You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
636 lines
33 KiB
636 lines
33 KiB
$__dart_deferred_initializers__.current=function(a,b,c,$){var B,C,A={
cz3(){return new A.F_(B.dh("vi"))},
F_:function F_(d){this.a=d}}
gjK(){return"Nh\u1eadp l\u1ea1i m\u1eadt kh\u1ea9u"},
gm_(){return"Kh\xf4ng ph\u1ea3i t\u1ec7p \u1ea3nh."},
gbe(d){return"Lo\u1ea1i b\u1ecf"},
glA(){return"Nh\u1eadp v\xe0o"},
gly(){return"Nh\u1eadp Bi\u1ec3u c\u1ea3m"},
glz(){return"Nh\u1eadp v\xe0o t\u1eeb t\u1ec7p .zip"},
glh(){return"Xu\u1ea5t g\xf3i bi\u1ec3u c\u1ea3m b\u1eb1ng t\u1ec7p .zip"},
gmn(d){return"Thay th\u1ebf"},
geB(){return"Gi\u1edbi thi\u1ec7u"},
ns(d){return"V\u1ec1 "+d},
gf4(d){return"\u0110\u1ed3ng \xfd"},
hb(d){return d+" \u0111\xe3 \u0111\u1ed3ng \xfd l\u1eddi m\u1eddi"},
ghd(){return"T\xe0i kho\u1ea3n"},
he(d){return d+" \u0111\xe3 k\xedch ho\u1ea1t m\xe3 h\xf3a \u0111\u1ea7u cu\u1ed1i 2 chi\u1ec1u"},
ghf(){return"Th\xeam email"},
gl_(){return"H\xe3y x\xe1c nh\u1eadn Matrix ID \u0111\u1ec3 xo\xe1 t\xe0i kho\u1ea3n."},
kC(d){return"\u0110\xe2y n\xean l\xe0 "+d},
ghh(){return"Th\xeam v\xe0o kh\xf4ng gian"},
ghi(){return"Qu\u1ea3n tr\u1ecb vi\xean"},
ghj(){return"b\xed danh"},
ghk(){return"T\u1ea5t c\u1ea3"},
gkR(){return"Send some googly eyes"},
gkQ(){return"Send a cuddle"},
gkS(){return"G\u1eedi m\u1ed9t c\xe1i \xf4m"},
kb(d){return d+" sends you googly eyes"},
l4(d){return d+" cuddles you"},
lx(d){return d+" \xf4m b\u1ea1n"},
hl(d){return d+" \u0111\xe3 tr\u1ea3 l\u1eddi cu\u1ed9c g\u1ecdi"},
gf5(){return"M\u1ecdi ng\u01b0\u1eddi \u0111\u1ec1u c\xf3 th\u1ec3 gia nh\u1eadp"},
ghm(){return"L\u01b0u tr\u1eef"},
ghn(){return"Kh\xe1ch v\xe3ng lai c\xf3 \u0111\u01b0\u1ee3c tham gia kh\xf4ng"},
gdd(){return"B\u1ea1n ch\u1eafc ch\u1ee9?"},
gho(){return"B\u1ea1n c\xf3 ch\u1eafc b\u1ea1n mu\u1ed1n \u0111\u0103ng xu\u1ea5t kh\xf4ng?"},
ghp(){return"To be able to sign the other person, please enter your secure store passphrase or recovery key."},
hq(d){return"B\u1ea1n c\xf3 \u0111\u1ed3ng \xfd y\xeau c\u1ea7u ch\u1ee9ng th\u1ef1c t\u1eeb "+d+" kh\xf4ng?"},
hr(d,e,f){return"M\xe1y ch\u1ee7 nh\xe0 h\u1ed7 tr\u1ee3 ki\u1ec3u \u0111\u0103ng nh\u1eadp:\n"+d+"\nNh\u01b0ng \u1ee9ng d\u1ee5ng n\xe0y ch\u1ec9 h\u1ed7 tr\u1ee3:\n"+e},
gki(){return"Send typing notifications"},
gnr(){return"Swipe right to left to reply"},
gfY(){return"Send on enter"},
hs(d,e,f,g){return"M\xe1y ch\u1ee7 nh\xe0 h\u1ed7 tr\u1ee3 Spec phi\xean b\u1ea3n:\n"+f+"\nNh\u01b0ng \u1ee9ng d\u1ee5ng n\xe0y ch\u1ec9 h\u1ed7 tr\u1ee3 "+e},
l0(d,e){return""+d+" chats and "+e+" participants"},
glX(){return"No more chats found..."},
goo(){return"No chats found here yet. Start a new chat with someone by using the button below. \u2935\ufe0f"},
gf6(){return"C\u1ea5m kh\u1ecfi cu\u1ed9c tr\xf2 chuy\u1ec7n"},
ght(){return"\u0110\xe3 b\u1ecb c\u1ea5m"},
hu(d,e){return d+" \u0111\xe3 c\u1ea5m "+e},
ghv(){return"Thi\u1ebft b\u1ecb b\u1ecb ch\u1eb7n"},
gcr(){return"\u0110\xe3 ch\u1eb7n"},
f9(d){return"Can't open the URI "+d},
gfa(){return"Thay \u0111\u1ed5i t\xean thi\u1ebft b\u1ecb"},
hz(d){return d+" \u0111\xe3 thay \u0111\u1ed5i \u1ea3nh ph\xf2ng chat"},
hA(d,e){return d+" \u0111\xe3 thay \u0111\u1ed5i m\xf4 t\u1ea3 ph\xf2ng chat th\xe0nh: '"+e+"'"},
hB(d,e){return d+" \u0111\xe3 thay \u0111\u1ed5i t\xean ph\xf2ng chat th\xe0nh: '"+e+"'"},
hC(d){return d+" \u0111\xe3 thay \u0111\u1ed5i quy\u1ec1n trong ph\xf2ng chat"},
hD(d,e){return d+" changed their displayname to: '"+e+"'"},
hE(d){return d+" \u0111\xe3 thay \u0111\u1ed5i quy t\u1eafc truy c\u1eadp \u0111\u1ed1i v\u1edbi kh\xe1ch"},
hF(d,e){return d+" \u0111\xe3 thay \u0111\u1ed5i quy t\u1eafc truy c\u1eadp \u0111\u1ed1i v\u1edbi kh\xe1ch th\xe0nh: "+e},
hG(d){return d+" changed the history visibility"},
hH(d,e){return d+" changed the history visibility to: "+e},
hI(d){return d+" changed the join rules"},
hJ(d,e){return d+" changed the join rules to: "+e},
hK(d){return d+" \u0111\xe3 thay \u0111\u1ed5i \u1ea3nh \u0111\u1ea1i di\u1ec7n c\u1ee7a m\xecnh"},
hL(d){return d+" \u0111\xe3 \u0111\u1ed5i \u0111\u1ecba ch\u1ec9 ph\xf2ng chat"},
hM(d){return d+" \u0111\xe3 thay \u0111\u1ed5i \u0111\u01b0\u1eddng d\u1eabn m\u1eddi"},
ge7(){return"Thay \u0111\u1ed5i m\u1eadt kh\u1ea9u"},
ghx(){return"Thay \u0111\u1ed5i m\xe1y ch\u1ee7 nh\xe0"},
gfc(){return"Change your style"},
gfb(){return"Thay \u0111\u1ed5i t\xean nh\xf3m"},
ghy(){return"Change your avatar"},
ghN(){return"The encryption has been corrupted"},
gk8(){return"Your chat backup has been set up."},
gei(){return"Sao l\u01b0u cu\u1ed9c tr\xf2 chuy\u1ec7n"},
ghO(){return"B\u1ea3n sao l\u01b0u cu\u1ed9c tr\xf2 chuy\u1ec7n c\u1ee7a b\u1ea1n \u0111\u01b0\u1ee3c b\u1ea3o m\u1eadt b\u1eb1ng m\u1ed9t kho\xe1 b\u1ea3o m\u1eadt. B\u1ea1n \u0111\u1eebng l\xe0m m\u1ea5t n\xf3."},
gfd(){return"Chi ti\u1ebft cu\u1ed9c tr\xf2 chuy\u1ec7n"},
ghP(){return"Ch\u1ecdn m\u1ed9t m\u1eadt kh\u1ea9u m\u1ea1nh"},
gfg(){return"Clear archive"},
gkU(){return"Mark as direct message room for the giving Matrix ID"},
gkV(){return"Mark as group"},
ghQ(){return"Ban the given user from this room"},
ghR(){return"Clear cache"},
ghS(){return"Create an empty group chat\nUse --no-encryption to disable encryption"},
ghT(){return"Discard session"},
ghU(){return"Start a direct chat\nUse --no-encryption to disable encryption"},
ghV(){return"Send HTML-formatted text"},
ghW(){return"Invite the given user to this room"},
ghX(){return"Join the given room"},
ghY(){return"Remove the given user from this room"},
ghZ(){return"Leave this room"},
gi_(){return"Describe yourself"},
gi0(){return"Set your picture for this room (by mxc-uri)"},
gi1(){return"Set your display name for this room"},
gi2(){return"Set the given user's power level (default: 50)"},
gi3(){return"Send unformatted text"},
gi4(){return"Send reply as a reaction"},
gi5(){return"Send text"},
gi6(){return"Unban the given user from this room"},
gi7(){return"Command invalid"},
i8(d){return d+" is not a command."},
gi9(){return"So s\xe1nh v\xe0 \u0111\u1ea3m b\u1ea3o c\xe1c bi\u1ec3u t\u01b0\u1ee3ng c\u1ea3m x\xfac sau \u0111\xe2y gi\u1ed1ng v\u1edbi c\xe1c bi\u1ec3u t\u01b0\u1ee3ng tr\xean m\xe1y c\xf2n l\u1ea1i"},
gia(){return"So s\xe1nh v\xe0 \u0111\u1ea3m b\u1ea3o c\xe1c s\u1ed1 sau \u0111\xe2y gi\u1ed1ng tr\xean m\xe1y c\xf2n l\u1ea1i"},
gic(){return"Configure chat"},
gie(){return"Li\xean h\u1ec7 \u0111\xe3 \u0111\u01b0\u1ee3c m\u1eddi v\xe0o nh\xf3m"},
gfh(){return"The content has been reported to the server admins"},
gig(){return"Copied to clipboard"},
geF(d){return"Sao ch\xe9p"},
gih(){return"Copy to clipboard"},
ii(d){return"Kh\xf4ng th\u1ec3 gi\u1ea3i m\xe3 tin nh\u1eafn: "+d},
dX(d){return""+d+" th\xe0nh vi\xean"},
ij(d){return d+" \u0111\xe3 t\u1ea1o cu\u1ed9c tr\xf2 chuy\u1ec7n"},
gej(){return"Create group"},
gek(){return"New space"},
gfj(){return"\u0110ang ho\u1ea1t \u0111\u1ed9ng"},
im(d,e){return d+", "+e},
gio(){return"Vi\u1ec7c n\xe0y s\u1ebd v\xf4 hi\u1ec7u ho\xe1 t\xe0i kho\u1ea3n c\u1ee7a b\u1ea1n. \u0110i\u1ec1u n\xe0y kh\xf4ng th\u1ec3 \u0111\u1ea3o ng\u01b0\u1ee3c \u0111\u01b0\u1ee3c! B\u1ea1n ch\u1eafc l\xe0 v\u1eabn mu\u1ed1n ti\u1ebfp t\u1ee5c ch\u1ee9?"},
gip(){return"Default permission level for new users"},
git(){return"Xo\xe1 t\xe0i kho\u1ea3n"},
giu(){return"Xo\xe1 tin nh\u1eafn"},
geI(){return"C\xe1c thi\u1ebft b\u1ecb"},
giw(){return"T\xean hi\u1ec3n th\u1ecb \u0111\xe3 \u0111\u01b0\u1ee3c thay \u0111\u1ed5i"},
gfk(){return"T\u1ea3i \u1ea3nh xu\u1ed1ng"},
giy(){return"Edit blocked servers"},
gfe(){return"Chat permissions"},
giA(){return"S\u1eeda t\xean hi\u1ec3n th\u1ecb"},
giB(){return"Edit room aliases"},
gfl(){return"Edit room avatar"},
geJ(){return"Emote already exists!"},
gfm(){return"Invalid emote shortcode!"},
gle(){return"Recently-used emotes will appear here..."},
giD(){return"Emote packs for room"},
gka(){return"Global chat ID"},
ghc(){return"Access and visibility"},
gkF(){return"Who is allowed to join this chat and how the chat can be discovered."},
geH(){return"Custom emojis and stickers"},
gl5(){return"Add or share custom emojis or stickers which can be used in any chat."},
geK(){return"Emote shortcode"},
giE(){return"You need to pick an emote shortcode and an image!"},
gdY(){return"Empty chat"},
giF(){return"Enable emote pack globally"},
gem(){return"Enable encryption"},
giG(){return"You won't be able to disable the encryption anymore. Are you sure?"},
geM(){return"Encryption is not enabled"},
iJ(d){return d+" ended the call"},
gen(){return"Enter an email address"},
iK(d){return"Error obtaining location: "+d},
giL(){return"M\u1ecdi th\u1ee9 \u0111\xe3 s\u1eb5n s\xe0ng!"},
gfn(){return"Extremely offensive"},
giP(d){return"Font size"},
glo(){return"From joining"},
glp(){return"From the invitation"},
geY(){return"Go to the new room"},
gkO(){return"Chat description"},
gkP(){return"Chat description changed"},
gfP(){return"Group is public"},
ee(d){return"Group with "+d},
gfS(){return"Guests are forbidden"},
gfT(){return"Guests can join"},
iQ(d,e){return d+" has withdrawn the invitation for "+e},
glv(){return"Hide redacted messages"},
glw(){return"If someone redacts a message, this message won't be visible in the chat anymore."},
glr(){return"Hide invalid or unknown message formats"},
gfq(){return"How offensive is this content?"},
ghw(){return"Blocked users"},
gkJ(){return"You can block users who are disturbing you. You won't be able to receive any messages or room invites from the users on your personal block list."},
gkK(){return"Ignore username"},
gfs(){return"I have clicked on the link"},
giU(){return"Incorrect passphrase or recovery key"},
geR(){return"Invite contact"},
iY(d){return"Invite contact to "+d},
gje(){return"No chat description created yet."},
gjQ(){return"Try again"},
glD(){return"Invalid server name"},
gmj(){return"The message will be redacted for all participants in this conversation. This cannot be undone."},
gm1(){return"(Optional) Reason for redacting this message..."},
j0(d,e){return"\ud83d\udce9 "+d+" invited "+e},
gfu(){return"Invited users only"},
iZ(d,e){return d+" invited you to FluffyChat.\n1. Visit and install the app \n2. Sign up or sign in \n3. Open the invite link: \n "+e},
gj1(){return"is typing\u2026"},
fv(d){return"\ud83d\udc4b "+d+" joined the chat"},
gj2(){return"Join room"},
j3(d,e){return"\ud83d\udc5e "+d+" kicked "+e},
gfw(){return"Kick from chat"},
eS(d){return"Last active: "+d},
gj4(){return"Left the chat"},
j6(d){return"Load "+d+" more participants"},
gel(){return"Export session and wipe device"},
gis(){return"This action cannot be undone. Ensure you safely store the backup file."},
giq(){return"TOR Users: Export session"},
gir(){return"For TOR users, it is recommended to export the session before closing the window."},
giS(){return"TOR Users: Import session export"},
giT(){return"Did you export your session last time on TOR? Quickly import it and continue chatting."},
giR(){return"Restore from backup file"},
ge1(){return"Loading\u2026 Please wait."},
gj7(){return"Load more\u2026"},
gj8(){return"Location services are disabled. Please enable them to be able to share your location."},
gj9(){return"Location permission denied. Please grant them to be able to share your location."},
ja(d){return"Log in to "+d},
gfB(){return"Mute chat"},
gjd(){return"New chat"},
gfC(){return"New verification request!"},
gjf(){return"No connection to the server"},
gfD(){return"No emotes found. \ud83d\ude15"},
gjg(){return"B\u1ea1n ch\u1ec9 c\xf3 th\u1ec3 k\xedch ho\u1ea1t m\xe3 ho\xe1 khi ph\xf2ng n\xe0y kh\xf4ng m\u1edf"},
jh(d,e){return d+" is no matrix server, use "+e+" instead?"},
gks(){return"Share invite link"},
gjj(){return"You have not added a way to recover your password yet."},
geT(){return"No permission"},
gfE(){return"No rooms found\u2026"},
geU(){return"Th\xf4ng b\xe1o"},
gjk(){return"Obtaining location\u2026"},
gjm(){return"Online Key Backup is enabled"},
gdG(){return"Oops, something went wrong\u2026"},
gjl(){return"One of your clients has been logged out"},
geC(){return"Add account"},
giz(){return"Edit bundles for this account"},
ghg(){return"Add to bundle"},
gjI(){return"Remove from this bundle"},
gf8(){return"Bundle name"},
giH(){return"(BETA) Enable multi accounts on this device"},
gjo(){return"Open in maps"},
gh3(){return"This server needs to validate your email address for registration."},
gjr(){return"passphrase or recovery key"},
geb(){return"Password forgotten"},
gfH(){return"Password has been changed"},
gls(){return"Hide member changes in public chats"},
glt(){return"Do not show in the chat timeline if someone joins or leaves a public chat to improve readability."},
gm6(){return"Password recovery settings"},
gjt(){return"Password recovery"},
gju(){return"Pick an image"},
gjv(){return"Please choose"},
gfJ(){return"Please click on the link in the email and then proceed."},
geu(){return"Please enter your password"},
gjx(){return"Please enter your pin"},
gjy(){return"Please enter your username"},
gjz(){return"Vui l\xf2ng l\xe0m theo h\u01b0\u1edbng d\u1eabn tr\xean trang web v\xe0 b\u1ea5m ti\u1ebfp"},
gjB(){return"Public Rooms"},
jE(d){return"Redacted by "+d},
glb(){return"Direct chat"},
mk(d,e){return"Redacted by "+d+' because: "'+e+'"'},
jD(d){return d+" redacted an event"},
gfM(){return"Redact message"},
jG(d){return d+" rejected the invitation"},
gjH(){return"Remove all other devices"},
gjR(){return"Unban from chat"},
gjJ(){return"Remove your avatar"},
gfN(){return"Replace room with newer version"},
gfO(){return"Report message"},
gjN(){return"Room has been upgraded"},
gjO(){return"Room version"},
gfL(){return"Recovery key"},
gjC(){return"Recovery key lost?"},
gfU(){return"Send a message"},
gfV(){return"Send as text"},
gfW(){return"Send audio"},
gf0(){return"Send file"},
gf1(){return"Send image"},
nF(d){return"Send "+d+" image"},
gfX(){return"Send messages"},
gfZ(){return"Send video"},
h_(d){return"\ud83d\udcc1 "+d+" sent a file"},
h2(d){return"\ud83c\udfa4 "+d+" sent an audio"},
h0(d){return"\ud83d\uddbc\ufe0f "+d+" sent a picture"},
f2(d){return"\ud83d\ude0a "+d+" sent a sticker"},
h1(d){return"\ud83c\udfa5 "+d+" sent a video"},
kl(d){return d+" sent call information"},
gkm(){return"Separate Direct Chats and Groups"},
gkn(){return"Set as main alias"},
gkp(){return"Set custom emotes"},
gh5(){return"Set chat description"},
gkq(){return"Set permissions level"},
gez(){return"Set status"},
gef(){return"C\xe0i \u0111\u1eb7t"},
ku(d){return d+" shared their location"},
gkt(){return"Share location"},
gmd(){return"Show status messages from other users"},
gh7(){return"Source code"},
gkw(){return"Space is public"},
gh8(){return"Space name"},
h9(d){return d+" started a call"},
gkz(){return"How are you today?"},
gkD(){return"Synchronizing\u2026 Please wait."},
nP(d){return" Synchronizing\u2026 ("+d+"%)"},
gmv(){return"They Don't Match"},
gmw(){return"They Match"},
gmz(){return"Too many requests. Please try again later!"},
gmA(){return"Chuy\u1ec3n t\u1eeb thi\u1ebft b\u1ecb kh\xe1c"},
gmC(){return"Try to send again"},
mE(d,e){return d+" unbanned "+e},
gmF(){return"Unblock Device"},
gjS(){return"Unknown device"},
gjT(){return"Unknown encryption algorithm"},
mG(d){return"Unknown event '"+d+"'"},
gjU(){return"Unmute chat"},
mJ(d,e){return d+" and "+e+" others are typing\u2026"},
mK(d,e){return d+" and "+e+" are typing\u2026"},
mL(d){return d+" is typing\u2026"},
mM(d){return"\ud83d\udeaa "+d+" left the chat"},
jV(d,e){return d+" sent a "+e+" event"},
gcX(){return"\u0110\xe3 x\xe1c th\u1ef1c"},
gjY(){return"Start Verification"},
gjZ(){return"You successfully verified!"},
gmU(){return"Verifying other account"},
gmV(){return"Video call"},
gmY(){return"Visibility of the chat history"},
gmZ(){return"Visible for all participants"},
gn_(){return"Visible for everyone"},
gn1(){return"Waiting for partner to accept the request\u2026"},
gn2(){return"Waiting for partner to accept the emoji\u2026"},
gn3(){return"Waiting for partner to accept the numbers\u2026"},
gk0(){return"We sent you an email"},
gn4(){return"Who can perform which action"},
gn5(){return"Who is allowed to join this group"},
gk5(){return"Why do you want to report this?"},
gn7(){return"Wipe your chat backup to create a new recovery key?"},
gn8(){return"With these addresses you can recover your password."},
gn9(){return"Write a message\u2026"},
gex(){return"You are no longer participating in this chat"},
gne(){return"You have been banned from this chat"},
gnm(){return"Your public key"},
gjb(){return"Message info"},
gjn(){return"Open gallery"},
gmb(){return"To unlock your old messages, please enter your recovery key that has been generated in a previous session. Your recovery key is NOT your password."},
mX(d){return"Video ("+d+")"},
glP(){return"Mark as read"},
gjM(){return"Report user"},
mh(d,e){return d+" reacted with "+e},
gm8(){return"Pin to room"},
gkZ(){return"Are you sure to permanently unpin the event?"},
gm9(){return"Place call"},
gn0(){return"Voice call"},
gmW(){return"Please note that video calls are currently in beta. They might not work as expected or work at all on all platforms."},
glg(){return"Experimental video calls"},
gld(){return"Email or username"},
glC(){return"Private mode issues"},
glB(){return"The message storage is unfortunately not enabled in private mode by default.\nPlease visit\n - about:config\n - set dom.indexedDB.privateBrowsing.enabled to true\nOtherwise, it is not possible to run FluffyChat."},
gnj(){return"You rejected the invitation"},
gk7(){return"You joined the chat"},
gnc(){return"\ud83d\udc4d You accepted the invitation"},
nd(d){return"You banned "+d},
nf(d){return"You have withdrawn the invitation for "+d},
ng(d){return"\ud83d\udce9 You have been invited by "+d},
nh(d){return"\ud83d\udce9 You invited "+d},
ni(d){return"\ud83d\udc5e You kicked "+d},
nk(d){return"You unbanned "+d},
lq(d){return"\ud83d\udeaa "+d+" has knocked"},
gmR(){return"Users must knock"},
glY(){return"No one can join"},
mP(d){return d+" would like to join the chat."},
gmH(){return"Unlock old messages"},
gkd(){return"Save this key manually by triggering the system share dialog or clipboard."},
l1(d){return""+d+" files"},
gn6(){return"Why is this message unreadable?"},
glW(){return"This can happen if the message was sent before you have signed in to your account at this device.\n\nIt is also possible that the sender has blocked your device or something went wrong with the internet connection.\n\nAre you able to read the message on another session? Then you can transfer the message from it! Go to Settings > Devices and make sure that your devices have verified each other. When you open the room the next time and both sessions are in the foreground, the keys will be transmitted automatically.\n\nDo you not want to lose the keys when logging out or switching devices? Make sure that you have enabled the chat backup in the settings."},
glT(){return"Kh\xf4ng gian m\u1edbi"},
glu(){return"\u1ea8n danh s\xe1ch tr\u1ea1ng th\xe1i?"},
ew(d){return"H\u1ed9i tho\u1ea1i tr\u1ed1ng (t\u1eebng l\xe0 "+d+")"},
glU(){return"Kh\xf4ng gian cho ph\xe9p b\u1ea1n h\u1ee3p nh\u1ea5t c\xe1c cu\u1ed9c tr\xf2 chuy\u1ec7n c\u1ee7a m\xecnh v\xe0 x\xe2y d\u1ef1ng c\u1ed9ng \u0111\u1ed3ng ri\xeang t\u01b0 ho\u1eb7c c\xf4ng khai."},
glf(){return"M\xe3 h\xf3a cu\u1ed9c tr\xf2 chuy\u1ec7n n\xe0y"},
glc(){return"V\xec l\xfd do b\u1ea3o m\u1eadt, b\u1ea1n kh\xf4ng th\u1ec3 t\u1eaft t\xednh n\u0103ng m\xe3 h\xf3a trong cu\u1ed9c tr\xf2 chuy\u1ec7n \u0111\xe3 \u0111\u01b0\u1ee3c b\u1eadt t\xednh n\u0103ng n\xe0y tr\u01b0\u1edbc \u0111\xf3."},
gf3(){return"Xin l\u1ed7i... kh\xf4ng kh\u1ea3 d\u1ee5ng"},
gla(){return"Device keys:"},
gmm(){return"M\u1edf l\u1ea1i cu\u1ed9c tr\xf2 chuy\u1ec7n"},
glV(){return"C\u1ea9n th\u1eadn! N\u1ebfu kh\xf4ng b\u1eadt sao l\u01b0u tr\xf2 chuy\u1ec7n, b\u1ea1n s\u1ebd m\u1ea5t quy\u1ec1n truy c\u1eadp v\xe0o tin nh\u1eafn \u0111\u01b0\u1ee3c m\xe3 h\xf3a c\u1ee7a m\xecnh. Ch\xfang t\xf4i khuy\xean b\u1ea1n n\xean b\u1eadt sao l\u01b0u tr\xf2 chuy\u1ec7n tr\u01b0\u1edbc khi \u0111\u0103ng xu\u1ea5t."},
gji(){return"Kh\xf4ng t\xecm th\u1ea5y thi\u1ebft b\u1ecb kh\xe1c"},
lk(d){return"M\xe1y ch\u1ee7 b\xe1o c\xe1o r\u1eb1ng t\u1ec7p tin qu\xe1 l\u1edbn \u0111\u1ec3 g\u1eedi."},
glI(){return"\u0110i t\u1edbi tin nh\u1eafn \u0111\xe3 \u0111\u1ecdc m\u1edbi nh\u1ea5t"},
gmi(){return"\u0110\u1ecdc t\u1edbi \u0111\xe2y"},
glH(){return"\u0110i t\u1edbi"},
gm0(){return"M\u1edf \u0111\u01b0\u1eddng d\u1eabn trong tr\xecnh duy\u1ec7t"},
gmp(){return"\ud83d\ude2d \xd4i. C\xf3 l\u1ed7i x\u1ea3y ra. B\u1ea1n c\xf3 th\u1ec3 b\xe1o c\xe1o l\u1ed7i t\u1edbi nh\xe0 ph\xe1t tri\u1ec3n n\u1ebfu mu\u1ed1n."},
gmo(){return"b\xe1o c\xe1o"},
gme(){return"Kh\xf4ng t\xecm th\u1ea5y ng\u01b0\u1eddi d\xf9ng n\xe0y t\u1ea1i m\xe1y ch\u1ee7. C\xf3 th\u1ec3 do l\u1ed7i k\u1ebft n\u1ed1i ho\u1eb7c ng\u01b0\u1eddi d\xf9ng kh\xf4ng t\u1ed3n t\u1ea1i."},
gko(){return"Ch\u1ecdn m\xe0u giao di\u1ec7n:"},
glE(){return"\ud83d\udce8 M\u1eddi nh\xf3m tr\xf2 chuy\u1ec7n"},
giW(){return"D\u1eef li\u1ec7u nh\u1eadp kh\xf4ng h\u1ee3p l\u1ec7!"},
na(d){return"Nh\u1eadp sai m\xe3 pin! Th\u1eed l\u1ea1i sau "+d+" gi\xe2y..."},
gjw(){return"H\xe3y nh\u1eadp s\u1ed1 l\u1edbn h\u01a1n 0"},
geD(){return"Cu\u1ed9c tr\xf2 chuy\u1ec7n s\u1ebd \u0111\u01b0\u1ee3c chuy\u1ec3n t\u1edbi m\u1ee5c l\u01b0u tr\u1eef. Ng\u01b0\u1eddi d\xf9ng kh\xe1c s\u1ebd th\u1ea5y \u0111\u01b0\u1ee3c b\u1ea1n \u0111\xe3 r\u1eddi kh\u1ecfi cu\u1ed9c tr\xf2 chuy\u1ec7n."},
gmt(){return"Cu\u1ed9c tr\xf2 chuy\u1ec7n s\u1ebd \u0111\u01b0\u1ee3c t\u1ea1o l\u1ea1i v\u1edbi phi\xean b\u1ea3n ph\xf2ng m\u1edbi. T\u1ea5t c\u1ea3 nh\u1eefng ng\u01b0\u1eddi tham gia s\u1ebd \u0111\u01b0\u1ee3c th\xf4ng b\xe1o r\u1eb1ng h\u1ecd c\u1ea7n chuy\u1ec3n sang cu\u1ed9c tr\xf2 chuy\u1ec7n m\u1edbi. B\u1ea1n c\xf3 th\u1ec3 t\xecm hi\u1ec3u th\xeam v\u1ec1 c\xe1c phi\xean b\u1ea3n ph\xf2ng t\u1ea1i"},
gml(){return"B\u1ea1n s\u1ebd \u0111\u0103ng xu\u1ea5t kh\u1ecfi thi\u1ebft b\u1ecb n\xe0y v\xe0 kh\xf4ng nh\u1eadn \u0111\u01b0\u1ee3c tin nh\u1eafn n\u1eefa."},
gkI(){return"Ng\u01b0\u1eddi d\xf9ng s\u1ebd b\u1ecb c\u1ea5m kh\u1ecfi cu\u1ed9c tr\xf2 chuy\u1ec7n v\xe0 kh\xf4ng th\u1ec3 tham gia l\u1ea1i cho t\u1edbi khi \u0111\u01b0\u1ee3c g\u1ee1 c\u1ea5m."},
gmD(){return"Ng\u01b0\u1eddi d\xf9ng s\u1ebd c\xf3 th\u1ec3 v\xe0o l\u1ea1i cu\u1ed9c tr\xf2 chuy\u1ec7n n\u1ebfu h\u1ecd th\u1eed."},
glJ(){return"Ng\u01b0\u1eddi d\xf9ng b\u1ecb \u0111u\u1ed5i kh\u1ecfi cu\u1ed9c tr\xf2 chuy\u1ec7n nh\u01b0ng kh\xf4ng b\u1ecb c\u1ea5m. Trong c\xe1c cu\u1ed9c tr\xf2 chuy\u1ec7n c\xf4ng khai, ng\u01b0\u1eddi d\xf9ng c\xf3 th\u1ec3 v\xe0o l\u1ea1i b\u1ea5t c\u1ee9 l\xfac n\xe0o."},
glO(){return"Khi b\u1ea1n \u0111\u1eb7t ng\u01b0\u1eddi d\xf9ng n\xe0y l\xe0m qu\u1ea3n tr\u1ecb vi\xean, b\u1ea1n kh\xf4ng th\u1ec3 ho\xe0n t\xe1c vi\u1ec7c n\xe0y v\xec khi \u0111\xf3 h\u1ecd s\u1ebd c\xf3 quy\u1ec1n ngang b\u1ea1n."},
gnl(){return"Your global user-ID is: "},
lZ(d){return'Kh\xf4ng t\xecm th\u1ea5y ng\u01b0\u1eddi d\xf9ng n\xe0o v\u1edbi "'+d+'". H\xe3y ki\u1ec3m tra xem b\u1ea1n c\xf3 nh\u1eadp nh\u1ea7m kh\xf4ng.'},
kN(d){return"Chat can be discovered via the search on "+d},
gke(){return"Search for #chats, @users..."},
gfF(){return"Nothing found..."},
gfQ(){return"Group name"},
gl2(){return"Create a group and invite users"},
gkc(){return"Group can be found via search"},
gk6(){return"Sorry... this does not seem to be the correct recovery key."},
gkx(){return"Start conversation"},
gkW(){return"Send raw json"},
gl8(){return"Database is optimized"},
gl7(){return"Please wait. This may take a moment."},
glN(){return"Leave empty to clear your status."},
gkf(){return"Search for @users..."},
gmc(){return"Please enter your current password"},
glS(){return"New password"},
gma(){return"Please choose a strong password"},
gm7(){return"Passwords do not match"},
gm5(){return"Your entered password is wrong"},
gmf(){return"Public chat addresses"},
gl3(){return"Create new address"},
glG(){return"Join space"},
gmg(){return"Public spaces"},
gkG(){return"Add chat or sub space"},
gmx(){return"This device:"},
geQ(){return"An error occured while init the app"},
gmO(){return"User role"},
ey(d){return'Search in chat "'+d+'"...'},
geZ(){return"Search more..."},
l6(d,e){return"Unable to build the SQlite database. The app tries to use the legacy database for now. Please report this error to the developers at "+d+". The error message is: "+e},
h4(d,e){return"Your session is lost. Please report this error to the developers at "+d+". The error message is: "+e},
mr(d,e){return"The app now tries to restore your session from the backup. Please report this error to the developers at "+d+". The error message is: "+e},
gkg(){return"Send read receipts"},
gkj(){return"Other participants in a chat can see when you are typing a new message."},
gkh(){return"Other participants in a chat can see when you have read a message."},
glm(){return"Formatted messages"},
gln(){return"Display rich message content like bold text using markdown."},
gmS(){return"\ud83d\udd10 Verify other user"},
gmT(){return"If you verify another user, you can be sure that you know who you are really writing to. \ud83d\udcaa\n\nWhen you start a verification, you and the other user will see a popup in the app. There you will then see a series of emojis or numbers that you have to compare with each other.\n\nThe best way to do this is to meet up or start a video call. \ud83d\udc6d"},
gjW(){return"\ud83d\udd10 Verify other device"},
gjX(){return"When you verify another device, those devices can exchange keys, increasing your overall security. \ud83d\udcaa When you start a verification, a popup will appear in the app on both devices. There you will then see a series of emojis or numbers that you have to compare with each other. It's best to have both devices handy before you start the verification. \ud83e\udd33"},
kE(d){return d+" accepted key verification"},
kM(d){return d+" canceled key verification"},
kY(d){return d+" completed key verification"},
lF(d){return d+" is ready for key verification"},
mq(d){return d+" requested key verification"},
ky(d){return d+" started key verification"},
gkA(){return"Nh\xe3n d\xe1n"},
giv(){return"Kh\xe1m ph\xe1"},
gkT(){return"Ph\u1edbt l\u1edd matrix ID n\xe0y"},
gkX(){return"B\u1ecf ph\u1edbt l\u1edd matrix ID n\xe0y"},
mu(d){return"Right now there are "+d+" users blocked."},
gms(){return"B\u1ecb h\u1ea1n ch\u1ebf"},
glL(){return"Knock restricted"},
nn(d){return"Go to space: "+d},
gnx(){return"Mark as unread"},
mN(d){return""+d+" - User"},
lR(d){return""+d+" - Moderator"},
kH(d){return""+d+" - Admin"},
go_(){return"Change general chat settings"},
goh(){return"Invite other users to this chat"},
go1(){return"Change the chat permissions"},
go3(){return"Change the visibility of the chat history"},
go0(){return"Change the main public chat address"},
gnG(){return"Send a @room notifications"},
go2(){return"Change the description of the chat"},
go5(){return"Define which power level is necessary for certain actions in this chat. The power levels 0, 50 and 100 are usually representing users, moderators and admins, but any gradation is possible."},
pf(d){return"\ud83c\udf89 Update "+d+" installed!"},
gnE(){return"Sending canceled"},
goj(){return"Login with Matrix-ID"},
god(){return"Discover homeservers"},
gpm(){return"What is a homeserver?"},
gof(){return"All your data is stored on the homeserver, just like an email provider. You can choose which homeserver you want to use, while you can still communicate with everyone. Learn more at at"},
goe(){return"Doesn't seem to be a compatible homeserver. Wrong URL?"},
gnZ(){return"Calculating file size..."},
gpb(){return"Prepare sending attachment..."},
gnH(){return"Sending attachment..."},
nI(d,e){return"Sending attachment "+d+" of "+e+"..."},
nK(d){return"Server limit reached! Waiting "+d+" seconds..."},
gp7(){return"One of your devices is not verified"},
gop(){return"Note: When you connect all your devices to the chat backup, they are automatically verified."},
gkr(){return"Set wallpaper"},
gol(){return"Manage account"},
gny(){return"Server does not provide any valid contact information"},
go7(){return"Contact server admin"},
go8(){return"Contact server security"},
gnO(){return"Support page"},
gnJ(){return"Server information:"},
gnY(){return"Bold text"},
goi(){return"Italic text"},
gpa(){return"Please fill out"},
gog(){return"Invalid url"},
gnR(){return"Add link"},
gnB(){return"Unable to join chat. Maybe the other party has already closed the conversation."},
gm2(){return"The other party is currently not logged in and therefore cannot receive messages!"},
nU(d){return"Use '"+d+"' to log in"},
gnV(){return"You hereby allow the app and website to share information about you."},
gpk(){return"Waiting for server..."},
gnT(){return"FluffyChat lets you chat with your friends across different messengers. Learn more at or just tap *Continue*."},
gon(){return"\ud83d\udce9 New chat request"},
go9(){return"Content notification settings"},
gnD(){return"General notification settings"},
gpd(){return"Room notification settings"},
gpg(){return"User specific notification settings"},
gp9(){return"Other notification settings"},
gou(){return"Contains User Name"},
gov(){return"Notifies the user when a message contains their username."},
goI(){return"Mute all notifications"},
goJ(){return"Overrides all other rules and disables all notifications."},
gp_(){return"Suppress Automated Messages"},
gp0(){return"Suppresses notifications from automated clients like bots."},
goA(){return"Invite for Me"},
goB(){return"Notifies the user when they are invited to a room."},
goK(){return"Member Event"},
goL(){return"Suppresses notifications for membership events."},
goE(){return"User Mention"},
goF(){return"Notifies the user when they are directly mentioned in a message."},
gos(){return"Contains Display Name"},
got(){return"Notifies the user when a message contains their display name."},
goC(){return"Room Mention"},
goD(){return"Notifies the user when there is a room mention."},
goU(){return"Room Notification"},
goV(){return"Notifies the user when a message contains '@room'."},
gp6(){return"Notifies the user about room deactivation messages."},
goP(){return"Suppresses notifications for reactions."},
goS(){return"Room Server ACL"},
goT(){return"Suppresses notifications for room server access control lists (ACL)."},
goY(){return"Suppress Edits"},
goZ(){return"Suppresses notifications for edited messages."},
gor(){return"Notifies the user about calls."},
goy(){return"Encrypted Room One-to-One"},
goz(){return"Notifies the user about messages in encrypted one-to-one rooms."},
goQ(){return"Room One-to-One"},
goR(){return"Notifies the user about messages in one-to-one rooms."},
goN(){return"Notifies the user about general messages."},
gox(){return"Notifies the user about messages in encrypted rooms."},
goH(){return"Notifies the user about Jitsi widget events."},
goW(){return"Suppress Server ACL Events"},
goX(){return"Suppresses notifications for Server ACL events."},
pe(d){return"Unknown push rule '"+d+"'"},
goc(){return"If you delete this notification setting, this can not be undone."},
gnL(){return"Share keys with..."},
gnM(){return"Which devices should be trusted so that they can read along your messages in encrypted chats?"},
gnS(){return"All devices"},
gob(){return"Cross verified devices if enabled"},
goa(){return"Cross verified devices"},
gph(){return"Verified devices only"},
D(d,e){return this.gbe(this).$1(e)}}
var z=a.updateTypes([]);(function inheritance(){var y=a.inherit