@ -55,83 +55,87 @@ class MessageLookup extends MessageLookupByLibrary {
static m17 ( username ) = > " ${ username } changed the invitation link " ;
static m18 ( count) = > " ${ count } participants " ;
static m18 ( error) = > " Could not decrypt message: ${ error } " ;
static m19 ( username) = > " ${ username } created the chat " ;
static m19 ( count) = > " ${ count } participants " ;
static m20 ( date, timeOfDay ) = > " ${ date } , ${ timeOfDay } " ;
static m20 ( username) = > " ${ username } created the chat " ;
static m21 ( year, month , day ) = > " ${ year } - ${ month } - ${ d ay} " ;
static m21 ( date, timeOfDay ) = > " ${ date } , ${ timeOfD ay} " ;
static m22 ( month, day ) = > " ${ month } - ${ day } " ;
static m22 ( year, month, day ) = > " ${ year } - ${ month } - ${ day } " ;
static m23 ( displayname) = > " Group with ${ displayname } " ;
static m23 ( month, day ) = > " ${ month } - ${ day } " ;
static m24 ( username, targetName ) = > " ${ username } has withdrawn the invitation for ${ targetN ame} " ;
static m24 ( displayname) = > " Group with ${ displayn ame} " ;
static m25 ( groupName) = > " Invite contact to ${ group Name} " ;
static m25 ( username, targetName ) = > " ${ username } has withdrawn the invitation for ${ target Name} " ;
static m26 ( username, link ) = > " ${ username } invited you to FluffyChat. \n 1. Install FluffyChat: http://fluffy.chat \n 2. Sign up or sign in \n 3. Open the invite link: ${ link } " ;
static m26 ( groupName) = > " Invite contact to ${ groupName } " ;
static m27 ( username , targetName) = > " ${ username } invited ${ targetName } " ;
static m27 ( username , link) = > " ${ username } invited you to FluffyChat. \n 1. Install FluffyChat: http://fluffy.chat \n 2. Sign up or sign in \n 3. Open the invite link: ${ link } " ;
static m28 ( username ) = > " ${ username } joined the chat " ;
static m28 ( username , targetName ) = > " ${ username } invited ${ targetName } " ;
static m29 ( username , targetName ) = > " ${ username } kicked ${ targetName } " ;
static m29 ( username ) = > " ${ username } joined the chat " ;
static m30 ( username , targetName ) = > " ${ username } kicked and banned ${ targetName } " ;
static m30 ( username , targetName ) = > " ${ username } kicked ${ targetName } " ;
static m31 ( count) = > " Load ${ count } more participants " ;
static m31 ( username, targetName ) = > " ${ username } kicked and banned ${ targetName } " ;
static m32 ( homeserver) = > " Log in to ${ homeserver } " ;
static m32 ( localizedTimeShort) = > " Last active: ${ localizedTimeShort } " ;
static m33 ( number) = > " ${ number } selected " ;
static m33 ( count) = > " Load ${ count } more participants " ;
static m34 ( fileName) = > " Play ${ fileName } " ;
static m34 ( homeserver) = > " Log in to ${ homeserver } " ;
static m35 ( username) = > " ${ username } redacted an event " ;
static m35 ( number) = > " ${ number } selected " ;
static m36 ( username) = > " ${ username } rejected the invitation " ;
static m36 ( fileName) = > " Play ${ fileName } " ;
static m37 ( username ) = > " Removed by ${ username } " ;
static m37 ( username ) = > " ${ username } redacted an event " ;
static m38 ( username ) = > " Seen by ${ username } " ;
static m38 ( username ) = > " ${ username } rejected the invitation " ;
static m39 ( username , count ) = > " Seen by ${ username } and ${ count } others " ;
static m39 ( username ) = > " Removed by ${ username } " ;
static m40 ( username , username2 ) = > " Seen by ${ username } and ${ username2 } " ;
static m40 ( username ) = > " Seen by ${ username } " ;
static m41 ( username ) = > " ${ username } sent a file " ;
static m41 ( username , count ) = > " Seen by ${ username } and ${ count } others " ;
static m42 ( username ) = > " ${ username } sent a picture " ;
static m42 ( username , username2 ) = > " Seen by ${ username } and ${ username2 } " ;
static m43 ( username ) = > " ${ username } sent a sticker " ;
static m43 ( username ) = > " ${ username } sent a file " ;
static m44 ( username ) = > " ${ username } sent a video " ;
static m44 ( username ) = > " ${ username } sent a picture " ;
static m45 ( username ) = > " ${ username } sent a n audio " ;
static m45 ( username ) = > " ${ username } sent a sticker " ;
static m46 ( username ) = > " ${ username } s hared the location " ;
static m46 ( username ) = > " ${ username } s ent a video " ;
static m47 ( hours12, hours24 , minutes , suffix ) = > " ${ hours12 } : ${ minutes } ${ suffix } " ;
static m47 ( username) = > " ${ username } sent an audio " ;
static m48 ( username , targetName ) = > " ${ username } unbanned ${ targetName } " ;
static m48 ( username ) = > " ${ username } shared the location " ;
static m49 ( type) = > " Unknown event \' ${ type } \' " ;
static m49 ( hours12, hours24 , minutes , suffix ) = > " ${ hours12 } : ${ minutes } ${ suffix } " ;
static m50 ( u nreadEvents) = > " ${ unreadEvents } unread messages " ;
static m50 ( u sername, targetName ) = > " ${ username } unbanned ${ targetName } " ;
static m51 ( unreadEvents, unreadChats ) = > " ${ unreadEvents } unread messages in ${ unreadChats } chats " ;
static m51 ( type) = > " Unknown event \' ${ type } \' " ;
static m52 ( u sername, count ) = > " ${ username } and ${ count } others are typing... " ;
static m52 ( u nreadEvents) = > " ${ unreadEvents } unread messages " ;
static m53 ( u sername, username2 ) = > " ${ username } and ${ username2 } are typing... " ;
static m53 ( u nreadEvents, unreadChats ) = > " ${ unreadEvents } unread messages in ${ unreadChats } chats " ;
static m54 ( username ) = > " ${ username } is typing..." ;
static m54 ( username , count ) = > " ${ username } and ${ count } others are typing..." ;
static m55 ( username ) = > " ${ username } left the chat " ;
static m55 ( username , username2 ) = > " ${ username } and ${ username2 } are typing... " ;
static m56 ( username , type ) = > " ${ username } sent a ${ type } event " ;
static m56 ( username ) = > " ${ username } is typing... " ;
static m57 ( username ) = > " ${ username } left the chat " ;
static m58 ( username , type ) = > " ${ username } sent a ${ type } event " ;
final messages = _notInlinedMessages ( _notInlinedMessages ) ;
static _notInlinedMessages ( _ ) = > < String , Function > {
@ -169,7 +173,6 @@ class MessageLookup extends MessageLookupByLibrary {
" Content viewer " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Content viewer " ) ,
" Copied to clipboard " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Copied to clipboard " ) ,
" Copy " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Copy " ) ,
" Could not decrypt message " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Could not decrypt message " ) ,
" Could not set avatar " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Could not set avatar " ) ,
" Could not set displayname " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Could not set displayname " ) ,
" Create " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Create " ) ,
@ -210,6 +213,7 @@ class MessageLookup extends MessageLookupByLibrary {
" Guests can join " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Guests can join " ) ,
" Help " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Help " ) ,
" Homeserver is not compatible " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Homeserver is not compatible " ) ,
" How are you today? " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " How are you today? " ) ,
" ID " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " ID " ) ,
" Identity " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Identity " ) ,
" Invite contact " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Invite contact " ) ,
@ -268,6 +272,7 @@ class MessageLookup extends MessageLookupByLibrary {
" Set a profile picture " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Set a profile picture " ) ,
" Set group description " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Set group description " ) ,
" Set invitation link " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Set invitation link " ) ,
" Set status " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Set status " ) ,
" Settings " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Settings " ) ,
" Share " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Share " ) ,
" Sign up " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Sign up " ) ,
@ -324,46 +329,48 @@ class MessageLookup extends MessageLookupByLibrary {
" changedTheProfileAvatar " : m15 ,
" changedTheRoomAliases " : m16 ,
" changedTheRoomInvitationLink " : m17 ,
" countParticipants " : m18 ,
" createdTheChat " : m19 ,
" dateAndTimeOfDay " : m20 ,
" dateWithYear " : m21 ,
" dateWithoutYear " : m22 ,
" groupWith " : m23 ,
" hasWithdrawnTheInvitationFor " : m24 ,
" inviteContactToGroup " : m25 ,
" inviteText " : m26 ,
" invitedUser " : m27 ,
" couldNotDecryptMessage " : m18 ,
" countParticipants " : m19 ,
" createdTheChat " : m20 ,
" dateAndTimeOfDay " : m21 ,
" dateWithYear " : m22 ,
" dateWithoutYear " : m23 ,
" groupWith " : m24 ,
" hasWithdrawnTheInvitationFor " : m25 ,
" inviteContactToGroup " : m26 ,
" inviteText " : m27 ,
" invitedUser " : m28 ,
" is typing... " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " is typing... " ) ,
" joinedTheChat " : m28 ,
" kicked " : m29 ,
" kickedAndBanned " : m30 ,
" loadCountMoreParticipants " : m31 ,
" logInTo " : m32 ,
" numberSelected " : m33 ,
" play " : m34 ,
" redactedAnEvent " : m35 ,
" rejectedTheInvitation " : m36 ,
" removedBy " : m37 ,
" seenByUser " : m38 ,
" seenByUserAndCountOthers " : m39 ,
" seenByUserAndUser " : m40 ,
" sentAFile " : m41 ,
" sentAPicture " : m42 ,
" sentASticker " : m43 ,
" sentAVideo " : m44 ,
" sentAnAudio " : m45 ,
" sharedTheLocation " : m46 ,
" timeOfDay " : m47 ,
" joinedTheChat " : m29 ,
" kicked " : m30 ,
" kickedAndBanned " : m31 ,
" lastActiveAgo " : m32 ,
" loadCountMoreParticipants " : m33 ,
" logInTo " : m34 ,
" numberSelected " : m35 ,
" play " : m36 ,
" redactedAnEvent " : m37 ,
" rejectedTheInvitation " : m38 ,
" removedBy " : m39 ,
" seenByUser " : m40 ,
" seenByUserAndCountOthers " : m41 ,
" seenByUserAndUser " : m42 ,
" sentAFile " : m43 ,
" sentAPicture " : m44 ,
" sentASticker " : m45 ,
" sentAVideo " : m46 ,
" sentAnAudio " : m47 ,
" sharedTheLocation " : m48 ,
" timeOfDay " : m49 ,
" title " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " FluffyChat " ) ,
" unbannedUser " : m 48 ,
" unknownEvent " : m 49 ,
" unreadMessages " : m5 0 ,
" unreadMessagesInChats " : m5 1 ,
" userAndOthersAreTyping " : m5 2 ,
" userAndUserAreTyping " : m5 3 ,
" userIsTyping " : m5 4 ,
" userLeftTheChat " : m5 5 ,
" userSentUnknownEvent " : m5 6
" unbannedUser " : m 50 ,
" unknownEvent " : m 51 ,
" unreadMessages " : m5 2 ,
" unreadMessagesInChats " : m5 3 ,
" userAndOthersAreTyping " : m5 4 ,
" userAndUserAreTyping " : m5 5 ,
" userIsTyping " : m5 6 ,
" userLeftTheChat " : m5 7 ,
" userSentUnknownEvent " : m5 8
} ;