color: $peach !important;
// shell arguments
.mtk4 {
color: $teal !important;
// css constants & pre-defineds
.mtk5 {
color: $text !important;
// keywords
.mtk6 {
color: $mauve !important;
// numbers
.mtk7 {
color: $peach !important;
// comments
.mtk8 {
color: $overlay2 !important;
// sometimes a keyword, apparently
.mtk9 {
color: $mauve !important;
// braces, brackets, parentheses
.mtk10 {
color: $subtext0 !important;
// arrow brackets & equal signs in HTML
.mtk11 {
color: $teal !important;
// @ sign in javascript ¯\_()_/¯
.mtk12 {
color: $teal !important;
.mtk13 {
color: #ff69b4 !important;
.mtk14 {
color: #ff69b4 !important;
// regex, css classnames, and HTML keywords (huh)
.mtk15 {
color: $mauve !important;
// shebangs
.mtk16 {
color: $overlay2 !important;
.mtk17 {
color: #ff69b4 !important;
.mtk18 {
color: #ff69b4 !important;
// glob operator i guess
.mtk19 {
color: $teal !important;
.mtk20 {
color: #ff69b4 !important;
// strings
.mtk21 {
color: $green !important;
.mtk22 {
color: #ff69b4 !important;
// functions
.mtk23 {
color: $blue !important;
// shell variables
.mtk24 {
color: $peach !important;
// weird variables
.mtk25 {
color: $pink !important;
// .bracket-highlighting-0 {
// color: color.mix($text, $red, 40%) !important;
// }
// .bracket-highlighting-1 {
// color: color.mix($text, $peach, 40%) !important;
// }
// .bracket-highlighting-2 {
// color: color.mix($text, $yellow, 40%) !important;
// }
// .bracket-highlighting-3 {
// color: color.mix($text, $green, 40%) !important;
// }
// .bracket-highlighting-4 {
// color: color.mix($text, $blue, 40%) !important;
// }
// .bracket-highlighting-5 {
// color: color.mix($text, $mauve, 40%) !important;
// }

@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
@forward './repo'; @forward './repo';
@forward './issues'; @forward './issues';
@forward './chroma';
@forward './codemirror';
@forward './monaco';