You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
636 lines
34 KiB
636 lines
34 KiB
$__dart_deferred_initializers__.current=function(a,b,c,$){var B,C,A={
cyU(){return new A.EQ(B.dh("ro"))},
EQ:function EQ(d){this.a=d}}
gjK(){return"Repeta\u021bi parola"},
gm_(){return"Not an image file."},
glA(){return"Import now"},
gly(){return"Import Emojis"},
glz(){return"Import from .zip file"},
glh(){return"Export Emote pack as .zip"},
ns(d){return"About "+d},
hb(d){return d+" a aceptat invita\u021bi"},
he(d){return d+" a activat criptarea end-to-end"},
ghf(){return"Ad\u0103uga\u021bi email"},
gl_(){return"V\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 confirma\u021bi Matrix ID-ul vostru s\u0103 \u0219terge\u021bi contul vostru."},
kC(d){return"ID-ul ar trebuii s\u0103 fie "+d},
ghh(){return"Ad\u0103uga\u021bi la spa\u021biu"},
gkR(){return"Trimite\u021bi c\xe2\u021biva ochi googly"},
gkQ(){return"Trimite\u021bi o \xeembr\u0103\u021bi\u0219are"},
gkS(){return"Trimite\u021bi o \xeembr\u0103\u021bi\u0219are"},
kb(d){return d+" v-a trimis ochi googly"},
l4(d){return d+" v\u0103 \xeembr\u0103\u021bi\u0219eaz\u0103"},
lx(d){return d+" v\u0103 \xeembr\u0103\u021bi\u0219eaz\u0103"},
hl(d){return d+" a acceptat apelul"},
gf5(){return"Oricine se poate al\u0103tura"},
ghn(){return'Vizitatorii "guest" se pot al\u0103tura'},
gdd(){return"E\u0219ti sigur?"},
gho(){return"Sunte\u021bi sigur c\u0103 dori\u021bi s\u0103 v\u0103 deconecta\u021bi?"},
ghp(){return"Pentru a putea conecta cealalt\u0103 persoan\u0103, te rog introdu parola sau cheia ta de recuperare."},
hq(d){return"Accep\u021bi cererea de verificare de la "+d+"?"},
hr(d,e,f){return"Homeserver-ul suport\u0103 urm\u0103toarele feluri de login:\n"+d+"\nDar aceast\u0103 aplica\u021bie suport\u0103 numai:\n"+e},
gki(){return"Send typing notifications"},
gnr(){return"Swipe right to left to reply"},
gfY(){return"Trimite cu tasta enter"},
hs(d,e,f,g){return"Homeserver-ul suport\u0103 versiunele de Spec urm\u0103toare:\n"+d+"\nDar aceast\u0103 aplica\u021bie suport\u0103 numai "+e},
l0(d,e){return""+d+" chats and "+e+" participants"},
glX(){return"No more chats found..."},
goo(){return"No chats found here yet. Start a new chat with someone by using the button below. \u2935\ufe0f"},
gf6(){return"Interzis din conversa\u021bie"},
hu(d,e){return d+" a interzis pe "+e},
ghv(){return"Blocheaz\u0103 dispozitiv"},
f9(d){return"Nu se poate deschide URI-ul "+d},
gfa(){return"Schimb\u0103 numele dispozitiv"},
hz(d){return d+" a schimbat poza conversa\u021bi"},
hA(d,e){return d+" a schimbat descrierea grupului \xeen '"+e+"'"},
hB(d,e){return d+" a schimbat porecla \xeen '"+e+"'"},
hC(d){return d+" a schimbat permisiunile chatului"},
hD(d,e){return d+" s-a schimbat displayname la: '"+e+"'"},
hE(d){return d+" a schimbat regulile pentru acesul musafirilor"},
hF(d,e){return d+" a schimbat regulile pentru acesul musafirilor la: "+e},
hG(d){return d+" a schimbat vizibilitatea istoriei chatului"},
hH(d,e){return d+" a schimbat vizibilitatea istoriei chatului la: "+e},
hI(d){return d+" a schimbat regulile de al\u0103turare"},
hJ(d,e){return d+" a schimbat regulile de al\u0103turare la: "+e},
hK(d){return d+" s-a schimbat avatarul"},
hL(d){return d+" a schimbat pseudonimele camerei"},
hM(d){return d+" a schimbat linkul de invita\u021bie"},
ge7(){return"Schimba\u021bi parola"},
ghx(){return"Schimba\u021bi homeserver-ul"},
gfc(){return"Schimba\u021bi tema aplica\u021biei"},
gfb(){return"Schimba\u021bi numele grupului"},
ghy(){return"Schimba\u021bi avatarul vostru"},
ghN(){return"Criptarea a fost corupat\u0103"},
gk8(){return"Backup-ul vostru de chat a fost configurat."},
gei(){return"Backup de chat"},
ghO(){return"Mesajele voastre vechi sunt sigurate cu o cheie de recuperare. V\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 nu o pierde\u021bi."},
gfd(){return"Detalii de chat"},
ghP(){return"Alege\u021bi o parol\u0103 robust\u0103"},
gfg(){return"\u0218terge\u021bi arhiva"},
gkU(){return"Marca\u021bi ca camer\u0103 de mesaje directe"},
gkV(){return"Marca\u021bi ca grup"},
ghQ(){return"Interzice\u021bi acesul utilizatorului ales din aceast\u0103 camer\u0103"},
ghR(){return"\u0218terge\u021bi cache"},
ghS(){return"Crea\u021bi un grup de chat gol\nFolosi\u021bi --no-encryption s\u0103 dezactiva\u021bi criptare"},
ghT(){return"Renun\u021ba\u021bi sesiunea"},
ghU(){return"Porni\u021bi un chat direct\nFolosi\u021bi --no-encryption s\u0103 dezactiva\u021bi criptare"},
ghV(){return"Trimite\u021bi text format ca HTML"},
ghW(){return"Invita\u021bi utilizatorul ales la aceast\u0103 camer\u0103"},
ghX(){return"Al\u0103tura\u021bi-v\u0103 la camera ales\u0103"},
ghY(){return"Da\u021bi afar\u0103 pe utilizatorul ales din aceast\u0103 camer\u0103"},
ghZ(){return"Renun\u021ba\u021bi la aceast\u0103 camer\u0103"},
gi0(){return"Alege\u021bi un avatar pentru aceast\u0103 camer\u0103 (folo\u0219e\u0219te mxc-uri)"},
gi1(){return"Alege\u021bi un displayname pentru aceast\u0103 camer\u0103"},
gi2(){return"Stabili\u021bi nivelul de putere a utilizatorul ales (implicit: 50)"},
gi3(){return"Trimite\u021bi text simplu/neformatat"},
gi4(){return"Trimite\u021bi r\u0103spuns ca reac\u021bie"},
gi5(){return"Trimite\u021bi text"},
gi6(){return"Dezinterzice\u021bi utilizatorul ales din aceast\u0103 camer\u0103"},
gi7(){return"Comand\u0103 nevalibil\u0103"},
i8(d){return d+" nu este o comand\u0103."},
gi9(){return"V\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 compara\u021bi emoji-urile"},
gia(){return"V\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 compara\u021bi numerele"},
gic(){return"Configura\u021bi chat"},
gie(){return"Contactul a fost invitat la grup"},
gfh(){return"Con\u021binutul a fost reportat la administratori serverului"},
gig(){return"Copiat \xeen clipboard"},
gih(){return"Copia\u021bi \xeen clipboard"},
ii(d){return"Dezcriptarea mesajului a e\u0219uat: "+d},
dX(d){return""+d+" participan\u021bi"},
ij(d){return"\ud83d\udcac"+d+" a creat chatul"},
gej(){return"Create group"},
gek(){return"Spa\u021biu nou"},
gfj(){return"Activ acum"},
im(d,e){return d+", "+e},
gio(){return"Aceast\u0103 ac\u021biune va dezactiva contul vostru. Nu poate fi anulat! Sunte\u021bi sigur?"},
gip(){return"Nivel de permisiuni implicit\u0103"},
git(){return"\u0218terge\u021bi contul"},
giu(){return"\u0218terge\u021bi mesajul"},
giw(){return"Displayname a fost schimbat"},
gfk(){return"Desc\u0103rca\u021bi fi\u0219ierul"},
giy(){return"Edita\u021bi servere blocate"},
gfe(){return"Chat permissions"},
giA(){return"Schimba\u021bi displayname"},
giB(){return"Schimba\u021bi pseudonimele camerei"},
gfl(){return"Schimba\u021bi avatarul din camer\u0103"},
geJ(){return"Emote deja exist\u0103!"},
gfm(){return"Shortcode de emote nevalibil!"},
gle(){return"Recently-used emotes will appear here..."},
giD(){return"Pachete de emoturi din camer\u0103"},
gka(){return"Global chat ID"},
ghc(){return"Access and visibility"},
gkF(){return"Who is allowed to join this chat and how the chat can be discovered."},
geH(){return"Custom emojis and stickers"},
gl5(){return"Add or share custom emojis or stickers which can be used in any chat."},
geK(){return"Shortcode de emote"},
giE(){return"Trebuie s\u0103 alege\u021bi shortcode pentru emote \u0219i o imagine!"},
gdY(){return"Chat gol"},
giF(){return"Activa\u021bi pachet de emote global"},
gem(){return"Activa\u021bi criptare"},
giG(){return"Activ\xe2nd criptare, nu mai pute\u021bi s\u0103 o dezactiva\u021bi \xeen viitor. Sunte\u021bi sigur?"},
geM(){return"Criptare nu e activat\u0103"},
iJ(d){return d+" a terminat apelul"},
gen(){return"Introduce\u021bi o adres\u0103 email"},
iK(d){return"Ob\u021binerea loca\u021biei a e\u0219uat: "+d},
giL(){return"Totul e gata!"},
gfn(){return"De foarte mare ofens\u0103"},
giP(d){return"M\u0103rimea fontului"},
glo(){return"De la al\u0103turare"},
glp(){return"De la invita\u021bia"},
geY(){return"Merge\u021bi la camera nou\u0103"},
gkO(){return"Chat description"},
gkP(){return"Chat description changed"},
gfP(){return"Grupul este public"},
ee(d){return"Grup cu "+d},
gfS(){return"Musafiri sunt interzi\u0219i"},
gfT(){return"Musafiri pot s\u0103 se al\u0103ture"},
iQ(d,e){return d+" a retras invita\u021bia pentru "+e},
glv(){return"Hide redacted messages"},
glw(){return"If someone redacts a message, this message won't be visible in the chat anymore."},
glr(){return"Hide invalid or unknown message formats"},
gfq(){return"C\xe2t de ofensiv este acest con\u021binut?"},
ghw(){return"Blocked users"},
gkJ(){return"You can block users who are disturbing you. You won't be able to receive any messages or room invites from the users on your personal block list."},
gkK(){return"Ignore username"},
gfs(){return"Am f\u0103cut click pe link"},
giU(){return"Parol\u0103 sau cheie de recuperare incorect\u0103"},
geR(){return"Invita\u021bi contact"},
iY(d){return"Invita\u021bi contact la "+d},
gje(){return"No chat description created yet."},
gjQ(){return"Try again"},
glD(){return"Invalid server name"},
gmj(){return"The message will be redacted for all participants in this conversation. This cannot be undone."},
gm1(){return"(Optional) Reason for redacting this message..."},
j0(d,e){return"\ud83d\udce9"+d+" a invitat "+e},
gfu(){return"Numai utilizatori invita\u021bi"},
iZ(d,e){return d+" v-a invitat la FluffyChat.\n1. Instala\u021bi FluffyChat:\n2. \xcenregistra\u021bi-v\u0103 sau conecta\u021bi-v\u0103\n3. Deschide\u021bi invita\u021bia: "+e},
fv(d){return"\ud83d\udc4b"+d+" a intrat \xeen chat"},
gj2(){return"Al\u0103tura\u021bi la camer\u0103"},
j3(d,e){return"\ud83d\udc5e"+d+" a dat afar\u0103 pe "+e},
gfw(){return"Da\u021bi afar\u0103 din chat"},
eS(d){return"Ultima dat\u0103 activ: "+d},
gj4(){return"A plecat din chat"},
j6(d){return"\xcenc\u0103rca\u021bi \xeenc\u0103 mai "+d+" participan\u021bi"},
gel(){return"Exporta\u021bi sesiunea \u0219i \u0219terge\u021bi dispozitivul"},
gis(){return"Aceast\u0103 actiune nu poate fi anulat\u0103. Asigura\u021bi-v\u0103 c\u0103 p\u0103stra\u021bi fi\u0219ierul backup."},
giq(){return"Utilizatori de TOR: Exporta\u021bi sesiunea"},
gir(){return"Pentru utilizatori de TOR, este recomandat s\u0103 exporta\u021bi sesiunea \xeenainte de a \xeenchide\u021bi fereastra."},
giS(){return"Utilizatori TOR: Importa\u021bi sesiune exportat\u0103"},
giT(){return"A\u021bi exportat sesiunea vostr\u0103 ultima dat\u0103 pe TOR? Importa\u021bi-o repede \u0219i continua\u021bi s\u0103 conversa\u021bi."},
giR(){return"Restaura\u021bi din fi\u0219ier backup"},
ge1(){return"\xcenc\u0103rc\xe2nd... V\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 a\u0219tepta\u021bi."},
gj7(){return"\xcencarc\u0103 mai multe\u2026"},
gj8(){return"Servicile de loca\u021bie sunt dezactivate. V\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 le activa\u021bi s\u0103 \xeemp\u0103r\u021bi\u021bi loca\u021bia voastr\u0103."},
gj9(){return"Permisiunea loca\u021biei blocat\u0103. V\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 o dezbloca\u021bi s\u0103 \xeemp\u0103r\u021bi\u021bi loca\u021bia voastr\u0103."},
ja(d){return"Conecta\u021bi-v\u0103 la "+d},
gfB(){return"Amu\u021ba\u021bi chatul"},
gjd(){return"Chat nou"},
gfC(){return"Cerere de verificare nou\u0103!"},
gjf(){return"F\u0103r\u0103 conexiune la server"},
gfD(){return"Nu s-a g\u0103sit nici un emote. \ud83d\ude15"},
gjg(){return"Criptare nu poate fi activat\u0103 p\xe2n\u0103 c\xe2nd camera este accesibil\u0103 public."},
jh(d,e){return d+" nu este server matrix, \xeenlocui\u021bi cu "+e+"?"},
gks(){return"Share invite link"},
gjj(){return"Nu a\u021bi ad\u0103ugat \xeenc\u0103 nici un mod de recuperare pentru parola voastr\u0103."},
geT(){return"F\u0103r\u0103 permisie"},
gfE(){return"Nici o camer\u0103 nu s-a g\u0103sit\u2026"},
gjk(){return"Ob\u021bin\xe2nd loca\u021bie\u2026"},
gjm(){return"Backup de cheie online este activat"},
gdG(){return"Ups, ceva a e\u0219uat\u2026"},
gjl(){return"Unul dintre clien\u021bilor vo\u0219tri a fost deconectat"},
geC(){return"Ad\u0103uga\u021bi cont"},
giz(){return"Edita\u021bi pachetele pentru acest cont"},
ghg(){return"Ad\u0103uga\u021bi \xeen pachet"},
gjI(){return"Sterge\u021bi din acest pachet"},
gf8(){return"Numele pachetului"},
giH(){return"(BETA) Activa\u021bi multiple conturi pe acest dispozitiv"},
gjo(){return"Deschide\u021bi pe hart\u0103"},
gh3(){return"Acest server trebuie s\u0103 valideze emailul vostru pentru \xeenregistrare."},
gjr(){return"fraz\u0103 de acces sau cheie de recuperare"},
geb(){return"Parola uitat\u0103"},
gfH(){return"Parola a fost schimbat\u0103"},
gls(){return"Hide member changes in public chats"},
glt(){return"Do not show in the chat timeline if someone joins or leaves a public chat to improve readability."},
gm6(){return"Password recovery settings"},
gjt(){return"Recuperare parolei"},
gju(){return"Alege\u021bi o imagine"},
gjv(){return"V\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 alege\u021bi"},
gfJ(){return"V\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 deschide\u021bi linkul din email \u0219i apoi s\u0103 proceda\u021bi."},
geu(){return"V\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 introduce\u021bi parola voastr\u0103"},
gjx(){return"V\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 introduce\u021bi pinul vostru"},
gjy(){return"V\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 introduce\u021bi username-ul vostru"},
gjz(){return"V\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 urma\u021bi instruc\u021biunele pe website \u0219i apoi s\u0103 ap\u0103sa\u021bi pe urm\u0103tor."},
gjB(){return"Camere Publice"},
jE(d){return"Redacted by "+d},
glb(){return"Direct chat"},
mk(d,e){return"Redacted by "+d+' because: "'+e+'"'},
jD(d){return d+" a redactat un eveniment"},
gfM(){return"Redacta\u021bi mesaj"},
jG(d){return d+" a respins invita\u021bia"},
gjH(){return"Elimina\u021bi toate celelalte dispozitive"},
gjR(){return"Revoca interzicerea din chat"},
gjJ(){return"\u0218terge\u021bi avatarul"},
gfN(){return"\xcenlocui\u021bi camera cu versiune mai nou\u0103"},
gfO(){return"Raporta\u021bi mesajul"},
gjN(){return"Camera a fost actualizat\u0103"},
gjO(){return"Versiunea camerei"},
gfL(){return"Cheie de recuperare"},
gjC(){return"Cheia de recuperare pierdut\u0103?"},
gfU(){return"Trimite\u021bi un mesaj"},
gfV(){return"Trimite\u021bi ca text"},
gfW(){return"Trimite\u021bi audio"},
gf0(){return"Trimite\u021bi fi\u0219ier"},
gf1(){return"Trimite\u021bi imagine"},
nF(d){return"Send "+d+" image"},
gfX(){return"Trimite\u021bi mesaje"},
gfZ(){return"Trimite\u021bi video"},
h_(d){return"\ud83d\udcc1"+d+" a trimis un fi\u0219ier"},
h2(d){return"\ud83c\udfa4"+d+" a trimis audio"},
h0(d){return"\ud83d\uddbc\ufe0f "+d+" a trimis o poz\u0103"},
f2(d){return"\ud83d\ude0a "+d+" a trimis un sticker"},
h1(d){return"\ud83c\udfa5"+d+" a trimis un video"},
kl(d){return d+" a trimis informa\u021bie de apel"},
gkm(){return"Afi\u0219a\u021bi chaturi directe \u0219i grupuri separat"},
gkn(){return"Stabili\u021bi ca pseudonimul primar"},
gkp(){return"Stabili\u021bi emoji-uri personalizate"},
gh5(){return"Set chat description"},
gkq(){return"Stabili\u021bi nivelul de permisii"},
gez(){return"Stabili\u021bi status"},
ku(d){return d+" sa partajat loca\u021bia"},
gkt(){return"Partaja\u021bi loca\u021bia"},
gmd(){return"Show status messages from other users"},
gh6(d){return"S\u0103ri\u021bi peste"},
gh7(){return"Codul surs"},
gkw(){return"Spa\u021biul este public"},
gh8(){return"Numele spa\u021biului"},
h9(d){return d+" a \xeenceput un apel"},
gkz(){return"Ce face\u021bi?"},
gkD(){return"Sincronizeaz\u0103... V\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 a\u0219tepta\u021bi."},
nP(d){return" Synchronizing\u2026 ("+d+"%)"},
gmv(){return"Nu sunt asem\u0103n\u0103tori"},
gmw(){return"Sunt asem\u0103n\u0103tori"},
gmz(){return"Prea multe cereri. V\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 \xeencerca\u021bi din nou mai t\u0103rziu!"},
gmA(){return"Transfera de la alt dispozitiv"},
gmC(){return"\xcencerca\u021bi s\u0103 trimite\u021bi din nou"},
mE(d,e){return d+" a ridicat interzicerea lui "+e},
gmF(){return"Debloca dispozitiv"},
gjS(){return"Dispozitiv necunoscut"},
gjT(){return"Algoritm de criptare necunoscut"},
mG(d){return"Evenimet necunoscut '"+d+"'"},
gjU(){return"Dezamu\u021ba\u021bi chat"},
geV(){return"Anuleaz\u0103 fixarea"},
mJ(d,e){return d+" \u0219i "+e+" al\u021bi tasteaz\u0103\u2026"},
mK(d,e){return d+" \u0219i "+e+" tasteaz\u0103\u2026"},
mL(d){return d+" tasteaz\u0103\u2026"},
mM(d){return"\ud83d\udeaa"+d+" a plecat din chat"},
jV(d,e){return d+" a trimis un eveniment "+e},
gjY(){return"\xcencepe\u021bi verificare"},
gjZ(){return"A reu\u0219it verificarea!"},
gmU(){return"Verific\xe2nd cel\u0103lalt cont"},
gmV(){return"Apel video"},
gmY(){return"Vizibilitatea istoria chatului"},
gmZ(){return"Vizibil pentru to\u021bi participan\u021bi"},
gn_(){return"Vizibil pentru to\u021bi"},
gn1(){return"A\u0219tept\xe2nd pe partenerul s\u0103 accepte cererea\u2026"},
gn2(){return"A\u0219tept\xe2nd pe partenerul s\u0103 accepte emoji-ul\u2026"},
gn3(){return"A\u0219tept\xe2nd pe partenerul s\u0103 accepte numerele\u2026"},
gk0(){return"V-am trimis un email"},
gn4(){return"Cine poate face care ac\u021biune"},
gn5(){return"Cine se poate al\u0103tura la acest grup"},
gk5(){return"De ce dori\u021bi s\u0103 reporta\u021bi acest con\u021binut?"},
gn7(){return"\u0218terge\u021bi backup-ul vostru de chat s\u0103 crea\u021bi o nou\u0103 cheie de recuperare?"},
gn8(){return"Cu acestea adrese pute\u021bi s\u0103 v\u0103 recupera\u021bi parola."},
gn9(){return"Scrie\u021bi un mesaj\u2026"},
gex(){return"Nu mai participa\u021bi \xeen acest chat"},
gne(){return"A\u021bi fost interzis din acest chat"},
gnm(){return"Cheia voastr\u0103 public\u0103"},
gjb(){return"Info mesajului"},
gjn(){return"Deschide\u021bi galeria"},
gmb(){return"S\u0103 v\u0103 debloca\u021bi mesajele vechi, v\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 introduce\u021bi cheia de recuperare creat\u0103 de o se\u0219iune anterior\u0103. Cheia de recuperare NU este parola voastr\u0103."},
mX(d){return"Video ("+d+")"},
glP(){return"Marca\u021bi ca citit"},
gjM(){return"Reporta\u021bi utilizator"},
mh(d,e){return d+" a reac\u021bionat cu "+e},
gm8(){return"Fixa\u021bi \xeen camer\u0103"},
gkZ(){return"Sunte\u021bi sigur c\u0103 dori\u021bi s\u0103 anula\u021bi permanent fixarea evenimentului?"},
gm9(){return"Face\u021bi apel"},
gn0(){return"Apel vocal"},
gmW(){return"V\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 lua\u021bi not\u0103 c\u0103 apeluri video sunt \xeen beta. Se poate c\u0103 nu func\u021bioneaz\u0103 normal sau de loc pe fie care platform\u0103."},
glg(){return"Apeluri video experimentale"},
gld(){return"Email sau nume de utilizator"},
glC(){return"Probleme cu modul privat"},
glB(){return"Stocarea de mesaje nu este activat implicit \xeen modul privat.\nV\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 vizita\u021bi\n- about:config\n- stabili\u021bi dom.indexedDB.privateBrowsing.enabled la true\nAstfel, nu este posibil s\u0103 folosi\u021bi FluffyChat."},
gnj(){return"A\u021bi respins invita\u021bia"},
gk7(){return"Va-\u021bi al\u0103turat la chat"},
gnc(){return"\ud83d\udc4dA\u021bi acceptat invita\u021bia"},
nd(d){return"A\u021bi interzis pe "+d},
nf(d){return"A\u021bi retras invita\u021bia pentru "+d},
ng(d){return"\ud83d\udce9A\u021bi fost invitat de "+d},
nh(d){return"\ud83d\udce9A\u021bi invitat pe "+d},
ni(d){return"\ud83d\udc5eA\u021bi dat afar\u0103 pe "+d},
nk(d){return"A\u021bi ridicat interzicerea lui "+d},
lq(d){return"\ud83d\udeaa "+d+" has knocked"},
gmR(){return"Users must knock"},
glY(){return"No one can join"},
mP(d){return d+" would like to join the chat."},
gmH(){return"Debloca\u021bi mesajele vechi"},
gkd(){return"Activa\u021bi dialogul de partajare sistemului sau folosi\u021bi clipboard-ul s\u0103 salva\u021bi manual aceast\u0103 cheie."},
l1(d){return""+d+" fi\u0219iere"},
gn6(){return"De ce este acest mesaj ilizibil?"},
glW(){return"Aceast\u0103 chestie poate s\u0103 se \xeent\xe2mple c\xe2nd mesajul a fost trimis \xeenainte s\u0103 v\u0103 conecta\u021bi contul cu acest dispozitiv.\n\nO alt\u0103 explica\u021bie ar fi dac\u0103 trimi\u021b\u0103torul a blocat dispozitivul vostru sau ceva s-a \xeent\xe2mplat cu conexiunea la internet\n\nPute\u021bi s\u0103 citi\u021bi mesajul \xeen o alt\u0103 se\u0219iune? Atunci pute\u021bi s\u0103 transfera\u021bi mesajul de acolo! Merge\u021bi la Configur\u0103ri > Dispozitive \u0219i verifica\u021bi c\u0103 dispozitivele s-au verificat. C\xe2nd deschide\u021bi camera \xeen viitor \u0219i ambele se\u0219iune sunt \xeen foreground, cheile va fi transmise automat. \n\nDori\u021bi s\u0103 \xee\u021bi p\u0103stra\u021bi cheile c\xe2nd deconecta\u021bi sau schimba\u021bi dispozitive? Fi\u021bi aten\u021bi s\u0103 activa\u021bi backup de chat \xeen configur\u0103ri."},
glT(){return"Spa\u021biu nou"},
glu(){return"Hide Status List?"},
ew(d){return"Chat gol (a fost "+d+")"},
glU(){return"Spa\u021biile v\u0103 permit s\u0103 v\u0103 consolida\u021bi chaturile \u0219i s\u0103 stabili\u021bi comunit\u0103\u021bi private sau publice."},
glf(){return"Cripta\u021bi acest chat"},
glc(){return"Pentru motive de securitate, nu este posibil s\u0103 dezactiva\u021bi criptarea unui chat \xeen care criptare este activat\u0103."},
gf3(){return"Scuze... acest nu este posibil"},
gla(){return"Cheile dispozitivului:"},
gmm(){return"Deschide din nou chatul"},
glV(){return"Avertisment! F\u0103r\u0103 s\u0103 activa\u021bi backup de chat, ve\u021bi pierde accesul la mesajele voastre criptate. E foarte recomandat s\u0103 activa\u021bi backup de chat \xeenainte s\u0103 v\u0103 deconecta\u021bi."},
gji(){return"Nu s-a g\u0103sit alte dispozitive"},
lk(d){return"Serverul reporteaz\u0103 c\u0103 fi\u0219ierul este prea mare s\u0103 fie trimis."},
glI(){return"S\u0103ri\u021bi la ultimul citit mesaj"},
gmi(){return"Citit p\xe2n\u0103 aici"},
gm0(){return"Deschide\u021bi linkul \xeen browser"},
gmp(){return"Ceva a e\u0219uat. V\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 \xeencerca\u021bi din nou mai t\u0103rziu. Dac\u0103 dori\u021bi, pute\u021bi s\u0103 reporta\u021bi problema la dezvoltatori."},
gme(){return"The user could not be found on the server. Maybe there is a connection problem or the user doesn't exist."},
gko(){return"Set color theme:"},
glE(){return"\ud83d\udce8 Invite group chat"},
giW(){return"Invalid input!"},
na(d){return"Wrong pin entered! Try again in "+d+" seconds..."},
gjw(){return"Please enter a number greater than 0"},
geD(){return"The chat will be moved to the archive. Other users will be able to see that you have left the chat."},
gmt(){return"The chat will then be recreated with the new room version. All participants will be notified that they need to switch to the new chat. You can find out more about room versions at"},
gml(){return"You will be logged out of this device and will no longer be able to receive messages."},
gkI(){return"The user will be banned from the chat and will not be able to enter the chat again until they are unbanned."},
gmD(){return"The user will be able to enter the chat again if they try."},
glJ(){return"The user is kicked out of the chat but not banned. In public chats, the user can rejoin at any time."},
glO(){return"Once you make this user admin, you may not be able to undo this as they will then have the same permissions as you."},
gnl(){return"Your global user-ID is: "},
lZ(d){return'Unfortunately no user could be found with "'+d+'". Please check whether you made a typo.'},
kN(d){return"Chat can be discovered via the search on "+d},
gke(){return"Search for #chats, @users..."},
gfF(){return"Nothing found..."},
gfQ(){return"Group name"},
gl2(){return"Create a group and invite users"},
gkc(){return"Group can be found via search"},
gk6(){return"Sorry... this does not seem to be the correct recovery key."},
gkx(){return"Start conversation"},
gkW(){return"Send raw json"},
gl8(){return"Database is optimized"},
gl7(){return"Please wait. This may take a moment."},
glN(){return"Leave empty to clear your status."},
gkf(){return"Search for @users..."},
gmc(){return"Please enter your current password"},
glS(){return"New password"},
gma(){return"Please choose a strong password"},
gm7(){return"Passwords do not match"},
gm5(){return"Your entered password is wrong"},
gmf(){return"Public chat addresses"},
gl3(){return"Create new address"},
glG(){return"Join space"},
gmg(){return"Public spaces"},
gkG(){return"Add chat or sub space"},
gmx(){return"This device:"},
geQ(){return"An error occured while init the app"},
gmO(){return"User role"},
ey(d){return'Search in chat "'+d+'"...'},
geZ(){return"Search more..."},
l6(d,e){return"Unable to build the SQlite database. The app tries to use the legacy database for now. Please report this error to the developers at "+d+". The error message is: "+e},
h4(d,e){return"Your session is lost. Please report this error to the developers at "+d+". The error message is: "+e},
mr(d,e){return"The app now tries to restore your session from the backup. Please report this error to the developers at "+d+". The error message is: "+e},
gkg(){return"Send read receipts"},
gkj(){return"Other participants in a chat can see when you are typing a new message."},
gkh(){return"Other participants in a chat can see when you have read a message."},
glm(){return"Formatted messages"},
gln(){return"Display rich message content like bold text using markdown."},
gmS(){return"\ud83d\udd10 Verify other user"},
gmT(){return"If you verify another user, you can be sure that you know who you are really writing to. \ud83d\udcaa\n\nWhen you start a verification, you and the other user will see a popup in the app. There you will then see a series of emojis or numbers that you have to compare with each other.\n\nThe best way to do this is to meet up or start a video call. \ud83d\udc6d"},
gjW(){return"\ud83d\udd10 Verify other device"},
gjX(){return"When you verify another device, those devices can exchange keys, increasing your overall security. \ud83d\udcaa When you start a verification, a popup will appear in the app on both devices. There you will then see a series of emojis or numbers that you have to compare with each other. It's best to have both devices handy before you start the verification. \ud83e\udd33"},
kE(d){return d+" accepted key verification"},
kM(d){return d+" canceled key verification"},
kY(d){return d+" completed key verification"},
lF(d){return d+" is ready for key verification"},
mq(d){return d+" requested key verification"},
ky(d){return d+" started key verification"},
gkT(){return"Ignore the given matrix ID"},
gkX(){return"Unignore the given matrix ID"},
mu(d){return"Right now there are "+d+" users blocked."},
glL(){return"Knock restricted"},
nn(d){return"Go to space: "+d},
gnx(){return"Mark as unread"},
mN(d){return""+d+" - User"},
lR(d){return""+d+" - Moderator"},
kH(d){return""+d+" - Admin"},
go_(){return"Change general chat settings"},
goh(){return"Invite other users to this chat"},
go1(){return"Change the chat permissions"},
go3(){return"Change the visibility of the chat history"},
go0(){return"Change the main public chat address"},
gnG(){return"Send a @room notifications"},
go2(){return"Change the description of the chat"},
go5(){return"Define which power level is necessary for certain actions in this chat. The power levels 0, 50 and 100 are usually representing users, moderators and admins, but any gradation is possible."},
pf(d){return"\ud83c\udf89 Update "+d+" installed!"},
gnE(){return"Sending canceled"},
goj(){return"Login with Matrix-ID"},
god(){return"Discover homeservers"},
gpm(){return"What is a homeserver?"},
gof(){return"All your data is stored on the homeserver, just like an email provider. You can choose which homeserver you want to use, while you can still communicate with everyone. Learn more at at"},
goe(){return"Doesn't seem to be a compatible homeserver. Wrong URL?"},
gnZ(){return"Calculating file size..."},
gpb(){return"Prepare sending attachment..."},
gnH(){return"Sending attachment..."},
nI(d,e){return"Sending attachment "+d+" of "+e+"..."},
nK(d){return"Server limit reached! Waiting "+d+" seconds..."},
gp7(){return"One of your devices is not verified"},
gop(){return"Note: When you connect all your devices to the chat backup, they are automatically verified."},
gkr(){return"Set wallpaper"},
gol(){return"Manage account"},
gny(){return"Server does not provide any valid contact information"},
go7(){return"Contact server admin"},
go8(){return"Contact server security"},
gnO(){return"Support page"},
gnJ(){return"Server information:"},
gnY(){return"Bold text"},
goi(){return"Italic text"},
gpa(){return"Please fill out"},
gog(){return"Invalid url"},
gnR(){return"Add link"},
gnB(){return"Unable to join chat. Maybe the other party has already closed the conversation."},
gm2(){return"The other party is currently not logged in and therefore cannot receive messages!"},
nU(d){return"Use '"+d+"' to log in"},
gnV(){return"You hereby allow the app and website to share information about you."},
gpk(){return"Waiting for server..."},
gnT(){return"FluffyChat lets you chat with your friends across different messengers. Learn more at or just tap *Continue*."},
gon(){return"\ud83d\udce9 New chat request"},
go9(){return"Content notification settings"},
gnD(){return"General notification settings"},
gpd(){return"Room notification settings"},
gpg(){return"User specific notification settings"},
gp9(){return"Other notification settings"},
gou(){return"Contains User Name"},
gov(){return"Notifies the user when a message contains their username."},
goI(){return"Mute all notifications"},
goJ(){return"Overrides all other rules and disables all notifications."},
gp_(){return"Suppress Automated Messages"},
gp0(){return"Suppresses notifications from automated clients like bots."},
goA(){return"Invite for Me"},
goB(){return"Notifies the user when they are invited to a room."},
goK(){return"Member Event"},
goL(){return"Suppresses notifications for membership events."},
goE(){return"User Mention"},
goF(){return"Notifies the user when they are directly mentioned in a message."},
gos(){return"Contains Display Name"},
got(){return"Notifies the user when a message contains their display name."},
goC(){return"Room Mention"},
goD(){return"Notifies the user when there is a room mention."},
goU(){return"Room Notification"},
goV(){return"Notifies the user when a message contains '@room'."},
gp6(){return"Notifies the user about room deactivation messages."},
goP(){return"Suppresses notifications for reactions."},
goS(){return"Room Server ACL"},
goT(){return"Suppresses notifications for room server access control lists (ACL)."},
goY(){return"Suppress Edits"},
goZ(){return"Suppresses notifications for edited messages."},
gor(){return"Notifies the user about calls."},
goy(){return"Encrypted Room One-to-One"},
goz(){return"Notifies the user about messages in encrypted one-to-one rooms."},
goQ(){return"Room One-to-One"},
goR(){return"Notifies the user about messages in one-to-one rooms."},
goN(){return"Notifies the user about general messages."},
gox(){return"Notifies the user about messages in encrypted rooms."},
goH(){return"Notifies the user about Jitsi widget events."},
goW(){return"Suppress Server ACL Events"},
goX(){return"Suppresses notifications for Server ACL events."},
pe(d){return"Unknown push rule '"+d+"'"},
goc(){return"If you delete this notification setting, this can not be undone."},
gnL(){return"Share keys with..."},
gnM(){return"Which devices should be trusted so that they can read along your messages in encrypted chats?"},
gnS(){return"All devices"},
gob(){return"Cross verified devices if enabled"},
goa(){return"Cross verified devices"},
gph(){return"Verified devices only"},
D(d,e){return this.gbe(this).$1(e)}}
var z=a.updateTypes([]);(function inheritance(){var y=a.inherit