@ -1,18 +1,25 @@
import ' dart:io ' ;
import ' package:flutter/cupertino.dart ' ;
import ' package:flutter/foundation.dart ' ;
import ' package:flutter/material.dart ' ;
import ' package:cross_file/cross_file.dart ' ;
import ' package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/l10n.dart ' ;
import ' package:future_loading_dialog/future_loading_dialog.dart ' ;
import ' package:matrix/matrix.dart ' ;
import ' package:mime/mime.dart ' ;
import ' package:fluffychat/config/app_config.dart ' ;
import ' package:fluffychat/utils/error_reporter.dart ' ;
import ' package:fluffychat/utils/matrix_sdk_extensions/matrix_file_extension.dart ' ;
import ' package:fluffychat/utils/platform_infos.dart ' ;
import ' package:fluffychat/utils/size_string.dart ' ;
import ' ../../utils/resize_image.dart ' ;
import ' ../../utils/resize_ video .dart' ;
class SendFileDialog extends StatefulWidget {
final Room room ;
final List < Matrix File> files ;
final List < X File> files ;
const SendFileDialog ( {
required this . room ,
@ -33,158 +40,233 @@ class SendFileDialogState extends State<SendFileDialog> {
Future < void > _send ( ) async {
final scaffoldMessenger = ScaffoldMessenger . of ( context ) ;
final l10n = L10n . of ( context ) ! ;
for ( var file in widget . files ) {
MatrixImageFile ? thumbnail ;
if ( file is MatrixVideoFile & & file . bytes . length > minSizeToCompress ) {
await showFutureLoadingDialog (
context: context ,
future: ( ) async {
file = origImage ? file : await file . resizeVideo ( ) ;
thumbnail = await file . getVideoThumbnail ( ) ;
} ,
) ;
widget . room
. sendFileEvent (
file ,
thumbnail: thumbnail ,
shrinkImageMaxDimension: origImage ? null : 1600 ,
. catchError (
( e , s ) {
if ( e is FileTooBigMatrixException ) {
scaffoldMessenger . showSnackBar (
SnackBar ( content: Text ( l10n . fileIsTooBigForServer ) ) ,
) ;
return null ;
ErrorReporter ( context , ' Unable to send file ' ) . onErrorCallback ( e , s ) ;
return null ;
} ,
) ;
Navigator . of ( context , rootNavigator: false ) . pop ( ) ;
showFutureLoadingDialog (
context: context ,
future: ( ) async {
final clientConfig = await widget . room . client . getConfig ( ) ;
final maxUploadSize = clientConfig . mUploadSize ? ? 100 * 1024 * 1024 ;
for ( final xfile in widget . files ) {
final MatrixFile file ;
MatrixImageFile ? thumbnail ;
final length = await xfile . length ( ) ;
final mimeType = xfile . mimeType ? ? lookupMimeType ( xfile . path ) ;
/ / If file is a video , shrink it !
if ( mimeType ! = null & &
mimeType . startsWith ( ' video ' ) & &
length > minSizeToCompress & &
! origImage ) {
file = await xfile . resizeVideo ( ) ;
thumbnail = await xfile . getVideoThumbnail ( ) ;
} else {
/ / Else we just create a MatrixFile
file = MatrixFile (
bytes: await xfile . readAsBytes ( ) ,
name: xfile . name ,
mimeType: xfile . mimeType ,
) . detectFileType ;
if ( file . bytes . length > maxUploadSize ) {
throw FileTooBigMatrixException ( length , maxUploadSize ) ;
widget . room
. sendFileEvent (
file ,
thumbnail: thumbnail ,
shrinkImageMaxDimension: origImage ? null : 1600 ,
. catchError (
( e , s ) {
if ( e is FileTooBigMatrixException ) {
scaffoldMessenger . showSnackBar (
SnackBar ( content: Text ( l10n . fileIsTooBigForServer ) ) ,
) ;
return null ;
ErrorReporter ( context , ' Unable to send file ' )
. onErrorCallback ( e , s ) ;
return null ;
} ,
) ;
} ,
) ;
return ;
Future < String > _calcCombinedFileSize ( ) async {
final lengths =
await Future . wait ( widget . files . map ( ( file ) = > file . length ( ) ) ) ;
return lengths . fold < double > ( 0 , ( p , length ) = > p + length ) . sizeString ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
final theme = Theme . of ( context ) ;
var sendStr = L10n . of ( context ) ! . sendFile ;
final allFilesAreImages =
widget . files . every ( ( file ) = > file is MatrixImageFile ) ;
final sizeString = widget . files
. fold < double > ( 0 , ( p , file ) = > p + file . bytes . length )
. sizeString ;
final uniqueMimeType = widget . files
. map ( ( file ) = > file . mimeType ? ? lookupMimeType ( file . path ) )
. toSet ( )
. singleOrNull;
final fileName = widget . files . length = = 1
? widget . files . single . name
: L10n . of ( context ) ! . countFiles ( widget . files . length . toString ( ) ) ;
if ( allFilesAreImages ) {
if ( uniqueMimeType? . startsWith ( ' image ' ) ? ? false ) {
sendStr = L10n . of ( context ) ! . sendImage ;
} else if ( widget . files . every ( ( file ) = > file is MatrixAudioFile ) ) {
} else if ( uniqueMimeType? . startsWith ( ' audio ' ) ? ? false ) {
sendStr = L10n . of ( context ) ! . sendAudio ;
} else if ( widget . files . every ( ( file ) = > file is MatrixVideoFile ) ) {
} else if ( uniqueMimeType? . startsWith ( ' video ' ) ? ? false ) {
sendStr = L10n . of ( context ) ! . sendVideo ;
Widget contentWidget ;
if ( allFilesAreImages ) {
contentWidget = Column (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . min ,
children: < Widget > [
Flexible (
child: Material (
borderRadius: BorderRadius . circular ( AppConfig . borderRadius ) ,
elevation: theme . appBarTheme . scrolledUnderElevation ? ? 4 ,
shadowColor: theme . appBarTheme . shadowColor ,
clipBehavior: Clip . hardEdge ,
child: Image . memory (
widget . files . first . bytes ,
fit: BoxFit . contain ,
height: 256 ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
const SizedBox ( height: 16 ) ,
/ / Workaround for SwitchListTile . adaptive crashes in CupertinoDialog
Row (
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment . center ,
children: [
CupertinoSwitch (
value: origImage ,
onChanged: ( v ) = > setState ( ( ) = > origImage = v ) ,
return FutureBuilder < String > (
future: _calcCombinedFileSize ( ) ,
builder: ( context , snapshot ) {
final sizeString =
snapshot . data ? ? L10n . of ( context ) ! . calculatingFileSize ;
Widget contentWidget ;
if ( uniqueMimeType ? . startsWith ( ' image ' ) ? ? false ) {
contentWidget = Column (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . min ,
children: < Widget > [
Flexible (
child: Material (
borderRadius: BorderRadius . circular ( AppConfig . borderRadius ) ,
elevation: theme . appBarTheme . scrolledUnderElevation ? ? 4 ,
shadowColor: theme . appBarTheme . shadowColor ,
clipBehavior: Clip . hardEdge ,
child: kIsWeb
? Image . network (
widget . files . first . path ,
fit: BoxFit . contain ,
height: 256 ,
: Image . file (
File ( widget . files . first . path ) ,
fit: BoxFit . contain ,
height: 256 ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
const SizedBox ( width: 16 ) ,
Expanded (
child: Column (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . min ,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment . start ,
children: [
Text (
L10n . of ( context ) ! . sendOriginal ,
style: const TextStyle ( fontWeight: FontWeight . bold ) ,
const SizedBox ( height: 16 ) ,
/ / Workaround for SwitchListTile . adaptive crashes in CupertinoDialog
Row (
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment . center ,
children: [
CupertinoSwitch (
value: origImage ,
onChanged: ( v ) = > setState ( ( ) = > origImage = v ) ,
) ,
const SizedBox ( width: 16 ) ,
Expanded (
child: Column (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . min ,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment . start ,
children: [
Text (
L10n . of ( context ) ! . sendOriginal ,
style: const TextStyle ( fontWeight: FontWeight . bold ) ,
) ,
Text ( sizeString ) ,
] ,
) ,
Text ( sizeString ) ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
] ,
) ;
} else if ( widget . files . every ( ( file ) = > file is MatrixVideoFile ) ) {
contentWidget = Column (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . min ,
children: < Widget > [
Text ( fileName ) ,
const SizedBox ( height: 16 ) ,
/ / Workaround for SwitchListTile . adaptive crashes in CupertinoDialog
Row (
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment . center ,
children: [
CupertinoSwitch (
value: origImage ,
onChanged: ( v ) = > setState ( ( ) = > origImage = v ) ,
) ,
const SizedBox ( width: 16 ) ,
Expanded (
child: Column (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . min ,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment . start ,
) ;
} else {
final fileNameParts = fileName . split ( ' . ' ) ;
contentWidget = SizedBox (
width: 256 ,
child: Column (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . min ,
children: [
Row (
children: [
Text (
L10n . of ( context ) ! . sendOriginal ,
style: const TextStyle ( fontWeight: FontWeight . bold ) ,
Icon (
uniqueMimeType = = null
? Icons . description_outlined
: uniqueMimeType . startsWith ( ' video ' )
? Icons . video_file_outlined
: uniqueMimeType . startsWith ( ' audio ' )
? Icons . audio_file_outlined
: Icons . description_outlined ,
) ,
Text ( sizeString ) ,
const SizedBox ( width: 8 ) ,
Expanded (
child: Text (
fileNameParts . first ,
maxLines: 1 ,
overflow: TextOverflow . ellipsis ,
) ,
) ,
if ( fileNameParts . length > 1 )
Text ( ' . ${ fileNameParts . last } ' ) ,
Text ( ' ( $ sizeString ) ' ) ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
] ,
) ;
} else {
contentWidget = Text ( ' $ fileName ( $ sizeString ) ' ) ;
return AlertDialog . adaptive (
title: Text ( sendStr ) ,
content: contentWidget ,
actions: < Widget > [
TextButton (
onPressed: ( ) {
/ / just close the dialog
Navigator . of ( context , rootNavigator: false ) . pop ( ) ;
} ,
child: Text ( L10n . of ( context ) ! . cancel ) ,
) ,
TextButton (
onPressed: _send ,
child: Text ( L10n . of ( context ) ! . send ) ,
) ,
] ,
/ / Workaround for SwitchListTile . adaptive crashes in CupertinoDialog
if ( uniqueMimeType ! = null & &
uniqueMimeType . startsWith ( ' video ' ) & &
PlatformInfos . isMobile )
Row (
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment . center ,
children: [
CupertinoSwitch (
value: origImage ,
onChanged: ( v ) = > setState ( ( ) = > origImage = v ) ,
) ,
const SizedBox ( width: 16 ) ,
Expanded (
child: Column (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . min ,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment . start ,
children: [
Text (
L10n . of ( context ) ! . sendOriginal ,
const TextStyle ( fontWeight: FontWeight . bold ) ,
) ,
Text ( sizeString ) ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
) ;
return AlertDialog . adaptive (
title: Text ( sendStr ) ,
content: contentWidget ,
actions: < Widget > [
TextButton (
onPressed: ( ) {
/ / just close the dialog
Navigator . of ( context , rootNavigator: false ) . pop ( ) ;
} ,
child: Text ( L10n . of ( context ) ! . cancel ) ,
) ,
TextButton (
onPressed: _send ,
child: Text ( L10n . of ( context ) ! . send ) ,
) ,
] ,
) ;
} ,
) ;