gkJ(){return"You can block users who are disturbing you. You won't be able to receive any messages or room invites from the users on your personal block list."},
gmb(){return"Nor\u0117dami atrakinti senas \u017einutes, \u012fveskite atk\u016brimo rakt\u0105, kuris buvo sukurtas ankstesn\u0117s sesijos metu. Atk\u016brimo raktas N\u0116RA j\u016bs\u0173 slapta\u017eodis."},
mX(d){return"Vaizdo \u012fra\u0161as ("+d+")"},
glP(){return"\u017dym\u0117ti kaip skaityt\u0105"},
gjM(){return"Prane\u0161ti apie vartotoj\u0105"},
mh(d,e){returnd+" sureagavo su "+e},
gm8(){return"Prisegti prie kambario"},
gkZ(){return"Ar tikrai norite visam laikui atsegti \u012fvyk\u012f?"},
gn0(){return"Balso skambutis"},
gmW(){return"Atminkite, kad vaizdo skambu\u010diai \u0161iuo metu yra beta versijos. Jie gali neveikti taip kaip tik\u0117tasi, arba i\u0161 viso neveikti visose platformose."},
glg(){return"Eksperimentiniai vaizdo skambu\u010diai"},
gld(){return"El. pa\u0161tas arba vartotojo vardas"},
glW(){return"Taip gali atsitikti, jei \u017einut\u0117 buvo i\u0161si\u0173sta prie\u0161 prisijungiant prie paskyros \u0161iame prietaise.\n\nTaip pat gali b\u016bti, kad siunt\u0117jas u\u017eblokavo j\u016bs\u0173 prietais\u0105 arba ka\u017ekas sutriko su interneto ry\u0161iu.\n\nAr galite perskaityti \u017einut\u0119 kitoje sesijoje? Tada galite perkelti \u017einut\u0119 i\u0161 jos! Eikite \u012f Nustatymai > Prietaisai ir \u012fsitikinkite, kad j\u016bs\u0173 prietaisai patvirtino vienas kit\u0105. Kai kit\u0105 kart\u0105 atidarysite kambar\u012f ir abi sesijos bus pirmame plane, raktai bus perduoti automati\u0161kai.\n\nNenorite prarasti rakt\u0173 atsijungdami arba keisdami \u012frenginius? \u012esitikinkite, kad nustatymuose \u012fjung\u0117te pokalbi\u0173 atsargin\u0119 kopij\u0105."},
glT(){return"Nauja erdv\u0117"},
glu(){return"Hide Status List?"},
ew(d){return"Empty chat (was "+d+")"},
glU(){return"Spaces allows you to consolidate your chats and build private or public communities."},
glf(){return"Encrypt this chat"},
glc(){return"For security reasons you can not disable encryption in a chat, where it has been enabled before."},
gf4(){return"Sorry... that is not possible"},
gla(){return"Device keys:"},
gmm(){return"Reopen chat"},
glV(){return"Warning! Without enabling chat backup, you will lose access to your encrypted messages. It is highly recommended to enable the chat backup first before logging out."},
gji(){return"No other devices found"},
lk(d){return"Unable to send! The server only supports attachments up to "+d+"."},
glI(){return"Jump to last read message"},
gmi(){return"Read up to here"},
gm0(){return"Open link in browser"},
gmp(){return"\ud83d\ude2d Oh no. Something went wrong. If you want, you can report this bug to the developers."},
gme(){return"The user could not be found on the server. Maybe there is a connection problem or the user doesn't exist."},
gko(){return"Set color theme:"},
glE(){return"\ud83d\udce8 Invite group chat"},
giW(){return"Invalid input!"},
na(d){return"Wrong pin entered! Try again in "+d+" seconds..."},
gjw(){return"Please enter a number greater than 0"},
geD(){return"The chat will be moved to the archive. Other users will be able to see that you have left the chat."},
gmt(){return"The chat will then be recreated with the new room version. All participants will be notified that they need to switch to the new chat. You can find out more about room versions at https://spec.matrix.org/latest/rooms/"},
gml(){return"You will be logged out of this device and will no longer be able to receive messages."},
gkI(){return"The user will be banned from the chat and will not be able to enter the chat again until they are unbanned."},
gmD(){return"The user will be able to enter the chat again if they try."},
glJ(){return"The user is kicked out of the chat but not banned. In public chats, the user can rejoin at any time."},
glO(){return"Once you make this user admin, you may not be able to undo this as they will then have the same permissions as you."},
gnl(){return"Your global user-ID is: "},
lZ(d){return'Unfortunately no user could be found with "'+d+'". Please check whether you made a typo.'},
kN(d){return"Chat can be discovered via the search on "+d},
gke(){return"Search for #chats, @users..."},
gfG(){return"Nothing found..."},
gfR(){return"Group name"},
gl2(){return"Create a group and invite users"},
gkc(){return"Group can be found via search"},
gk6(){return"Sorry... this does not seem to be the correct recovery key."},
gkx(){return"Start conversation"},
gkW(){return"Send raw json"},
gl8(){return"Database is optimized"},
gl7(){return"Please wait. This may take a moment."},
glN(){return"Leave empty to clear your status."},
gkf(){return"Search for @users..."},
gmc(){return"Please enter your current password"},
glS(){return"New password"},
gma(){return"Please choose a strong password"},
gm7(){return"Passwords do not match"},
gm5(){return"Your entered password is wrong"},
gmf(){return"Public chat addresses"},
gl3(){return"Create new address"},
glG(){return"Join space"},
gmg(){return"Public spaces"},
gkG(){return"Add chat or sub space"},
gmx(){return"This device:"},
geQ(){return"An error occured while init the app"},
gmO(){return"User role"},
ey(d){return'Search in chat "'+d+'"...'},
geZ(){return"Search more..."},
l6(d,e){return"Unable to build the SQlite database. The app tries to use the legacy database for now. Please report this error to the developers at "+d+". The error message is: "+e},
h4(d,e){return"Your session is lost. Please report this error to the developers at "+d+". The error message is: "+e},
mr(d,e){return"The app now tries to restore your session from the backup. Please report this error to the developers at "+d+". The error message is: "+e},
gkg(){return"Send read receipts"},
gkj(){return"Other participants in a chat can see when you are typing a new message."},
gkh(){return"Other participants in a chat can see when you have read a message."},
glm(){return"Formatted messages"},
gln(){return"Display rich message content like bold text using markdown."},
gmS(){return"\ud83d\udd10 Verify other user"},
gmT(){return"If you verify another user, you can be sure that you know who you are really writing to. \ud83d\udcaa\n\nWhen you start a verification, you and the other user will see a popup in the app. There you will then see a series of emojis or numbers that you have to compare with each other.\n\nThe best way to do this is to meet up or start a video call. \ud83d\udc6d"},
gjW(){return"\ud83d\udd10 Verify other device"},
gjX(){return"When you verify another device, those devices can exchange keys, increasing your overall security. \ud83d\udcaa When you start a verification, a popup will appear in the app on both devices. There you will then see a series of emojis or numbers that you have to compare with each other. It's best to have both devices handy before you start the verification. \ud83e\udd33"},
kE(d){returnd+" accepted key verification"},
kM(d){returnd+" canceled key verification"},
kY(d){returnd+" completed key verification"},
lF(d){returnd+" is ready for key verification"},
mq(d){returnd+" requested key verification"},
ky(d){returnd+" started key verification"},
gkT(){return"Ignore the given matrix ID"},
gkX(){return"Unignore the given matrix ID"},
mu(d){return"Right now there are "+d+" users blocked."},
glL(){return"Knock restricted"},
nn(d){return"Go to space: "+d},
gnx(){return"Mark as unread"},
mN(d){return""+d+" - User"},
lR(d){return""+d+" - Moderator"},
kH(d){return""+d+" - Admin"},
go0(){return"Change general chat settings"},
goi(){return"Invite other users to this chat"},
go2(){return"Change the chat permissions"},
go4(){return"Change the visibility of the chat history"},
go1(){return"Change the main public chat address"},
gnH(){return"Send a @room notifications"},
go3(){return"Change the description of the chat"},
go6(){return"Define which power level is necessary for certain actions in this chat. The power levels 0, 50 and 100 are usually representing users, moderators and admins, but any gradation is possible."},
gog(){return"All your data is stored on the homeserver, just like an email provider. You can choose which homeserver you want to use, while you can still communicate with everyone. Learn more at at https://matrix.org."},
gof(){return"Doesn't seem to be a compatible homeserver. Wrong URL?"},
go_(){return"Calculating file size..."},
gpd(){return"Prepare sending attachment..."},
gnI(){return"Sending attachment..."},
nJ(d,e){return"Sending attachment "+d+" of "+e+"..."},