Publish a new Release
Krille-chan edited this page 12 months ago
FluffyChat is available in A LOT of app stores:
- PlayStore (Automatically on commits and on tags)
- iOS AppStore (Fully manually)
- F-Droid (Automatically on every tag but needs manually updated version code)
- Flathub (Automatically on tag)
- SnapStore (Automatically on commits and on tags)
- Docker (Automatically on tag)
Steps for a new release
- Update the version and bump the version code (necessary for F-Droid)
- Update the changelog (Snippet autogen:
git log $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD --pretty=format:'- %s %C(bold blue)(%an)%Creset' --no-merges --no-decorate | sort -k2
) - Merge all changes into main
- Publish a new release to iOS testflight - You can use
for this - Test everything on iOS and Android!
- Create the new Tag with the version in it -> For version 1.42.0 for example it would be:
- Publish iOS using the web interface from AppStore connect