<stringname="settings_summary_load_image_patches">Aplica automaticamente \'modificações\' em jogos quando presentes no mesmo diretório. no momento somente são aceitos modificações do tipo PPF.</string>
<stringname="menu_edit_game_directories_force_saf">Forçar armazenamento com escopo</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_undelete_failed">Falha ao recuperar arquivo \'%s\'. o arquivo de salvamento já pode ter sido parcialmente sobescrito.</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_permanently_delete_confirm">Você tem certeza de que deseja excluir permanentemente o salvamento \'%s\'? essa ação não poderá ser desfeita.</string>
<stringname="settings_cdrom_read_thread">Производить чтение в потоке (асинхронно)</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_read_thread">Уменьшает задержки в эмуляции с помощью асинхронного чтения/распаковки данных диска в рабочем потоке.</string>
<stringname="settings_cdrom_load_image_patches">Применять патчи к образам</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_load_image_patches">Автоматически применять патчи к образам дисков при их наличии. В настоящее время поддерживается только формат PPF.</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_undelete_failed">Не удалось восстановить сохранение \'%s\'. Данные могли быть частично перезаписаны.</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_permanently_delete_confirm">Действительно удалить сохранение \'%s\' без возможности восстановления? Данное действие нельзя отменить.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_osd_show_vps">Shows the number of frames (or v-syncs) displayed per second by the system in the top-right corner of the display.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_cdrom_read_speedup">Speeds up CD-ROM reads by the specified factor. Only applies to double-speed reads, and is ignored when audio is playing. May improve loading speeds in some games, at the cost of breaking others.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_console_fast_boot">Skips the BIOS shell/intro, booting directly into the game. Usually safe to enable, but some games break.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_console_fast_boot">Skips the BIOS shell/intro, booting directly into the game.</string>
<stringname="settings_true_color">True Color Rendering (24-bit, disables dithering)</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_true_color">This produces nicer looking gradients at the cost of making some colours look slightly different. Disabling the option also enables dithering. Most games are compatible with this option.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_load_image_patches">Automatically applies patches to disc images when they are present, currently only PPF is supported.</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_undelete_success">Undeleted save \'%s\'.</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_undelete_failed">Failed to undelete save \'%s\'. The save may already be partially overwritten.</string>
<stringname="memory_card_editor_permanently_delete_confirm">Are you sure you want to permanently delete the save \'%s\'? You cannot recover the save afterwards.</string>
<stringname="settings_summary_rewind_enable">Enables rewinding via touchscreen button/hotkey. Very high hardware requirements, do not use on low end devices.</string>
<stringname="emulation_activity_patch_code_warning">Using patch codes can have unpredictable effects on games, causing crashes, graphical glitches, and corrupted saves. By using patch codes, you agree that it is an unsupported configuration, and we will not provide you with any assistance when games break.\n\nSome codes persist through save states even after being disabled, please remember to reset/reboot the game after turning off any codes.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?</string>
<stringname="add_patch_code_failure">Failed to add patch code, there may already be a code with this name, or the code is invalid.</string>
<stringname="add_patch_code_help_text">Enter the patch code (usually a series of numbers) in Gameshark format below, or choose a file to import codes from.</string>