@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include "common/log.h"
#include "common/state_wrapper.h"
#include "dma.h"
#include "host_display.h"
#include "host_interface.h"
#include "interrupt_controller.h"
#include "stb_image_write.h"
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ bool GPU::Initialize(HostDisplay* host_display, System* system, DMA* dma, Interr
m_dma = dma;
m_interrupt_controller = interrupt_controller;
m_timers = timers;
m_force_progressive_scan = m_system->GetSettings().gpu_force_progressive_scan;
m_force_progressive_scan = m_system->GetSettings().display_force_progressive_scan;
m_tick_event =
m_system->CreateTimingEvent("GPU Tick", 1, 1, std::bind(&GPU::Execute, this, std::placeholders::_1), true);
return true;
@ -34,7 +35,8 @@ bool GPU::Initialize(HostDisplay* host_display, System* system, DMA* dma, Interr
void GPU::UpdateSettings()
m_force_progressive_scan = m_system->GetSettings().gpu_force_progressive_scan;
m_force_progressive_scan = m_system->GetSettings().display_force_progressive_scan;
void GPU::Reset()
@ -108,8 +110,12 @@ bool GPU::DoState(StateWrapper& sw)
@ -161,6 +167,7 @@ bool GPU::DoState(StateWrapper& sw)
// Restore mask setting.
m_GPUSTAT.bits = old_GPUSTAT;
@ -285,8 +292,9 @@ void GPU::Synchronize()
void GPU::UpdateCRTCConfig()
static constexpr std::array<TickCount, 8> dot_clock_dividers = {{10, 8, 5, 4, 7, 7, 7, 7}};
static constexpr std::array<u16, 8> dot_clock_dividers = {{10, 8, 5, 4, 7, 7, 7, 7}};
CRTCState& cs = m_crtc_state;
const DisplayCropMode crop_mode = m_system->GetSettings().display_crop_mode;
if (m_GPUSTAT.pal_mode)
@ -303,6 +311,7 @@ void GPU::UpdateCRTCConfig()
const float vertical_frequency =
static_cast<float>(static_cast<double>((u64(MASTER_CLOCK) * 11) / 7) / static_cast<double>(ticks_per_frame));
const u8 horizontal_resolution_index = m_GPUSTAT.horizontal_resolution_1 | (m_GPUSTAT.horizontal_resolution_2 << 2);
cs.dot_clock_divider = dot_clock_dividers[horizontal_resolution_index];
@ -311,63 +320,92 @@ void GPU::UpdateCRTCConfig()
cs.vertical_display_start = static_cast<TickCount>(std::min<u32>(cs.regs.Y1, cs.vertical_total));
cs.vertical_display_end = static_cast<TickCount>(std::min<u32>(cs.regs.Y2, cs.vertical_total));
// check for a change in resolution
const u32 old_horizontal_resolution = cs.display_width;
const u32 old_vertical_resolution = cs.display_height;
const u32 visible_lines = cs.regs.Y2 - cs.regs.Y1;
cs.display_width = std::max<u32>((cs.regs.X2 - cs.regs.X1) / cs.dot_clock_divider, 1);
cs.display_height = visible_lines << BoolToUInt8(m_GPUSTAT.In480iMode());
if (cs.display_width != old_horizontal_resolution || cs.display_height != old_vertical_resolution)
Log_InfoPrintf("Visible resolution is now %ux%u", cs.display_width, cs.display_height);
// Compute the aspect ratio necessary to display borders in the inactive region of the picture.
// Convert total dots/lines to time.
const float dot_clock =
(static_cast<float>(MASTER_CLOCK) * (11.0f / 7.0f / static_cast<float>(cs.dot_clock_divider)));
const float dot_clock_period = 1.0f / dot_clock;
const float dots_per_scanline = static_cast<float>(cs.horizontal_total) / static_cast<float>(cs.dot_clock_divider);
const float horizontal_period = dots_per_scanline * dot_clock_period;
const float vertical_period = horizontal_period * static_cast<float>(cs.vertical_total);
// Convert active dots/lines to time.
const float visible_dots_per_scanline = static_cast<float>(cs.display_width);
const float horizontal_active_time = horizontal_period * visible_dots_per_scanline;
const float vertical_active_time = horizontal_active_time * static_cast<float>(visible_lines);
// Use the reference active time/lines for the signal to work out the border area, and thus aspect ratio
// transformation for the active area in our framebuffer. For the purposes of these calculations, we're assuming
// progressive scan.
float display_ratio;
if (m_GPUSTAT.pal_mode)
// Wikipedia says PAL is active 51.95us of 64.00us, and 576/625 lines.
const float signal_horizontal_active_time = 51.95f;
const float signal_horizontal_total_time = 64.0f;
const float signal_vertical_active_lines = 576.0f;
const float signal_vertical_total_lines = 625.0f;
const float h_ratio =
(horizontal_active_time / horizontal_period) * (signal_horizontal_total_time / signal_horizontal_active_time);
const float v_ratio =
(vertical_active_time / vertical_period) * (signal_vertical_total_lines / signal_vertical_active_lines);
display_ratio = h_ratio / v_ratio;
// determine the active display size
cs.active_display_width = std::clamp<u16>((cs.regs.X2 - cs.regs.X1) / cs.dot_clock_divider, 1, VRAM_WIDTH);
cs.active_display_height =
std::clamp<u16>((cs.regs.Y2 - cs.regs.Y1), 1, VRAM_HEIGHT >> BoolToUInt8(m_GPUSTAT.In480iMode()));
// Construct screen borders from configured active area and the standard visible range.
// TODO: Ensure it doesn't overflow
const u16 horizontal_start_display_tick = (crop_mode == DisplayCropMode::None ? 488 : 608);
const u16 horizontal_end_display_tick = (crop_mode == DisplayCropMode::None ? 2800 : 2560);
cs.visible_display_width = horizontal_end_display_tick / cs.dot_clock_divider;
cs.active_display_left =
(std::max<u16>(m_crtc_state.regs.X1, horizontal_start_display_tick) - horizontal_start_display_tick) /
const u16 vertical_start_display_line = (crop_mode == DisplayCropMode::None ? 8 : (m_GPUSTAT.pal_mode ? 20 : 16));
const u16 vertical_end_display_line =
(crop_mode == DisplayCropMode::None ? static_cast<u16>(cs.vertical_total) :
static_cast<u16>(m_GPUSTAT.pal_mode ? 308 : 256));
const u16 bottom_padding = vertical_end_display_line - std::min<u16>(m_crtc_state.regs.Y2, vertical_end_display_line);
cs.active_display_top =
std::max<u16>(m_crtc_state.regs.Y1, vertical_start_display_line) - vertical_start_display_line;
cs.visible_display_height = cs.active_display_top + cs.active_display_height + bottom_padding;
// Aspect ratio is always 4:3.
cs.display_aspect_ratio = 4.0f / 3.0f;
if (crop_mode == DisplayCropMode::Borders)
const float signal_horizontal_active_time = 52.66f;
const float signal_horizontal_total_time = 63.56f;
const float signal_vertical_active_lines = 486.0f;
const float signal_vertical_total_lines = 525.0f;
const float h_ratio =
(horizontal_active_time / horizontal_period) * (signal_horizontal_total_time / signal_horizontal_active_time);
const float v_ratio =
(vertical_active_time / vertical_period) * (signal_vertical_total_lines / signal_vertical_active_lines);
display_ratio = h_ratio / v_ratio;
// Compute the aspect ratio necessary to display borders in the inactive region of the picture.
// Convert total dots/lines to time.
const float dot_clock =
(static_cast<float>(MASTER_CLOCK) * (11.0f / 7.0f / static_cast<float>(cs.dot_clock_divider)));
const float dot_clock_period = 1.0f / dot_clock;
const float dots_per_scanline = static_cast<float>(cs.horizontal_total) / static_cast<float>(cs.dot_clock_divider);
const float horizontal_period = dots_per_scanline * dot_clock_period;
const float vertical_period = horizontal_period * static_cast<float>(cs.vertical_total);
// Convert active dots/lines to time.
const float visible_dots_per_scanline = static_cast<float>(cs.active_display_width);
const float horizontal_active_time = horizontal_period * visible_dots_per_scanline;
const float vertical_active_time = horizontal_active_time * static_cast<float>(cs.regs.Y2 - cs.regs.Y1);
// Use the reference active time/lines for the signal to work out the border area, and thus aspect ratio
// transformation for the active area in our framebuffer. For the purposes of these calculations, we're assuming
// progressive scan.
float display_ratio;
if (m_GPUSTAT.pal_mode)
// Wikipedia says PAL is active 51.95us of 64.00us, and 576/625 lines.
const float signal_horizontal_active_time = 51.95f;
const float signal_horizontal_total_time = 64.0f;
const float signal_vertical_active_lines = 576.0f;
const float signal_vertical_total_lines = 625.0f;
const float h_ratio =
(horizontal_active_time / horizontal_period) * (signal_horizontal_total_time / signal_horizontal_active_time);
const float v_ratio =
(vertical_active_time / vertical_period) * (signal_vertical_total_lines / signal_vertical_active_lines);
display_ratio = h_ratio / v_ratio;
const float signal_horizontal_active_time = 52.66f;
const float signal_horizontal_total_time = 63.56f;
const float signal_vertical_active_lines = 486.0f;
const float signal_vertical_total_lines = 525.0f;
const float h_ratio =
(horizontal_active_time / horizontal_period) * (signal_horizontal_total_time / signal_horizontal_active_time);
const float v_ratio =
(vertical_active_time / vertical_period) * (signal_vertical_total_lines / signal_vertical_active_lines);
display_ratio = h_ratio / v_ratio;
// Ensure the numbers are sane, and not due to a misconfigured active display range.
cs.display_aspect_ratio = (std::isnormal(display_ratio) && display_ratio != 0.0f) ? display_ratio : (4.0f / 3.0f);
cs.visible_display_width = cs.active_display_width;
cs.visible_display_height = cs.active_display_height;
cs.active_display_left = 0;
cs.active_display_top = 0;
// Ensure the numbers are sane, and not due to a misconfigured active display range.
cs.display_aspect_ratio = (std::isnormal(display_ratio) && display_ratio != 0.0f) ? display_ratio : (4.0f / 3.0f);
Log_InfoPrintf("Screen resolution: %ux%u", cs.visible_display_width, cs.visible_display_height);
Log_InfoPrintf("Active display: %ux%u @ %u,%u", cs.active_display_width, cs.active_display_height,
cs.active_display_left, cs.active_display_top);
Log_InfoPrintf("Padding: Left=%u, Top=%u, Right=%u, Bottom=%u", cs.active_display_left, cs.active_display_top,
cs.visible_display_width - cs.active_display_width - cs.active_display_left,
cs.visible_display_height - cs.active_display_height - cs.active_display_top);
static TickCount GPUTicksToSystemTicks(u32 gpu_ticks)
@ -581,6 +619,7 @@ void GPU::WriteGP1(u32 value)
const bool disable = ConvertToBoolUnchecked(value & 0x01);
Log_DebugPrintf("Display %s", disable ? "disabled" : "enabled");
m_GPUSTAT.display_disable = disable;
@ -940,7 +979,7 @@ void GPU::DrawDebugStateWindow()
m_GPUSTAT.interlaced_field ? "odd" : "even");
ImGui::Text("Display Disable: %s", m_GPUSTAT.display_disable ? "Yes" : "No");
ImGui::Text("Drawing Even Line: %s", m_GPUSTAT.drawing_even_line ? "Yes" : "No");
ImGui::Text("Display Resolution: %ux%u", cs.display_width, cs.display_height);
ImGui::Text("Display Resolution: %ux%u", cs.active_display_width, cs.active_display_height);
ImGui::Text("Color Depth: %u-bit", m_GPUSTAT.display_area_color_depth_24 ? 24 : 15);
ImGui::Text("Start Offset: (%u, %u)", cs.regs.X.GetValue(), cs.regs.Y.GetValue());
ImGui::Text("Display Total: %u (%u) horizontal, %u vertical", cs.horizontal_total,