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1281 lines
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1281 lines
44 KiB
#ifndef _C4_YML_NODE_HPP_
#define _C4_YML_NODE_HPP_
/** @file node.hpp
* @see NodeRef */
#include <cstddef>
#include "c4/yml/tree.hpp"
#include "c4/base64.hpp"
#ifdef __clang__
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wtype-limits"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wold-style-cast"
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wtype-limits"
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wold-style-cast"
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable: 4251/*needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of struct*/)
# pragma warning(disable: 4296/*expression is always 'boolean_value'*/)
namespace c4 {
namespace yml {
template<class K> struct Key { K & k; };
template<> struct Key<fmt::const_base64_wrapper> { fmt::const_base64_wrapper wrapper; };
template<> struct Key<fmt::base64_wrapper> { fmt::base64_wrapper wrapper; };
template<class K> C4_ALWAYS_INLINE Key<K> key(K & k) { return Key<K>{k}; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE Key<fmt::const_base64_wrapper> key(fmt::const_base64_wrapper w) { return {w}; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE Key<fmt::base64_wrapper> key(fmt::base64_wrapper w) { return {w}; }
template<class T> void write(NodeRef *n, T const& v);
template<class T>
typename std::enable_if< ! std::is_floating_point<T>::value, bool>::type
read(NodeRef const& n, T *v);
template<class T>
typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point<T>::value, bool>::type
read(NodeRef const& n, T *v);
// forward decls
class NodeRef;
class ConstNodeRef;
namespace detail {
template<class NodeRefType>
struct child_iterator
using value_type = NodeRefType;
using tree_type = typename NodeRefType::tree_type;
tree_type * C4_RESTRICT m_tree;
size_t m_child_id;
child_iterator(tree_type * t, size_t id) : m_tree(t), m_child_id(id) {}
child_iterator& operator++ () { RYML_ASSERT(m_child_id != NONE); m_child_id = m_tree->next_sibling(m_child_id); return *this; }
child_iterator& operator-- () { RYML_ASSERT(m_child_id != NONE); m_child_id = m_tree->prev_sibling(m_child_id); return *this; }
NodeRefType operator* () const { return NodeRefType(m_tree, m_child_id); }
NodeRefType operator-> () const { return NodeRefType(m_tree, m_child_id); }
bool operator!= (child_iterator that) const { RYML_ASSERT(m_tree == that.m_tree); return m_child_id != that.m_child_id; }
bool operator== (child_iterator that) const { RYML_ASSERT(m_tree == that.m_tree); return m_child_id == that.m_child_id; }
template<class NodeRefType>
struct children_view_
using n_iterator = child_iterator<NodeRefType>;
n_iterator b, e;
inline children_view_(n_iterator const& C4_RESTRICT b_,
n_iterator const& C4_RESTRICT e_) : b(b_), e(e_) {}
inline n_iterator begin() const { return b; }
inline n_iterator end () const { return e; }
template<class NodeRefType, class Visitor>
bool _visit(NodeRefType &node, Visitor fn, size_t indentation_level, bool skip_root=false)
size_t increment = 0;
if( ! (node.is_root() && skip_root))
if(fn(node, indentation_level))
return true;
for(auto ch : node.children())
if(_visit(ch, fn, indentation_level + increment, false)) // no need to forward skip_root as it won't be root
return true;
return false;
template<class NodeRefType, class Visitor>
bool _visit_stacked(NodeRefType &node, Visitor fn, size_t indentation_level, bool skip_root=false)
size_t increment = 0;
if( ! (node.is_root() && skip_root))
if(fn(node, indentation_level))
return true;
fn.push(node, indentation_level);
for(auto ch : node.children())
if(_visit_stacked(ch, fn, indentation_level + increment, false)) // no need to forward skip_root as it won't be root
fn.pop(node, indentation_level);
return true;
fn.pop(node, indentation_level);
return false;
/** a CRTP base for read-only node methods */
template<class Impl, class ConstImpl>
struct RoNodeMethods
// helper CRTP macros, undefined at the end
#define tree_ ((ConstImpl const* C4_RESTRICT)this)->m_tree
#define id_ ((ConstImpl const* C4_RESTRICT)this)->m_id
#define tree__ ((Impl const* C4_RESTRICT)this)->m_tree
#define id__ ((Impl const* C4_RESTRICT)this)->m_id
// require valid
#define _C4RV() \
RYML_ASSERT(tree_ != nullptr); \
_RYML_CB_ASSERT(tree_->m_callbacks, id_ != NONE)
#define _C4_IF_MUTABLE(ty) typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<U, ConstImpl>::value, ty>::type
/** @name node property getters */
/** @{ */
/** returns the data or null when the id is NONE */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE NodeData const* get() const noexcept { RYML_ASSERT(tree_ != nullptr); return tree_->get(id_); }
/** returns the data or null when the id is NONE */
template<class U=Impl>
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE auto get() noexcept -> _C4_IF_MUTABLE(NodeData*) { RYML_ASSERT(tree_ != nullptr); return tree__->get(id__); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE NodeType type() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->type(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE const char* type_str() const noexcept { return tree_->type_str(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE csubstr key() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->key(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE csubstr key_tag() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->key_tag(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE csubstr key_ref() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->key_ref(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE csubstr key_anchor() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->key_anchor(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE csubstr val() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->val(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE csubstr val_tag() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->val_tag(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE csubstr val_ref() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->val_ref(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE csubstr val_anchor() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->val_anchor(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE NodeScalar const& keysc() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->keysc(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE NodeScalar const& valsc() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->valsc(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool key_is_null() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->key_is_null(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool val_is_null() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->val_is_null(id_); }
/** @} */
/** @name node property predicates */
/** @{ */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool empty() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->empty(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool is_stream() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->is_stream(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool is_doc() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->is_doc(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool is_container() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->is_container(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool is_map() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->is_map(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool is_seq() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->is_seq(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool has_val() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->has_val(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool has_key() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->has_key(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool is_val() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->is_val(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool is_keyval() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->is_keyval(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool has_key_tag() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->has_key_tag(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool has_val_tag() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->has_val_tag(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool has_key_anchor() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->has_key_anchor(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool is_key_anchor() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->is_key_anchor(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool has_val_anchor() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->has_val_anchor(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool is_val_anchor() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->is_val_anchor(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool has_anchor() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->has_anchor(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool is_anchor() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->is_anchor(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool is_key_ref() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->is_key_ref(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool is_val_ref() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->is_val_ref(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool is_ref() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->is_ref(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool is_anchor_or_ref() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->is_anchor_or_ref(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool is_key_quoted() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->is_key_quoted(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool is_val_quoted() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->is_val_quoted(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool is_quoted() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->is_quoted(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool parent_is_seq() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->parent_is_seq(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool parent_is_map() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->parent_is_map(id_); }
/** @} */
/** @name hierarchy predicates */
/** @{ */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool is_root() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->is_root(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool has_parent() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->has_parent(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool has_child(ConstImpl const& ch) const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->has_child(id_, ch.m_id); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool has_child(csubstr name) const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->has_child(id_, name); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool has_children() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->has_children(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool has_sibling(ConstImpl const& n) const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->has_sibling(id_, n.m_id); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool has_sibling(csubstr name) const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->has_sibling(id_, name); }
/** counts with this */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool has_siblings() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->has_siblings(id_); }
/** does not count with this */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool has_other_siblings() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->has_other_siblings(id_); }
/** @} */
/** @name hierarchy getters */
/** @{ */
template<class U=Impl>
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE auto doc(size_t num) noexcept -> _C4_IF_MUTABLE(Impl) { _C4RV(); return {tree__, tree__->doc(num)}; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE ConstImpl doc(size_t num) const noexcept { _C4RV(); return {tree_, tree_->doc(num)}; }
template<class U=Impl>
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE auto parent() noexcept -> _C4_IF_MUTABLE(Impl) { _C4RV(); return {tree__, tree__->parent(id__)}; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE ConstImpl parent() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return {tree_, tree_->parent(id_)}; }
/** O(#num_children) */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE size_t child_pos(ConstImpl const& n) const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->child_pos(id_, n.m_id); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE size_t num_children() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->num_children(id_); }
template<class U=Impl>
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE auto first_child() noexcept -> _C4_IF_MUTABLE(Impl) { _C4RV(); return {tree__, tree__->first_child(id__)}; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE ConstImpl first_child() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return {tree_, tree_->first_child(id_)}; }
template<class U=Impl>
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE auto last_child() noexcept -> _C4_IF_MUTABLE(Impl) { _C4RV(); return {tree__, tree__->last_child(id__)}; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE ConstImpl last_child () const noexcept { _C4RV(); return {tree_, tree_->last_child (id_)}; }
template<class U=Impl>
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE auto child(size_t pos) noexcept -> _C4_IF_MUTABLE(Impl) { _C4RV(); return {tree__, tree__->child(id__, pos)}; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE ConstImpl child(size_t pos) const noexcept { _C4RV(); return {tree_, tree_->child(id_, pos)}; }
template<class U=Impl>
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE auto find_child(csubstr name) noexcept -> _C4_IF_MUTABLE(Impl) { _C4RV(); return {tree__, tree__->find_child(id__, name)}; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE ConstImpl find_child(csubstr name) const noexcept { _C4RV(); return {tree_, tree_->find_child(id_, name)}; }
/** O(#num_siblings) */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE size_t num_siblings() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->num_siblings(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE size_t num_other_siblings() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->num_other_siblings(id_); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE size_t sibling_pos(ConstImpl const& n) const noexcept { _C4RV(); return tree_->child_pos(tree_->parent(id_), n.m_id); }
template<class U=Impl>
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE auto prev_sibling() noexcept -> _C4_IF_MUTABLE(Impl) { _C4RV(); return {tree__, tree__->prev_sibling(id__)}; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE ConstImpl prev_sibling() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return {tree_, tree_->prev_sibling(id_)}; }
template<class U=Impl>
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE auto next_sibling() noexcept -> _C4_IF_MUTABLE(Impl) { _C4RV(); return {tree__, tree__->next_sibling(id__)}; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE ConstImpl next_sibling() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return {tree_, tree_->next_sibling(id_)}; }
template<class U=Impl>
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE auto first_sibling() noexcept -> _C4_IF_MUTABLE(Impl) { _C4RV(); return {tree__, tree__->first_sibling(id__)}; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE ConstImpl first_sibling() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return {tree_, tree_->first_sibling(id_)}; }
template<class U=Impl>
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE auto last_sibling() noexcept -> _C4_IF_MUTABLE(Impl) { _C4RV(); return {tree__, tree__->last_sibling(id__)}; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE ConstImpl last_sibling () const noexcept { _C4RV(); return {tree_, tree_->last_sibling(id_)}; }
template<class U=Impl>
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE auto sibling(size_t pos) noexcept -> _C4_IF_MUTABLE(Impl) { _C4RV(); return {tree__, tree__->sibling(id__, pos)}; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE ConstImpl sibling(size_t pos) const noexcept { _C4RV(); return {tree_, tree_->sibling(id_, pos)}; }
template<class U=Impl>
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE auto find_sibling(csubstr name) noexcept -> _C4_IF_MUTABLE(Impl) { _C4RV(); return {tree__, tree__->find_sibling(id__, name)}; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE ConstImpl find_sibling(csubstr name) const noexcept { _C4RV(); return {tree_, tree_->find_sibling(id_, name)}; }
/** O(num_children) */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE ConstImpl operator[] (csubstr k) const noexcept
size_t ch = tree_->find_child(id_, k);
_RYML_CB_ASSERT(tree_->m_callbacks, ch != NONE);
return {tree_, ch};
/** Find child by key. O(num_children). returns a seed node if no such child is found. */
template<class U=Impl>
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE auto operator[] (csubstr k) noexcept -> _C4_IF_MUTABLE(Impl)
size_t ch = tree__->find_child(id__, k);
return ch != NONE ? Impl(tree__, ch) : NodeRef(tree__, id__, k);
/** O(num_children) */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE ConstImpl operator[] (size_t pos) const noexcept
size_t ch = tree_->child(id_, pos);
_RYML_CB_ASSERT(tree_->m_callbacks, ch != NONE);
return {tree_, ch};
/** Find child by position. O(pos). returns a seed node if no such child is found. */
template<class U=Impl>
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE auto operator[] (size_t pos) noexcept -> _C4_IF_MUTABLE(Impl)
size_t ch = tree__->child(id__, pos);
return ch != NONE ? Impl(tree__, ch) : NodeRef(tree__, id__, pos);
/** @} */
/** deserialization */
/** @{ */
template<class T>
ConstImpl const& operator>> (T &v) const
if( ! read((ConstImpl const&)*this, &v))
_RYML_CB_ERR(tree_->m_callbacks, "could not deserialize value");
return *((ConstImpl const*)this);
/** deserialize the node's key to the given variable */
template<class T>
ConstImpl const& operator>> (Key<T> v) const
if( ! from_chars(key(), &v.k))
_RYML_CB_ERR(tree_->m_callbacks, "could not deserialize key");
return *((ConstImpl const*)this);
/** deserialize the node's key as base64 */
ConstImpl const& operator>> (Key<fmt::base64_wrapper> w) const
return *((ConstImpl const*)this);
/** deserialize the node's val as base64 */
ConstImpl const& operator>> (fmt::base64_wrapper w) const
return *((ConstImpl const*)this);
/** decode the base64-encoded key and assign the
* decoded blob to the given buffer/
* @return the size of base64-decoded blob */
size_t deserialize_key(fmt::base64_wrapper v) const
return from_chars(key(), &v);
/** decode the base64-encoded key and assign the
* decoded blob to the given buffer/
* @return the size of base64-decoded blob */
size_t deserialize_val(fmt::base64_wrapper v) const
return from_chars(val(), &v);
template<class T>
bool get_if(csubstr name, T *var) const
auto ch = find_child(name);
return false;
ch >> *var;
return true;
template<class T>
bool get_if(csubstr name, T *var, T const& fallback) const
auto ch = find_child(name);
ch >> *var;
return true;
*var = fallback;
return false;
/** @} */
#if defined(__clang__)
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wnull-dereference"
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# if __GNUC__ >= 6
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wnull-dereference"
# endif
/** @name iteration */
/** @{ */
using iterator = detail::child_iterator<Impl>;
using const_iterator = detail::child_iterator<ConstImpl>;
using children_view = detail::children_view_<Impl>;
using const_children_view = detail::children_view_<ConstImpl>;
template<class U=Impl>
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE auto begin() noexcept -> _C4_IF_MUTABLE(iterator) { _C4RV(); return iterator(tree__, tree__->first_child(id__)); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE const_iterator begin() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return const_iterator(tree_, tree_->first_child(id_)); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return const_iterator(tree_, tree_->first_child(id_)); }
template<class U=Impl>
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE auto end() noexcept -> _C4_IF_MUTABLE(iterator) { _C4RV(); return iterator(tree__, NONE); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE const_iterator end() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return const_iterator(tree_, NONE); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE const_iterator cend() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return const_iterator(tree_, tree_->first_child(id_)); }
/** get an iterable view over children */
template<class U=Impl>
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE auto children() noexcept -> _C4_IF_MUTABLE(children_view) { _C4RV(); return children_view(begin(), end()); }
/** get an iterable view over children */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE const_children_view children() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return const_children_view(begin(), end()); }
/** get an iterable view over children */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE const_children_view cchildren() const noexcept { _C4RV(); return const_children_view(begin(), end()); }
/** get an iterable view over all siblings (including the calling node) */
template<class U=Impl>
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE auto siblings() noexcept -> _C4_IF_MUTABLE(children_view)
NodeData const *nd = tree__->get(id__);
return (nd->m_parent != NONE) ? // does it have a parent?
children_view(iterator(tree__, tree_->get(nd->m_parent)->m_first_child), iterator(tree__, NONE))
children_view(end(), end());
/** get an iterable view over all siblings (including the calling node) */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE const_children_view siblings() const noexcept
NodeData const *nd = tree_->get(id_);
return (nd->m_parent != NONE) ? // does it have a parent?
const_children_view(const_iterator(tree_, tree_->get(nd->m_parent)->m_first_child), const_iterator(tree_, NONE))
const_children_view(end(), end());
/** get an iterable view over all siblings (including the calling node) */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE const_children_view csiblings() const noexcept { return siblings(); }
/** visit every child node calling fn(node) */
template<class Visitor>
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool visit(Visitor fn, size_t indentation_level=0, bool skip_root=true) const noexcept
return detail::_visit(*(ConstImpl const*)this, fn, indentation_level, skip_root);
/** visit every child node calling fn(node) */
template<class Visitor, class U=Impl>
auto visit(Visitor fn, size_t indentation_level=0, bool skip_root=true) noexcept
-> _C4_IF_MUTABLE(bool)
return detail::_visit(*(Impl*)this, fn, indentation_level, skip_root);
/** visit every child node calling fn(node, level) */
template<class Visitor>
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE bool visit_stacked(Visitor fn, size_t indentation_level=0, bool skip_root=true) const noexcept
return detail::_visit_stacked(*(ConstImpl const*)this, fn, indentation_level, skip_root);
/** visit every child node calling fn(node, level) */
template<class Visitor, class U=Impl>
auto visit_stacked(Visitor fn, size_t indentation_level=0, bool skip_root=true) noexcept
-> _C4_IF_MUTABLE(bool)
return detail::_visit_stacked(*(Impl*)this, fn, indentation_level, skip_root);
/** @} */
#if defined(__clang__)
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#undef _C4_IF_MUTABLE
#undef _C4RV
#undef tree_
#undef tree__
#undef id_
#undef id__
} // namespace detail
class RYML_EXPORT ConstNodeRef : public detail::RoNodeMethods<ConstNodeRef, ConstNodeRef>
using tree_type = Tree const;
Tree const* C4_RESTRICT m_tree;
size_t m_id;
friend NodeRef;
friend struct detail::RoNodeMethods<ConstNodeRef, ConstNodeRef>;
/** @name construction */
/** @{ */
ConstNodeRef() : m_tree(nullptr), m_id(NONE) {}
ConstNodeRef(Tree const &t) : m_tree(&t), m_id(t .root_id()) {}
ConstNodeRef(Tree const *t) : m_tree(t ), m_id(t->root_id()) {}
ConstNodeRef(Tree const *t, size_t id) : m_tree(t), m_id(id) {}
ConstNodeRef(std::nullptr_t) : m_tree(nullptr), m_id(NONE) {}
ConstNodeRef(ConstNodeRef const&) = default;
ConstNodeRef(ConstNodeRef &&) = default;
ConstNodeRef(NodeRef const&);
ConstNodeRef(NodeRef &&);
/** @} */
/** @name assignment */
/** @{ */
ConstNodeRef& operator= (std::nullptr_t) { m_tree = nullptr; m_id = NONE; return *this; }
ConstNodeRef& operator= (ConstNodeRef const&) = default;
ConstNodeRef& operator= (ConstNodeRef &&) = default;
ConstNodeRef& operator= (NodeRef const&);
ConstNodeRef& operator= (NodeRef &&);
/** @} */
/** @name state queries */
/** @{ */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool valid() const noexcept { return m_tree != nullptr && m_id != NONE; }
/** @} */
/** @name member getters */
/** @{ */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE Tree const* tree() const noexcept { return m_tree; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE size_t id() const noexcept { return m_id; }
/** @} */
/** @name comparisons */
/** @{ */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool operator== (ConstNodeRef const& that) const noexcept { RYML_ASSERT(that.m_tree == m_tree); return m_id == that.m_id; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool operator!= (ConstNodeRef const& that) const noexcept { RYML_ASSERT(that.m_tree == m_tree); return ! this->operator==(that); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool operator== (std::nullptr_t) const noexcept { return m_tree == nullptr || m_id == NONE; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool operator!= (std::nullptr_t) const noexcept { return ! this->operator== (nullptr); }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool operator== (csubstr val) const noexcept { RYML_ASSERT(has_val()); return m_tree->val(m_id) == val; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE bool operator!= (csubstr val) const noexcept { RYML_ASSERT(has_val()); return m_tree->val(m_id) != val; }
/** @} */
/** a reference to a node in an existing yaml tree, offering a more
* convenient API than the index-based API used in the tree. */
class RYML_EXPORT NodeRef : public detail::RoNodeMethods<NodeRef, ConstNodeRef>
using tree_type = Tree;
using base_type = detail::RoNodeMethods<NodeRef, ConstNodeRef>;
Tree *C4_RESTRICT m_tree;
size_t m_id;
/** This member is used to enable lazy operator[] writing. When a child
* with a key or index is not found, m_id is set to the id of the parent
* and the asked-for key or index are stored in this member until a write
* does happen. Then it is given as key or index for creating the child.
* When a key is used, the csubstr stores it (so the csubstr's string is
* non-null and the csubstr's size is different from NONE). When an index is
* used instead, the csubstr's string is set to null, and only the csubstr's
* size is set to a value different from NONE. Otherwise, when operator[]
* does find the child then this member is empty: the string is null and
* the size is NONE. */
csubstr m_seed;
friend ConstNodeRef;
friend struct detail::RoNodeMethods<NodeRef, ConstNodeRef>;
// require valid: a helper macro, undefined at the end
#define _C4RV() \
RYML_ASSERT(m_tree != nullptr); \
_RYML_CB_ASSERT(m_tree->m_callbacks, m_id != NONE && !is_seed())
/** @name construction */
/** @{ */
NodeRef() : m_tree(nullptr), m_id(NONE), m_seed() { _clear_seed(); }
NodeRef(Tree &t) : m_tree(&t), m_id(t .root_id()), m_seed() { _clear_seed(); }
NodeRef(Tree *t) : m_tree(t ), m_id(t->root_id()), m_seed() { _clear_seed(); }
NodeRef(Tree *t, size_t id) : m_tree(t), m_id(id), m_seed() { _clear_seed(); }
NodeRef(Tree *t, size_t id, size_t seed_pos) : m_tree(t), m_id(id), m_seed() { m_seed.str = nullptr; m_seed.len = seed_pos; }
NodeRef(Tree *t, size_t id, csubstr seed_key) : m_tree(t), m_id(id), m_seed(seed_key) {}
NodeRef(std::nullptr_t) : m_tree(nullptr), m_id(NONE), m_seed() {}
/** @} */
/** @name assignment */
/** @{ */
NodeRef(NodeRef const&) = default;
NodeRef(NodeRef &&) = default;
NodeRef& operator= (NodeRef const&) = default;
NodeRef& operator= (NodeRef &&) = default;
/** @} */
/** @name state queries */
/** @{ */
inline bool valid() const { return m_tree != nullptr && m_id != NONE; }
inline bool is_seed() const { return m_seed.str != nullptr || m_seed.len != NONE; }
inline void _clear_seed() { /*do this manually or an assert is triggered*/ m_seed.str = nullptr; m_seed.len = NONE; }
/** @} */
/** @name comparisons */
/** @{ */
inline bool operator== (NodeRef const& that) const { _C4RV(); RYML_ASSERT(that.valid() && !that.is_seed()); RYML_ASSERT(that.m_tree == m_tree); return m_id == that.m_id; }
inline bool operator!= (NodeRef const& that) const { return ! this->operator==(that); }
inline bool operator== (ConstNodeRef const& that) const { _C4RV(); RYML_ASSERT(that.valid()); RYML_ASSERT(that.m_tree == m_tree); return m_id == that.m_id; }
inline bool operator!= (ConstNodeRef const& that) const { return ! this->operator==(that); }
inline bool operator== (std::nullptr_t) const { return m_tree == nullptr || m_id == NONE || is_seed(); }
inline bool operator!= (std::nullptr_t) const { return m_tree != nullptr && m_id != NONE && !is_seed(); }
inline bool operator== (csubstr val) const { _C4RV(); RYML_ASSERT(has_val()); return m_tree->val(m_id) == val; }
inline bool operator!= (csubstr val) const { _C4RV(); RYML_ASSERT(has_val()); return m_tree->val(m_id) != val; }
//inline operator bool () const { return m_tree == nullptr || m_id == NONE || is_seed(); }
/** @} */
/** @name node property getters */
/** @{ */
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE Tree * tree() noexcept { return m_tree; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE Tree const* tree() const noexcept { return m_tree; }
C4_ALWAYS_INLINE C4_PURE size_t id() const noexcept { return m_id; }
/** @} */
/** @name node modifiers */
/** @{ */
void change_type(NodeType t) { _C4RV(); m_tree->change_type(m_id, t); }
void set_type(NodeType t) { _C4RV(); m_tree->_set_flags(m_id, t); }
void set_key(csubstr key) { _C4RV(); m_tree->_set_key(m_id, key); }
void set_val(csubstr val) { _C4RV(); m_tree->_set_val(m_id, val); }
void set_key_tag(csubstr key_tag) { _C4RV(); m_tree->set_key_tag(m_id, key_tag); }
void set_val_tag(csubstr val_tag) { _C4RV(); m_tree->set_val_tag(m_id, val_tag); }
void set_key_anchor(csubstr key_anchor) { _C4RV(); m_tree->set_key_anchor(m_id, key_anchor); }
void set_val_anchor(csubstr val_anchor) { _C4RV(); m_tree->set_val_anchor(m_id, val_anchor); }
void set_key_ref(csubstr key_ref) { _C4RV(); m_tree->set_key_ref(m_id, key_ref); }
void set_val_ref(csubstr val_ref) { _C4RV(); m_tree->set_val_ref(m_id, val_ref); }
template<class T>
size_t set_key_serialized(T const& C4_RESTRICT k)
csubstr s = m_tree->to_arena(k);
m_tree->_set_key(m_id, s);
return s.len;
template<class T>
size_t set_val_serialized(T const& C4_RESTRICT v)
csubstr s = m_tree->to_arena(v);
m_tree->_set_val(m_id, s);
return s.len;
size_t set_val_serialized(std::nullptr_t)
m_tree->_set_val(m_id, csubstr{});
return 0;
/** encode a blob as base64, then assign the result to the node's key
* @return the size of base64-encoded blob */
size_t set_key_serialized(fmt::const_base64_wrapper w);
/** encode a blob as base64, then assign the result to the node's val
* @return the size of base64-encoded blob */
size_t set_val_serialized(fmt::const_base64_wrapper w);
inline void clear()
inline void clear_key()
inline void clear_val()
inline void clear_children()
void create() { _apply_seed(); }
inline void operator= (NodeType_e t)
m_tree->_add_flags(m_id, t);
inline void operator|= (NodeType_e t)
m_tree->_add_flags(m_id, t);
inline void operator= (NodeInit const& v)
inline void operator= (NodeScalar const& v)
inline void operator= (std::nullptr_t)
inline void operator= (csubstr v)
template<size_t N>
inline void operator= (const char (&v)[N])
csubstr sv;
/** @} */
/** @name serialization */
/** @{ */
/** serialize a variable to the arena */
template<class T>
inline csubstr to_arena(T const& C4_RESTRICT s)
return m_tree->to_arena(s);
/** serialize a variable, then assign the result to the node's val */
inline NodeRef& operator<< (csubstr s)
// this overload is needed to prevent ambiguity (there's also
// operator<< for writing a substr to a stream)
write(this, s);
RYML_ASSERT(val() == s);
return *this;
template<class T>
inline NodeRef& operator<< (T const& C4_RESTRICT v)
write(this, v);
return *this;
/** serialize a variable, then assign the result to the node's key */
template<class T>
inline NodeRef& operator<< (Key<const T> const& C4_RESTRICT v)
return *this;
/** serialize a variable, then assign the result to the node's key */
template<class T>
inline NodeRef& operator<< (Key<T> const& C4_RESTRICT v)
return *this;
NodeRef& operator<< (Key<fmt::const_base64_wrapper> w)
return *this;
NodeRef& operator<< (fmt::const_base64_wrapper w)
return *this;
/** @} */
void _apply_seed()
if(m_seed.str) // we have a seed key: use it to create the new child
//RYML_ASSERT(i.key.scalar.empty() || m_key == i.key.scalar || m_key.empty());
m_id = m_tree->append_child(m_id);
m_tree->_set_key(m_id, m_seed);
m_seed.str = nullptr;
m_seed.len = NONE;
else if(m_seed.len != NONE) // we have a seed index: create a child at that position
RYML_ASSERT(m_tree->num_children(m_id) == m_seed.len);
m_id = m_tree->append_child(m_id);
m_seed.str = nullptr;
m_seed.len = NONE;
inline void _apply(csubstr v)
m_tree->_set_val(m_id, v);
inline void _apply(NodeScalar const& v)
m_tree->_set_val(m_id, v);
inline void _apply(NodeInit const& i)
m_tree->_set(m_id, i);
/** @name modification of hierarchy */
/** @{ */
inline NodeRef insert_child(NodeRef after)
RYML_ASSERT(after.m_tree == m_tree);
NodeRef r(m_tree, m_tree->insert_child(m_id, after.m_id));
return r;
inline NodeRef insert_child(NodeInit const& i, NodeRef after)
RYML_ASSERT(after.m_tree == m_tree);
NodeRef r(m_tree, m_tree->insert_child(m_id, after.m_id));
return r;
inline NodeRef prepend_child()
NodeRef r(m_tree, m_tree->insert_child(m_id, NONE));
return r;
inline NodeRef prepend_child(NodeInit const& i)
NodeRef r(m_tree, m_tree->insert_child(m_id, NONE));
return r;
inline NodeRef append_child()
NodeRef r(m_tree, m_tree->append_child(m_id));
return r;
inline NodeRef append_child(NodeInit const& i)
NodeRef r(m_tree, m_tree->append_child(m_id));
return r;
inline NodeRef insert_sibling(ConstNodeRef const& after)
RYML_ASSERT(after.m_tree == m_tree);
NodeRef r(m_tree, m_tree->insert_sibling(m_id, after.m_id));
return r;
inline NodeRef insert_sibling(NodeInit const& i, ConstNodeRef const& after)
RYML_ASSERT(after.m_tree == m_tree);
NodeRef r(m_tree, m_tree->insert_sibling(m_id, after.m_id));
return r;
inline NodeRef prepend_sibling()
NodeRef r(m_tree, m_tree->prepend_sibling(m_id));
return r;
inline NodeRef prepend_sibling(NodeInit const& i)
NodeRef r(m_tree, m_tree->prepend_sibling(m_id));
return r;
inline NodeRef append_sibling()
NodeRef r(m_tree, m_tree->append_sibling(m_id));
return r;
inline NodeRef append_sibling(NodeInit const& i)
NodeRef r(m_tree, m_tree->append_sibling(m_id));
return r;
inline void remove_child(NodeRef & child)
RYML_ASSERT(child.parent().id() == id());
//! remove the nth child of this node
inline void remove_child(size_t pos)
RYML_ASSERT(pos >= 0 && pos < num_children());
size_t child = m_tree->child(m_id, pos);
//! remove a child by name
inline void remove_child(csubstr key)
size_t child = m_tree->find_child(m_id, key);
/** change the node's position within its parent, placing it after
* @p after. To move to the first position in the parent, simply
* pass an empty or default-constructed reference like this:
* `n.move({})`. */
inline void move(ConstNodeRef const& after)
m_tree->move(m_id, after.m_id);
/** move the node to a different @p parent (which may belong to a
* different tree), placing it after @p after. When the
* destination parent is in a new tree, then this node's tree
* pointer is reset to the tree of the parent node. */
inline void move(NodeRef const& parent, ConstNodeRef const& after)
if(parent.m_tree == m_tree)
m_tree->move(m_id, parent.m_id, after.m_id);
parent.m_tree->move(m_tree, m_id, parent.m_id, after.m_id);
m_tree = parent.m_tree;
/** duplicate the current node somewhere within its parent, and
* place it after the node @p after. To place into the first
* position of the parent, simply pass an empty or
* default-constructed reference like this: `n.move({})`. */
inline NodeRef duplicate(ConstNodeRef const& after) const
RYML_ASSERT(m_tree == after.m_tree || after.m_id == NONE);
size_t dup = m_tree->duplicate(m_id, m_tree->parent(m_id), after.m_id);
NodeRef r(m_tree, dup);
return r;
/** duplicate the current node somewhere into a different @p parent
* (possibly from a different tree), and place it after the node
* @p after. To place into the first position of the parent,
* simply pass an empty or default-constructed reference like
* this: `n.move({})`. */
inline NodeRef duplicate(NodeRef const& parent, ConstNodeRef const& after) const
RYML_ASSERT(parent.m_tree == after.m_tree || after.m_id == NONE);
if(parent.m_tree == m_tree)
size_t dup = m_tree->duplicate(m_id, parent.m_id, after.m_id);
NodeRef r(m_tree, dup);
return r;
size_t dup = parent.m_tree->duplicate(m_tree, m_id, parent.m_id, after.m_id);
NodeRef r(parent.m_tree, dup);
return r;
inline void duplicate_children(NodeRef const& parent, ConstNodeRef const& after) const
RYML_ASSERT(parent.m_tree == after.m_tree);
if(parent.m_tree == m_tree)
m_tree->duplicate_children(m_id, parent.m_id, after.m_id);
parent.m_tree->duplicate_children(m_tree, m_id, parent.m_id, after.m_id);
/** @} */
#undef _C4RV
inline ConstNodeRef::ConstNodeRef(NodeRef const& that)
: m_tree(that.m_tree)
, m_id(!that.is_seed() ? that.id() : NONE)
inline ConstNodeRef::ConstNodeRef(NodeRef && that)
: m_tree(that.m_tree)
, m_id(!that.is_seed() ? that.id() : NONE)
inline ConstNodeRef& ConstNodeRef::operator= (NodeRef const& that)
m_tree = (that.m_tree);
m_id = (!that.is_seed() ? that.id() : NONE);
return *this;
inline ConstNodeRef& ConstNodeRef::operator= (NodeRef && that)
m_tree = (that.m_tree);
m_id = (!that.is_seed() ? that.id() : NONE);
return *this;
template<class T>
inline void write(NodeRef *n, T const& v)
template<class T>
typename std::enable_if< ! std::is_floating_point<T>::value, bool>::type
inline read(NodeRef const& n, T *v)
return from_chars(n.val(), v);
template<class T>
typename std::enable_if< ! std::is_floating_point<T>::value, bool>::type
inline read(ConstNodeRef const& n, T *v)
return from_chars(n.val(), v);
template<class T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value, bool>::type
inline read(NodeRef const& n, T *v)
return from_chars_float(n.val(), v);
template<class T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value, bool>::type
inline read(ConstNodeRef const& n, T *v)
return from_chars_float(n.val(), v);
} // namespace yml
} // namespace c4
#ifdef __clang__
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(pop)
#endif /* _C4_YML_NODE_HPP_ */