@ -899,15 +899,13 @@ bool FileSystem::CreateDirectory(const char* Path, bool Recursive)
// create directories along the path
for (i = 0; i < pathLength; i++)
if (Path[i] == '\\')
if (Path[i] == '\\' || Path[i] == '/')
tempStr[i] = '\0';
if (!CreateDirectoryA(tempStr, nullptr))
lastError = GetLastError();
if (lastError == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) // fine, continue to next path segment
else // anything else is a fail
if (lastError != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) // fine, continue to next path segment
return false;
@ -1318,9 +1316,7 @@ bool CreateDirectory(const char* Path, bool Recursive)
if (mkdir(tempStr, 0777) < 0)
lastError = errno;
if (lastError == EEXIST) // fine, continue to next path segment
else // anything else is a fail
if (lastError != EEXIST) // fine, continue to next path segment
return false;