diff --git a/assets/l10n/intl_gl.arb b/assets/l10n/intl_gl.arb index 51892aa12..be76dfced 100644 --- a/assets/l10n/intl_gl.arb +++ b/assets/l10n/intl_gl.arb @@ -2398,5 +2398,96 @@ "@yourChatsAreBeingSynced": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} + }, + "sendAsText": "Enviar como texto", + "@sendAsText": { + "type": "text" + }, + "synchronizingPleaseWait": "Sincronizando... Agarda.", + "@synchronizingPleaseWait": { + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "commandMissing": "{command} non é un comando.", + "@commandMissing": { + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "command": {} + }, + "description": "State that {command} is not a valid /command." + }, + "commandInvalid": "Comando non válido", + "@commandInvalid": { + "type": "text" + }, + "commandHintMyRoomAvatar": "Establece a túa imaxe para esta sala (por mxc-uri)", + "@commandHintMyRoomAvatar": { + "type": "text", + "description": "Usage hint for the command /myroomavatar" + }, + "commandHintMyRoomNick": "Establece o teu nome público para esta sala", + "@commandHintMyRoomNick": { + "type": "text", + "description": "Usage hint for the command /myroomnick" + }, + "commandHintInvite": "Convidar á usuaria a esta sala", + "@commandHintInvite": { + "type": "text", + "description": "Usage hint for the command /invite" + }, + "commandHintUnBan": "Retirar veto á usuaria para esta sala", + "@commandHintUnBan": { + "type": "text", + "description": "Usage hint for the command /unban" + }, + "commandHintBan": "Vetar a usuaria indicada desta sala", + "@commandHintBan": { + "type": "text", + "description": "Usage hint for the command /ban" + }, + "commandHintKick": "Eliminar a usuaria indicada desta sala", + "@commandHintKick": { + "type": "text", + "description": "Usage hint for the command /kick" + }, + "commandHintOp": "Establecer o nivel de responsabilidade da usuaria (por defecto: 50)", + "@commandHintOp": { + "type": "text", + "description": "Usage hint for the command /op" + }, + "commandHintLeave": "Saír desta sala", + "@commandHintLeave": { + "type": "text", + "description": "Usage hint for the command /leave" + }, + "commandHintJoin": "Unirte á sala indicada", + "@commandHintJoin": { + "type": "text", + "description": "Usage hint for the command /join" + }, + "commandHintReact": "Enviar resposta como reacción", + "@commandHintReact": { + "type": "text", + "description": "Usage hint for the command /react" + }, + "commandHintHtml": "Enviar texto con formato HTML", + "@commandHintHtml": { + "type": "text", + "description": "Usage hint for the command /html" + }, + "commandHintPlain": "Enviar texto sen formato", + "@commandHintPlain": { + "type": "text", + "description": "Usage hint for the command /plain" + }, + "commandHintMe": "Conta algo sobre ti", + "@commandHintMe": { + "type": "text", + "description": "Usage hint for the command /me" + }, + "commandHintSend": "Enviar texto", + "@commandHintSend": { + "type": "text", + "description": "Usage hint for the command /send" } }