FluffyChat v1.22.0 brings a new design for spaces, replaces the bottom navigation bar with filter chips and makes it finally possible to play ogg audio messages on iOS. A lot of other fixes and improvements have also been added to this release.
- build: (deps): bump docker/build-push-action from 5 to 6 (dependabot[bot])
- build(deps): bump rexml from 3.2.8 to 3.3.3 in /ios (dependabot[bot])
- build: Remove permissions for screensharing until it is fixed (Krille)
- build: Update android target sdk to 34 (Krille)
- build: Update dependencies after release (krille-chan)
- build: Update to Flutter 3.22.3 (krille-chan)
- build: Update to Matrix SDK 0.32.0 (Krille)
- chore: Bring back add to space feature (Krille)
- chore: Bring back navrail (krille-chan)
- chore: Bring back separate chat types (krille-chan)
- chore: Chat permissions page follow up (krille-chan)
- chore: Do not hide error on file sending (Krille)
- chore: Improved create group and space design (Krille)
- chore: Make VOIP plugin less noisy in logs (krille-chan)
- chore: Move default PR template to correct dir (krille-chan)
- chore: nicer bottom sheets (krille-chan)
- chore: Nicer empty chat list placeholder (krille-chan)
- chore: Polish public room bottom sheet (krille-chan)
- chore: Show short forms of months and week days in UI (krille-chan)